Joseph Barjis
Department of Information Technology, Georgia Southern University
P.O. Box 8150
Statesboro, GA 30460, U.S.A.
Isaac Barjis
New York City College of Technology, City University of New York
Room P313, 300 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201, U.S.A.
Keywords: Petri net, transaction concept, business processes design, IS design.
Abstract: The easiest way that people describe their roles in an organization or the way that members of an
organization make promises and commitments to fulfil a task is through communication and interaction. In
such a communication language is used as a tool or facilitator of action when a customer requests a service
and the supplier promises to provide such a service. In this paper we introduce a language-action based
methodology for designing business processes for the Department of University Housing at Georgia
Southern University planning to acquire a new information system for managing, supporting and improving
the “process of rooms assignment” to some 4000 students. As stated, the methodology is based on language-
action perspective and therefore we have used the business transaction concept for mining atomic business
processes. Each business transaction identifies an essential activity and reveals the actors and their roles as
an initiator or executor of the transaction. Since the transaction concept is used as a conceptual basis, the
methodology is complemented with Petri net graphical notations as a modelling technique.
It is very natural that members of an organization
use natural language (communication) for describing
how they fulfil their duty and contribute to the
mission of their organization. They use
communication when they are making
commitments, participate in carrying out tasks,
interacting with customers. Therefore the language-
action perspective (LAP) became an interesting
framework in understanding, analyzing and
designing organizational processes, business
systems, IS and IT Applications. In this paper
authors uses a methodology based on the language
action perspective.
How language and communication facilitate
actions has been studied by philosophers for long
time. Although this study traces its origin back to
ancient philosophy of language, however most cited
work within the community of practice is Austin
(Austin, 1992) who, in his work “How to Do Things
with Words”, argues that human being uses
communication as a means of coordinating and
accomplishing actions and creating facts and by
saying they mean to do something. This approach
was further developed and applied in the work of
other authors that made marvellous contribution to
the study of language as facilitator of actions
(Habermas, 1984; Searle, 1969; Winograd and
Flores, 1986).
Although different approaches are used for
business process design, in this paper we discuss a
methodology based on the transaction concept
introduced within the DEMO methodology (Dietz,
1999; Dietz, 2002) which in turn is based on the
language action perspective.
The transaction concept, that will be discussed
later, is about how communication leads to actions
Barjis J. and Barjis I. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 197-203
DOI: 10.5220/0002497601970203
and how communication can serve as basis for
elicitation of atomic processes – called business
transactions. Consequently, each business
transaction is a building block in designing business
processes or a requirement for planning and
designing an information system.
In order to put business transaction in an easily
readable and timely order to build a complete model
and communicate the results back to the users, clear
and readable graphical notations are needed. For this
purpose, the rich graphical notations of Petri nets are
combined with the transaction concept.
A challenge in information system or business
process design is adequacy, simplicity, integrity and
computer support of methodologies and tools used
for this purpose. In order to propose a more
integrated and comprehensive methodology, we
have combined the two mentioned concepts
transaction concept and Petri nets – to help analysts
in designing system at conceptual level that will be
further used for physical system design. The rest of
this paper will introduce both the transaction concept
and Petri nets, and their application in designing
business processes in the Department of University
Housing at Georgia Southern University planning to
design an information system to make the room
assignment process more effective and efficient.
The transaction concept is based on idea that an
organization and its underlying business processes
are a network of business transactions that represent
the essence of this organization. This concept looks
at communication, more precisely, business
communication as a tool to elicit and capture
underlying action patterns that represent the business
processes. In this context, the notion of
communication is not an exchange of information
(words and sentences), but negotiation, coordination,
agreement, commitment that lead to certain actions.
In turn, these actions create new facts, deliver
results, and accomplish the mission of an
Each business transaction, as illustrated in figure
1, encompasses action and interaction. The action is
the core of a business transaction. The action
represents an activity that changes the state of the
world, where the interaction is facilitator of this
activity. The interaction represents communication
(request, coordination, discussion, agreement,
negotiation, commitment, promise) for the initiation
and completion of the action.
Figure 1: The business transaction concept.
Example: a customer applies for home
mortgage to a loan officer in a bank. The first
interaction takes place when the customer
communicates with the officer to request a loan,
and submits an application. Then the officer
processes the application, checks the documents
and makes a decision, that is, takes an action.
The second interaction takes place when the
officer, after processing the application,
communicates the decision to the customer.
