Dietmar Jannach and Markus Zanker
University Klagenfurt
e-Commerce and e-Business: B2C, e-Marketing, Business Solutions.
This paper summarizes our experiences gained from several industrial advisory applications that were devel-
oped with the knowledge-based ADVISOR SUITE framework over the last years and gives an outlook on future
extensions of the presented system.
In the ‘experiences’ section of the paper, we first address aspects related to the development of such appli-
cations, such as knowledge engineering, software maintenance, or testing. In addition, we describe the main
requirements for such an advisory application to be perceived as an intelligent, value-adding service by the
end users and finally summarize the results of an industrial study on how advisory applications are able to
influence the buying behavior of online shoppers.
The second part of the paper discusses current and future extensions of our system. The main lines of research
addressed in this section are ‘Extended debugging support’, Automated extraction of product data from web
sources’, ‘Log mining and advanced data analysis’, and ‘Community-adapted advisory systems’.
Recommender systems are one of the most visible ap-
plications of Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelli-
gence technology. Today, the most prominent prod-
uct recommendation systems are based on the analy-
sis of the buying behavior of customers or on prod-
uct ratings of a broad user community like on Ama-
zon’s online store. However, despite the broad suc-
cess of collaborative or social filtering approaches,
they are based on some particular requirements that
limit their applicability to certain application types:
First, they require that the user community has a sig-
nificant size, such that there exists a sufficient num-
ber of ratings for the products in the catalog. In ad-
dition, these systems need some ramp-up time for
new users for which no buying history is available.
Finally, these systems do not work well for tech-
nical goods like digital cameras or TV sets, since
for such domains the specific technical requirements
of the customers have to be elicited for generat-
ing adequate product proposals. Such shortcomings
can be overcome with the help of additional domain
knowledge: Over the last decade, several content-
based, knowledge-based, or hybrid approaches to rec-
ommendation have been proposed, see for instance
(Bridge, 2001; Burke, 2000; Burke, 2002). How-
ever, in contrast to self-adapting community-based
approaches, the main challenge when exploiting such
domain-specific recommendation knowledge lies in
the additional costs that come with the acquisition,
validation, and maintenance of product data and the
domain-specific recommendation business rules.
In this paper we discuss the experiences we made in
several industrial projects with the ADVISOR SUITE
system (Jannach, 2004), a domain-independent and
fully knowledge-based framework for the develop-
ment of online advisory systems. In particular, this
system allows us to implement a more comprehensive
approach to product recommendation (‘advisory’): In
applications built with ADVISOR SUITE, the cus-
tomer is for instance guided through a sales conversa-
tion in a personalized way and is provided with addi-
tional information depending on his/her requirements
and background knowledge. In addition, the system
is also capable of explaining the users why a specific
item is proposed to them and what are its advantages
or disadvantages in specific situations.
In our experience report, which forms the first part
of the paper, we discuss both the core issues of knowl-
Jannach D. and Zanker M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 200-208
DOI: 10.5220/0001427802000208
edge acquisition and -maintenance (i.e., the develop-
ment costs associated with such systems), engineer-
ing aspects, as well as more subjective issues like end-
user acceptance or customer feedback. This discus-
sion directly leads us to some future directions that we
see in the domain of knowledge-based advisory sys-
tems. The four perspectives that we discuss in the sec-
ond part of this paper are mostly related with future
knowledge acquisition strategies, namely log mining
and advanced data analysis, community-based devel-
opment of advisory applications, extended debugging
support and automated product data extraction from
web sources. Before discussing these experiences and
future directions, we will give a short overview on the
ADVISOR SUITE system in the next section.
Figure 1 depicts an architectural overview of the AD-
VISOR SUITE system which consists of two major
components: First, the system comprises a set of
graphical tools for modeling all required pieces of
knowledge which includes the core recommendation
and advisory business rules, the personalization strat-
egy, and finally, the respective presentation logic,
which is all stored in a shared, underlying reposi-
tory. The presentation style, which has to be adapted
for each installation of the system, is defined with
the help of page templates that also contain dynamic
HTML code and which are automatically assembled
by the system at run-time. The main design principle
for all of these tools is simplicity, such that the do-
main experts (or web developers) can model the ad-
visory knowledge by themselves such that knowledge
engineering costs are minimized.
