Information Security and Business Continuity in SMEs
Antti Tuomisto
and Mikko Savela
Laboris, Department of Information Technology, University of Turku, Finland
Abstract. The information society leads the way to the tomorrow’s success.
However, many SMEs are not on the fast lane of this highway. In this paper we
give a description of what is going on and what is going to happen to SMEs in
which the ICT has not yet established a central role. The aim is to describe the
situation in these SMEs. The objectives of information society strategies might
seem inappropriate or impractical from the perspective of non-IT-intensive
SMEs. We describe the current situation of information security, and the devel-
opment trends based on our survey. Our act-oriented framework suggests im-
provement areas in SMEs for information security and business continuity
management. This management contains i) prevention, ii) recovery and iii) the
procedure of information security initiation activities. The initiation process of
new employees seems to be one of the few practical and cost-effective ways to
make a durable change in the work place.
1 Introduction
All companies including SMEs use more and more information and ICT. This is in
line with the information society strategies, see e.g. [4]. However, it is not clear what
SMEs should do with IT related risks. Many SMEs business does not require any
special ICT solutions. Current IT security guidelines are suitable for large corpora-
tions and IT-dependent businesses. However, we are concerned about the fact, that
not all business lines are information intensive. The movement towards information
society is strongly present. If this is the case, then what non-ICT-intensive SMEs
should do about the information security and business security issues related to the
ICT in their company? We know that high quality information is very dependent on
the human actors. Also we have noticed that many studies on information security are
biased towards information and communication intensive businesses and large or-
ganizations. This is argued because the volume of material and required technological
knowledge, e.g. [7], are way beyond the resources and interests of many non-ICT-
intensive SMEs.
We constructed a framework to clarify the non-IT-intensive business environment.
We i) describe the current business situation of the traditional information security
situation, ii) tensions of business continuity and upcoming technological vi-
sions/investments of the near future, and iii) the knowledge and actions of the work-
ers. We emphasize the first two levels. The third level justifies the concepts and ap-
Tuomisto A. and Savela M. (2006).
Information Security and Business Continuity in SMEs.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 80-90
We conducted a survey to non-ICT-intensive SMEs based on the framework in or-
der to deepen our understanding of the situation. Finally, we will derive preliminary
guidelines for practical prevention and recovery actions to ensure information and
corporation security for business continuity in non-ICT-intensive businesses.
The conceptual basis of this study is purposeful action in business organization. It
requires understanding of the activities and the actors. We construct a general concep-
tualization for grasping the key features of critical knowledge and information of
different types of companies. The concepts are built on the act-orientation, humanistic
approach and inseparability [3], [13]. The work context includes not only the actor
alone in her daily activities, but also other co-actors and other parties related to the
production of the products and services. These include e.g. management, organiza-
tional support activities, sub-contractors, and authorities, not to forget the customers.
In this study we analyze these at company level without entering the individual level.
First we study the current situation of best practice information security practices
in SMEs in Western Finland. We get first hand data of how the traditional informa-
tion security and business security is comprehended, and what it means to a company
and its overall security needs. Next, we clarify the changing environment of global-
ization, networking, digitalizing, etc. business world, and how these are confronted at
Finally, the business activities that are inseparable part of work activities per-
formed by skilful people are examined. This act-orientation view is where the infor-
mation and knowledge work including security issues related to business continuity
actually take place. The everyday work of providing products or services, or other
auxiliary activities are of key interest at this phase. The work related information
(creation, storing, transmitting, use etc.) is studied. We attempt to clarify how these
relate to current information security concepts, upcoming ICT trends and ensuring
business continuity?
The main findings reveal the current status of traditional information security and
corporation security. Also conceptions of the trends affecting entrepreneurship in
information society are classified, and their meaning to the business is studied. Fi-
nally, the actors on the work scene are analyzed, and this fulfils our interpretation of
the high quality information security and business continuity.
2 Act-oriented Framework of Information Security and Business
Information security is familiar to some extent to all entrepreneurs. The commonly
used techniques (firewalls etc.) are widely spread, but too often the studies of the use
of these techniques are biased towards information intensive companies. The SMEs
differ from each other quite a lot and it is difficult to state anything valid guidelines
for all types of SMEs. Number of employees, company history, maturity of used ICT,
and information intensiveness are examples of variables that affect the role of current
IT usage and traditional information security needs. Further, we want to try to see
how the overall SME field, independently of the business line, uses these and how
they see the effects of general technological development.
