End-User Development Support for Embedded System Applications
Miroslav Sveda
Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
Radimir Vrba
Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Communication, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Smart sensors, IEEE 1451, Internet, Publish/subscribe m
essaging, IP multicast.
Abstract: This paper presents an approach to industrial embedded system networking that offers a reusable design
pattern for the class of Internet-based applications. It deals with an integrated networking framework
stemming (1) from the IEEE 1451.1 smart transducer interface standard, which is an object-based
networking model supporting among others publish-subscribe approach to group messaging, and (2) from
the Internet Protocol (IP) multicast communication, mediating efficient and unified access to smart sensors
through Internet. The kernel of this paper focuses on adaptations and tuning of those concepts and on their
utilization for a gas pipes pressure measurement system as an application example. Furthermore, the
contribution brings this scheme in form suitable not only for framework builders, but also for end-user
The design framework, presented in this paper as a
flexible design environment stemming from meta-
design conception, is rooted in the IEEE 1451.1
standard specifying smart transducer interface
architecture. This framework enables to unify not
only interconnecting smart sensors with various
Fieldbuses but also their direct coupling to Ethernet-
based Intranets, which are currently replacing
various special-purpose Field busses in industrial
applications (Sveda, et al., 2005). That standard
provides an object-oriented information model
targeting software-based, network independent,
transducer application environments.
Two additional technologies, namely publisher-
ber messaging and IP multicasting, which
offer scalable and traffic-saving solution important
in the context of contemporary Internet, complement
the framework providing design patterns reusable
for various sensor-based networked systems. The
schemes discussed can properly interplay with each
other and can provide suitable support for Internet-
based sensor systems design. The kernel of this
paper focuses on adaptations and tuning of
introduced concepts and on their utilization for a
network-based pressure measurement system as a
real-world project. This pilot application implements
a distributed, gas-pipe’s measurement arrangement.
It comprises groups of smart pressure and
temperature sensors that clients can access
effectively through Internet. Each sensor group is
supported by an active web page with Java applets
that, after downloading, provide clients with
transparent and efficient access to pressure
measurement services over such geographically
distributed objects as the large-scale systems of gas
pipes or similar industrial applications.
The paper discusses in the following section
esign basic principles utilizable for creating
flexible design environment reusable for various
application domains of sensor systems. Next three
sections introduce subsequently IEEE 1451 package
of communication standards, client-server and
publisher-subscriber communication concepts, and
Internet Protocol (IP) multicasting as main abstract
components of the design pattern forming the heart
of the generic development environment. The
section 6 presents in more detail an example of
employment of this framework for designing
networked distributed embedded systems for
pressure measurement along gas pipes. The example
covers design of network configuration,
Sveda M. and Vrba R. (2006).
INTERNET-BASED EMBEDDED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES - End-User Development Support for Embedded System Applications.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 63-68
DOI: 10.5220/0001424300630068
implementation concepts developed, node
configuration, and smart sensor implementation.
Component-based development involves multiple
roles (Morch, et al., 2004). Framework builders
create the infrastructure for components to interact;
developers identify suitable domains and develop
new components for them; application assemblers
select domain-specific components and assemble
them into applications; and end users employ
component-based applications to perform daily
tasks. There is room for a fifth role in this pipe-line:
end-user developers positioned between application
assemblers and end users. These end-user developers
are able to tailor applications at runtime because
they have both domain expertise and technical
know-how. They would interact with applications to
adjust individual components, and modify existing
assemblies of components to create new
functionality. Furthermore, they can play a critical
role when component-based systems have to be
redesigned for new requirements. End-user
development activities can range from customization
to component configuration and programming.
Meta-design characterizes objectives, techniques,
and processes for creating new environments
allowing end users to act as designers (Fischer, et
al., 2004). In all design processes, two basic stages
can be differentiated: design time and use time. At
design time, system developers create environments
and tools. In conventional design they create
complete systems. Because the needs, objectives,
and situational contexts of users can only be
anticipated at design time, users often find the
system unfit for their tasks at use time. Thus, they
require adaptation of the existing environment and
tools for new applications. Meta-design extends the
traditional notion of system development to include
users in an ongoing process as co-designers, not only
at design time but throughout the entire life-cycle of
the development system. Rather than presenting
users with closed systems, meta-design provides
them with concepts and tools to extend the system to
fit their needs. Hence, meta-design promotes
designing the design process.
