A Real Life Case
Teta Stamati, Konstantina Stamati, Drakoulis Martakos
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens,Panepistimiopolis, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Legacy systems, migration methodology, drivers, hinders, critical success factors.
Abstract: Although legacy systems migration as a subject area is often overlooked in favour of areas such as new
technology developments and strategic planning of information technology, most migration projects are
considered ill-fated initiatives and a rate of over 80% of these projects run over budget, frequently with
system functionality falling short of contract. Many practitioners consider that the proposed theoretical
migration approaches are myopic and do not take into account a number of key factors that make a
migration project a really complex initiative. Our position is that throughout the life cycle of a migration
process, there are some critical factors that initially play the role of the “drivers” and afterwards they
became the factors that hinder (“hinders”) the migration process. We consider these key factors as Critical
Success Factors (CSF) that must be carefully considered. Furthermore, these key factors could be either
overt or covert factors. In each case, the migration engineers should consider and analyse them very
carefully prior to the initiation of the migration process and a well-defined migration methodological plan
should be developed. The work presented is based on a real life initiative putting emphasis on the key
success factors revealing at the same time the complexity of a migration process. Emphasis is put on the
required management view and planning effort, rather than on the mere technological issues.
The term “legacy system” is one of the most widely
used and somewhat misconstrued terms in the
industry today. It describes an old system that
remains in operation within an organisation and
often represents a massive, long-term business
investment that could be composed of extremely
efficient robust and fine tuned applications built over
many years by a combination of IT and business
experts. Moreover, the term “legacy” is used in a
pejorative sense to describe applications based on
old and obsolete technology. In general, the legacy
applications represent the storehouse of business
intelligence to support and manage core business
functions and provide critical information for day-
to-day operations. In fact, legacy applications,
especially those based on mainframe platforms, are
the mainstays of today’s businesses.
Several alternative definitions of what exactly a
legacy system is can be retrieved. Ulrich (1994)
defined them as “stand-alone applications built
during a prior era’s technology, but they are perhaps
more widely understood as software systems whose
plans and documentation are either poor or non-
existent (Connall and Burns, 1993)”. Bennett (1995)
referred to the legacy systems as “large software
systems that we do not know how to cope with but
that are vital to the organisation”, while Brodie &
Stonebraker (1995) as “any information system that
significantly resists modification and evolution to
meet new and constantly changing business
requirements”. In all the aforementioned definitions,
often the notion of “something valuable” is present,
as well as the notion of “old and obsolete” (Lauder
and Lind, 1999). It is unambiguously recognised that
legacy systems are crucial for the operation of
organisations and thus they are essential for our
economical and well-fare activities.
The commonsense solution for an organisation to
the legacy problem is migration of its mission
critical legacy systems. The definition of a
successful information system migration according
to Brodie & Stonebraker (1995) is as follows: “it
begins with a mission-critical legacy system of a
significant size in full operation and it ends with a
fully operational, mission critical target application
(or applications components) that replace the
Stamati T., Stamati K. and Martakos D. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 340-344
DOI: 10.5220/0002469403400344
essential aspects of the original legacy system”. This
involves replacing the problematic hardware and
software, including the interfaces, applications and
databases that compose an information system
infrastructure. Brodie & Stonebraker (1995) claim
that legacy information system migration involves
starting with a legacy information system and ending
with a comparable target information system. This
target system is significantly different from the
original, but it contains substantial functionality and
data from the legacy system.
Within this context, the main objective of the
present work is to refer to a specific case of a
mission critical migration initiative revealing some
significant factors that should be seriously
considered by both migration engineers and business
experts during the life cycle of a legacy systems
migration initiative. The case described is based on a
spin-off migration project for the Supply Chain
Management (SCM) Department of a Greek Public
Organisation (hereinafter referred to as “the
For reasons of confidentiality, there is no
reference to the name and nature of the Public
Organisation as well as some details in this
experience are made somewhat more generic, but
the conclusions remain sufficiently based on a real
experience to be relevant in some contexts.
The main mission of the Organisation’s SCM
Department is the general support of all the in-house
supply chain management processes, their provided
services as well as the satisfaction of requirements
of distinct Units within the Organisation.
2.1 The Context of the Case
In the beginning of 1999 the Organisation published
a Request for Proposal (RFP) initiating the
evaluation procedure of outsourcing the migration
process of its mission critical mainframe system to a
new architecture. The RFP requested the most
effective and efficient methodology in order to
transfer the legacy functionality (legacy system) to a
new environment (target system). The case was
mainly driven by the need to revitalise the
Organisation’s IS infrastructure that was crucial for
the SCM Department and focused on the need to
reengineer its large scale legacy environment. More
specifically, the objective was twofold: the “2000
problem” resolution as well as the development of a
new information system that would include all the
existing operational functionality as well as the new
operational requirements that had been raised by the
obligation of conformity with the introduced
logistics regulation for the Greek Public Sector.
