Through Network Management Support Systems
and Software Agents Coordination
José A. Folha
Responsible Network & Systems Management, Superior School of Biotechnology of the Portuguese Catholic University,
MsC student, Electrical and Computer Engineering’s Department, Engineering Faculty of University of Porto, Portugal,
Bruno F. Marques
Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Department, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu’s Superior School of Technology, PhD student,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty of University of Porto, Portugal,
José A. Oliveira
Lecturer, Computer Science Department, , Polytechnic Institute of Viseu’s Superior School of Technology; PhD student,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty of University of Porto, Portugal,
Paulo M. Coelho
Lecturer, Computer Science Department, , Polytechnic Institute of Viseu’s Superior School of Technology; PhD student,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty of University of Porto, Portugal,
Raul F. Oliveira
Auxiliary Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering’s Department, Engineering Faculty of University of Porto,
Keywords: Internet services, Networking Management Applications, LDAP, Basic Internet Protocols, Software Agents,
Instant Messaging.
Abstract: Enterprises need to automate manual and routine aspects of IT infrastructure management. In this paper a
new concept that integrates different autonomous and management level applications through Instant
Messaging protocol (XMPP) is introduced. This is achieved by means of a common management
information model implemented in LDAP. A content language implemented in XML is also described,
allowing autonomous application integration to carry out management tasks dynamically.
When we speak about IP network management, we
increasingly see the need for proactive actions that,
by their own characteristics, autonomous
applications replace Human action.
These actions are only possible to implement if
we speak about autonomous applications. If we
think of them, we easily realize that they might be
used to manage a network proactively at different
levels (Oliveira R., 1998). From the Human point of
view, management is more easily achieved.
A. Folha J., F. Marques B., A. Oliveira J., M. Coelho P. and F. Oliveira R. (2006).
INSTANT MANAGEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE - Through Network Management Support Systems and Software Agents Coordination.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 69-74
DOI: 10.5220/0001428600690074
Figure 1: Management Dimensions.
Despite the concepts which exist on how to
approach this problem, we want to explore a new
one, Instant Messaging. XMPP will be used as base
of communication between applications, and XML
as a content language.
Existing management applications are used to
implement a common management information
model. Besides network topology discovery, alarms
can be triggered to a management console or sent by
email to the network administrator.
We know network administrators either do not
have permanent contact with the screen, or they are
away from the managed domain. These situations
may lead to delays and complications in the network
as well as the systems involved.
Autonomous applications should have an
important role here in how they can help solve some
of these problems.
The main goal is to automate the manual and routine
aspects of IT infrastructure management and
develop a way that allows different management
applications to communicate/share information in a
standard and open way. To achieve this, we propose
a multi-agent architecture based on the concept of
Instant Messaging (using XMPP protocol) which
integrates different autonomous and existing
proprietary management applications. This
architecture is based on a new and common
management information model, called LMIB
(LDAP based Management Information Bus)
(Marques B., Nogueira E., Oliveira J., Oliveira R.,
The model was designed for use in different
management applications to allow them to share
their management information easily without the use
of proprietary interfaces/APIs.
The traditional multi agent architecture defined by
FIPA/KQML, establishes the logical reference
model for the creation, registration, location, and
communication of agents (FIPA, 2004).
This model is made up of several blocks:
Figure 2: Agent Management Reference Model.
Our work tries to implement this concept through
LDAP, as we are also using this protocol to
implement a common management information
model. Another major reason to use LDAP is that it
supports all the functions implemented by the DF
and AMS, such as registration, searching,
modifying, etc.
Figure 3: LDAP Agent Management Model.
The MTS will be replaced by an Instant
Messaging Server that implements the XMPP
Protocol (Jabber Software Foundation, 2006).
Figure 4: Communication Platform.
At this point we now have what we call a
Communication Platform. Agents may communicate
in two different ways:
LDAP Queries: whenever an Agent wants to
find a service or another agent, on the LDAP server;
IM: whenever an Agent wants to communicate
with another agent or service;
One advantage of the Communication Platform
is that users can communicate directly with agents.
This allows users to query for services, and know
what the agents are doing (status of the agent: away,
busy, online, etc…).
This model will be the base of our work to
explore the concepts which follow.
Supposing that all the information needed is in the
global LDAP information model, autonomous
applications will behave like a user, acting on behalf
of network administrators. Autonomous applications
will use alarms triggered by network management
applications, providing state information and
services to solve the problem.
3.1 Information Model
The information model is based on global
management information called LDAP Management
Information Bus (Marques B., Oliveira J., Coelho P.,
Oliveira R., 2006).
Figure 5: Instant Management Framework.
To manage the IT infrastructure, a Network
Management System (NMS) is used, providing the
information model with all necessary management
information. Similarly, a Network Operations
Support System (NOSS) is used to manage network
services. A Network Users Management System
(NUMS) station is also used to manage network
users’ profiles. A Network Asset Management
System (NAMS) is responsible for the network
inventory (Coelho P., Marques B., Oliveira J.,
Oliveira R, 2005). One of several problems found in
such a management environment is the integration of
each of these applications.