This paper discusses a deployment of meta-
design principles for creating a flexible design
environment focused on sensor systems
interconnected by Internet aiming namely at
industrial applications. Necessarily under-designed
open source tools and techniques create design
spaces for end-user developers in such application
domains as pressure measurement along gas pipes,
which is used as a case study demonstrating the
principles of such environment exploitation.
The IEEE 1451 package consists of the family of
standards for a networked smart transducer interface
that include namely (see Figure 1) (i) a smart
transducer software architecture, 1451.1 (IEEE,
2000), targeting software-based, network
independent, transducer applications, and (ii) a
standard digital interface and communication
protocol, IEEE 1451.2, for accessing the transducer
or the group of transducers via a microprocessor
modeled by the 1451.1 standard. The next three
standard proposals extend the original hard-wired
parallel interface 1451.2 to serial multi-drop 1451.3,
mixed-mode (i.e. both digital and analogue) 1451.4,
and wireless 1451.5 interfaces.
Smart Transducer
Object Model (1451.1)
Smart Transducer
Interface Model (STIM)
Network hardware + drivers
Transducer interface
Specification (1451.2)
sensors and actuators
Transducer driver hardware
Figure 1: IEEE 1451 configuration example.
The 1451.1 software architecture provides three
models of the transducer device environment: (i) the
object model of a network capable application
processor (NCAP), which is the object-oriented
embodiment of a smart networked device; (ii) the
data model, which specifies information encoding
rules for transmitting information across both local
and remote object interfaces; and (iii) the network
communication model, which supports client/server
and publish/subscribe paradigms for communicating
information between NCAPs. The standard defines a
network and transducer hardware neutral
environment in which a concrete sensor/actuator
application can be developed.
The object model definition encompasses the set
of object classes, attributes, methods, and behaviors
that specify a transducer and a network environment
to which it may connect. This model uses block and
base classes offering patterns for one Physical
Block, one or more Transducer Blocks, Function
Blocks, and Network Blocks. Each block class may
include specific base classes from the model. The
base classes include Parameters, Actions, Events,
and Files, and provide component classes.
All classes in the model have an abstract or root
class from which they are derived. This abstract
class includes several attributes and methods that are
common to all classes in the model and provide a
definition facility for the instantiation and deletion
of concrete classes including attributes.
Block classes form the major blocks of
functionality that can be plugged into an abstract
card-cage to create various types of devices. One
Physical Block is mandatory as it defines the card-
cage and abstracts the hardware and software
resources that are used by the device. All other block
and base classes can be referenced from the Physical
The Transducer Block abstracts all the
capabilities of each transducer that is physically
connected to the NCAP I/O system. During the
device configuration phase, the description is read
from the hardware device what kind of sensors and
actuators are connected to the system. The
Transducer Block includes an I/O device driver style
interface for communication with the hardware. The
I/O interface includes methods for reading and
writing to the transducer from the application-based
Function Block using a standardized interface. The
I/O device driver provides both plug-and-play
capability and hot-swap feature for transducers.
The Function Block provides a skeletal area in
which to place application-specific code. The
interface does not specify any restrictions on how an
application is developed. In addition to a State
variable that all block classes maintain, the Function
Block contains several lists of parameters that are
typically used to access network-visible data or to
make internal data available remotely.
The Network Block abstracts all access to a
network employing network-neutral, object-based
programming interface supporting both client-server
and publisher-subscriber patterns for configuration
and data distribution.
The majority of communication protocols provide a
client-server style of communication. In case of
sensor communications, the client-server pattern
covers both configuration of transducers and
initialization actions. If the client wants to call some
function on server side, it uses a command execute.
On server side, this request is decoded and used by
the function perform. That function evaluates the
requested function with the given arguments and,
after that, it returns the resulting values to the client.
The client-server pattern corresponds to remote
procedure call (RPC), which is the remote
invocation of operations in a distributed context
(Eugster, et al., 2003). To be more precise, the RPC
interaction considered in this paper provides a
synchronous client-server communication, i.e. the
client is waiting for a server’s response before
completion the RPC actions related to the current
call. Evidently, the client-server communication
style relates to point-to-point message passing called
as unicast.