At run-time, the Advisor Engine dynamically eval-
uates and interprets the knowledge in the repository
depending on the current state of the sales conversa-
tion. The Personalization Agent manages the current
customer sessions, handles the user interactions, and
determines the personalized dialog flow. In addition,
the run-time components log all user interactions and
provide functionality to store and reload advisory ses-
In order to be able to behave intelligently upon
the various types of user interactions and in order
to provide useful recommendations, ADVISOR SUITE
implements different techniques and algorithms that
have their roots in the field of Artificial Intelligence,
Rule based personalization: Interactive advisory di-
alogs built with ADVISOR SUITE can be fully person-
alized based on a rule-based mechanism, compare e.g.
(Ardissono et al., 2003): Personalization of the web
application is thus possible on different levels defined
by (Kobsa et al., 2001), like the style of presentation,
the degrees of freedom in navigation, the actual con-
tent as well as the interaction strategy, or the level
of detail in explanations, see (Jannach and Kreutler,
Knowledge-based query relaxation: The selection of
adequate product proposals is based on a filter-based
mediation between customer requirements and the
characteristics of the offered products. In case of un-
satisfiable user requirements, ADVISOR SUITE uses
a novel, conflict-directed query relaxation approach
(Jannach and Liegl, 2006; McSherry, 2004; God-
frey, 1997) for determining those products that fulfil
as many of the customer’s requirements as possible
within the tight time limits of interactive applications.
Utility-based ranking of results: Once the set of suit-
able products is determined, ADVISOR SUITE com-
putes a personalized ranking of these products based
on MAUT - the Multi Attribute Utility Theory (von
Winterfeldt and Edwards, 1986), an approach that al-
lows us to take the current user’s interests into account
when computing the utility value for a certain product
(Ardissono et al., 2003).
Technically, the system is implemented with state-
of-the art web technology: Java is used as program-
ming language and the shared repository is imple-
mented on top of a relational database system. The
dynamic web pages are built with Java Server Pages
technology; customization of the layout is done with
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Further details about
the implementation of the system can be found in
(Felfernig and Kiener, 2005; Jannach, 2004).
In the following, we will summarize our experi-
ences made and discuss success factors when building
and deploying applications with ADVISOR SUITE.
Development process / Knowledge engineering. Up
to now, we have developed around two dozen advi-
sory applications for different domains such as con-
sumer electronics, tourism, financial services, and
even for goods of ‘quality-and-taste’ like fine cigars
or wine. In summary, the main factors that in our view
influence the success and efficiency of the knowledge
acquisition process are as follows: Existence of a
structured process, early user involvement, adequate
tool support, and the background/motivation of do-
main experts. In fact, these aspects must not be con-
sidered in an isolated manner as they also influence
each other. In our experience, the most successful de-
velopment strategy for building advisory applications
is based on an evolutionary, prototypical approach
that includes the involvement of ‘key users’ right from
the beginning, which is a common development prac-
Figure 1: Overview of Advisor Suite architecture.
tice also for building other types of software systems.
Our in-house process model thus includes initial anal-
ysis workshops in which the overall vision is elab-
orated and communicated between the stakeholders;
having a particular eye on the end user is also crucial
for the acceptance of the final system, since - as in
many other projects - the stakeholders’ expectations
on the system’s functionality may be different. For
developing a common understanding of what the fi-
nal system should be capable of, we extensively rely
on rapid prototyping, i.e., we sometimes even use our
software system during the workshops and collabora-
tively model and adapt the main pieces of knowledge
(questions to be asked to the customer, recommenda-
tion rules). Our software tool provides means to au-
tomatically generate a working web application from
this basic knowledge, such that the effects can be di-
rectly seen and further discussed.
There are two side effects, when key users can im-
mediately see how their suggestions and knowledge
are incorporated into the application: First, they ex-
perience that their ideas are being taken immediately
into account and consequently their involvement in
the project increases. On the other hand, these pro-
totyping sessions also serve as a training on how to
use the tool and learn what it is capable of, which
is important as the domain experts and key users are
typically not interested in studying manuals. Still,
whether the domain experts will directly use the tool
to manipulate the knowledge bases by themselves, de-
pends on the skills, background, and interests of the
individual expert. At least in some of the projects, the
domain experts were using the tools by themselves,
which suggests that the conceptual model used in the
editing tools is simple and intuitive enough to be used
by non-IT experts: In particular the usage of a user-
oriented terminology, graphical tools for ‘modeling‘
the dialog flow, or an if-then-style representation of
business rules were crucial for the acceptance of the
tools. In other projects, the knowledge bases were
further developed in subsequent design workshops.
