Helena Caldeira
Consórcio Ibérico de Estudos sobre Educação Científica
Departamento de Física, Universidade de Coimbra,3004-516, Coimbra, Portugal
Carlos Gomes
Department of Science Education, University of Azores, 9501-801, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Keywords: Telematic tools, learning community, blended learning.
Abstract: The use of telematic tools by online learning communities, through the true involvement of all the
participants, allows strengthening of net learning models. These models, if adequately designed, may
stimulate the development of competencies in teachers’ training. Technological evolution has made the use
of telematic tools more and more of an option in distance learning; these tools have become an
indispensable support for achievement of educational aims in learning institutions, namely through the
provision of means for the interaction between participants. This work now aims at describing some of the
results obtained from a study involving telematic tools in a model of online teachers’ training. In particular,
we will describe the benefits and difficulties that were found and we add some reflections on solutions for
the improvement of this model.
Distance learning models that use ICT, namely
telematic tools, may help building up heterogeneous
learning environments that stimulate learning and
the evaluation of knowledge acquisition, and, at the
same time, ease permanent access to a kind of
learning that adjusts itself to the individual, group or
community needs. This way several barriers usually
associated with distance learning models, such as
social isolation of the student, limited resources and
materials, or the loose relationship between teacher
and student, are overpassed (Gomes & Caldeira,
2003; Morueta, 2002). Additionally, the use of
telematic tools allows for the flexibility of training
models, as it diversifies the ways by which
participants communicate and interact, this way
meeting each and everyone needs, not only in terms
of material resources, but also with regards to the
requirements of individual or group learning; it thus
contributes to the reinforcement of metacognitive
learning strategies. The pedagogical process
achieves a new dimension, as the use of telematic
tools contributes to the involvement of all
participants in the generation and dissemination of
The possibility of choosing the more adequate
technological resource among all available allows
for the diversification of the methodologies used and
of the several didactical support material. It also
contributes for the generation of online learning
communities involving participants from different
geographical regions and based on real time
interaction (Morueta, 2002). Additionally, teachers
are able to help students in real time and, depending
on the circumstances and objectives, to individually
supervise students. Indeed, as Gray, Ryan and
Coulon (2004) have stated, distance learning is not
merely another means for the transmission of
knowledge; it is a true way of changing the
relationship between teachers and students and one
that requires new skills and competencies. Morueta
(2002) points out that one of the advantages of the
usage of telematic tools is its ability to help teachers
to focus teaching on the student. As such, in the
context of teachers’ training, whose final aim is
doting teachers for their future practice, it endows
students interactive and socializing abilities, this
way enabling them for the development of their own
Caldeira H. and Gomes C. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 412-417
DOI: 10.5220/0001255704120417
responsibility, which permits that students may
manage their own learning process. Thus, a balance
should be sought between individual and shared
responsibilities in collaborative work. Sorensen
(2003) has suggested that cooperative work allows
participants to acquire introspection and to develop
meta-reflective abilities, which contribute to work of
a higher quality. It also leads to development of an
argumentative speech that contributes to the
development of knowledge (Weinberger & Fischer,
The use of telematic tools may stimulate the
generation of cooperative procedures as it
emphasizes interactions in which participants
actively cooperate in the learning process, namely
through group discussion of questions and solving of
problems. This leads to the attainment not only of
specific objectives of the learning process, but also
of social and cognitive aims.
On the other hand, one of the main concerns of
internet training models regards the credibility of all
learning process, as it takes place online. This matter
has been dealt with by several authors. For instance,
Osuna and Almenara (2002) suggest that the main
limitation of online training is related to the
evaluation process and to virtual accreditation.
In spite of the relation between evaluation and
accreditation, evaluation should be continuous;
being an activity that involves procedures, it is not
exclusively a technical action, as it is a human action
that involves several ethical and moral values.
Accreditation always refers to the final product and
may be achieved through assurance of face-to-face
Insecurity regarding the evaluation of online
teaching is related to the novelty of this kind of
training and to the constant evolution of technology.