The subscriber-publisher style of communication
(Eugster, et al., 2003) can provide the efficient
distribution of measured data. All clients, wishing to
receive messages from a transducer, register
themselves to the group of its subscribers using the
function subscribe. After that, when this transducer
generates a message using the function publish, this
message is effectively delivered to all members of
its subscribing group. Transducers in the role of
publishers have also the ability to advertise the
nature of their future events through an advertise
The interaction publish-subscribe relates to point-
to-multipoint or multipoint-to-multipoint
asynchronous message passing. Of course, it can be
implemented using multiple unicast communication
transactions. On the other hand, to satisfy the
requirement of efficiency, it is necessary to utilize
elaborate multicast techniques encompassing
multicast addressing and, namely, multicast routing.
The basic principles of the network layer multicast
in the Internet environment are discussed in the
following section.
Traditional network computing paradigm involves
communication between two network nodes.
However, emerging Internet applications require
simultaneous group communication based on
multipoint configuration propped e.g. by multicast
IP, which saves bandwidth by forcing the network to
replicate packets only when necessary. Multicast
improves the efficiency of multipoint data
distribution by building distribution trees from
senders to sets of receivers (Miller, 1999).
The functions that provide the Standard Internet
Multicast Service can be separated into host and
network components. The interface between these
components is provided by IP multicast addressing
and Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)
group membership functions, as well as standard IP
packet transmission and reception. The network
functions are principally concerned with multicast
INTERNET-BASED EMBEDDED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES - End-User Development Support for Embedded System
routing, while host functions can also include
higher-layer tasks such as the addition of reliability
facilities in a transport-layer protocol.
IP multicasting is the transmission of an IP
datagram to a host group, a set of zero or more hosts
identified by the single IP destination address of
class D. Multicast groups are maintained by IGMP
(IETF RFC 1112, RFC 2236). Multicast routing
considers multicasting routers equipped with
multicast routing protocols such as DVMRP (RFC
1075), MOSPF (RFC 1584), CBT (RFC 2189),
PIM-DM (RFC 2117), PIM-SM (RFC 2362), or
MBGP (RFC 2283). For Ethernet-based Intranets,
the Address Resolution Protocol provides the last-
hop routing by mapping class D addresses on
multicast Ethernet addresses.
The presented case study, used to demonstrate the
introduced concepts, includes several groups of
smart pressure and temperature sensors that clients
can access effectively through Internet. Each sensors
group is supported by an active web page with Java
applets that, after downloading, provide clients with
transparent and efficient access to pressure
measurement services over such geographically
distributed objects as the considered large systems of
gas pipes. The complete system comprises several
groups of smart pressure sensors complemented by
temperature sensors that enable computing of
temperature corrections (Sveda and Vrba, 2003).
6.1 Network Configuration
Each sensor group is supported by an active web
page with Java applets that, after downloading,
provide clients with transparent and efficient access
to pressure measurement services. This section
demonstrates the above-introduced concepts and
tools adapted and applied to the development of
such a gas-pipes pressure analyzer
In this case, clients communicate to transducers
using a messaging protocol defined by client-server
and subscriber-publisher patterns employing 1451.1
Network Block functions. A typical configuration
includes a set of smart pressure sensors generating
pressure values for the users of those values. To
register itself for a specified group of sensors, the
user — playing the role of either subscriber or client
— opens the related server’s web page with the
relevant Java applet. This applet is, after uploading
to the subscriber/client site, started on
subscriber/client’s computer, which launches
communications with a group of transducers
allowing Java clients to connect and subscribe to the
smart sensors. Java can directly support both client-
server and subscriber-publisher application
architectures as the core Java specifications include
TCP/IP and UDP/IP networking APIs.
The developed Java applet uses the core
package to implement both client-server and
subscriber-publisher application distribution
allowing to access smart sensors and supporting
nodes. The applet consists of a series of object
classes, including multi-threaded applet
environment, animation, and UDP/IP-based
subscriber and TCP/IP-based client communications.
