Simon Chester, Giles Tewkesbury, David Sanders
Systems Engineering Research Group, University of Portsmouth, Anglesea Road, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Peter Salter
Counterpoint MTC Ltd., Worthing, United Kingdom
Keywords: e-Learning, Assessment.
Abstract: Assessment for learning is a new approach to assessment. Assessment for learning is the process of seeking
and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to raise pupils’ achievement. The key
principle of Assessment for Learning is that pupils will improve most if they understand the aim of their
learning, where they are in relation to this aim and how they can achieve the aim (or close the gap in their
knowledge). Studies have shown that student achievement has been raised significantly where this method
of assessment has been implemented. This paper examines existing electronic assessment systems and then
describes the creation of a new multi-user system that assists teachers in the implementation of assessment
for learning in the classroom.
In order to develop a new system for electronic
assessment, an analysis of existing systems and
modes of assessment was first researched. A
literature search was conducted and five main
methods of assessment were reviewed. Assessment
for learning was identified as an assessment method
that required new tools to aid teachers to implement
this method in the classroom. A search for existing
assessment systems was also conducted and three
systems were identified. None of the systems
reviewed allowed teachers within the school to share
common information. Therefore, teachers’ time was
spent performing administrative tasks for their
assessment systems rather than teaching.
The new system presented here aims to overcome
the problem of entering and maintaining school-
wide information by introducing software tools to
share relevant information between teachers. The
new system also aims to provide teachers and
students with the functionality needed to implement
assessment for learning. This new system was
created by using a new centralised database system
and a central administration web application. The
results of this work are presented.
1.1 Modes of Assessment
There are five main types of assessment
(Assessment Reform Group, 2002):
Formative assessment
Summative assessment
Ipsative assessment
Assessment for learning
Formative assessment is that which takes place
on a regular basis involving both teacher and student
in discussion about the students learning and work
(Andrews, Jane as part of a review of: Torrance, H;
Pryor, J, 2004). Feedback that is specific and
diagnostic is given to individual students and the
teacher will be concerned with moving students on
as learners. This monitoring of students’ progress
provides teachers with an on-going record of their
students’ progress and also provides feedback on
their own effectiveness in planning and teaching.
Whilst formative assessment encourages teachers to
listen to their students and identify the next steps
required, it will not be effective unless the teacher is
clear about what it is that they want to find out and
what they are looking for (MacKrill, D, 2004).
Chester S., Tewkesbury G., Sanders D. and Salter P. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 320-324
DOI: 10.5220/0001258303200324
Summative assessment is used to provide a
summary of a student’s progress at a given point in
time measured against criteria, such as National
Curriculum Levels (Wininger, Steven R, 2005). It
will include records of the formative assessments
made over time. A common form of summative
assessment is, for example, an end of year report,
and in music, an instrumental grade exam.
Summative assessment is important but as Harlen et
al commented “its prime purpose is not so much to
influence teaching”. MacKrill (2004) suggests that
Teachers have been reluctant to adopt summative
assessment because it has been closely associated
with unpopular Government driven data collection
Ipsative assessment informs students how they
have performed and progressed, compared with their
own previous performance or efforts (Harlen et al
1994). It is most effective when students themselves
are involved in the process and promotes
independent learning. However, it is often more
successful when students and teachers have access to
previous work. In subjects that are only timetabled
once a week, like music and drama for instance, this
is even more important but is difficult to implement
because of the type of work being assessed, which is
invariably practical in nature (MacKrill, D, 2004).
Self-assessment forms part of the process of
formative assessment and can improve student
motivation whilst providing the teacher with
important information regarding a student’s
understanding and perception (Daniel R, 2001).
Pratt & Stephens give self-assessment a priority in
their publication “supporting the National
Curriculum for music” (Pratt, G & Stephens, J.,
In the late 1990’s, a new approach to assessment
began to be considered by Black and William (1998)
who showed that where formative assessment was
used to promote learning, student achievement was
increased significantly. However, they noted that
this would require changes in classroom practice.
There is a clear difference between assessment of
learning and assessment for learning. Assessment of
learning frequently includes both formative and
summative assessment and involves assessing what
students have learnt, often including marks or grades
from tests and assignments (DfES, 2004).
Assessment for
learning has a different focus and is
defined as “the process of seeking and interpreting
evidence for use by learners and their teachers to
decide where the learners are in their learning, where
they need to go and how best to get there”
(Assessment Reform Group, 2002).
Improving learning through assessment depends
on five key factors:
provision of effective feedback to students;
active involvement of students in their own
adjusting teaching to take account of the
results of assessment;
recognition of the profound influence
assessment has on the motivation and self-
esteem of students, both of which are
crucial influences on learning;
need for students to be able to assess
themselves and understand how to improve.
(Assessment Reform Group, 1999)
Assessment for Learning is an area for
development in schools that will require changes in
teacher practice (MacKrill, D., 2004).
1.2 Existing Electronic Assessment
The KAAN Keyboard And Audio Network System
(KAAN) has been produced by the collaborating
company. This system was created to assist teaching
of music in the classroom. From this, another
system was then developed to accommodate the
assessment of students’ work in a wider variety of
subjects. The new system was marketed by the
collaborating company under the brand name
‘eSAAMS’ (Electronic Student Assessment And
data Management System). The creation of these
systems is described in Lassauniere (2003).
Student Information Management System
(SIMS) is used by some schools in the UK. This
product, produced by Capita Educations Services
(Capita Education Services: SIMS, n.d.), provides
functionality to store a wide range of administrative
information (such as: students, classes, formal
assessments, staff, etc). Typically, this software is
primarily designed for school administrators.
Although it may be used by Teachers, typically it is
not used in the classroom.
