Antonio Ruiz-Martínez, Antonio F. Gómez-Skarmeta
Department of Information and Communications Engineering, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Óscar Cánovas
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Keywords: Smart card e-purse, e-cash, Internet payments, e-commerce.
Abstract: Nowadays e-purses are not being offered as payment method on the Internet. This is mainly due to the fact
that vendors have to integrate in their devices a security application module (SAM) to exchange security
messages between the e-purse and that module during the payment phase. In this paper we introduce a new
payment method that combines the main advantages of e-purses and the use of e-coins to make payments.
This proposal does not need a SAM to make and verify payments on the Internet. Furthermore, it does not
require the e-coin to be checked on-line. Thus, we introduce the possibility that this e-purse can be easily
integrated in payment applications that vendors offer on the Internet.
Although smart cards acting as e-purses are more
secure than credit cards, and are very commonly
used in Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs), they
are not widely deployed as payment method on the
Internet. Nowadays, if a vendor wants to sell his
products on the Internet, by offering an e-purse as
payment method, he has to integrate, in his e-
commerce application, some points of sale (POS)
devices with some Secure Application Modules
(SAMs) to make the payment authentication
between e-purse and SAM (CEPSCO, 1999), (EMV,
2000). This integration is not so straightforward and
the transactions are slow due to the exchange of
some messages, through a HTTP/TCP connection,
between the e-purse and the SAM.
On the other hand, e-coins are more suitable to
make payments on the Internet because they are
based on sequences of bytes that can be easily
conveyed as part of the purchase information.
Besides, they can generally be checked via software
and therefore there is no need for special hardware.
In general, e-coins can be classified as generic or
vendor-specific depending on whether they can be
used with any vendor or only with a specific one.
The main advantage of generic e-coins is that they
can be used with any vendor. The main disadvantage
of the previously proposed schemes is that it is
necessary to check on-line, with the issuer, that the
e-coin was not previously delivered to another
vendor in order to avoid the double-spending
(Chaum, 1998, 2000), (Peha, 2003).
On the other hand, vendor-specific e-coins allow
a better control of double-spending because they are
controlled by the vendor. The main problem is for
the user, who has to deal with several issuers.
Besides, he could end up with an important quantity
of money which might not be used with any other
issuer (Glassman, 1995), (Rivest, 1996), or that
cannot be divided into smaller pieces, such as
Payword (Rivest, 1996). However, from the
vendor’s point of view, it is very easy to check or to
integrate e-coins in their system because all the
verifications can be done via software or using on-
line connections.
In this paper, we propose a new method that
combines the advantages of both e-purses and e-
coins. On the one hand, it is secure and portable as
an e-purse because is a payment application stored
in a smartcard. As any other e-purse system, e-
money can be spent with any vendor. On the other
hand, during the payment stage, the e-purse does not
Ruiz-Martínez A., F. Gómez-Skarmeta A. and Cánovas Ó. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 203-206
DOI: 10.5220/0002104002030206
exchange messages with a SAM, but it generates a
vendor-specific coin. This way the e-coin can be
checked without an on-line connection with the
bank. Furthermore, the vendor does not need any
hardware to receive e-coins from the e-purse.
Our business model is based on prepayment and the
participating entities are: client, vendor and e-purse
issuer (usually, a financial service provider).
In this model, an essential requirement is that
clients have a smart card with an e-purse which
contains a private key and an e-purse certificate as
the basis to make payments. It is worth noting that
this key never leaves the smart card. The idea is that
our e-purse, instead of exchanging APDUs with a
SAM, generates vendor-specific e-coins. Thus,
vendors only need to verify digital signatures and
certificates in order to accept payments. The e-purse
certificates are verified against a set of root
certificates from trusted issuers. Optionally,
depending on the issuer, vendor might need to
manage certificate revocation lists which would be
periodically distributed. Therefore, they do need
neither a SAM device nor making an on-line
connection for each payment. In this model, there
are two entities that can generate e-coins: the e-purse
issuer, to increase the card balance; and, the e-purse,
to make payments to vendors.
When the user obtains the e-purse, if the private
key and the certificate have not been previously pre-
installed, he has to make a process of certification as
it appears in phase I, in Figure 1 (e-purse
certification). This process is similar to request a
certificate to a PKI.
