A Model Driven Approach for Secure
XML Database Development
Belén Vela
, Eduardo Fernández-Medina
, Esperanza Marcos
and Mario Piattini
Kybele Research Group. Languages and Information Systems Department
Rey Juan Carlos University
C/ Tulipán, s/n - 28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain
Alarcos Research Group. Information Systems and Technologies Department
UCLM-Soluziona Research and Development Institute
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad, 4 – 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a methodological approach for the model
driven development of secure XML Databases (DB). This proposal is under the
framework of MIDAS, a model driven methodology for the development of
Web Information Systems (WIS) based on the Model Driven Architecture
(MDA) proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG). The XML DB
development process in MIDAS proposes to use as Platform Independent
Model (PIM) the data conceptual model and as Platform Specific Model (PSM)
the XML Schema model, both of them represented in UML. In this work, such
models will be modified to be able to add security aspects if the stored
information is considered as critical. On the one hand, it is proposed the use of a
UML extension to incorporate security aspects at the conceptual secure DB
development (PIM) level and on the other hand, the previously-defined XML
schema profile will be modified with the purpose of incorporating security
aspects in the logical secure XML DB development (PSM) level. In addition,
the semi-automatic mappings to pass from PIM to PSM for secure XML DB
will be defined. The development process of a secure XML DB will be shown
through a case study: a WIS for the management of hospital information in an
1 Introduction
XML is the current standard for information interchange and data transportation
between heterogeneous applications. Traditionally, the XML documents’ information
was stored directly in XML files or in conventional database (DB) systems, by
mapping the XML data to relational data stored in relational tables or by using the
data types supplied for supporting file management, for example the CLOB
(Character Large OBject) type. Now, the XML DBs are emerging as the best
alternative to store and manage XML documents. Nowadays, there are different
solutions for XML documents’ storage, which could be roughly categorized according
to [18] into two main groups: native XML DBs like Tamino [16] or eXcelon XIS [3];
Vela B., Fern
andez-Medina E., Marcos E. and Piattini M. (2006).
A Model Driven Approach for Secure XML Database Development.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 33-46
and XML DB extensions enabling the storage of XML documents within
conventional, usually relational or Object-Relational (OR) Database Management
Systems (DBMSs) like Oracle which includes, since version 9i release 2, new features
for the storage of XML (Oracle’s XML DB) [15]. Besides, other products such as
IBM DB2 XML Extender [9] or Microsoft SQLXML [13] also include extensions for
XML storage. In [18] a study of different XML DB solutions is performed.
For most organizations, management, security and confidentiality of information
are critical topics [2]. Moreover, as some authors remarked, information security is a
serious requirement which must be carefully considered, not as an isolated aspect, but
as an element present in all stages of the development life cycle [1,6,8]. Even the
Information Systems Audit and Control Foundation insists on the fact that security
should be considered in an integral and explicit way in all the development stages of
an information system [10]. In the case of the XML DBs, security is also a key aspect
that must be explicitly considered and that has to be taken into account in an
orthogonal way for the complete development process of this kind of DB [7].
Although there are different ideas for integrating security into the information
systems development process, within the scope of DBs, information security is used
to be considered only from a cryptographic point of view. Recently, there have
appeared works, in which a methodology for relational DB is proposed including
security aspects in all stages of the development process [4]. However, to the best of
our knowledge, there are no works that deal with security when developing an XML
In this paper, we will integrate the security aspect into the methodological
approach for XML DB development [17] framed in MIDAS [11], a model driven
methodology for the development of Web Information Systems (WIS). MIDAS
proposes the use of standards in the development process as well as the use of UML
to model the WIS with independence of the abstraction level and the aspect of the
system to model. As UML does not allow us to represent all the necessary models,
MIDAS incorporates some existing UML extensions [5] and defines or adapts some
new ones, whenever it is necessary [12].
MIDAS proposes a model driven architecture based on the Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) proposed by the Object Management Group (OMG) [14] and it
considers, when modelling the system, the aspects of content, hypertext and behaviour
at the levels of Computation Independent Models (CIMs), Platform Independent
Models (PIMs) and Platform Specific Models (PSMs). In Figure 1 we can see the
simplified MIDAS model driven architecture, where the CIMs, common to all the
system, as well as the different PIMs and PSMs to represent the aspects of content,
hypertext and behaviour are proposed.
has been applied and validated. Finally, in section 0 we will put forward our main
conclusions and future works.