There, the knowledge engineer together with the do-
main expert formalizes the knowledge. For model-
ing non-standard behavior and introducing complex
business rules into the system, software development
skills are still being required; however, we see that
most parts of the domain knowledge are covered by
standard functionalities of the tool. Finally, quite in-
terestingly, we also see that the size of the knowledge
bases always remained at a still manageable size, i.e.,
only a few dozen business rules are typically required
to cover the whole recommendation knowledge.
Engineering and technology aspects. From an en-
gineering perspective, developing a framework for
building advisory applications in arbitrary domains
that also supports personalized user interaction is a
challenging task: The following major aspects have
to be considered in the design of such a system.
First, advisory applications do not stand alone, but
are nearly always integrated into an existing web-site
or online shop. As such, the use of state-of-the art
web technology (like Java, Java Server Pages or re-
lational database systems and web servers) is impor-
tant in order to simplify the integration process. In
addition, as in any standard software system, all data
structures have to be domain-independent and all al-
gorithms must be steered by meta-data, while at the
same time extensibility hooks have to be provided for
plugging in domain-specific procedures.
More specific to advisory systems than these first
Figure 2: Screenshots of advisory application.
two aspects is the problem of minimizing and manag-
ing the interdependencies between the different lay-
ers of the application (data, logic, presentation). In
particular, both the personalization and presentation
logic builds upon the core definitions (e.g., which
questions can be asked) and changes therein have to
be immediately checked and/or reflected in the other
layers. At design time, when the application is mod-
eled, we address this problem by providing differ-
ent views (and in fact different tools) on the knowl-
edge, such that the individual tools do not become
too complex. The most challenging engineering prob-
lem, however, lies in the development of the presen-
tation layer which requires a very thorough design.
One particular requirement of advisory applications
is that the presentation style has to be easily adapt-
able by a web developer (for instance, because the
layout has to be aligned with the corporate design of
the online store), while the pages have to be highly
dynamic such that changes in the knowledge bases
(e.g., a new question) are immediately reflected in the
application. These requirements are addressed in AD-
VISOR SUITE with the help of a specific ‘template’
mechanism and the use of so-called custom tags
In our approach, the final pages are assembled from
small page fragments (e.g., how to display a ques-
tion) that only contain standard HTML code, style
sheets, and the above-mentioned custom tags. From
the web developer’s view, these custom tags appear
like ordinary tags in the HTML code but actually pro-
vide advisory-specific functionality (like displaying
all defined answers to a question) and in addition hide
all implementation details, like the communication
with the the advisor engine, personalization of de-
faults, the page flow and so forth. In our projects, we
made excellent experiences with this template-based
approach, which is actually not mandatory in our ap-
plications. In fact, it helped us to significantly reduce
development and maintenance costs, when we com-
pare such semi-automatically generated applications
with manually engineered user interfaces on which
we relied in previous versions of our framework. For
more details on the implementation, see, e.g., (Jan-
nach, 2004).
Intelligent behavior matters. We installed an ad-
visory system on Austria’s largest e-Commerce site
(with respect to unique clients) that included over
100.000 user sessions. There an evaluation of over
1.500 feedback forms reported that the success and
acceptance of an application heavily depends on
whether the users attribute ‘intelligent behavior’ to it
or not. The most important features in that context
were that a) the system is capable of explaining the
proposal in detail, b) that alternative solutions are pro-
posed when none of the products fulfills all of the cus-
tomer’s requirements, and c) that the preference and
requirements elicitation dialog is lively and personal-
Covering the first two aspects falls into the core
strengths of knowledge-based approaches in gen-
eral. In ADVISOR SUITE, for instance, we use infer-
ence traces, explicit explanation knowledge as well
as natural-language text fragments to compile user-
understandable explanations. In addition, the system
implements novel algorithms for requirements relax-
ation and -repair to handle those cases, in which none
of the products matches all customer requirements.