However, at the same time the global information society trend that is boosted with
several governmental actions leaves no room for interpretations. Government, minis-
tries, local administrations, chamber of commerce etc. have a significant impact on
the current and forthcoming role of ICT in all aspects of life. Therefore, we included
views from the current national-oriented information society and entrepreneurship
literature (e.g. [4], [6], [9], [10], [11]). One conclusion is that technical infrastructure
is believed to be adequate enough to provide means for efficient, high quality proc-
esses and interactions between all stakeholders (companies, customers, subcontrac-
tors, legislation, suppliers, employees, etc. worldwide). This in some sense means that
a part of SMEs will disappear and new, information intensive and high education
requiring businesses emerge (e.g. [8], [12], [16]). Still, before these scenarios and
related utopia (or dystopia), we need to understand more deeply the connections be-
tween high quality information, its creation and processing. And we need to connect
these to the information security as a natural part of business continuity of SMEs in
order to find out what the overall change process is about. Key question is to find out
what security activities are worth of investment in different types of SMEs in their
journey to information society as a part of infostructure as Snyder [6] calls it.
Our objective is to form a picture of the current level of traditional technical biased
information security in Finnish SMEs from one region and compare it to other stud-
ies, to seek out their comprehension of ICT trends in relation to their business in
order to classify the expectations related to IT itself and their business and the busi-
ness line in general. Empirical data is gathered with a questionnaire. Finally some
thoughts are gathered upon the company’s perception of management of information
(data) and the activities that are related to the creation and use of the valuable organ-
izational business information by employees (or other relevant actors).
We have two views on business: 1) ensuring the core business performance (conti-
nuity from employees and their knowledge and performance and high quality out-
come) and 2) appropriate level of securing activities from misusages and damages. In
traditional setting the latter is at least partly quite robust concept of required informa-
tion security activities in medium or large organizations. These governmental of
commercial guidelines try to cover all organizational areas. Yet, they are at their best
in large organizations. Due to lack of resources and special knowledge of the various
areas of information security issues, micro, small and medium-sized companies have
different operational situations from which they reflect the need for information secu-
rity and business continuity assurance activities. We are aware that e.g. in Finland at
the moment there are many attempts to fill this knowledge gap. But based on our
experience it easily happens that the information security and IT are separated from
the actors and activities. This would lead to impractical and unrealistic solutions
which do not help the SME to improve its securing activities and business continuity.
At the same time the business environment is changing, and globalization, net-
working, mobility etc. take place ([1], [2], [4], [5], [17], [18]). Thus, our first view
above refers to the fact that all businesses face the situation where the amount and the
role of information and knowledge increase. And thus the roles of the actors on the
scene increase. How different types of companies position themselves and their ac-
tivities that relate to ensuring business continuity at current situation? The act-
oriented view [3] demands us to try to find out where the high quality information is
created, how it is used and stored, and by whom. A provocative argument for this is
that if the company does not hold any high quality information, then they do not have
any serious need to secure it from misuse or damage. This is why we need to make an
interpretation where the actors and daily activities are involved as an inseparable part
of information security and business security.
Our framework has three levels and two phases of comprehension: interpretation
of the current situation and construction of the act-orientated view on sustainable
information security (see Table 1). The act-orientation is the basis, which can be
applied to any (work) activity. But before the work itself is addressed, we describe
the blurry picture of non-ICT-intensive SMEs comprehension of their current infor-
mation security and visions of the near future (IT investments and development of the
Table 1. Framework for information security and business continuity analysis.
c) Information and knowledge (creation,
modification, storing, (mis)use, etc.).
The essence of skilful human actors in
work context.
b) Conception of current and forthcom-
ing info-structure; changes in e.g. in-
formation intensiveness and information
work; IT and other investments.
Current and
future busi-
ness and
views to-
wards actors
a) Traditional information security and
its relationship to enterprise security
issues and ICT development.
New actors
on the (new)
scene: infor-
mation secu-
rity and busi-
ness continu-
ity initiation
First, a) the traditional information security. Our framework starts from the basic
concepts of current IT security studies. We attempt to create a well-analyzed interpre-
tation of the SMEs current comprehension of relevant ICT security and business
security. We want to get information of how familiar basic information security and
related issues are, and what is the relationship of ICT and business at the moment in
each company. This section focuses on information security events occurred during
last few years. Also, the current status of IT is studied. The respondents’ attitudes to
security issues and their relationship to business continuity are studied.