The subscriber/client software implemented in Java
enables applets to be included in a web server
HTML page, and run under a regular web browser
on subscriber/client side. The subscriber/client
communicates with the transducer by standard
UDP/TCP sockets employing IP multicast.
The communication scheme applies multicast
both for distributing measured values from a
transducer to a group of subscribers/clients
registered by the web server for this transducer, and
for spreading commands of a client to a group of
transducers registered for this client.
6.2 Implementation Concepts
In the transducer’s 1451.1 object model, basic
Network Block functions initialize and cover
communication between a client and the transducer,
which are identified by unique unicast IP addresses.
The client-server style communication, which in this
application covers both the configurations of
transducers and initialization actions, is provided by
two basic Network Block functions: execute and
perform. The standard defines a unique ID for every
function and data item of each class. If the client
wants to call some function on server side, it uses
command execute with the following parameters: ID
of requested function, enumerated arguments, and
requested variables. On server side, this request is
decoded and used by the function perform. That
function evaluates the requested function with the
given arguments and, in addition, it returns the
resulting values to the client. Those data are
delivered by requested variables in execute
The subscriber-publisher style of communication,
which in this application covers primarily
distribution of measured data, but also distribution
of group configuration commands, employs IP
multicasting. All clients wishing to receive messages
from a transducer, which is joined with an IP
multicast address of class D, register themselves to
this group using IGMP. After that, when this
transducer generates a message by Block function
publish, this message is effectively delivered to all
members of this class D group, without unnecessary
replications and repeated transmissions.
The Network Block abstracts all access to a
network employing network-neutral, object-based
programming interface. The network model provides
an application interaction mechanism supporting
both client-server and publisher-subscriber
paradigms for event and message generation and
6.3 Node Configuration
The primary communication scheme, which is based
on publish-subscribe application interface, applies
multicast both for distributing measured values from
a transducer to a group of clients registered by the
www server for this transducer, and for spreading
commands of a client to a group of transducers
registered for this client. Those commands can
specify e.g. individual subgroup’s sampling
frequencies and/or events for launching irregular
publishing such as a limit value crossing.
A typical node, depicted on Figures 2 and 3,
consists of STIM (Smart Transducer Interface
Module) connected with PSD sensor for pressure
measurements, and with auxiliary temperature
sensor for signal conditioning. Of course, NCAP can
be either embedded in a complex smart sensor, or
shared among more simple smart sensors. On the
other hand, from the viewpoint of Internet, only
NCAP is directly addressable being equipped by its
own IP address. Therefore, we can also denote as
smart sensor the device consisting of an NCAP
accessing one or more STIMs with connected
sensors. To register itself for a specified group of
sensors, the client opens a related server’s web page
with the relevant Java applet. This applet is, after
uploading to the client site, started on client’s
computer, what launches communication with the
dedicated group of transducers.
6.4 Smart Sensor Implementation
10/100Mbps TCP/IP / Etherne
This subsection discusses, as an example, the
pressure sensors with reflected laser beam and
diffractive lens. The sensitive pressure sensor is
based on a nitride membrane and an optoelectronic
read-out subsystem. Measured pressure values are
transformed into related thick-layer nitride
membrane deflections. The nitride membrane serves
as a mirror for laser beam, and it can move the
related reflected laser mark. The mark’s position is
sensed using position-sensing device, which is a
fotolateral diode. Diode double current signal is
amplified and conditioned digitally by the ADuC812
microcontroller. This single-chip microcontroller
provides also the IEEE 1451.2 interface.
Figure 2: Sensor node configuration example.
The sensing subsystem combines two principles
that provide both high precision and wide range
pressure measurements. Large displacements are
measured by the position of reflected focused laser
beam. Small position changes are measured by one-
side layer diffractive lens principle. Sensor output
signal is conditioned in digital by the ADuC812
single-chip microcontroller, which provides the
IEEE1451.2 interface as one of its communication
ports. This microcontroller calculates the position of
the light spot and converts that position on the
measured pressure using an internal table.
Figure 3: Sensor node implementation example.