Even though some of the strategies of evaluation
used in face-to-face and distance learning are
similar, it has to be taken into account that new
technologies (internet and multimedia) always
impose new ways of understanding the process of
teaching and learning and, consequently, new means
of evaluation that are based both in synchronous and
asynchronous communication resources (Cabero &
Gisbert, 2002; Osuna & Almenara, 2002). It was
also suggested (Cabero & Gisbert, 2002; Osuna &
Almenara, 2002) that online evaluation should
generate multiple opportunities so that a constant
feedback exists with regards to the work developed
by the student, and that it should always involve
evaluation planning, taking into account several
features, such as various means of coherent
evaluation, and taking advantage of multimedia
educational material; it should also promote
bidirectional communication between teacher and
student and immediate feedback; define types,
strategies and objectives of the evaluation
(summative, formative, auto and hetero-evaluation,
time of evaluation) and use several strategies and
methods in an articulate way.
It is thus important to understand, in our context
of training, how telematic tools help in judging the
quality of a performed task, so that decisions may be
taken, and how these tools contribute to the
certification process. It is also relevant to assess the
benefits to the training process brought about by
their use. As the communicative interaction between
participants is important for the real consolidation of
learning, it is of interest to understand how the use
of telematic teaching strategies may contribute to a
supported learning. It is also relevant to understand
how to give credibility to online training models and
which would be the most adequate means of
evaluation to use. As such, it is very important to
study models of training of teachers that present
these features, even more as our society is
increasingly a technological one, and as the social
interaction between participants is essential for the
development of a true sense of learning community
among users.
The main aim of this work is to assess the major
difficulties and advantages of the usage of telematic
tools in the context of the initial training of teachers,
and to identify the main issues to be taken into
account regarding their use in our model of online
We will try to elucidate several questions: how
does the use of telematic tools contribute to the
online training process? How does its use contribute
to a more responsible and conscious evaluation of
the training process? What could be its role in the
establishment of social relationships? What benefits
would it add to in class training?
The herein presented work is part of a vaster
research project on an online teachers’ training
model, which involved the creation of an online
community and the participation of teachers in train
from the Physics and Chemistry Teaching Course of
the University of Azores as well as their supervisors.
The participants were being trained in schools from
different islands of Azores Archipelago. The study
also included a general supervisor from the
University of Azores. The use of internet allowed
the discussion of several matters of interest for the
training of the teachers to be, not only among them,
but also with the school and the University
It is in this context of training that the use of
telematic tools is introduced as a complement to
internet. The use of these tools shortens distances
between participants through the several
communication channels available and to which
each of the participants has access, allows for a
greater socialization between participants, and
permits the diversification of learning strategies and
methodologies, this way contributing to the
alteration of the evaluation performed.
The interactions established through the net are
somewhat impersonal; this feature and the delay
associated with information exchange reinforce the
necessity of the creation of synchronous moments,
such as the chat room and videoconferencing.
Besides improving real time interaction between
participants (Gomes and Caldeira,2004), these tools
assure the development of other important skills for
initial training of teachers, as every member of the
community has the opportunity to organize and
prepare individual or group activities, to present
their work, to clarify doubtful matters, to get
answers, and to provide immediate feedback;
telematic tools provide a more direct interaction
between all community members.
In order to enrich interactions between
participants, training of teachers was supported by a
diversity of methodologies and strategies, such as
the creation of a Yahoo group that has used the e-
mail as the main communication resource, the
elaboration of a webfolio, face-to-face seminars, and
chats and videoconferencing to generate moments of
synchronous interaction, among others. This way,
enriching interactions were provided still taking into
account each and everyone availability and the
geographical distance between community members.
Teachers in train were able to interact with each
other at any time in any place, contributing to and
cooperating for their own formation. The server used
in this net community allowed participants to
exchange e-mail and to archive documents. It also
included a diary for the management of activities,
and a list of all messages sent, among other features.
For the formation model to improve significant
learning with cognitive and metacognitive processes,
it is essential a good, previous planning of the
activities to be developed online. Activities should
be planed so that their execution should benefit all
participants and meet the objectives of the
formation. Planning should follow certain rules and
include objectives, questions that may be debated,
supporting references and the definition of the
evaluation. Planning of activities in this model of
online training using telematic tools proceeded
through several stages. Among them, one may point
out the work’s plan, which involved collection of
suggestions and their online discussion,
development of the activity, discussion and the
respective evaluation. Teachers in train discussed
their plans with the University supervisor using e-
mail or other resources. Plans were then shared
through the net and the participants exchanged ideas
and clarified doubts. The task was then performed
and the planned questions debated. Afterwards, the
participants evaluated the activity.