Next, b) the large variety of security activities are reflected by the respondents.
The business environment is addressed in the questionnaire. The relationship between
business critical information and security issues are studied. This is the first sugges-
tion of the locus of high quality data by relevant actors in business. How these affect
to the SMEs view of their entrepreneurship and forthcoming (IT) investments? We
study also the awareness of ICT related trends. The governmental information society
strategies, company level actions and other research and development endeavors
(either ICT or business line in question) have undoubtedly presented scenarios of
future business in general or in a specific business area. These should have been no-
ticed by now so that SMEs would be capable of commenting their current pressures
for change. Do the workers in the near future tend to form a special group of actors,
or do these embed to the overall business where such separation is not needed, or it is
even considered harmful?
Finally, level c), where the locus of high (or poor) quality information is con-
fronted. In this paper this is not fully studied. This level is about the actual business:
what is the knowledge that keeps the business going? Are there any persons in com-
pany who are assigned to or concerned for security issues for the sake of business
continuity? These give us a general picture of the business and information work in
question, which will be addressed more in forthcoming studies.
3 The Survey
The primary research method for this study was a descriptive data from qualitative
postal survey. A survey was chosen as the main data collection method because this
research investigates the whole sector of SMEs. We try to describe the heterogenic
target population of SMEs, and the inferred ideas of fundamental properties for high
quality information and its management as a natural part of one’s business.
The selected SMEs are SMEs between 1-499 employees on the Western Finland
region. The data collection was designed in the form of a postal questionnaire. The
questionnaire was addressed to person responsible for the information security and
business security issues in the company (CEO or IT manager depending on the size of
the company). Postal addresses were randomly selected from the database of Statis-
tics Finland by the institution itself.
The sample included all sorts of companies between 1 and 499 employees. Based
on our knowledge, a similar non-exclusive postal questionnaire to all types and sizes
of SMEs has not been reported. We did not exclude IT branch, because the vast ma-
jority of companies are not in the IT field, only 3,6 % from the selected population
was in the IT category (K72 in the Statistics Finland categorization). The survey itself
included one IT representative, but they did not answer to the questionnaire. Thus, the
survey was as planned, towards the non-ICT-intensive, “common” SMEs.
However, the micro enterprises (size 1-9) response rate was anticipated problem-
atic. We decided to focus on the service sector and the secondary production entre-
preneurs. We excluded farmers with no employees, charitable associations, sports
clubs, housing corporations and non-profit associations and foundations. This re-
duced the number of companies from 25060 to 14129 companies. A test survey of
four companies was undertaken in order to validate the questions and questionnaire.
Based on the results on these experiences, we proceeded to the next phase.
Total of 701 companies were selected to the survey. Companies were divided in to
groups shown in table 2. In table 2 the company size categories are used only for
statistical purposes to solve the biased distribution of company sizes. Response rate
between 10-20 % was expected. In order to get information from many size catego-
ries, we divided the micro companies into additional categories. To ensure that we get
at least some data from different size of companies we made these additional catego-
Before conducting the survey we expected to get only few responses for the cate-
gory of one employee. As shown in Table 2 we have not received enough responses
from these to make any conclusions. We suggest that this category should have an
approach of its own. However, we wanted to see these as a natural, and maybe a very
important part of the forthcoming information intensive society. The overall response
rate was 19,3 % excluding the 1 sized enterprises. The response rate would be 16,4 %
with the size of 1 enterprises.
Table 2. The survey population and the sample.
No of
SMEs in the region
(total 14129)
Sent Surveys
(total 701)
1 7315 120 3 %
2-4 4066 100 18 %
5-9 1379 100 16 %
10-19 737 100 16 %
20-49 418 100 24 %
50-99 133 100 20 %
The demographic results of the survey are not presented in this study. Rather, we
will derive the main observations of the results based on our framework and build
upon these a set of preliminary guidelines for practical information security and busi-
ness security for SMEs.
The questionnaire was supported by company interviews. We planned 5 to 10
companies to be interviewed. Due to scarce resource of time (especially of SMEs),
only two companies participated in an interview in which the business, technology
and work processes were discussed in a more detail. These companies were voluntary
respondents marked in the questionnaire. One is size of 50-99 employees, and the
other is size of 100-249 employees. They are manufacturing and subcontracting com-
panies. The survey suggested that the medium-sized companies would be beneficial
objects for interview due to their organizational and technical history. Further, this
size of companies must have undertaken some traditional information security and
corporate security operations. The discussions supported our thoughts of the general
situation, and next we will summarize our findings.