2 Development of Secure XML Databases in MIDAS
As we have already mentioned in the previous section, in this work, we focus on the
content aspect of MIDAS that corresponds to the traditional concept of a DB. The
development of a DB depends on several aspects; First of all, on the fact that whether
there is already a DB within the organization or not, and on the other hand, on the
technology to be used, in other words, if we aim at using an OR DB [12] or an XML
DB [17]. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that if the DB that we
want to develop includes information to be protected, it will be necessary to consider
security aspects from the earliest stages of the DB development.
Now, we will describe in a detailed way the XML DB development process from
the beginning, including the necessary tasks, models and notations:
At the PIM level, the data conceptual design is carried out. To do so, the data
conceptual model is used without considering the selected technology since this
model is independent of the platform. This data PIM is represented through a
UML class diagram. In our proposal, we will use, as we have mentioned before,
an extended UML class diagram to be able to represent security aspects together
with a set of security constraints that have been expressed through OSCL
language [5], as we will see in the subsection 0.
At the PSM level, the data logical design is performed. Here, it is necessary to
take into account the selected technology that, in our case, is an XML DB. We
will start from the secure data PIM obtained at the previous level and we will
apply the mappings summarized in subsection 0. The secure data PSM will be
represented through an XML schema in extended UML (see subsection 0). In this
case, the DB schema will be the obtained XML schema that will take into
account the necessary security aspects.
Table 1 summarizes the tasks, models and notations to be performed when
developing a secure XML DB.
Table 1. Development process of a secure XML DB.
MIDAS: Secure XML DB Develo
Level Tasks Models Notation
Secure Data
Conceptual Design
Secure Data Conceptual
Class Diagram
(Extended UML)
Secure Data Logical
Secure Data Logical
XML Schemas
2.1 Secure Data PIM
To develop a secure data PIM, a secure UML profile has been developed (for more
details, see [5]). The defined UML profile allows us to classify both data and users
according to different classification criteria with the purpose of performing the
mandatory access control and a simplified role based access control. These criteria are
as follows:
Security levels: They allow us to define a hierarchy of levels such as the
traditional in military contexts: unclassified, confidential, secret and top secret.
User roles: They allow us to define a hierarchical set of user roles that represent
the hierarchical functions within an enterprise.
User categories: They allow us to define a horizontal organization or
classification (non hierarchical) of groups of users.
In addition to this classification information, this profile allows us to define three
kinds of constraints:
Data dynamic classification rules: They allow us to define the classification
data of different instances depending on the value of one or several attributes of
the instances.
Authorization rules: They allow us to define which users will be allowed to
access to which data and to perform which actions depending on a condition
expressed in OCL.
Audit rules: They specify situations in which it is interesting to register an audit
trail to analyze which users have accessed (or have tried to access) to
information. To do so, conditions expressed in OCL are defined. For the
definition of all these elements, we consider the UML profile known as
Conceptual Secure DB (extension of UML and OCL to design secure DBs), that
is composed of a set of data types, tagged values and stereotypes together with
the definition of a set of well-formedness rules.
The package containing all the stereotypes defined within this UML profile can be
analyzed in Fig. 3. These stereotypes can be classified into three categories:
The necessary stereotypes to represent security information in the model elements
(the model itself, the classes, the attributes, associations and instances).
The necessary stereotypes to model the security constraints to a) define the
dynamic classification of any element of the model, b) define authorization rules
and c) define audit rules depending on the access types, perhaps of any condition
expressed in OCL.
The UserProfile stereotype that is necessary to specify constraints depending on
any property of a user or a group of users, for instance, depending on the
citizenship, age, etc.
A detailed description of all these stereotypes as well as the tagged values that
have been defined for these stereotypes can be found in [5].
2.3 Mappings to Pass from Secure Data PIM to Secure Data PSM
In the same way that methodologies for relational or OR DBs propose some rules for
the transformation of a conceptual schema into a standard logical one, in MIDAS,
mappings to pass from the data PIM to the data PSM are proposed. In this work, we
have defined the necessary transformation rules to obtain a secure data PSM from the
secure data PIM. Now, we will show these rules to collect the characteristics of
security taking as a basis the work of [17], where the different mappings to obtain the
schema of an XML DB were defined.