In order to solve this problem, a network
management information bus, supported on LDAP
Directory Services, was developed, playing an
essential role in integrating these management
applications. The global information model LDAP
implemented (Marques B., Oliveira J., Coelho P.,
Oliveira R., 2006) is also used by autonomous
applications which communicate between them
using Instant Messaging and with LDAP queries
with the corporate LDAP server to find other agents
or services. Those autonomous applications will be
registered on the same LDAP based model.
3.2 LDAP Schema for the
Autonomous Applications
An LDAP schema is specified to allow the support
of the entire life cycle of autonomous management
applications. The schema specification (OpenLDAP
Foundation, 2004.) is based on the FIPA Abstract
Architecture Specification (FIPA, 2004).
The resulting DIT – Data Information Tree to the
agency is shown in the figure 6.
Agents and Services on the DIT are kept
separated, because agents may perform one or more
services, and Services may be achieved by one or
more agents.
Figure 6: DIT for autonomous applications.
Agent Directory
An agent-directory is a shared information
repository in which agents may publish their agent-
INSTANT MANAGEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE - Through Network Management Support Systems and Software
Agents Coordination
directory entries and in which they may search for
agent-directory-entries of interest.
agent-identifier: A globally unique identifier
(name or number) for the agent that will allow an
agent to be identified by other agents.
agent-name: A globally unique name for the
agent. An agent-name is a means of agent
identification for other agents and services. It is
expressed as a key-value-pair, which is
unchangeable (that is, it is immutable), and unique
under normal circumstances of operation.
agent-description: The agent-description
contains information about the agent and his
agent-address: An agent-address consists of the
address, which can be used to communicate with an
agent. An agent-address may be used by a message-
transport-service to select a transport for
communicating with the agent, such as an agent or a
agent-status: An agent-status consists of the
status of an agent, if he is available, busy, online,
and so on. Basically it is the presence effect on the
IM server (Saint-Andre, 2004).
ontologies: An ontology provides a vocabulary
for representing and communicating knowledge
about some topic and a set of relationships and
properties that hold for the entities denoted by that
languages: The language used to express the
content of communication between agents.
service-identifier: A globally unique identifier
(name or number) for the service that will allow
identification of a service.
Service Directory
The basic role of the service-directory is to provide a
consistent means by which agents and services can
locate services. Operationally, the service-directory-
service provides a location where services can
register their service descriptions as service-
directory-entries. Also, agents and services can
search the service-directory-service to locate
services which are appropriate to their needs.
service-identifier: A globally unique identifier
(name or number) for the service that will allow
identification of a service.
service-name: A globally unique name for the
service-description: The service-description
contains information about the services.
service-type: The categorized type of the
agent-identifier: A globally unique identifier
(name or number) for the agent that will allow an
agent to be identified by other agents.
LDAP Agent Registration LDIF format sample
Bellow is a sample code for the Agent registration
on the Corporate LDAP Server.
# Agent Account [dispatcher]
cn: Dispatcher Agent
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: dispatcher
userPassword: password
structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
Let us suppose that these management applications
already have an LDAP interface implemented and
that all the information needed is in the global
LDAP information model.
Figure 7: Network Environment.
Besides these kinds of management applications
in our network environment (see figure 7) we also
find email servers (IMAP, SMTP, POP), Web
Servers and a Corporate LDAP Server to implement
the root of the Management Information Bus.
Network administrators and other users have regular
PCs as GUIs. Through them, administrators can
perform management tasks using standard Internet
protocols (HTTP, XML/XSL) without needing
proprietary GUIs. Firewalls/Proxies implement
secure network interconnections.
The Corporate LDAP root server supports the
network management information model so as to
take advantage of the existence of LDAP interfaces
on the management applications (NMS, NOSS,
NUMS, NAMS, etc.) and use CMIP and DEN
network concepts. Here, a particular management
domain can implement its own network policies. Let
us look at the concept in more depth. In the next
figure, it is possible to see management application
integration and how users, autonomous applications
and Instant Messaging can take advantage of this
mechanism based on simple Internet protocols that
everyone knows and uses.
Autonomous applications using Instant
Messaging and management tasks
One big problem we foresee is what happens if the
human manager is out of his management domain.
How can he perform management tasks?
The operational scenario presented is similar to a
burning house where the owner receives an email
with the video/images of his house on fire. Since he
is not there, he can do nothing but watch it burn! For
that situation, our concept gives us a means to act
fast on network incidents using autonomous
management applications that act on behalf of the
human manager. Let us see how.
NMS and NOSS are performing the tasks they
are expected to carry out. Similarly, NUMS can
collect network information from these stations
through the LDAP interface which is supposed to be
implemented. Each time a network incident occurs,
an email is sent to an IMAP server (figure 8 (1)).