AssessIT is an interactive software system,
produced by Pearson Phoenix (n.d.), which tracks
individual pupil attainment and group achievements.
It supports teachers when monitoring and measuring
progress and alerts them when pupils fall below
targets. The software places emphasis on
implementing initiatives and promoting individual
pupil attainment and group achievements.
1.3 Requirements of the New System
An electronic assessment system was made available
by the collaborating company at the start of this
work. However, it was designed for use by one
teacher at a time on a single PC. Although it was
possible for the software to be installed on many
computers, each instance of the software required its
own separate database. This caused problems
because these separate databases contained some
information that was common to the whole school
(not just a particular teacher) and there was no
mechanism for synchronising changes to this
information across the disparate databases. The
research described aimed to create a new system for
sharing information between teachers.
The sharing of information involved setting-up a
new central database. Figure 1 shows the central
database on a server connected to a school’s
computer network. The database server was used as
a single location for storing school-wide
information. A number of database systems were
evaluated including ‘off-the-shelf’ products and
some open-source systems. Microsoft SQL Server
2000 was identified as the most suitable system
because it provided close integration with the
software language used. Initial systems analysis was
conducted and key concepts were identified. These
concepts were then used to create a new database
structure which was implemented on the central
database server.
Figure 1: Components of the new assessment syste
In the new system, the eSAAMS software
regularly performed a backup routine which made a
copy of the database to a backup storage location on
the server. This operation was performed by each
instance of the assessment software to the same
location on the network. The Multi-user Data
Collection system was contained on the server. This
new software component collected information from
these distributed database backups across teachers
PCs’ and synchronised it with data in the new
central database.
Finally, a new web-based application was created
to allow students to view a portfolio of their work
from any computer within a school’s computer
network. The web-application was located on the
server. Students interacted with the web-application
by using a web browser, as shown in Figure 1.
Much of the information in the central database
was to be sourced from the distributed teacher
databases. However, some information could not be
gathered in this manner since there was no way of
determining which distributed database was the
authoritative source. Therefore, a new central
administration system to allow teachers and school
administrators to create and manage school-wide
information centrally was created. This web-
application was integrated with the Intranet
ePortfolio system described previously in order to
create a single user interface for administering
Student information. These systems are shown in
Figure 1 as the ‘Intranet ePortfolio & Central
Administration Web Application’.
The eSAAMS electronic assessment software
allowed Teacher’s to work in an ‘offline’ mode
when disconnected from a network. It was therefore
necessary to create a software application for
copying centrally administered information from the
central database system to the database for each
electronic assessment system. This ‘eSAAMS
Importer’ system is shown in Figure 1.
In order for the software applications to be able
to communicate with the central database system, it
was necessary to create software components that
could be used to store and retrieve data from the
database. Different models for data-access were
evaluated and the application of an n-tier model was
investigated using Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 and
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (Microsoft Visual
Studio, n.d.).
In particular, methods for automatically
generating data-access code and database stored
procedures were investigated. In particular, one
code-generation tool was identified called ‘My
Generation’ (My Generation Software, n.d.). This
tool was designed to create templates for generating
database stored procedures and code to access a
database from visual studio.
The electronic assessment system made available by
the collaborating company at the start of this work
has been installed and tested in over 100 schools.
The software, known as eSAAMS (eSAAMS
Software, n.d.), allowed Teachers to capture and
record evidence of Student’s work. This information
was stored in a database on a Teacher’s computer.
Code generation software was used to create
templates that were then used to generate stored
procedures and re-usable software components to
access the central database. These components
would normally have to be created manually. The
use of code generation reduced the time needed to
create the data access software used by the new
software applications described here.
A new Multi-User Data Collection System was
created that collected information from many single-
user databases (one database per Teacher) and
compiled this into the central database (school-wide
information). This system was tested using a test to
fail method and approved by the collaborating
An Intranet ePortfolio system for showing
student report information was then produced. The
system provided students with the ability to view a
portfolio of their work. This allowed Students to
view feedback from assessments of their work
without increasing the workload for teachers. The
provision of effective feedback to students is one of
the key factors in implementing Assessment for
Learning (Assessment Reform Group, 1999). This
software helped Teachers to implement Assessment
for Learning in the classroom. The information
displayed to Students was sourced from the central
database system. This system was tested and
approved by Teachers in 22 schools.
A new central administration system to allow
teachers and school administrators to create and
manage school-wide information centrally was
created. The system will be tested by the
collaborating company using a ‘test to fail’ method.
Also, a software application for copying centrally
administered information from the central database
system to the database for each electronic
assessment system has been created. The system will
be tested by the collaborating company using a ‘test
to fail’ method.
The completed system will be beta-tested in a
two schools. At each beta testing site, the system
will be used by at least two teachers and one school
administrator. User interface experience information
and usability information will be obtained through
questionnaires issued to users and by direct
observation. Also, information will be retrieved
from error log files on the server and teachers’ PC’s.
A new electronic assessment system was created and
a number of its components were tested by the
collaborating company and classroom teachers. This
was the first intelligent multi-media assessment
system to assist teachers implement assessment for
learning practices in the classroom. Other systems,
described previously, have tended to be
administrative and designed for use by a school
Information in the central database was sourced
from the backup databases by the new multi-user
data collection software. The information in these
databases was not synchronised so, inevitably,
information could be duplicated. Since each teacher
had equal administrative rights for the information
contained within their database, the multi-user data
collection software was unable to determine which
database had the correct version of each entity.
Therefore, information was processed on a ‘first-in
wins’ basis. This was undesirable because there was
no reliable way to determine which client database
would be used to source school-wide information. In
the future, new electronic assessment software to be
used by teachers in the classroom will be created.
Unlike the existing software, the information
captured will be committed directly to the central
database therefore avoiding unnecessary duplication
of data described above.
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