As the ‘mortgage’ example shows, there are
three stages in the process: the first interaction, the
action, and the second interaction. Accordingly, as
illustrated in figure 2, the transaction concept states
that each business transaction consists of three
phases that are called order phase, execution phase,
and result phase. The order phase is the first
interaction, the result phase is the second interaction
and the execution phase is where the action takes
place. These phases are abbreviated as O, E and R
correspondingly. To distinguish between the action
and interaction, the action (E-phase) is represented
by a different colour. The diagram of figure 2 is
based on Petri nets notations that will be discussed
later in this paper.
Figure 2: The transaction structure using Petri net
On the left side of figure 2, a transaction is
represented as a sequence of the three phases, while,
for compactness, the right side of the figure
compresses the three phases into one unit called a
transaction (T). The importance of splitting a
transaction into three phases or compressing them
into one unit arises when dealing with complex
business processes, where numerous transactions are
chained together. A simple transaction is carried out
straightforward without triggering other
transactions; therefore a compact notation is used.
The compressed notation helps to build more
compact models.
Example: in the ‘requesting mortgage
transaction, the application processing triggers
another transaction ‘checking credit’. In order to
approve the application, the officer needs to
check credit history of the customer with a credit
reporting agency. It means the ‘requesting
mortgage’ transaction is nesting the ‘checking
credit’ transaction. Thus, the ‘requesting
mortgage’ transaction starts first and the
‘checking credit’ transaction starts afterwards,
but the ‘requesting mortgage’ transaction can’t
be completed until the result of the ‘checking
credit’ transaction is known.
In real life, business processes are more complex
than the ‘requesting mortgage’ example that is
purposefully simplified in order to escape in-depth
discussion for later.
The last notion to be explained in regard to the
transaction concept is the role of actors involved in a
business transaction. As it is apparent from the
‘requesting mortgage’ example, each transaction
involves two actors. The actor that initiates the
transaction is called the initiator (e.g., customer,
client or consumer) of the transaction, while the
actor that executes the transaction is called the
executor (e.g., supplier, server or provider) of the
transaction. Actors can be a human actor, software
agent or machine. For example, if the mortgage
application is submitted online, a software agent will
collect data and process application instead of the
loan officer and make preliminary estimates for later
approval by a human actor (the loan officer).
Now that the transaction concept is introduced, it
is appropriate to give a definition of business
transaction used in this paper.
Definition: A business transaction is a generic
pattern of activity carried out in a close interaction
between two distinct actors called initiator and
executor. The activity is carried out in three phases
called order phase, execution phase, and result phase
that creates a new fact and changes the state of the
world. These three phases are made up of interaction
and action, where the order and result phases
represent the interaction and the execution phase
represents the action.
Concluding this section, the following is
description of the ‘requesting mortgage’ process
using the transaction concept:
Transaction 1: ‘requesting mortgage’
Initiator: ‘customer’
Executor: ‘officer’
Result: ‘loan approved/declined’
Transaction 2: ‘checking credit’
Initiator: ‘officer’
Executor: ‘credit agency
Result: ‘credit report is created’
From the two transactions above, transaction 2
must be initiated and executed during transaction 1.
Thus, initiation, execution, or completion of a
business transaction may lead to initiation and
execution of new transactions. In this way
transactions are chained into arbitrarily large
structures, called business processes (Dietz, 1999).
The following is a definition of business process
in the framework of the methodology that is applied
in this paper based on the transaction concept.
Definition: A business process is network of
interrelated business transactions that delivers value
(good or service) to customers having one start point
and one end point. It starts with a request by an actor
and ends with a result communicated to the same
actor. Usually a business process is one super
transaction that for its completion initiates a series of
other transactions.
Now having discussed the transaction concept,
the following section provides a brief introduction to
Petri nets in general.
In research and commercial projects, Petri nets are
extensively used as tools for systems and processes
study and their design, specification, modelling,
simulation and verification (Peterson, 1981). Petri
nets are developed in two directions: theory and
application. The theoretical development of Petri
nets is based on their application in systems and
processes modelling, design and simulation.
Since the application of Petri nets in systems
design and modelling has driven tremendous interest
among researchers and a huge number of papers,
theses, and projects were devoted to this issue, Petri
nets have been getting serious extensions that
resulted in different types of Petri nets. Nevertheless,
the basic principles of Petri nets and the basic
graphical notations remain almost the same. For
interested readers, the following are references to
different types of Petri nets used by analysts and
researchers in different areas.
These different types of Petri nets include
elementary Petri net (Peterson, 1981), High Level
Petri Net (HLPN) (Reisig & Rozenberg, 1998),
Coloured Petri Net (Jensen, 1997), Stochastic Petri
Nets (Haas, 2002), Workflow Petri Net (Aalst and
Hee, 2002), Hierarchical Petri Nets, Timed Petri
Nets, Predict /Transition Nets, etc.