An autonomous management application,
Dispatcher agent, can get the information by email
(figure 8 (2)), analyze it and act accordingly. This
means that the dispatcher can search the LDAP for
an agent/service (figure 8 (3)) capable of solving the
problem. Once the agent/service is found the
dispatcher agent looks at the status of the agent,
who, if online, passes all the information needed via
IM to solve the problem (figure 8 (4/5)).
This means that autonomous applications can act
directly on the network elements using SNMP/CMIP
(figure 8 (6)), or go directly to a network element
that hosts a particular service, using Telnet/SSH, and
try to get it back up.
If the autonomous application cannot resolve the
incident by itself, it may use the LDAP Server and
look for other autonomous applications capable of
solving the problem (figure 8 (3)), or look for a
trouble ticket that the LMIB might have.
Figure 8: Autonomous applications using Instant
Messaging and management tasks.
All of this is possible very simply. All
management actors must have a standard way of
communicating (LDAP queries or Instant
Messaging) in order to share network management
information at different management levels (Oliveira
R., 1998).
There is several security issues associated with IM
services, such as:
Virus Attack
IM is an Internet-based tool incorporating
"presence" and suffers from virus vulnerabilities
common to other Internet applications. There are
more than 200 IM-related viruses reported to date
(Messaging Pipeline, 2004).
The effect of such virus attacks is more critical in
the case of IM, where attacks can spread much faster
as compared to e-mail based virus attacks. Also, the
IM administrators need to react much faster to
control IM based virus spreading.
Spim messages
Spam messages in IM context are referred to as spim
messages. Unwanted spim messages can pop up
anytime and momentarily disrupt work. As with e-
mail spam there are anti-spim tools available to
block the messages and allow users/agents to work
free of uninvited interruptions.
Appropriate anti-spim tools need to be deployed
at the user-end or the presence servers need to adopt
the required measures to control spim messages.
INSTANT MANAGEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE - Through Network Management Support Systems and Software
Agents Coordination
The user/agent’s information should not be passed
on or distributed to a buddy(s) if not permitted by
the user/agent.
The presence information, if sent without
permission, to agencies such as promotional
products companies, can actually harm user
Agents can publish their information on the
corporate LDAP server and share it with others in
order to make communication and services more
sensitive and “personal”. This information may
include services, descriptions, supported languages,
ontologies, addresses, as well the agent’s status.
The LDAP protocol is the most widely adopted
directory service. As a standard protocol, it can play
an essential role in the integration of management
applications in networked environment consisting of
one or more administrative domains.
Instant Messaging has built up a substantial user
base and is finding its place among other forms of
communication such as telephony and email. It is
near real-time and can offer degrees of efficiency
and effectiveness that are not supported by voice and
email. The most important aspect of IM which
differentiates it from earlier systems is the
integration of presence awareness, providing the
ability to monitor the status of other users/agents on
the network. The concept of the "buddy list" arose
out of IM and is used in combination with presence.
A buddy list is a list of known users/agents
whose presence is indicated. If a user/agent is online
and available to receive a message an indicator is
displayed to communicate this information to other
users/agents who have subscribed to that
user/agent’s presence information.
Furthermore, there is an increasing trend toward
extending presence to independent applications, not
just human users, and enabling everything from
automatic alerts and notifications to database queries
via an instant messaging interface.
Our next step will be to develop a content language
which will allow autonomous applications to
communicate with each other, as well Human User
The effect of presence on the network through
the use of the XMPP protocol (P. Saint-Andre,
2004) (FIPA, 2002) is also the object of future work.
Oliveira R., 1998. Gestion des Réseaux avec Connaissance
des Besoins: Utilisation des Agents Logiciel, Ph.D
Thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des
Télécommunications, January 1998.
Marques B., Nogueira E., Oliveira J., Oliveira R., 2004.
“Ldap role in network management,” 11th HP
OpenView University Associations Workshop, Paris,
June 2004.
FIPA, 2004. Agent Management Specification,
SC00023K, 2004
Jabber Software Foundation, 2006.
Marques B., Oliveira J., Coelho P., Oliveira R., 2006. ”
Using LDAP for Network Topology and Service
Management Applications Integration”, WTC – World
Telecommunications Congress, Budapest – Hungary,
May 2006.
Coelho P., Marques B., Oliveira J., Oliveira R, 2005.
“Using LDAP for Network Management
Interoperability,” Proceedings of the 12th HP
OpenView University Associations Workshop, Porto,
July 2005.
OpenLDAP Foundation, 2004. “Openldap schema
specification: Extending schema,”,
February 2004.
FIPA, 2004. Abstract Architecture Specification,
SC00001L, 2004
Messaging Pipeline, 2004.
?articleID=51000335, October 2004
P. Saint-Andre, 2004. RFC 3921. Extensible Messaging
and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Instant Messaging
and Presence, October 2004
FIPA, 2002. Abstract ACL Message Representation in
XML Representation, SC00071E, 2002