The duration of the tenders’ evaluation process
was four months and an integration company
(hereinafter referred to as “the Integrator”) was
selected among several candidates as the most
appropriate company to implement the project.
The main argument that the Integrator had used
in order to gain the tender was that the company had
already developed a well-defined methodological
approach called “Bridge Migration” method in order
to successfully implement prior migration initiatives
mainly in the Banking Sector.
The “Bridge Migration” approach was based on
the use of gateways in order to successfully handle
the transformation from the legacy system to the
new environment. A robust combination of the state
of the art methodologies for successful migration
had been included within the Integrator’s technical
proposal and based on its proved know-how, the
company promised to the Organisation the
immediate customisation of the “Bridge Migration”
approach to the specific needs of the Organisation.
The main principles of the approach were as
transfer all the legacy data activities to the
target within a narrow time frame acceptable
by the legacy system.
restart/recover after a system failure all of the
data in all technology platforms involved.
reconcile and account of data and immediate
availability of the data to the users of the
corresponding applications.
incorporate into the system the auditing
functionality on data transferred and system
status reporting.
handle processing of the errors, exceptions and
rejections, stemming from referential integrity
constraints, data errors and/or technical
reasons. Individual rejected transactions would
be selectively resubmitted for processing or
dropping from the system.
consider the inter-dependencies between the
applications and provide a mechanism to
service these dependencies during operation.
provide priority levels on data transfers, so that
emergency updates and back-log bypass would
be allowed.
facilitate the roll-out of the target system and
the shut-down of legacy system.
include tools for the operation and monitoring
of the system. Parameters governing
functionality, such as start/stop times or data
commit frequency, could be integrated within
the system. The legacy system could
dynamically set these parameters on an
individual file interface level. Also, the one-to-
many routing of data from target to legacy
would be table driven and dynamically
include an interface for correcting data
inconsistencies resulting from lack of
synchronization between target and legacy. It
could as well report on such off-line events.
apply a large volume data changes, such as
batch updates not depending on system’s
operation and availability.
The Integrator’s underlying philosophy of
implementing the project was that the engineering
team involved in the project had the know-how to
successfully implement migration projects and it
could make the specific approach fit to the
Organisation’s requirements.
2.2 Drivers for Legacy Migration
The Organisation’s SCM Department had been
involved in the in-house development of the legacy
system for more that thirty years. The system formed
the central hub and the backbone of the information
flow within the Department and was the main
vehicle for consolidating information about the
supply chain management processes.
The old system was built in COBOL with an
obsolete Command Line Interface and the data were
stored in Index (flat) COBOL Files.
The Organisation’s legacy system was posing
numerous and important problems to the host
Department. Some of the worst and lamentably
typical key characteristics that played the role of the
“drivers” in the system level for having the system
migrate and evolve were the following:
it was too large, with millions of lines of code.
Furthermore, it was too old (more than thirty
years old).
it was written in COBOL which was
considered a legacy language. The later
resulted in a situation where there was a
significant loss of institutional knowledge as
the original developers were retired.
Furthermore, the Department was facing a
skills shortage as the academic institutes had
already stopped teaching the COBOL.
it was built around a legacy database service
namely, flat-files.
it was running on obsolete hardware, which
was slow and expensive to maintain.
the growing business volume and the data
processing model used made the system
performance an increasingly important issue.
maintaining the software of the legacy system
was an expensive task and the process of
finding and correcting system faults was also
costly and time consuming because of the
significant lack of documentation and a
general lack of understanding of the internal
functionality of the system.
lack of clean interfaces brought obstacles in
the integration process with other systems.
it could not evolve to accommodate new
functionality that was required by the
To complicate matters, the system was
considered as mission-critical and had to be
operational at all times. It was difficult to modify the
system while it continued to perform its mission-
critical functions.
Additionally to the aforementioned “drivers” as
far as the system was concerned there was as well a
significant number of business “drivers” for having
the system migrate, as follows:
the Department’s attempt to redefine its
strategy from a traditional data processing
model to a multi-channel, service oriented
model. This enforced the requirement to have
up-to-date data, coming from multiple sources,
on-line at all times. It should be noted that the
data was often replicated at local offices, for
historical reasons and the historical data was
often only available off-line, e.g. archived on
the coming of the year 2000 would generate to
the system the well-known problem of the
legal requirements and regulations in Greece
for the Public Sector were under investigation
and potential changes hardly ever consider the
IT system characteristics.
