Rafael Martínez-Peláez, Francisco J. Rico-Novella, Luis A. Zarza-López
Department of Telematics Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia, C/Jordi Girona 1 i 3, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Digital Identity, Identity Risks, Genuine Identity.
Abstract: The identity is a unique and intransitive property which any human being possesses. Due to its
characteristics is used in Internet. Unfortunately, when a user discloses his personal information to web site
does not know the risks about his identity’s privacy. This paper describes the usefulness of user’s identity in
Internet and the problems related with their usage in web sites. To improve the user's privacy we propose a
digital pseudonym identity as an alternative to replace the used of genuine identity in Internet.
The real world identity has different perspectives,
and all identities make reference to an individual
whose characteristics make him/her unique in
different fields where he/she is. Commonly, identity
is referred to the name of a person, but possibly two
or more people may have the same name. In this
case, other characteristics can make the difference
among them. We defined Genuine Identity (GI) as
all the characteristics that can be make unique a
person like address, e-mail, DNA, habits, name,
social security number, etc.
The adoption of e-commerce and use of different
Internet services have created in the customers a
necessity of having various digital identities in
different web sites. Digital identity is an effort to
recreate, to organize and to make up aspects about
genuine identity in digital world to be able to be
linked in the real world (Casassa et al., 2002).
Virtual sites request customer’s information by
web form. With this method the customer need to
give personal information to each web site in order
to have access (Koch and Wörndl, 2001).
Additionally, this mechanism converts a user
experience into tedious task.
When users use Internet to disclose theirs GI
involve risks that demands security requirements.
On the one hand, customers want to maintain their
GI’s privacy and anonymity. On the other hand,
companies need to have a mean to identify and link
an attacker in both real world and digital world.
In this paper we propose a new Digital
Pseudonym Identity (DPI) for exclusive use in
Internet. With this new proposal the users could
have the option to create digital identities in any web
site without using web form and disclose personal
information over an open network.
The application and administration of GI’s
information is a key to develop electronic
commerce. The importance of management is
concluded in validating established profiles, and
rights in the relations (Casassa et al., 2002). The
information can be used in process related with
identity management (Koch and Wörndl, 2001;
Berthold and Köhntopp, 2001) or security
mechanisms (Clifford, 1995).
2.1 Identity Management
The implementation of identity management makes
possible to provide the user with the opportunity to
manage their digital identities reusing the
information between web sites. Identity management
system maintains the privacy not only on his/her
digital identity, but genuine identity too. Another
advantage is the control over digital identities in
terms of authenticity, lifecycle and validity
(Berthold and Köhntopp, 2001).
The main use of GI’s information is to create
accounts (figure 1). In order to create an account is
necessary specific user’s information (user profile)
such as, name, DNI or passport, address, telephone,
email, date of birth, nationality, in some cases
Martínez-Peláez R., J. Rico-Novella F. and A. Zarza-López L. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 91-94
DOI: 10.5220/0002103700910094
financial information (Koch and Wörndl, 2001). The
purpose of creating an account in a web site is to
have a digital identity that would make it unique,
and to allow receiving rights, privileges and
Companies have a special interest in knowing its
customers with the purpose to offer a best service
and to make easier the internal administrative
operations (Smith et al., 1999). Other advantages are
the opportunity to monitoring the clients’ behaviours
for three aspects: to make a market research, to
identify business opportunities, and preventive
2.2 Security Mechanisms
The importance of using the GI in Internet is to give
the option of being identified in both real and digital
world. Security mechanisms take advantage of
digital identity: authentication, authorization,
identification and non repudiation (Clifford, 1995).
Identification is a process whereby a person is
recognised. The identification is made through
the use of digital identity. The digital identity is
created on the customer’s GI. Companies base
its trust on the user’s information. Users can be
linked in the real world by his/her digital identity
as long as the delivered information be valid and
Authentication is a mechanism used to verify if a
customer is really a person who says to be
(Clifford, 1995). In this case, companies can use
the information like secret piece of user’s
knowledge in order to know who he/she is.
Authorization defines the privileges given to the
customers within the system. The privileges
involve limiting actions, granting access to
resources, and avoiding changes of identity
(Clifford, 1995). As the account was created
using the user’s GI, his/her digital identity will
have the privileges based on the information
related with him.
Non-repudiation is the process to prevent the
denial of actions inside and outside the system.
In e-commerce, it is common the user denies
his/her participation in electronic transactions.
Companies require a mechanism to be able to
prove the user’s participation and can initialize
legal actions. For this reason the information
about the user must be true.
The participants in e-Commerce require a mutual
identification. Virtual sites are identified by the use
of digital certificate and their reputation, while a
client requires giving personal information in order
to create an account. When users disclose personal
information do not know the risk that this action
implies in the real world. The illegality is not in the
use of false identity, but the fraud is by doing so
(Smith et al., 1999).
a) Identity supplanted: After giving all the detailed
information about its GI, a customer trusts in the
private policy offered by the web site.