During online training and after the use of
telematic tools, enquiries were done; these consisted
of questionnaires presented to the participants, and
also interviews, regarding the main advantages and
limitations of these tools in training. One of the
questions referred to the participants’ opinion on the
contribution of the reflection model used online to
the reflective development. A videoconference was
audio recorded and its content was transcribed.
Several chat sessions were also documented; these
included not only interactions among teachers in
train, but also between teachers in train and the
university supervisor. Finally, all documents and
opinions were discussed and analysed.
In the analysis of the data we firstly describe the
opinion of the participants about the main
difficulties and advantages of the use of telematic
tools as an aid to their training. We then analyse
those that seem to be the main features of our
context of training network. We have evaluate
several features, but we have focused our attention
only on those there were pointed out more often.
Initially, data were treated in a description way; we
have only quantified the frequency and relative
frequency, as these could help us to interpret our
results. In table 1, we present the main difficulties
found. We observe that a significant number of
opinions regard the lack of technological means in
schools, as well as lack of formation in ICT. It was
also curious to note that some net members
experienced difficulties on choosing which
communication means to use.
Table 1: Main difficulties.
Answer F %
Management of some tasks 22 11,8
Lack of decision ability
regarding the best
communication resource to be
18 9,7
Different participation
rhythms of the participants
19 10,2
Lack of formation of some
community members with
regards to ICT
38 25,8
Lack of information of
some members on the
procedures of the use of
telematic tools
23 12,4
Lack of resources in the
schools to where teachers in
train were assigned
45 30,1
In table 2 we present the main advantages that
were pointed out.
Answer F %
Development of collaborative
45 12,4
Constitute a complement to
face-to-face classes
34 9,3
Shortening of geographical
58 15,9
Enabling of a closer contact
between community members
33 9,1
Allow for a quicker answer to
certain situations and doubts
35 9,6
Development of skills on ICT 25 6,9
Development of fundamental
competencies such as synthetic
ability, writing, speech, etc.
23 6,3
Allow the accompaniment of
the colleagues work
52 14,3
Allow for individual
59 16,2
We have found that these training strategies
permit that all participants may share management
and coordination tasks in a more prominent way that
in face-to-face classes. In classroom teaching,
teachers tend to manage time and resources in
his/her own way. In the herein described online
system, everybody may participate in management
of learning and teaching processes. In this way, this
kind of interaction provides individual and group
participation one that are more adequate to
everyone’s needs. However, management and
coordination are fundamental for the development of
the training process. One of the ways to overpass the
managing problem is to involve all group members
in this process.
We have also observed that the use of telematic tools
facilitates interactions and the cooperation between
participants, this way complementing face-to-face
teaching. In this context, we believe that telematic
tools may be used to consolidate online training
models. Assuring some features that may improve
communicative online interaction, which will allow
for a significant learning environment, we achieve
true cooperation and interaction between all group
members. Thus, interaction catalyses building of
knowledge, values dialogue, negotiation,
collaboration and teaching and learning processes.
As for the social interaction, group members
share activities and present a shared life. Being a
basic social process, social interaction takes place at
the sensorial level, since chat and e-mail enable
interchange of emotions, friendship, sympathy; it is
also expressed through symbols in written language.
In videoconferencing, oral and gesture languages
are privileged. As such, one may state that the use of
these telematic tools permits that social interaction is
characterized by the development of social
relationships between participants. This kind of
interaction provides a friendly mood among
participants and strengthens the relationships
established, and may occur at any moment as it
would in face-to-face classes, even when
participants are debating some formal content.
It was a common opinion among the participants
of this study that this type of training model eases
enrichment of interactions and increases knowledge
acquisition by group members and potentates group
reflection. One of the features of this model is to
permit sharing of experiences and opinions that are
based in the pedagogical experience of each and
everyone. This kind of interaction mirrors life
experiences of all group members with relation to
any subject or theme. This way, it allows
development of special skills that are essential for an
effective citizenship, as participants question
themselves about all that is said and all they stand
for, generating high quality and highly dynamic
interactions in which knowledge is built based on a
socialization process in agreement with the funded
positions of the participants. This interaction allows
participants to evaluate not only their own opinions,
but also their positions with regards to the other
members of the group, as, after interaction,
everyone’s position is questioned, this leading to
high standard results.