Transformation of the secure data PIM: The data conceptual model, that is,
the secure data PIM, is transformed, at the PSM level, into an XML schema
called ‘Secure Data PSM’. This will be represented with a UML package
stereotyped with <<Secure XML SCHEMA>> including all components of the
secure data PSM. Furthermore, it will contain the security attributes
(securityLevel, securityRoles and securityCompartments) of the secure data PIM.
These attributes will be defined within the XML schema as global elements.
These security attributes could have been included as schema attributes but if
they were represented in such a way, they would not be considered first order
elements and the fact that they could have a multiple maximum cardinality could
not be collected either.
Transformation of the User Profile class: This class includes the information
that we want to record about one or several users. It will be transformed by
including a global element stereotyped with <<User Profile ELEMENT>>, that
will contain a sequence complexType with all class attributes as subelements.
Transformation of secure classes: In a generic way, a UML class is transformed
into an element of the XML schema with the same name as the class it comes
from [17]. To transform secure UML classes, stereotyped with <<SecureClass>>,
we have to include the secure characteristics that they have too. Secure classes
can have three specific attributes: securityLevel, securityRoles and
SecurityCompartments. They will be transformed into secure elements
stereotyped with <<Secure ELEMENT>>. Each secure element will contain a
complex type of sequence type, that will contain as subelements, among others,
the secure attributes, indicating with the subelements attribute maxOccurs the
number of possible instances of the security attributes.
Transformation of secure attributes: Due to the fact that the attributes of a
class, according to the proposal of [17], are transformed as subelements of the
element that represents the UML class to which those attributes belong, if an
attribute has its own security attributes associated with it, these attributes will be
represented as subelements of the element that represents the corresponding
attribute. Thus, the security attributes defined within an attribute will be
transformed into <<Secure ELEMENT>> subelements.
Transformation of secure associations: Regarding the transformation of
associations, in [17] it was carried out a detailed study of the most appropriate
way to map these associations at the PSM level. The associations between two
classes are transformed, in a generic way, by including a subelement in one of the
elements, corresponding to one of the classes implied in the relationship with one
or several references to the other element implicated in the association. If it was a
secure association, this subelement would have subelements to represent the
corresponding security attributes (securityLevel, securityRoles,
securityCompartment) stereotyped as <<Secure ELEMENT>>.
Transformation of security constraints: When transforming the security
constraints that had been defined at the PIM level, these can be defined for any
element (model or class) although it is normal to define them at the class level. If
they are defined at the model level, global elements to collect this fact will be
created. In the rest of the cases, there will be created subelements of the elements
they depend on. There are different types of security constraints:
a) Audit Rules: They will be transformed by creating a subelement stereotyped
with <<AuditRule>> with the name of “AuditRule_” plus the number of the
rule. This element will be of the complexType and it will contain a sequence
formed by two elements: One AuditRuleType element of simple Type of the
string base type with a constraint of enumeration type with the values all,
frustratedAttempt, successfullAccess; and another element
AuditRuleCondition that will be an element of string type, that will contain
the XPath expression associated with the expression in OCL.
<element name= “AuditRuleType”>
<restriction base= ”string”>
<enumeration value= ”all”/>
<enumeration value= ”frustatedAttempt”/>
<enumeration value= ”successfullAccess”/>
<element name= “AuditRuleCondition” type=”string”/>
b) Authorization Rules: They will be transformed by creating a subelement
stereotyped with <<AuthorizationRule>> with the name
“AuthorizationRule_” plus the number of the rule. This element will be of
complexType and it will contain a sequence formed by three elements: An
AuthorizationRuleSign element of simpleType of string base type with a
constraint of enumeration type with the values: + or - ; another
AuthorizationRulePrivileges element of simpleType of string base type with
a constraint of enumeration type with the values: read, insert, delete, update
and all; and an AuthorizationRuleCondition element of string type that will
contain the XPath expression associated with the expression in OCL.