Before making payments with the e-purse, it is
necessary to load the e-purse with e-money. This
process is named e-purse load (Figure 1, phase II).
When a client wants to pay, the e-purse has to
generate a vendor-specific e-coin of the appropriate
amount. Next, the client sends the e-coin to the
vendor by means of a previously agreed protocol.
Then, he receives the product or the access to the
service. These steps correspond with phase III
(payment). Later, when the vendor estimates, he
sends to the e-purse issuer the e-coins received as
payment in order to be paid (phase IV-deposit). The
e-purse issuer is simply called issuer from now on.
His management tasks are vendor’s deposit of e-
coins, redemption of the e-coins received from
vendors, transfer the total amount to their accounts,
load of e-purses, operations related to certificates
and detection of possible frauds.
III.1. Specific-vendor e-coin
III.2. Product or Service
II.2. Load response:
generic e-coin
II.1. E-purse load
IV.1. E-coins
I.2. E-purse certificate
I.1. E-purse request
Phase Caption:
I. E-purse certification
II. E -purse load
III. Payment
IV. Deposit
III.1. Specific-vendor e-coin
III.2. Product or Service
II.2. Load response:
generic e-coin
II.1. E-purse load
IV.1. E-coins
I.2. E-purse certificate
I.1. E-purse request
Phase Caption:
I. E-purse certification
II. E -purse load
III. Payment
IV. Deposit
Figure 1: Business model.
2.1 Notation
In this section we describe the notation that we have
used in the specification of our e-purse.
Table 1: Notation.
[Data] It indicates that this piece of Data is
optional, and it could not be in the message.
H(Data) A message digest of Data, obtained using a
hash algorithm as SHA2.
Data, encrypted by a symmetric cipher
using the key K.
Data is signed using a private key of X.
X => Y It indicates that X sends one message to Y.
Ct, Vn Customer and Vendor respectively
EP, EPI E-purse and E-purse Issuer respectively.
2.2 E-purse Features
The e-purse stores the following information:
- Serial number (SN
). It is an array of bytes
identifying the e-purse univocally.
- Balance. This counter stores the actual amount
of money in the e-purse.
- Transaction counter. It stores the number of
transactions made by the e-purse, that is, the
transaction number (TN
). Each time an
operation is made, its value is increased.
- Private key. It is any asymmetric key that
supports digital signature operations.
- Certificate. It is generated by the issuer and it is
according to the X.509v3 certificate format.
- Issuer public key. This key allows checking the
information received from the issuer.
The e-purse should also provide the usual operations
related to management of the private key and the
certificate as well as operations (query, update,…)
related to the fields mentioned in this section.
2.3 E-purse Load
The issuer can offer several payment methods to
increase the e-purse balance such as: credit cards,
bank transfers and so on. Besides the payment
information, the user sends some fresh information
to avoid replay attacks that could lead to increase
several times the e-purse. Once the payment is
made, the issuer mints an e-coin with this
information. This e-coin is sent to the e-purse and,
after being properly verified, the balance is
increased with the indicated amount. This is the
information exchanged during the load operation:
1. Ct => EP: (load initiation command)
2. EP => Ct: {SN
3. Ct => EPI:
4. EPI=> Ct => EP:
2.4 E-coin
In this proposal, an e-coin has the following format:
where VnID is a vendor’s identifier (the hash of his
public key or an e-mail address). TID is a transaction
identifier which is provided by the vendor in the
payment process, and it is formed by the hash of the
transaction information. Finally, RandNum is a
random number.
2.5 Payment and Deposit
The payment process consists of generating a
vendor-specific e-coin that will be sent by the user to
the vendor using a previously agreed payment
protocol. When the vendor receives and verifies the
payment, he delivers or provides the request product
or service. In this section, we explain how an e-coin
is generated but we do not specify the protocol to
send the e-coin and receive the product since it is out
of the scope of this paper.
To mint an e-coin the e-purse needs the
information shown in the Step 1. Next, if there is
enough balance, the e-purse mints an e-coin and
decreases its balance.