2.3 Hinders of Legacy Migration
The initial timeframe of the project prescribed the
completion of the whole initiative within less than
eight months. This short period of time for such a
complicated project had been considered as an
imposed constraint that the project team had to
adhere to. Due to that short project life cycle the
Department considered that there was no time and
need to produce from scratch the functional
requirements for the part of the applications that
would replace the legacy functions. The main
underlying argument of the project steering
committee was that ultimately the target system
should have exactly the same functionality as the old
one as far as the existing
functionality was
The combination of the millions of lines of
COBOL code with the lack of documentation and
comments within the code proved to be a serious
obstacle for the in-depth understanding and analysis
of the code in order for the involved team to obtain
the detailed knowledge of the existing functionality.
This was the main reason that the ultimate required
man-months for completion of the migration process
were much more than the initial estimation of the
man-effort within the project plan. Considering the
aforementioned “hinders” factors, the project
steering committee decided to proceed to the
following scenario: separation of the whole code in
functional groups, removal of the redundancies and
keeping the core applications blocks in COBOL.
Afterwards, the engineering team built new
functionality around these core COBOL applications
and linked them with a new relational database and
windows-based interface and reporting tools.
The project delivered to the Organisation after
eight moths and the project’s committee considered
the new system as a fully operational and successful
system. Thus, although the new target system
consisted of some “old” parts of the legacy system
(COBOL applications) preventing potential further
enhancement of the target system, the project’s
steering committee decided that the new system
covered their current needs.
Due to the complexity that a migration initiative
reveals, a well-defined methodological action plan is
required (Stamati et al., 2004). This plan should
consider in detail all the CSFs which could play
initially the role of the main motivators that drive the
migration need and afterwards could be constraints
that hinder the same process. Thus, it is necessary to
produce a well designed plan of the whole process as
far as the methodological perspective is concerned.
The technology drive should be present, but should
not be overestimated.
In our case, a more careful evaluation of the “as-
is” situation in the initial mainframe environment
was required. Relevant action items were among
others the evaluation of the pre-existing COBOL
code and the underlying data structures.
Determination of the “to-be” business and
application architecture along with the
corresponding “to-be” technical and deployment
architecture were essential for the completion of the
project. Furthermore, critical evaluation of the
migration scenario between the “as-is” and the “to-
be” situations should have been further analyzed and
designed in depth.
Each migration process must be gradual (Holland
and Light, 1999). We should not proceed to a
decision of a big band migration or to a short period
initiative. This could add constraints to the decision
that narrow the ultimate result of the system.
Finally, the success of a migration effort has to
be measurable (Sommerville, 2001). In our case, it is
noteworthy that the whole project plan was
continually adapted considering the new obstacles
and constraints. Although the project’s steering
committee was fully satisfied with the target
delivered system, the lack of a well defined list of
CSFs that would have been used to evaluate the
process should have been considered as essential for
the final validation of the system.
Therefore, a number CSF’s must be defined.
Those should not only be used to evaluate the final
outcome, but should be used along the road to
measure progress and to define decision points in the
plan, where go/no-go decisions must be made.
In this particular case, the following indicative
CSF’s could identify that:
a significant proof of concept must be
delivered within a narrow amount of time and
along the whole roadmap, quick wins must be
identified to validate the migrating system, and
those must offer a measurable business benefit
support from the stakeholders must
continuously be ensured
The Department provided to the Integrator the requirements’
handbook as far as the new additional functionality was
o from management
o from users, both business and regular
Generally, the CSFs should mirror the successful
implementation of a migration project. The CSFs
during a migration initiative must ensure that the
requirements and specifications should be
completed, the assertions must be testable and
detailed requirements must be done jointly.
Executive support, clear vision, well-defined
business objectives, good project management,
definition of a formal process, firm basic
requirements, skilled staff and user involvement are
considered as imperative factors for the success of
such projects. Acceptance criteria should be initially
defined considering the required functionality, the
test cases and the performance targets. User
management commitment is essential as well.
Managers should be results-oriented, act as internal
champions for the migration project and be
committed to a user/developer partnership model.
Finally, quality assurance and performance metrics
should be considered as key factors.
Any effort for migration or evolution of large-scale
industrial software systems must be driven by a
corporate strategy redefinition. Buy-in from
management and end users requires a well-defined
strategic management view and planning, based on a
clear statement of motivation, objectives and of the
constraints imposed by the current environment and
continuous operational needs. Thus, any migration
process must be implemented as a planned change
process that first and foremost requires an
understanding of the range of issues and
organisational entities involved. The definition of
measurable success factors is essential. The
organization-wide methodology must be defined and
supported by all stakeholders.
Much of the work presented in the sections above
was undertaken under the research project called
PYTHAGORAS: Help of Research Teams in the
Universities, that is part-financed by the Operational
Program of Education and Initial Professional
Training-EPEAEK and the European Fund-EKT.
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