Ricardo Colomo,
Angel Garc
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
es, Madrid
Marcos Ruano
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
es, Madrid
Mobile Business Solutions, Competence Management Systems, Skill Management, Mobile Enterprise Mana-
gement, Mobile Staff Assesment.
Competence Management Systems have become crucial elements for the Information Technologies strategy
in many companies. The changes originated due to the new mobility capabilities in both working environment
and technologies, have not been incorporated to any support system that integrates the competential paradigm
and mobile technology. This paper introduces a tool, based on HR-XML standard, to feed competence evalua-
tion with data or evidences that help to fit performance evaluations to the actual performance of the employees.
Mobility capabilities in performance evaluation involve an innovative contribution to current Competence Ma-
nagement Systems that, due to their lack of flexibility, hinder the full development of the capability to include
evidences wherever they may take place, whether it is at work, at client’s office or in a recruitment interview.
During last years, the competential paradigm has be-
come a standard for the modern Human Resources
Management (HRM). The importance and the impact
of this concept have headed the industries to develop
a set of solutions to help the introduction of Compe-
tence Management into the organizations. The work
developed in this paper describes a new competence
management tool that is based on two main characte-
ristics: mobility and cross-platform architecture. The
presented model integrates the capabilities of a tool
developed under open-source philosophy and based
on the last XML standards with one of the most po-
pular clients nowadays, the smart phone.
In order to state in a clear way the state-of-the-
art, this introduction tackles first the definition of the
competential paradigm, secondly a description of the
Competence Management Systems and lastly an ana-
lysis of the importance of mobile systems in today’s
Information Technologies environment.
1.1 The Competential Paradigm
The concept of Competence was first introduced at
the beginning of the 20th century (Taylor, 1911), and
has been used in the field of human resources mana-
gement since the middle seventies, due to the works
by McClelland (McClelland, 1973).
In the context of this work, Competence is unders-
tood as the set of knowledge, skills and attitudes re-
quired in people to perform a specific task in an effi-
cient way (Sagi-Vela Grande, 2004).
Competences’ main characteristic is that they com-
prise a whole set of knowledge, procedures, attitudes
and features that complement each other so that an
individual must ’know’, ’know how’ and ’know how
to be’ to face professional situations in an efficient
way. They can only be defined during an action, un-
der job circumstances, and that is the reason why,
for the competences development, the personal ex-
perience and the context that demands those compe-
tences are so crucial. Competences can be splitted
into two groups, technical and general competences
(Ansorena, 1996). Technical competences inclu-
ding know-how, capability and aptitudes – are neces-
sary to perform a specific job. On the other hand, ge-
neral competences are not yet linked to a particular
task or job position, being general behavioural cha-
racteristics or capabilities of the individual, but they
do allow a cognizant job performance.
Over the last several decades, business books and
trade press have flooded managers with workforce
practices each demonstrated to produce benefits in at
Colomo R., García Á. and Ruano M. (2006).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 164-168
DOI: 10.5220/0001425501640168
least some applications (Curtis et al., 2001). These
practices include competence-modelling, 360
formance reviews, knowledge management, compe-
tence based team-building, incentive based pay, men-
toring, meeting management and empowered work
among others. Many of them are based on compe-
tence definition and evaluation. People CMM (Curtis
et al., 2001) bases also many of its practices in com-
petence evaluation. Competence evaluations are used
for promotion issues, assignment to specific positions,
creating personal development plans, identifying rele-
vant career options or evaluating the impact of work-
force practice, among many others.
Project Human Resource Management includes the
processes required to make the most effective use
of people involved with the project (PMI Standards
Committee, 2000). This PMI Knowledge Area in-
cludes topics as recruitment based on staffing skills,
retention and performance evaluation. All these acti-
vities imply, or should imply, the use of a competence
evaluation system.
1.2 Competence Management
Knowledge Management is a very close concept
to Competence Management, and technical litera-
ture (Allee, 1997) tends to generate some confusion
when analysing Knowledge Management and Com-
petence Management Systems. Competence Mana-
gement Systems focus is on employee life cycle,
covering competence requirement analysis (Lindgren
and Stenmark, 2002) and other related HRM topics,
such as personnel selection and compensation (Sagi-
Vela Grande, 2004). Competence Management is a
process that starts by defining the required organiza-
tional competences, assigns them to employees, ob-
serves them through behaviour, asses them according
to organizations defined values and permanently, im-
prove them (Lev
y-Leboyer, 1997).
Figure 1 presents a dynamic vision of the processes
involved in the Competence Management.
Figure 1: Competence Management Processes.
As a result of the widespread use of software in
business circles, industry has produced several tools
to support the different concurrent processes related
to Competence Management within organizations.
Section 2 contains a study on these tools.
1.3 The Importance of Mobility
In recent years two unrelated trends have stood at
the forefront of technology. First are the great im-
provements in the accessibility of information which,
driven by the Internet revolution, have made it pos-
sible to access huge amounts of information using
a traditional PC and a simple browser. Second are
the advancements in computer technologies which
reach beyond the traditional desktop environment to
areas such as mobile, or even wearable, computing.