Definition: Petri nets are graphical and
mathematical modelling tool which is
particularly well suited for discrete event
systems. The Petri nets diagrammatic structure
consists of places, transitions and directed arcs,
as depicted in figure 3. Places can contain
tokens. Graphically, places are represented by
circles (or ellipses), transitions by rectangles (or
bars), and tokens by black dots (or numbers).
Figure 3: Graphical notations of Petri nets.
Transition – a transition represents an action,
process, operation, or any activity that changes the
state of the system or causes advances and progress
in a process.
Place – a place represents state, or any result
achieved after a specific activity (transition) takes
place. Places can contain tokens that illustrate the
current state of the modelled system (the marking).
The marking used to describe the initial state of the
system, is called the initial marking.
Arc – in its common role, an arc illustrates the
course of actions, the flow of processes, or the
sequence of operations.
Token – tokens are indicators of the system state.
Thus an overall distribution of tokens represents the
overall state of the system at a given time.
By now it should be apparent that the transaction
concept lies in the core of our methodology and the
Petri nets notations are its main graphical elements.
Therefore the proposed methodology is entitled
Transaction Oriented Petri nets Methodology or
TOP Methodology for short.
In order to use Petri nets in systems analysis and
design for the purpose of information systems design
or IT application development, a few minor
extensions to the graphical notation of the ordinary
Petri nets is suggested in this paper. These
extensions make the models easily understandable,
intuitively readable and a straightforward input for
simulation modelling if analysis, verification or
comparison of different design alternatives is
As the legend, shown in figure 2, illustrates,
there are distinct graphical elements for action
(rectangle with plain line filled in grey), interaction
(rectangle with plain line), a complete transaction
where action and interaction are represented together
(rectangle with a bold line), and composite
transaction where a transaction is nesting one or
more transactions (multiple rectangles with a plain
line). In terms of the Petri net concept, all these
elements are transitions and thus represented by
different types of rectangle.
Further, the proposed extensions suggest two
places, start place and end place that indicate where
a process starts and where it eventually ends. These
two new places are used along with the standard
Petri net element called state that shows the
intermediate states of processes (transactions).
Again, in terms of the Petri net concept, all these
elements are places and thus represented by different
types of circle.
For distinguishing between intra-organizational
and inter-organizational processes, the process
boundary element is added. Introduction of this
element helps when analysts need to model or
illustrate the interaction of one process with other
processes within the organization or with the
environment. This interaction can be modelled with
a set of places on the process boundary.
In addition to standard Petri net arc, link, a
conditional link is also used to indicate a condition
(shown as dotted arc). The conditional link
represents a situation, when a transaction is not
always executed and its execution depends on
certain condition.
Place with token
Figure 4: Legend of the TOP Methodology.
The advantage of the compact presentation,
where the three phases are compressed together, is
that the model becomes smaller and easier to
communicate between analysts, practitioners and
users. It can be applied to simple transactions, i.e.
when there are no transactions to be executed during
this transaction, or if there are any transactions, they
are considered as a black box.
Before proceeding further, readers should be
reminded that the structure illustrated in figure 2
represents a business transaction at a high level. Its
decomposition will lead to a workflow model having
one input and one output, that is, by virtue a
business transaction (meanly its E-phase)
encapsulates a workflow where flow of data,
documents, services or goods takes place. However,
due to limited scope of this paper, we will leave this
discussion for future research.
For a successful system design or its model
construction, a practitioner needs to follow some
formal framework. The framework will help where
to seek for pieces of essential or business related
information. Since we are applying the TOP
Methodology, this methodology suggests that first
an organization is described in terms of major
business processes (patient examination, order
processing, customer call processing, inventory
control, etc.). Then each of these major business
processes is studied and described as a network of
business transactions (core activities), where each of
these transactions involve two actors, one initiator of
the activity and one executor of this activity.
According to the transaction concept underlying this
methodology, an activity is considered as a business
transaction if it creates a new fact, changes the status
of the system or brings results. Now having this in
mind, the following is a high-level framework to
1. Definition of major business processes
This is a high level definition of major processes
that can be done reading the documentation of the
organization. Examples of a major process can be
‘order processing’, ‘delivery’, ‘procurement’,
‘restocking’, etc.
2. Description of each major business process
This is either based on documentation of the
organization where processes and procedures are
described or such a description can be prepared
through interviews with the manger of the business
3. Identification of business transactions (core
activities or key processes) and relevant actors
for each major business process
Identify transactions (main activities) that cause
changes in the states of the process and advance the
process; Identify who is initiator and who is
executor for each transaction.
4. Constructing a model(s) of each major
business process
In this part, using the notations of the TOP
methodology, all the identified transactions are put
together in a sequential order
In order to illustrate the application of the TOP
Methodology, this section provides a case example
carried out in the department of university housing
planning to design a new information system to
support and improve the work of this office. For the
ease of reference, we will identify our case example
as the Room Assignment Process, or RAP for short.