We may thus conclude that both face-to-face and
distance learning involve development of social
Table 2: Main advanta
interactions and that these interactions are similar.
The main differences, which value the use of
telematic tools, are development of written language
in chat sessions and e-mail, and of gesture and oral
languages in videoconferencing and face-to-face
We have also found that through the use of
telematic tools skills that are not usually used in
face-to-face classes develop; this is the case of
synthesis and sharing abilities and responsibility for
the training.
Although, in general, participants agree that face-
to-face classes may be substituted by chat or
videoconferencing on the majority of times, they
believe that it is important to include some face-to-
face moments. This suggestion is acceptable, as this
was the first time participants experienced online
training. They were all used to traditional teaching,
in which knowledge transmission proceeds from
teacher to student and in which the effort to learn is
essentially dependent on the individual, turning it
into an isolated act.
As for evaluation, we have observed that the
consciousness of participants of its importance,
namely in the final training year, has contributed to
planning of all the activities that took place online,
taking into account all the objectives and the
respective evaluation. Those instruments were
proposed by the person responsible for planning or
by the one that suggested the theme or subject to be
debated online. This evaluation was mainly
formative, presenting a character of continuity and
was chosen based on the objectives that should be
attained. In this context, and being shared online, it
gains a new dimension, as it is of everyone’s
responsibility. Furthermore, it becomes more varied
as several training environments are generated that
facilitate learning and knowledge evaluation. It is
important to point out that it is essential for feedback
to be immediate in order to be efficient.
We have found that the use of telematic tools at
the educational level allows for the interaction
between participants, who are able to share
experiences, discuss ideas and question one another,
this way contributing to the general acquisition of
knowledge. The fact that cultural and information
diversity – skills – is discussed among participants is
essential for the learning process. Debating and
sharing has contributed to reflective development
and to a greater consciousness of all work that was
accomplished by the community.
We have also observed that it is important to
create rules, to delegate responsibilities and to
participate through the use of telematic tools.
Efficient management of the group is essential for
this kind of online training.
One of the main concerns that were highlighted
by students regarded lack of training in ICT during
their degree. They also pointed out the difficulty of
access to internet and the lack of material resources
they have found in several of the schools involved in
this work. The majority of the schools had not the
necessary resources available. As such, some of the
features that should be taken into account when
implementing telematic tools in this kind of training
system are:
- provide formation on ICT to the participants;
- assure that everyone has access to information
on how to use these tools;
- guaranty good management of resources;
- plan the activities in advance clearly stating the
objectives and the adequate evaluation methodology.
One should be aware not to generate inequalities
between participants. Lack of resources and of
adequate training for online work, as well as the
access to all tools and evaluation criteria, must be a
requirement for good functioning of the training
model. From the ethical perspective, these items
should be valued, as, if these situations are
prevented, some of the prejudices about the use of
ICT in training contexts will be abolished.
We propose the use of telematic models of training
as a means to diversify training and make it more
flexible. Flexible training is a resource for
permanent learning. This way, schools will be
answering a challenge posed by contemporary
societies, which are becoming increasingly
technological. Schools will be surely additionally
contributing to the development of skills that will
enable individuals to deal with internet resources in
a secure and discerning way.
One of the objectives of this training model
should regard the education of the individual so that
he/she will become an active member of a
democratic society. For that, participants should get
used to work together for a common aim, as this way
they will acknowledge that a democratic society will
only survive if social orientation prevails.
Generation and maintenance of a learning
community through the use of synchronous and
asynchronous communication tools demands
establishment of rules that facilitate interchange.
We have found that blended learning strategies,
namely the use of telematic communication tools, in
teaching-learning processes are useful for the
consolidation of online training models.
A good educational strategy using adequate
telematic tools is essential for quality training.
The use of ICT generates a new training
paradigm. However, in the future, it will be
important to keep on elucidating the main
characteristics of online training didactical models
that use tele-teaching.
Finally, it is important to note the emerging
necessity for the redesign of teaching models due to
the perspective of the development of new auxiliary
methodologies for academic training. These have
been suggested by authors that support a greater
technological interactivity at the University level.
In order for students to be prepared for their
professional life, it is important for them to
experience group working based on telematic
To conclude, a good integration of net
participants, along with well established objectives
and a well architected training model is necessary
for the development of a good educational strategy,
and are essential ingredients for successful courses
that use telematic tools.
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