The third aspect (personalization of the dialog) is
covered in our system with the help of explicit per-
Details on the study can be found in (Zanker et al.,
2004); another empirical study on the consumer behavior
in the interaction with advisory applications is summarized
in (Felfernig and Gula, 2006).
sonalization knowledge. Finding out what the cus-
tomer’s needs are is not trivial, even in real-world ad-
visory or sales conversations. Therefore, our appli-
cations aim at simulating the behavior of an experi-
enced sales person and guide the customers through
an interactive dialog, in which the system asks ques-
tions, provides choices, and displays additional hints,
help, or add-on information when this seems appro-
priate (see Figure 2). All this personalized behavior
aims both at increasing the ‘buying experience’ for
the customer while at the same time increasing his/her
confidence in the system. For instance, no questions
are asked that the user may not understand, or the sys-
tem immediately responds on user inputs in a person-
alized way. Modeling this personalization knowledge
of course induces additional knowledge acquisition
costs. Still, we see that incorporating only a few per-
sonalized hints (or an animated avatar) can already
significantly improve the liveliness and thus accep-
tance of the application. Again, the use of adequate
modeling tools and the support for semi-automated
generation of dynamic web pages is crucial for keep-
ing the development and maintenance costs for such
applications low.
Finally, note that in our system we deliberately
do not rely on natural-language interaction for pref-
erence elicitation purposes. Since on the one hand,
in particular novice users many times do not know
which questions to ask, while on the other hand the
users may attribute more intelligence to such a sys-
tem than is actually warranted.
Effects of advisory systems are measurable. One
of the most important questions from a business per-
spective is about measuring the effectiveness of such a
system. Typical questions in this context are: Are the
system’s proposals adequate, and do the customers
thus perceive recommendation as an added value of
the online store? Do users trust in a system’s rec-
ommendation and finally, does it mean that a recom-
mender system influences and persuades online shop-
pers to buy?
(Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005) summarize the
state-of-the-art and open problems of measuring rec-
ommender system effectiveness for community-based
approaches: While aspects like ‘accuracy’ and ‘cover-
age’ can be rather easily measured with today’s tech-
nology, they claim that the question of measuring
‘usefulness’ and ‘quality’ is not fully answered yet
and that also more economics-oriented measures that
capture aspects like ‘Return on Investments’ or ‘Cus-
tomer Lifetime Value’ need to be developed in future
In the context of industrial projects with ADVISOR
SUITE, we have up to now conducted two studies
for evaluating certain aspects of the effectiveness and
usefulness of such applications. The first study in the
domain of digital cameras - which was already men-
tioned above - was based on an ‘online’ analysis ap-
proach (Hayes et al., 2002), i.e., store visitors were
directly asked for feedback about qualitative aspects
of the advisory service. The evaluation basically cor-
roborated our hypothesis that the advisory service was
perceived as an added value by the customers: In par-
ticular, our investigation showed that the original mo-
tive of customers visiting the price-comparison plat-
form has shifted already a few weeks after introduc-
ing the advisory service, i.e., ‘getting the best deal’
loses in importance compared to other aspects like
‘getting an overview on the market’ or ‘finding the
right model’ (Zanker et al., 2004).
In the second study (Zanker et al., 2006), the ques-
tion was whether an advisory service can significantly
influence the buying behavior of online shoppers. For
that purpose we analyzed the sales figures of an on-
line store for premium cigars over a time period of
three years (2002-2004). The advisory service has
been deployed in May 2003. The product assortment
comprises around 115 cigars from 18 different manu-
facturers; assortment and prices were basically stable
during the whole evaluation period. One of the out-
comes was, that the customers’ buying behavior has
significantly changed after the introduction of the ad-
visory service: Before introducing Mortimer, the vir-
tual cigar advisor, customers ordered the prominent
makes like Cohiba or Montecristo. Afterwards, how-
ever, models of not so well known makes like Juan
Lopez Petit Coronas entered the top-ten list of the
most often sold items. However, we were not able
to clearly relate advisory dialogues and orders in the
online shop, because a logon was not required for us-
ing the sales advisor. Furthermore, online users must
not place the order during the same online session,
but may come back later on. For analysis we there-
fore evaluated the correlation between recommenda-
tions of the system and actual sales. Figure 3 dis-
plays therefore the increase in sold items versus the
number of recommendations by the virtual sales as-
sistant that have been explicitly acknowledged by the
user (i.e. explicit clickthrough). Although we cannot
state that there is a strong correlation between rec-
ommendations and sales (below 0.4 for our example),
it nevertheless becomes evident that the propositions
of the virtual cigar advisor influenced online users
and helped to boost sales for specific models. Thus,
exactly those models that were proposed in specific
situations became more popular, for instance when
users identified themselves as novices without smok-
ing experience, specific models like Juan Lopez Pe-
tit Coronas or Cohiba Siglo III were recommended
due to their taste and smoking duration. Overall,
our first studies and experiences show that qualitative
and quantitative effects of providing an advisory ser-
vice on the corporate web site are directly measurable
and that such measurements are of utmost importance
Figure 3: Correlation between clickthroughs and additional
sold items.