6.1 The Housing Department
Currently the Department of University Housing (or
simply housing office) is serving about 4,000 on-
campus residents and managing hundreds of new
applications all the time. Using a paper-based
system to fill 4,000 spaces is virtually out of the
question and would take weeks or even months to
complete not mentioning the possible number of
human errors. Therefore this department recently
acquired a new web based IT system, called RMS,
that helps to automate, simplify and improve the
room assignment process. Although there are still
some paper elements to the system, most of them
have been eliminated and improved, since it is no
longer necessary for people to have to individually
sift through housing applications and match
The New Student Application Process
When a new student applies for housing, they
first visit the Housing web site and following the site
to the RMS home page. Here, they log in using their
school-assigned login account, automatically created
by the Housing department when the student has
been entered into the campus student database. Upon
logging in, they are prompted to create a profile first.
Most information, since it is extracted from WINGS
is already filled in on the form, and the student need
only verify their information and submit the form to
confirm their account in the system. From there, the
student can then continue to apply for housing.
After clicking the “apply” link on the RMS
homepage, the student is first prompted to choose
the term for which they are applying list their
preferences for the halls/communities in which they
do or do not wish to live. If so desired, the student
also has the opportunity to specify the ID numbers
of other students with which they specifically would
like to live. Each student who requests specific
roommates must also ensure that their potential
roommates have requested him or her as well. After
all this information has been filled out by the
applicant, they proceed to submit the application
data and complete the application. Since they are
currently not living on campus, the Department of
University Housing requires that they pay a $300
refundable security deposit toward their room. This
deposit confirms that a student does indeed wish to
live on-campus, and also serves as the security
deposit for their potential assignment. At this point,
the student is directed to a billing page on the
Housing site that either collects credit card
information or provides instructions about alternate
payment methods. Upon payment of the deposit, the
student has completed the application process. From
here, a student may log in to RMS at any time and
view their application and/or assignment status.
However, the student is not required to take any
further action until the assignments have been made
by the Housing department.
6.2 Business Transactions
According to the description, the room assignment
process starts from creating a student profile and
then by filling and submitting the form student
applies for a room. However, before clicking the
submission button, the student is prompted to
another transaction that requires for one month
deposit. So, the making deposit processes is nested
inside the applying for a room process. Otherwise
said, applying for a room transaction starts then the
making deposit transaction starts and completes
before completing the room application form. The
following are the three business transactions
involved in the process:
T1 – Creating a profile
Initiator – house office; Executor – student
Result – a new profile is created
T2 – Applying for a room
Initiator – student; Executor – house office
Result – an application is submitted
T3 – Making a deposit
Initiator – house office; Executor – student
Result – a deposit is made
Note: It should be noted that T3 (making
deposit) is nested inside T2 (applying for a room). It
means that T2 starts first and during its execution T3
is initiated and completed. The result of T2 is
condition for the completion of T3.
Now having all the transactions identified, we place
these transactions into the boundary of their
corresponding business process; the resulting model
is illustrated in figure 5.
Figure 5: Detailed business processes.
House Office
T1 T2/O
The above figure illustrates main business
transactions of the room assignment process. As the
figure shows, the depositing process (T3) is initiated
from the room assignment process but executed in
the environment (outside of the boundary of this
process). The result of this transaction is
communicated back to the initiator. Actually, its
result completes the execution of T2. Therefore T2
is split into three phases to show that this transaction
is nesting transaction T3. However, transaction T1 is
a simple transaction, it is represented in compact
notation (all three phases are compressed into one).
It should be noted that figure 5 is a simplified
version of business process model of the room
assignment process. The reason for this
simplification is that inclusion of all details will
exceed the limit of the paper’s space and scope.
We have studied how by communicating people
mean acting, doing something or carrying out certain
tasks. The paper introduced a methodology that
combines the transaction concept and the Petri nets
notations for constructing business process models
for the purpose of IS design or IT application
development. The methodology can be used for a
wide range of related purposes such as to help
system designers in business process modelling,
business process engineering, requirements
engineering, information system design and IT
application development. Although for a complete
IS design or IT application development much more
data and details are needed, however the transactions
identified and the models constructed represent
essential information to understand the main
business processes of an organization.
Petri nets graphical notations provide a rich set
of elements for building models of systems and
processes, analyzing these models using simulation
software, and communicating the results with the
users. The resulting business processes model, as the
RAP example showed, is represented in a easily
readable fashion. It will not require any expertise or
technical skills to communicate such a model to
business owners or among system analysts.
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