(Carmeli and Cohen, 2001) Mobile computing has
the potential to radically transform the way people in-
teract with computers. It is motivated by the obser-
vation that computing and networking technologies
are becoming increasingly powerful and affordable
(Grimm, 2004).
Another crucial tendency that is present in enter-
prise systems is the importance of system and even
application integration. In most enterprise projects,
the majority of effort surrounds integration. Integra-
tion is mainly about extending systems and most often
it is really about extending business processes. Mo-
bile solutions extend business processes to be availa-
ble to the workforce and other participants in business
functions. It means that the employees can access
and even manipulate core business information just
when they need it the most inmediately (Forsberg
and Sj
om, 2002).
One of the major forces in the marketplace, the
changing environment in which businesses must do
business, is speed. Everything happens faster in a
sphere where information is exchanged digitally and
people who need the information are connected to
it. Mobile technologies contribute significantly to the
speed of business in many ways. Corporate back of-
fice as well as any connected mobile worker can be
made available at the point of mission critical activity,
leading to freely exchanged interaction (Forsberg and
om, 2002).
The reminder of the paper is structured as follows.
After the introduction, that reviews the state-of-the-
art of competence evaluation, there is an analysis of
the main tendencies in the market that deal with this
particular Information Technology systems. The next
section is an approach to HR-XML, that is intended
to be the XML standard to Human Resources Mana-
gement. Section 4 describes the solution proposed in
this paper showing its architecture and the additional
contributions as regards HR-XML. Lastly, the main
conclussions and the future work are explained.
Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS)
have been bundled since mid 1980s within ERP (En-
terprise Resource Planning) suites. More precisely,
some vendors of this particular software specialized
towards HRMS to differentiate from their competi-
tors. Since 1990s the popularity of the competen-
tial paradigm has leaded to the irruption of new soft-
ware tools focused on the competence management,
assessment and development. The tools for suppor-
ting competence management can be classified into
the four following families:
Large ERP Suites. These are extremely complex
applications that integrate in a modular way the
whole set of processes within the organization. At
the beginning, due to their high costs, their clients
where limitted to large companies; but the crea-
tion of new business models has encouraged some
SME (Small to Medium Enterprises) to become
part of the client portfolio of this kind of solutions.
Some examples of this kind of solutions are SAP,
Oracle/Peoplesoft and Lawson.
SME ERP Suites. They are similar to previous,
but software is taylored to SME organizations.
Microsoft Navision and Axapta are relevant players
in this category.
Standalone HCMS (Human Capital Management
Solutions) . Large and SME driven solutions from
vendors exclusively dedicated to Payroll & HCMS,
not providing support for other corporate busi-
ness processes (such as Suply Chain Management,
CRM, Financials, ...), but including fully sup-
port for Competence & Performance Management.
Kronos, Meta4 and Ultimate Software play signifi-
cant roles in this type of solutions.
Competence Management Solutions. Automate
Competence Management processes, in combina-
tion with Performance Management, and even-
tually providing support for some other re-
lated Competence Management process, in a
non-comprehensive, integrated way. Snowdrop,
Mindsolve and Geo Learning are relevant players
in this category.
The importance of mobility in this kind of business
applications has meant the creation of modules to al-
low access via WAP or Internet browsers. Neverthe-
less, the efective integration with productivity tools
such as Microsoft Outlook to take advantage of their
full capabilities and possibilities has not been accom-
plished. This fact is the motivation of this paper, to
introduce a model to allow the assesment of compe-
tences in the field of organizations whose resources
perform their duties by means of mobile technolo-
gies. This circumstance allows that the data acquisi-
tion, based on competence evidences, can be carried
out not only during the usual annual competence in-
terview, but during the whole time that the employees
are performing their work activities. Due to this possi-
bility, the reliability and precission of the evaluations
and their usability will increase drastically.
The HR-XML Consortium is an independent, non-
profit organization dedicated to the development and
promotion of a standard suite of XML specifica-
tions to enable e-business and the automation of hu-
man resources-related data exchanges. By develo-
ping and publishing open, freely available data ex-
change standards based on XML, the HR-XML Con-
sortium provides the means for any company to inter-
act with other companies without having to establish,
engineer, and implement many separate interchange
mechanisms (HR-XML Consortium, 2004).
SIDES is one of the recommendations published by
the HR-XML Consortium. SIDES stands for Staffing
Industry Data Exchange Standards and it is a suite of
data exchange standards that offers new efficiencies
and cost savings for staffing customers, staffing sup-
pliers, and other stakeholders in the staffing supply
chain (Bartkus et al., 2006).
One of the multiple parts of SIDES is a competence
schema designed to fulfill the following requirements
(Allen, 2004):
The competence schema is simple and sufficiently
flexible and generalized so that it is useful within a
variety of business contexts.
The schema provides structure to enable compe-
tences to be easily compared, ranked, and evalu-
The schema is capable of referencing competence
taxonomies from which competence descriptions
were taken or used.