for the further spread of intelligent advisory applica-
tions, because many companies restrain from deploy-
ing such an online service as long as the potential Re-
turn on Investment is not clearly documented.
Finally - according to (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin,
2005) - we also see that more research in that direc-
tion is required and new techniques have to be de-
veloped for the process of assessing the real value of
advisory and recommendation systems in industrial
settings. Thus, one of our current extensions to the
ADVISOR SUITE system is the development of a soft-
ware framework for compiling various forms of statis-
tics and for identifying patterns in the (change of) the
consumer behavior in online stores.
Extended debugging support. Lack of adequate
debugging tools is one of the major drawbacks of
knowledge-based systems or expert systems in gen-
eral. In our application domain, in which we aim at
actively involving the domain expert in the develop-
ment process, it seems even more important that the
developer of the advisory application can for instance
test complex recommendation rules, run regression
tests upon changes, or let the system check the con-
sistency of the definitions in the knowledge bases.
Our current work towards extended debugging sup-
port comprises the development two core compo-
nents: The first one shall support the user in debug-
ging manually engineered test cases, i.e., supporting
the definition of cases and expected outcomes, stor-
age and retrieval of cases, as well as automated re-
gression testing, knowledge-base versioning and re-
porting. While the implementation of such a compo-
nent seems rather straightforward, the second com-
ponent requires more intelligence as the development
of new test and debugging approaches should com-
prise the following functionalities: First, it is impor-
tant that the user gets adequate support in determin-
ing the ‘good’ test cases from the potentially vast set
of possible ones. We therefore currently aim at au-
tomatically analyzing the possible interaction paths
in the advisory application and generating represen-
tative test cases for different interaction patterns. In
addition, we also try to exploit log data from past user
interactions as they may help us to identify typical in-
teraction patterns that were followed by a significant
number of users.
Another area, in which more intelligent analysis
tools can be helpful, is consistency checking. A typi-
cal problem, for instance, is to determine whether the
recommendation rules are contradicting (and thus will
never lead to a product proposal) or whether there
are dead ends in the graph that represent possible
user interactions. A first approach toward automated
knowledge-base analysis for the latter example is de-
scribed in (Felfernig and Shchekotykhin, 2006).
Automated product data extraction. In knowledge-
based recommender systems, proposals are generated
based on detailed knowledge about the items in the
catalog. The quality of the proposal thus directly de-
pends on the accurateness and completeness of the
available product data. As our advisory applications
typically run as an add-on to existing online stores
or e-commerce platforms, parts of the product data
are already available in electronic form. However, in
many cases the quality of the existing data is not suf-
ficient for building high-quality advisory applications
on top of it: Either the data are incomplete or even
incorrect, or they are not well-structured, i.e., only
free-text or semi-structured descriptions are available.
While manually maintaining product data is possible
for small product catalogs that change infrequently,
such an approach is in practice intractable in highly
dynamic branches like consumer electronics.
In order to overcome these shortcomings, we have
recently started a new funded project with a con-
sortium of partners from academia and industry that
aims at automatically extracting such product data
from publicly available web sources like manufac-
turer home pages or other e-Commerce sites. Such an
extraction process requires multiple steps like identifi-
cation of relevant web pages, extraction of ‘candidate’
descriptions and key-value pairs, normalization, vali-
dation, and synthesization of contradicting or comple-
mentary data. Consequently, technologies from dif-
ferent fields like Information Retrieval, Information
Extraction, Machine Learning, and Information Inte-
gration are required to accomplish the overall task. In
our current approach, an explicit domain model (on-
tology) in the background serves as a starting point for
the extraction process. The domain model basically
describes the structure of the data sets to be extracted,
i.e., what specific characteristics should by identified
for each product (e.g., the maximum resolution of a
digital camera) and what the possible values for such
an attribute are. Beside the domain model, also other
forms of ‘seed’ knowledge like example data, extrac-
tion heuristics, and search patterns shall be exploited
to improve the extraction results.