4 Survey Findings
The results are structured according to our framework. First we conclude our findings
of the traditional information security, which, as expected, are in line with many other
surveys. Then the views of the respondents of the forthcoming business and ICT are
collected. Finally, the interpretation of the humanistic approach of high quality data
and knowledge work is presented. Also, we shortly discuss the implications of the
results as we travel through the actors on the scene view, and we present the practical,
yet preliminary guidelines for SMEs’ effective information security and business
security from business continuity perspective.
4.1 Traditional Information Security and Corporate Security
Currently information security is seen very technical. If fire wall and anti-virus pro-
grams are installed, then many companies believe that all’s well. The information
security rules are considered as non-critical especially in smaller companies. User
passwords are used, but they are trusted more than appropriate making the way of
work even too careless: it seems that (other) users are not considered as an internal
threat in SMEs: one could forget to log off when leaving one’s work place causing no
additional threat. Other problems are usual maintenance problems (updating software,
crash downs, training etc.). This is partly managed by the skilful IT workers and tech-
nical staff. Yet, this could be a problem itself, if the expertise of these persons does
not fulfill the needs of the company. The business line knowledge may be of top
quality, but knowledge of the current evolving technologies may be at least partially
outdated due to scarce resources for IT support.
Email is critical to all companies nowadays, and many production systems are used
via network. This trend suggest that although the ICT is seen as the key investment in
continuing and developing one’s business, the recovery plans and prevention activi-
ties are only partial. Especially the security and recovery of the production systems
seems to be insufficient.
The phase also leads to a preliminary size category for the SMEs. Companies over
100 employees are considered IT-dependent organizations, where information secu-
rity and business security must be according to the current standards. This is inde-
pendent of the business branch. They have resources for skilled professionals to man-
age the company’s information security. The next category is 20-99 employees. It
seems that these companies have to work actively to establish effective easy to man-
age the changing situation, independently of the future directions of business in ques-
tion. Thus they need practical and cost-efficient guidelines to support their business
continuity efforts. The size 10-19 is kind of intermediate group, and needs more re-
search. Some of these companies could be in the 20 to 99 category, and some in the
2-9 category. These companies are often entrepreneur-led, and the future visions vary
a lot. Finally the 2-9 sized companies form a category. This and the intermediate
group (10-19) can be potential beneficiaries of the guidelines, although the IT matur-
ity can vary a lot. Thus, it would be more of the question of indirect effects of the
general information society rather than the ICT investments of the company itself.
To summarize, we suggest that the current situation in SMEs is not yet critical. The
quality and cost perspectives require that companies use their scarce resources wisely
and to right targets. We claim that SMEs current state of information and corporate
security needs some training of IT in business context in order to avoid inappropriate
ways of work and inadequate technical systems. But training is not enough.
4.2 ICT Trends and Anticipations to Business Continuity
What is the relevance of ICT to one’s business in the near future? It seems that ICT
related education and training is included in every respondent’s future plans. These
can be e.g. general guides of security, governmental programs or line of business
specific training. The problem seems to be how to get these realized into practice.
IT and security services are searched for in the near future especially in the com-
panies of size of 20-100 employees. Smaller firms probably do not have need or
money, and larger companies already buy these services. The bigger the company is,
the more crucial is the ICT. And vice versa: the smaller the company is, the less im-
portant the information security and corporate security seems to be. Especially, if the
line of business is not IT related or information intensive. This may have some effec-
tive implications to the upcoming information society plans.
One result of this is that a significant portion of the SMEs do not comprehend the
information security issue as a real threat to the corporate security and business conti-
nuity. Many of the production systems are nowadays connected to computer net-
works, and more systems are added to the network all the time. Thus, the security
problems of the network expand to production level too easily.
Information society is seen as a positive, realistic and necessary change. Trust to
the IT field’s impact on business is strong: all IT is good; it improves business almost
in all forms. However, the available resources of the SMEs to manage beforehand the
implications of this are often inadequate. The changes will take place, and many
SMEs live with the situation.
The increase of email and spam is already a problem to some companies. Individ-
ual companies do not have very good capabilities to avoid this problem. One com-
pany already first reads all email and then they have to remember to check the mail
filtered by spam program. Some customer mails have already been missed due to this.