Figure 3 depicts principles of the implementation
of that smart sensor. The STIM contains (1) a PSD
sensor with two analog differential transducers
(XDCR), (2) a microcontroller ADuC812 with
nonvolatile memory containing a TEDS field
(Transducer Electronic Data Sheet) that props IEEE
1451.2 storing sensor specifications, (3) a TII
(Transducer Independent Interface), (4) a
temperature sensor necessary for signal
conditioning, (5) an analogue-to-digital conversion
units (ADC), and (6) a logic circuitry to facilitate
communication between the STIM and the NCAP.
INTERNET-BASED EMBEDDED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES - End-User Development Support for Embedded System
The ADuC812 microcontroller, the basic building
block of the smart pressure sensor electronics,
includes on-chip high performance multiplexers,
ADCs, DACs, FLASH program and data storage
memory, an industrial standard 8052 microcontroller
core, and supports several standard serial ports. The
microcontroller may also utilize nonvolatile memory
containing a TEDS field and ten-wire TII that prop
IEEE 1451.2.
This contribution deals with industrial, sensor-based
applications development support aiming at
distributed components interconnected by Internet
compatible intranets. The paper presents an
approach to embedded system networking that offers
a reusable design pattern for a class of Internet-
based applications. It aims at an integrated
networking framework stemming (1) from the IEEE
1451.1 smart transducer interface standard, which is
an object-based networking model supporting client-
server and publish-subscribe communication
patterns in group messaging, and (2) from the IP
multicast communication, mediating efficient access
to smart sensors through Internet.
The pilot application demonstrates that clients
can access groups of smart pressure and temperature
sensors effectively through Internet. Each sensors
group can be supported by an active web page with
Java applets that, after downloading, can provide
clients/subscribers with transparent and efficient
access to measurement services flexible enough to
satisfy various application requirements.
The newly established application domain of
industrial sensor networks brings special
requirements not only on safety and security, but
also on reuse of platforms developed originally for
different domains. This paper deals with a concrete
industrial embedded system networking design
approach that employs meta-design principles for
reuse IEEE 1451.1 smart transducer object model
with publish-subscribe messaging over IP
multicasting, which mediate efficient access from
Internet to sensors and vice versa. Such solution can
offer rapid tailoring of development environments
aiming, among others, at sufficient response times
also in frame of unpredictable Internet background
This paper discusses a deployment of meta-
design principles for creating a flexible design
environment focused on sensor systems
interconnected by Internet aiming namely at
industrial applications. Necessarily under-designed
open source tools and techniques create design
spaces for end-user developers in such application
domains as pressure measurement along gas pipes,
which is used as a case study demonstrating the
principles of such environment exploitation. The
sensor-based embedded systems accessible via
standard Internet and based on the IEEE 1451.1
standard as described in the paper can be simply
reused, modified or redesigned to new systems not
only for industrial, but also for scientific, medical,
biological and other purposes.
This research has been partly funded by the Czech
Ministry of Education in frame of the Research
Intention No. MSM 0021630503 MIKROSYN: New
Trends in Microelectronic Systems and
Nanotechnologies; and by the Grant Agency of the
Czech Republic through the grants GACR
102/05/0723: A Framework for Formal
Specifications and Prototyping of Information
System's Network Applications, and GACR
102/05/0467: Architectures of Embedded Systems
Eugster, P.T., et al., 2003. The Many Faces of
Publish/Subscribe. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 35,
Fischer, G. et. al., 2004. Meta-Design: A Manifesto for
End-User Development. Communications of the ACM,
Vol.47, No.9, pp.33-37.
IEEE, 2000. IEEE 1451.1, Standard for a Smart
Transducer Interface for Sensors and Actuators --
Network Capable Application Processor (NCAP)
Information Model.
Miller, C.K., 1999. Multicast Networking and
Applications, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
Massachusetts, USA.
Morch, A.I., et. al., 2004. Component-Based Technologies
for End-User Development. Communications of the
ACM, Vol.47, No.9, pp.59-62.
Sveda, M. and R. Vrba, 2003. An Integrated Framework
for Internet-Based Applications of Smart Sensors.
IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.3, No. 5, pp.579-586.
Sveda, M., et al., 2005. Introduction to Industrial Sensor
Networking, A book chapter in: Ilyas, M., and I.
Mahgoub, (Eds.), 2005. Handbook of Sensor
Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing
Systems, CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL, USA.