<element name= “AuthorizationRuleSign”>
<restriction base=”string”>
<enumeration value=”+”/> <enumeration
<element name= “AuthorizationRulePrivileges”>
<restriction base=”string”>
<enumeration value=”read”/>
<enumeration value=”insert”/>
<enumeration value=”delete”/>
<enumeration value=”update”/>
<enumeration value=”all”/>
<element name= “AuthorizationRuleCondition” type=”string”/>
c) Security Rule: The dynamic classification of any PIM element will be
transformed by creating a subelement stereotyped with <SecurityRule>>,
with the name “SecurityRule_” plus the number of the rule. This element
will be of complexType and it will contain one element of string type with
the XPath expression associated with the OCL expression.
<element name= “SecurityRuleCondition” type=”string”/>
In Table 2, we will summarize the transformation rules to pass from the data PIM
to the corresponding PSM using XML DB technology. In [17], these rules are
detailed, but without including the security aspect.
Table 2. Transformation rules to pass from the secure data PIM into the secure data PSM.
Data PIM Data PSM
Secure Data PIM Secure Data PSM <<Secure XML Schema>>
securityLevels attribute Global element of the schema (maxOccurs=unbounded)
securityRoles attribute Global element of the schema
securityCompartments attribute Global element of the schema (maxOccurs=unbounded)
Secure Class Secure XML Element <<Secure Element>>
securityLevels attribute Subelement (maxOccurs=unbounded)
securityRoles attribute Sublement
securityCompartments attribute Sublement (maxOccurs=unbounded)
User Profile Secure Class Global XML Element <<User Profile Element>>
Attribute Subelement
securityLevels atributte Subelement (maxOccurs=unbounded)
securityRoles atributte Sublement
securityCompartments atributte Sublement (maxOccurs=unbounded)
securityLevels atributte Subelement of the association element
securityRoles atributte Subelement of the association element
securityCompartments atributte Subelement of the association element
Subelememt with complexType of sequence type with
AuditRule - AuditRuleType of simpleType with enumeration constraint
- AuditRuleCondition of string type containing the XPath
expression associated with the OCL expression
AuthorizationRule - AuthorizationRuleSign of simpleType with enumeration
- Privileges of simpleType with enumeration constraint
- AuthorizationRuleCondition of string type that will contain
the XPath expression associated with the OCL expression
SecurityRule - Subelement of string type with XPath expression
3 Case Study
In this section, we will apply our UML extension to develop the secure data PIM in a
case study in the context of hospital information systems.
Later, through the transformation rules that we have defined in section 0, we will
create a secure XML DB by using the other UML extension for secure data PSM.
For this example, we have defined a simplified users’ hierarchy (see Fig. 5, left-
hand side) composed of a generic role “Hospital Employee” that is separated into the
roles “Sanitary” personnel and “Non Sanitary” personnel. The first of these roles is
divided into “Doctor” and “Nurse”, while the second one is specialized into
“Maintenance” and “Administrative”. Additionally, for this case study, we have
considered three security levels: “Unclassified”, “Secret” and “Top Secret” (see Fig.
5, right-hand side). For the sake of simplicity, we have not defined users’ categories,
but we could have considered regional categories (region Spain, region Argentina,
etc), professional criteria (Paediatrics, Surgery, etc.) and so on.
Hospital Employee
Sanitary Non Sanitary
Doctor Nurse Maintenance
<< enumeration >>
Top Secret
Fig. 5. Users’ roles hierarchy and security levels.
Fig. 6 shows us the secure data PIM, represented through a class diagram
containing many details. However, we will only explain some classes to be able to
focus our attention on security aspects. The classes of the diagram that we will
mention are (the rest are obvious and we will not study them in depth) the following:
UserProfile, Patient and Admission. The UserProfile class contains the different
information fields that are registered for all users that will have access to the DB. The
Patient class contains information of all hospital patients and can be accessed by the
users that have at least the secret security level and perform administrative or sanitary
roles. The Admission class contains information of all hospital admissions and can be
accessed by users that perform sanitary or administration tasks and that have also a
secret security level. In this class, we specify that the attributes diagnosis, result and
treatment can only be accessed by sanitary personnel (and not by administrative one)
and that the attribute cost can be seen by administrative personnel and not by sanitary
personnel. There is an association between the classes Patient and Admission and
besides, we can see that there are many security constraints associated with these
6. Finally, we could consider patients as special users of the system in the sense
that they could have access only to their own personal data. In this case, it is
necessary to specify a positive authorization rule (symbol = +) indicating as
a condition that the user’s name has to be equal to the patient’s name
(self.name = UserProfile.name). We can see that using the UML extension, it
is possible to specify a wide range of confidentiality constraints in the secure
data PIM.