Also, there is an increasing risk of production system specialized viruses. We believe
that it is only a matter of time when these are confronted.
This phase showed that the current situation might be better than imagined. If the
trend continues, in the third phase there will be more ICT artifacts and probably less
knowledge of the management of them. This is an important observation.
4.3 Business Continues and Evolves: High Quality Service and Products
Our strong comprehension of the SMEs is that the actual outcome of the company is
produced by skilful actors on the work scene. The humanistic interpretation of high
quality information requires that these human actors are included in the framework.
The view of SMEs independently of the business line produced an interesting sugges-
tion of improving the information security and business continuity.
Especially in high technology fields the IT field is taken as a promising way to do
all sorts of activities. Therefore, the use of ICT is generally favored. At the same time
all sorts of data, information and even knowledge is attempted to be collected, stored,
manipulated and transferred. But the costs and profits of this are not so evident, nor
are the related security issues. Work life is changing, but as one respondent (R1) put
it: “There must a great change of attitude before all these [information and knowledge
issues] can be used as planned” [15].Therefore, we suggest that the continuing devel-
opment of information security and business continuity must be introduced to the
SMEs gradually by following themes: 1) Analyzing current information security
needs and creation of information loss and work discontinuity prevention plan that
focuses on key business items and functions. 2) Updating and establishing recovery
plan that fits to the resources available and business line in question. 3) Putting these
two into practice by the management of the SME and the initiation of new employees.
The first two items are quite general information security recommendations, yet
only together they form a meaningful whole. Currently, we believe that these first two
can be engaged quite easily by the SMEs and with relative low costs. The problem,
however, is how to change the current way of work to a more secure one. According
to our observations, the only way this can be done effectively in SMEs is by integrat-
ing the information security and business continuity issues into initiation phase. There
are no extra resources to additional training, and even if there were, the result is not
always permanent change in work practices, and still the new employees must be
trained. This tactic could lead to improvement of the initiation process itself by
strengthening the content towards actual work. Also, a more positive adaptation to the
security issue by new or reassigned employees could be resulted. The information
system as an inseparable part of one work and act-orientation helps to understand
these changes, see [3], [14].
5 Conclusions and Future Work
How SMEs could allocate their scarce resources into information security and busi-
ness security issues in a manner which keeps prevention and recovery activities in a
balance from the business continuity perspective?
First, the company should make actions in order to decide what items they have
that must be secured. To do this, they must be aware that recovery is always needed,
whether or not there are some preventive plans. The recovery could be the key per-
spective to the problem, because it reminds that the workers (actors on the scene)
must do something extra work to make customers satisfied. Thus, finding out the key
information can be produced at least partly by the actual actors themselves: what data
must be protected and secured so that high quality recovery is possible to make the
business continue and keep the damage as small as possible. Similarly, the minimum
level of securing business continuity can be inferred to these points of action. Secur-
ing of enterprise data has no use if the data itself is no good. Thus: only high quality
data needs to be secured by exhaustive actions. Otherwise, we suggest, that the actors
themselves need to be more conscious of the work practice they are undertaking and
its security and continuity relations. Preventive actions by training, education and
technical instruments are all useful, as long these are in line with the business and
workers daily work practices.
This leads to the most final conclusion: to deal with the information and knowl-
edge itself as a natural part of (new) employee. The information security and corpo-
rate security are seen here as the course of action performed by the members of the
organization. In SMEs the workers might have a better holistic view on the overall
business and the work itself (including risks in personnel etc.). This should be used in
analyzing continuity risks and produce work-oriented view on the corporate security
and business continuity that can be integrated to the initiation process of the new
employees. This approach is economical and gives good starting point to a more per-
manent change in work practice.
Finally, we emphasize the importance of a recovery plan, and the testing of these
scenarios in a way that ensures the functionality of the plan, and especially its imple-
mentation when something unexpected occurs. As far as we know, it will happen.
Future work is needed to validate the situation of the non-ICT-intensive enterprises
and to establish and test the suggested methods. Also, a more detailed qualitative
analysis of several SME types would produce useful information of the work activi-
ties and information and IT usage (direct and indirect). These would help to under-
stand the life cycle of high quality information in SMEs sized enterprises.
This research project was supported by Regional Council of Southwest Finland
(Varsinais-Suomen liitto, Also, warm thanks to Antti
Havola and especially to Pia Berg for their contribution to the project.
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