Due to the fact that also the domain model evolves
over time, when for instance new features become
available, we also aim at developing techniques such
that the system also detects when the domain model
itself could be extended, improved, or augmented:
For instance, if a certain product feature can be found
in many product fact sheets but it is not in the domain
model, the system could make a suggestion to the do-
main engineer to extend the model accordingly.
Log mining and advanced data analysis. Advisory
applications like those built with ADVISOR SUITE are
highly interactive, i.e., the user continuously interacts
with the system as (s)he specifies requirements, re-
vises preferences, or browses and compares the items
in the system’s proposal. In our specific advisory
framework, all user interactions are logged in the un-
derlying database and are used for statistical and re-
porting purposes. However, we see that there is a lot
of yet unexploited information and knowledge con-
tained in these interaction logs and therefore, we cur-
rently aim at developing new techniques that shall
help us to exploit this additional, implicit knowledge.
There are two different dimensions, in which we
see a great potential for advanced data analysis: First,
from the business perspective, the logs contain valu-
able information about the customers, in particular
about their needs and preferences. In contrast to many
other online surveys, users of advisory applications
are interested in a high-quality personal recommen-
dation, so we conjecture that they tend to answer the
questions more thoroughly. A typical piece of infor-
mation which can be useful for manufacturers could
for instance be what features are really important for
the customers, which are not, and for which (new)
combinations of features there is a demand.
On the other hand, advanced log and data mining
can help us to improve the advisory application it-
self. We can, for instance, locate critical conversation
paths, i.e., situations when the advisory dialog is pre-
maturely ended or questions are skipped because, e.g.,
this certain question is too complex for the users. In
addition, the log data could also be used for continu-
ously and automatically adapting the knowledge base
itself. An example for this could be self-adjustment
of priorities of the recommendation rules: In our ap-
plications, the system relaxes some of the recommen-
dation rules in cases, when not all user requirements
can be fulfilled. The relaxation is based on priori-
ties, i.e., an a-priori estimate on which requirements
the users will be willing to compromise. With the
help of the interaction logs, such estimates could be
dynamically adapted such that they better match the
customers’ real intentions.
Community-adapted advisory systems. In our
projects another experience was that users really ap-
preciate additional sources of information with dif-
ferent viewpoints. Such add-on information includes
glossaries, a discussion forum, product reviews, Fre-
quently Asked Questions (FAQ), and so forth. While
maintaining for instance such glossaries by hand is
costly and time-intensive, we see more and more ex-
amples that such content can also be provided and up-
dated by the user community at reduced costs. An ex-
ample for such a project is the Wikipedia
online lex-
icon, which is maintained by a broad user community
and whose entries are of an astoundingly high qual-
ity. Of course, such a community-based approach is
only feasible when the user community has a signif-
icant size, which means that it is suitable in advisory
application for product domains with many potential
(online) customers.
While installing adequate ‘Wiki’ software or set-
ting up discussion groups is relatively easy and lots of
tools are available, we currently investigate how we
can go even a step further and involve the user com-
munity also in the process of improving the knowl-
edge base of the advisory application. In particular
in the domain of consumer electronics, we see from
existing portals and e-commerce platforms that a lot
of people are enthusiastic about sharing their experi-
ences in a community or giving advice to other people
in discussion fora.
In our first analysis we identified two basic com-
plementary options how this community knowledge
can be exploited in order to increase the quality and
added-value of advisory applications. The first one is
simply to link the existing pieces of information to-
gether. If, for example, a certain product is proposed
to the user, (s)he can directly jump to the forum posts
that are related with that product or view the glossary
entries or FAQ for a certain technical feature.