Unfortunately a worker could not be honest and
could use the information to mask itself under
this identity. With detailed information about a
person it is easy to make frauds or attacks as
much in Internet as in the real world (Arnold,
2000). Another scenario is when an attacker can
obtain personal information about any person in
the real world and then use it in Internet, without
victim’s knowledge.
b) Fraudulent transactions: In some cases the goal
of stealing a GI is to make fraudulent
transactions (Arnold, 2000). An attacker has an
opportunity to use a person’s identity to open
bank accounts, request for credits or play online
in a legitimate manner in virtual sites. It is
difficult for virtual sites to check authenticity
and veracity of information. From a legal point
of view, the owner of this information (GI) is
guilty (Smith et al., 1999).
c) Publication of identities: web sites are
responsible for maintaining information of their
customers in privacy. However it is possible to
make the customers information public either by
an attack or by internal errors, like it occurred in
Figure 1: General process to create a digital identity.
October 1999 (Arnold, 2000), when the US
Army published a document with the identities
of officials in service and retired, producing a
series of frauds which affected people who
appeared in the document.
d) Identity Theft: Due to the low participation of
the customer in the process of creating an
account it is possible to produce attacks based on
the supplanting of authentication dialogue box or
the web form (Tygar et al., 1996). This is
achieved due to the high probability that a next
event would take place because always is the
same dialogue box and web form. For an
attacker is easy to imitate it and to be able to
obtain information of the customer without his
With the goal to offer a solution to the problem of
giving information about GI to every web site which
required having an access through public network,
so the use of new Digital Pseudonym Identity (DPI)
is proposed.
4.1 Security Requirements
Privacy and anonymity are requirements desired by
users in Internet. Companies require identifying the
user in its system.
Users’ requirements
Privacy usually refers to maintaining personal
information in secret and autonomy. Customers
demand to maintain their personal information
privacy in transactions online and while data
may be stored.
Anonymity is the state of being not identifiable
within a set of subjects (Pfitzmann and
Köhntopp, 2001). Anonymity is a characteristic
to avoid a relation between GI and digital
Companies’ requirements
Pseudonym is an identifier of subjects. Whereas
be anonym and non-anonym are the extremes
with respect to GI public. A pseudonym contains
characteristics that can be used to make a
relation between GI and digital identity in legal
actions (Pfitzmann and Köhntopp, 2001).
4.2 Objectives
Our solution is to allow users to disclose personal
information about their genuine identity while
reduces risks for their privacy. Our objectives can be
summarized as follows:
To allow users to disclose specific information
without giving it directly to the Web site.
To allow users to create accounts in different
web sites with minimal effort.
To allow users to standardize the company’s
request of its information.
Provide a digital identity that can be stored in a
flexible and secure mean (smart card).
To allow companies to store valid and authentic
user’s information.
To allow companies to prevent identity theft.
Provide a mean to improve network security.
4.3 Criteria for Digital Pseudonym
Taking as bases the GI the following properties are
a) Durability: Due to the risk of security in Internet,
the cycle of life proposes is one year.
b) Mobility: Like an identity card (DNI or passport)
the digital identity must be transportable.
c) Portability: The data structure of the digital
identity must be able to be used by different
d) Revocation: In the cycle of life of the digital
identity it must be possible to revoke it.
e) Renovation: When the time of life of the digital
identity finishes, the owner must have the
opportunity to continue using it.
f) Traceable: In the case of a penal investigation, it
would be possible to know and follow an
attacker in the real world.
g) Unicity: After a digital identity is created there
must not exist another identical digital identity.
h) Untransferable: As the digital identity has
privileges and responsibilities in different web
sites it can not be transferable to other person.
4.4 Profile Scheme
We want to enable users to create their digital
identity in different web sites with minimal effort
using his/her DPI. The DPI is pseudonym because
the holder can be identified without to reveal his/her
GI. On the other hand, his/her DPI is unique and
suitable to be used to authenticate the holder.
DPI is created by a user only one a year. The
DPI is signed by a TTP (trust third party). With the
signature the holder can prove its validity. The web
sites can trust on its authenticity and integrity. The
holder of the DPI can create an account in different
sites without disclosing his/her information by web
form. On the other hand, the web sites can have the
option to accept or deny the creation of two or more
accounts for the same user (figure 2).
4.5 Comparison
In comparison with the traditional mechanism, our
proposal guarantees an amount of information
necessary to the virtual sites in order to create an
account within the system. By this mean the
following results can be obtained:
Companies which search customers’ information
will be able to trust in its validity and
The distribution of information to malicious web
sites does not affect the customer in the real
The customer does not require interacting with
any web form.
Companies can make supervision on the
activities and behaviour of the customer without
invading his/her identity’s privacy.
The GI theft by Internet is limited.
Companies can have the opportunity to link an
attacker in the real world.
DPI theft reduces the risk of being used in real
The DPI publication does not affect a customers’
privacy in real world.
Companies will be able to reduce the frauds
made by identity supplanted.
In this paper, we presented the use of genuine
identity in Internet. The main risks related with the
use of genuine identity in Internet and how can
affect a customer in the real world have been
explained. The proposal of the use of digital
pseudonym identity has been proposed for replacing
the use and distribution of genuine identity by web
forms. Digital pseudonym identity is an effort to
motivate the adoption of e-Commerce based in the
customer’s identity authenticity and validity.
Another aim is increasing the security in web sites
and reduces problems related with the identity theft.
Future work will be made in the design and
develop of data structure in where appears the DPI
profile structure information (like in the real world
DNI or passport) and can be verifiable its
authenticity and validity by any organization or
This work has been partially supported by the
Spanish Research Council (CICYT) under the
project SECONNET (TSI2005-07293-C02-01).
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Figure 2: DPI Profile Structure.