When transforming the secure data PIM of Fig. 6, we will apply the rules defined
in subsection 0 and we will obtain data PSM. In Fig. 7, we can see part of the secure
data PSM that we have obtained.
<<Secure XML Schema>>
Secure Data PSM
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMENT»
«Secure ELEMEN
«Secure ELEMEN
Type= “string”
«Secure ELEMENT»
Fixed=“diagnosis eq cancer“
«Secure ELEMENT»
Type= “string”
«Secure ELEMENT»
Fixed=“area !=UserProfile/workingArea”
«Secure ELEMENT»
Type= “string”
«Secure ELEMENT»
then ”Admission.SecurityLevel=“TS”
else “Admission.SecurityLevel=“S“
Fig. 7. Part of the secure data PSM.
First of all, we have created a UML package stereotyped with <<Secure XML
Schema>> known as Secure Data PSM, that will include all the obtained elements
when transforming the secure data PIM. In our case, due to space constraints, we have
focused on the transformation of the Admission class as well as that of some
constraints, in concrete, the following rules: AuditRule1, AuthorizationRule4 and
SecurityRule2, following the steps indicated in section 0.
When transforming the Admission secure class, firstly, it will be created an
element stereotyped with <<Secure ELEMENT>> that will contain a complexType
with the subelements that represent the attributes of the class (aCode, dateIn, dateOut,
area). In addition, it will contain the subelements that correspond to the security
attributes (Security Level and Security Roles) and stereotyped with <<Secure
ELEMENT>>. The value of these attributes will be collected with the attribute fixed
of these elements. The attributes diagnosis, result, cost and treatment of such class are
secure attributes and therefore, they will be represented as secure elements. For this
reason, they have their own subelements that represent secure attributes.
4 Conclusions and Future Work
Nowadays, there are different solutions for the storage of XML data but there is not a
methodology for the systematic design of XML DB that incorporates security in all
the development process if the information to be stored is considered as critical.
In this work, we have integrated the security aspect into the methodological
approach for the development of an XML DB in the framework of MIDAS, a model-
driven methodology for the development of WIS based on MDA. According to the
specified development process for secure XML DB, for the secure data PIM, a UML
extension to incorporate security aspects at the conceptual level is used, while for the
secure data PSM we have modified the previously-defined XML DB profile with the
goal of incorporating security aspects. Moreover, we have defined transformation
rules to pass from secure data PIM to secure data PSM that will be the secure XML
DB schema. From this logical secure XML DB (PSM), we will obtain in a semi-
automatic way the code for the specific XML DB product that we want to use. In
future works, we will study in detail different XML DB products, in order to analyze
which of them take into account security aspects and how.
We have developed a case study for the management of hospital information to
validate our proposal; in this paper, we have shown part of it, in which the secure
XML DB schema is defined for a reduced part of the developed secure data PIM.
Now we are working in several lines to extend the proposal of this paper. One of
them, in which we have already started to work, is the automatization of the
transformations of the constraints expressed in OCL at the PIM level to convert them
into XPath language. Furthermore, we have the purpose of performing the
implementation of several case studies to detect new needs as well as to analyze the
advantages of incorporating security aspects provided by the different XML DB
administrators, not only native but also the XML extensions that DB systems have.
On the other hand, we are going to include the security aspect in the module for the
semi-automatic development of XML DB of the tool CASE that we are developing.
This research has been carried out in the framework of the following projects: GOLD financed
by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (TIN2005-00010/), DIMENSIONS (PBC-
05-012-2) financed by the FEDER and by the “Consejería de Ciencia y Tecnología of the Junta
de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha” and the RETISTIC network (TIC2002-12487-E)
financed by the “Dirección General de Investigación” of the Spanish Ministry of Science and
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