The other, more complex option is to let (parts of)
the users adapt, extend, or augment the contents of
the knowledge base by themselves in the sense of
a ‘Wiki’. We think that building such a web-based
maintenance and editing tool is not problematic from
a technical perspective. The main challenge, however,
is to build it in such a way that it will be usable for
very heterogeneous groups of users; in fact, such a
system and tooling has to be self-explaining as we
cannot expect the users to read manuals. Although
we made good experiences with our knowledge ac-
quisition tools in industrial projects, in which it was
possible to do some initial training, we conjecture that
other conceptualizations and different editing alterna-
tives will have to be provided for online users. Fi-
nally, a further major challenge in that context is the
underlying problem of managing, integrating, validat-
ing, and harmonizing the potentially conflicting or in-
consistent pieces of knowledge that are entered by the
Currently, recommendation systems built on Case
Based Reasoning (CBR) technology form the most
active sub-area of knowledge-based recommenders,
for which (Lorenzi and Ricci, 2005) give a recent
overview. The main topics in the area are e.g., query
relaxation and query management, similarity mea-
sures, and comparison- or critique-based interactive
critiquing, and hybrid systems (McGinty and Smyth,
2003; McSherry, 2004; Burke, 2002; Ricci et al.,
2003). With regard to the user interface, recent work
in the area also shows that rich multimedia presenta-
tions (Jiang et al., 2005) or personalized, conversa-
tional user interaction (C. A. Thompson and Langley,
2004) can help to improve the buying experience of
the online shopper and increase the effectiveness of
the overall system.
However, the authors are not aware of any recent
research that addresses development and maintenance
aspects of such knowledge-based systems, which, in
our opinion, are crucial for the long-term success
of such applications. In addition, research regard-
ing to the user interaction is mainly focused on in-
creasing the usability and end-user acceptance of the
interface by e.g., adapting the interaction according
to the current situation and user utterances. While
these approaches are partially richer in their inter-
action style by supporting near-natural-language in-
teraction (C. A. Thompson and Langley, 2004), our
form-based approach, however, has the advantage that
it is fully embedded into the development environ-
ment such that the strong interdependencies between
presentation logic and recommendation logic can be
stored in a central, comprehensive knowledge reposi-
Research on the evaluation of highly interactive
and knowledge-based recommender systems is still
in its early stages; Most reported experiments in the
domain of recommender systems perform an off-line
analysis on an historical data-set (Herlocker et al.,
2004). There, the predictive accuracy of algorithms
is measured using historic log data. However, when a
recommendation system is seen as an application that
helps users to reduce information overload or even
as a sales assistance tool more complex evaluation
scenarios are required. Missier and Ricci (Missier
and Ricci, 2003) evaluated a travel recommender sys-
tems in an empirical study, where two versions of the
systems encompassing different sets of functionality
have been deployed. This way they could research the
perceived usefulness of specific system functions and
determine how the system influenced the information
seeking behavior of users. A similar evaluation ap-
proach was taken by Felfernig and Gula (Felfernig
and Gula, 2006): Their experiments showed that user
satisfaction and trust of those users that received per-
sonalized product recommendations increased signif-
icantly versus those online-visitors that were solely
allowed to browse through the product catalog alone.
Furthermore, recommender systems that are intended
to be sales applications that turn online visitors into
buyers may not be reduced to their algorithmic prop-
erties alone. Appearance, usability as well as the situ-
ational context like time or expectations do influence
their effects. Consequently, only a real-world setting
where users actually spend their own money is appro-
priate to analyze the effects of recommendation tech-
nology on users’ online-shopping behavior.
Therefore, we see our work as a further step in the
direction of developing additional techniques of mea-
suring the effectiveness of interactive online advisors
and argue that a broad success of such intelligent e-
services can only be reached if the potential Return on
Investment for the merchants can be clearly demon-
In this paper we have summarized the experiences
of building intelligent advisory applications with the
help of the fully knowledge-based and now commer-
cialized ADVISOR SUITE framework. It has been
demonstrated that such a comprehensive approach to
product recommendation can serve as a valuable add-
on service for the online customer and that the ef-
fects on the consumers’ decision making and buy-
ing behavior can be directly measured. At the same
time, our experiences show that the development and
maintenance costs for such knowledge-intensive e-
Business applications remain at a manageable level,
when there is adequate, user-oriented tool support for
the domain experts throughout the whole develop-
ment process.
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