When the vendor receives the e-coin and the
certificate, he checks that the certificate is still valid,
that the e-coin was signed with the private key
associated to that certificate, and the e-coin’s
amount. In that case, the vendor will provide the
product or service requested. It is worth noting that
there is no need for on-line verifications or SAM
modules. Next, we show the information exchanged.
1. Vn => Ct: (VnID, TID, Amount)
2. Ct => EP: (Command to generate e-
coin with VnID, TID, Amount)
3. EP => Ct:
, Cert
4. Ct => Vn:
, Cert
5. Vn => Ct: product or service
The vendor can store the different e-coins received,
which will be deposited at the end of each day (or
other suitable period) by sending them to the issuer.
In this way, the vendor will get paid.
In this section we analyze both the security of this
new e-purse and its main benefits. Regarding the
security analysis:
1. E-purse. The e-purse is a tamper-resistant
device that manages its private key and the
operations mentioned in section 2. This key
never cannot be exported in order to prevent the
generation of fake money.
2. Security in e-purse load process. The security of
the whole transaction depends on both the
protocol used to pay and receive e-coins, the
security of the e-coin itself and how is loaded in
the e-purse. The protocol to pay and receive the
e-coin is out of the scope of our proposal. This
process should be made using a fair protocol.
On the other hand, the security of the issuer e-
coin depends on the length of the issuer’s
private key. If the length is long enough we
could be sure that nobody, except the issuer, can
generate a valid coin. If the issuer’s private key
was compromised, the certificate would be
revoked. Thus, the e-purse increases its balance
after receiving an e-coin signed by the issuer
and containing the information indicated in step
2 of the load process.
3. Security in e-coin generation process. If we
guarantee this process, we can be sure that
nobody, except an e-purse, could mint an e-
coin. To generate e-coins without the e-purse,
we would have to sign some information with a
private key which is certified by the issuer. So
the user should obtain an e-purse private key,
that is, he would have to hack the e-purse.
Anyway, the cost of such type of attacks might
be even higher than the benefit obtained.
Besides, after detecting fake money, the related
certificate will be revoked, and therefore the
private key. Finally, since we mint a vendor-
specific e-coin, only the true vendor can deposit
the e-coin.
4. Double-spending. The vendor uses TID value
provided during the payment phase, to check
whether the e-coin was previously delivered.
5. Security in a payment. In this phase the security
depends on both the security of the e-coins and
the payment protocol involved. The protocol
should guarantee fairness and provide enough
information to resolve conflicts.
6. Non repudiation. It is impossible to mint e-coins
unless e-purse private keys are compromised.
Therefore, any minted e-coin should be
accepted by a vendor except when it has been
previously delivered.
Next, we underline our proposal’s advantages:
1. Prepayment. Prepayment systems are well
accepted by both end users, since it is
comfortable and anonymous, and financial
entities since they receive the money in advance
2. Portability. User can convey comfortably his
money because is stored in his smart card.
3. Generic e-coins. “E-coins” contained in the
user’s e-purse are generic, and then, they can be
used with any vendor.
4. Divisibility. We can specify the exact amount of
5. Reduction of the number of elements in the
system. The vendors do not need either a SAM
or an on-line connection with the issuer to
verify e-coins. Therefore, the exchange of
messages to make a payment is reduced, the
payment process is faster and the costs of
transaction are lower.
6. Pay-per-click. This scheme could be easily
introduced to make payments-per-click as well
as in mobile phones or in Bluetooth devices.
7. ATM. Due to the fact that this e-purse has been
designed to avoid the on-line connection with
the issuer, it could be incorporated easily in any
POS (Point of Sale).
8. Anonymity. Since the e-coin does not contain
any personal information, the payment is
We have proposed a payment scheme based on e-
purses in which the payment can be checked by
software without having special keys in a SAM. Our
contribution solves this problem with a payment
method based on smart cards that combines the
advantages of an e-purse with the use of a vendor-
specific e-coins. Unlike others proposals, we do not
need the e-coin to be validated against a third party.
Besides, the e-purse can generate e-coins for any
vendor. In such way, we can conclude that the
incorporation of e-purse payment to the Internet
applications is facilitated against some previous
As future research directions we are considering
the integration of this e-purse with a fair protocol.
This work has been partially supported by PROFIT
SESTERCIO FIT-360000-2005-23 project.
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