The competence schema is relatively simple and
compact so that it does not add to the complexity
of the process-specific schemas within which it is
For the purpose of Competence M-Evaluation
the competence schema allows the integration with
other Human Resources Management Systems but, to
achieve the full capacity of competence analysis that
this framework seeks, it is necessary to build an ex-
tension of the competence schema to store some extra
information about each competence evidence. This
additional data consists on:
the name of the resource that shows the evidence,
the date and time when the evidence happens,
the location where the evidence takes place,
the relative weight assigned to the evidence and
any document (meeting minute, software engineer-
ing document, ...) that is relevant to the evidence.
The addition of the described data implies a gua-
rantee for the adaptation of the characteristics of the
modern Competence Management to the information
systems that support it, including improved analysis
and mobility capabilities.
4.1 General Description
The designed solution, called Competence M-
Evaluation, is intended to, among other functionali-
ties, support the process of documenting competence
evidences wherever they may take place: meetings at
clients’ office, different acts and events, ...In a brief
description, it is a tool that allows the incorporation of
new features such as, personal productivity and mo-
bility, to the performance evaluation based on com-
petences. Having this purpose in mind, the solution
has been created as an open source tool which will
aggregate the set of functionalities available in the
Competence Management solutions, adapting them to
the HR-XML standard and extending this standard
to include those functionalities related to mobility.
The main functionalities provided by Competence M-
Evaluation are:
Definition of the structure of the company: divi-
sions, departments, positions, ...
Description of the different positions according to
Planning of meetings related to performance as-
Efective assessment of the performance of the em-
ployees using either 360
Feedback, or competence
interview, or Assessment Center.
Collection of competence evidences outside evalu-
ation periods.
4.2 Architecture
In order to provide this functionalities, the designed
architecture is based on web and it is integrated with
new mobility solutions via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or GPRS.
The main objective is to suppport the decissions re-
lated to profesional development of the workers by
means of data obtained and collected with the mini-
mum delay as possible.
The architecture of Competence M-Evaluation is
based on a set of smart clients, a server and a com-
petence database as is explained next in this section.
Figure 2 shows a graphical representation of the sug-
gested architecture.
Figure 2: Competence M-Evaluation Architecture.
Smart clients comprise both Smart Phones and
Pocket PCs. By means of this kind of clients, the
competence evaluator can capture a competence evi-
dence in a Task or in a Calendar Entry in Pocket
Outlook. Pocket Outlook was chosen because it is
present in every Smart Phone and Pocket PC, and it
is a worldwide used PIM (Personal Information Ma-
nager) with proven capabilities. The integration bet-
ween Pocket Outlook and Competence M-Evaluation
is achieved via an Pocket Outlook add-in in the Tools
menu. When selecting a Task containing information
about a competency evaluation the add-in extracts the
necessary data and introduces it into the framework.
The communication between the smart clients and
the competence server is carried out making use of the
full connection capabilities of these devices, namely:
Wireless LAN connection through a wireless ac-
cess point.
GPRS conection through a mobile telephony net-
Synchronization with a personal computer or lap-
top using ActiveSync software.
If there is any wireless connection, the application
can be accessed using a web browser in the smart
client. In the case that no connection is available, the
captured data can be stored in the device until it is
synchronized or a connection can be used.
The competence database stores the information re-
lated to the competence evaluations that have been
performed, the competence envidences captured and
other relevant competence information.
The purpose of the Competence Server is first to re-
ceive the data regarding to the competence evidences
coming from the smart clients and then store it in the
competence database.
The server can also be used to generate competence
reports including:
Personal reports about one individual, that allow
the study of the competential evolution of an in-
Department reports including competency infor-
mation about a work team as a whole.
Role reports and comparissons.
Evidence reporting that includes a detailed analysis
of the competence evidences stored in the server.
Geography of competence reports to analyze the
distribution of competences among the different
places in which the people hold their jobs. This
kind of reports is useful to detect differences on
the competential performance of the workers de-
pending on where they are developing their duty.
The competence server has been developed under
Open Source paradigm at University environment.
Mobile Business Systems will colonize companies as
Business Systems did in past decades. In the indus-
trial and services sphere where we live, it is more and
more important the human capital. The management
of this kind of resources is based on the correct assess-
ment of the performance of the knowledge workers.
The proposal exposed in this paper combines the most
outstanding and modern ideas of the fields on which
it is based: human capital management through com-
petencies management feeded on the systematic col-
lection of competency evidences. This brings us the
possibility of performing this collection anywhere in
a discreet and integrated way and the capacity of sha-
ring that knowledge with the appropriate stakeholders
in the company.
The proposed future work is the development of
different pratical applications. First, it would be de-
sirable the adaptation of the developed client to make
it compatible with the biggest number of mobile de-
vices in the market as possible. Second, the deve-
lopment of particular solutions for different kinds of
workers, applying and suggesting performance mea-
surement templates based on the technical literature,
such as Software Engineer or Project Manager, whose
competential profiles are fully defined in curricula ef-
forts and role descriptions.
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