Shiori Daigo
, Rosario Giunta
, Giuseppe Pappalardo
, Emiliano Tramontana
Facolta’ di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
a di Catania
Web personalisation, user assistance, e-learning.
The web offers an increasing amount of pages written in several languages. Given the variety and the quality
of some pages, these can be helpful as an additional language learning support. Indeed, when studying a
foreign language, reading newspapers, magazines, etc. is one of the preferred ways for learners to improve
their abilities. However, without an adequate support they would be forced to make extensive use of the
This paper proposes Japassist, a browsing assistant that supplies users with a customisable amount of sug-
gestions, looked up into dictionaries, useful to read and study the Japanese language while surfing the web.
Japassist aims at supporting not only users who need a beginner-level understanding of Japanese documents,
but also those having some comprehension of the Japanese language. Actually, given the Japanese language
intrinsic complexity, some help to read or appreciate the meaning of uncommon kanji symbols may be useful
even for native speakers.
We have employed the aspect-orientation technology to customise a bare web browser with the ability to assist
users reading and studying Japanese. This design approach allows the web browser classes to be unaware of
assistance classes, thus promoting low coupling between different concerns.
Given the large amount of web pages written in sev-
eral different languages, it is generally useful to pro-
vide web users with suggestions about the meaning
of foreign text in visited pages. As it happens when
studying a foreign language, reading the text avail-
able from web sites offering newspapers, magazines,
etc. greatly helps learners to improve their abilities.
Moreover, the electronic version of a page is ideally
suited to be customised, with information looked up
into dictionaries, so that learners can enjoy a promptly
available support.
This work proposes Japassist, a browsing assis-
tant that supplies users with a customisable amount
of suggestions useful to read, translate and study
Japanese pages while surfing the web. Japassist runs
on the user host, which makes it is easy for the user to
activate, deactivate, or choose the desired amount of,
Support for understanding a foreign language web
page is only limited currently to single word trans-
lation (Google, 2005b) and (often misleading) whole
text translation (Google, 2005a; Altavista, 2005).
Several features make Japassist assistance differ-
ent from other supports: (i) words can be separately
listed and explained; (ii) words and characters can be
highlighted to ease user reading and understanding;
(iii) text can be supplemented with reading assistance
for kanji
, hiragana
and katakana
; (vi) Japanese
words, as well as their composing characters, can be
enriched with more than one English translation and
suggestions on the context where they should be used;
(v) grammar particles can be highlighted, thus giving
hints on grammar rules regulating text; finally, (vi)
at the architectural level, the use of aspect-oriented
programming (AOP) (Kiczales et al., 1997; PARC,
2005) affords the ability to develop a personalised
web browser, without affecting the original browser
System of Japanese writing using Chinese characters.
A kanji can be a word on its own or a part of a word.
System of syllabic writing for Japanese, especially
used for function words and inflections.
System of syllabic writing for Japanese, especially
used for words of foreign origin.
Bleisch S. (2006).
ELML, THE E-LESSON MARKUP LANGUAGE - Developing Sustainable e-Learning Content Using an Open Source XML Framework.
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 245-251
DOI: 10.5220/0001254502450251
source code with changes.
As far as the software architecture is concerned, a
simple Java browser has been enhanced by connect-
ing it with Japassist assistance functionalities. Con-
nection is obtained by means of AOP, thus maintain-
ing the two main concerns we have focused on, i.e.
browsing and assistance, clearly separated.
Thanks to the noted assistance functionalities,
Japassist is useful not only as an automatic tool for
translation, but also as an assistant for users wish-
ing to learn, or improve their knowledge of, Japanese,
while surfing. Actually, given the Japanese language
intrinsic complexity, users having a certain com-
prehension still need help for understanding many
other kanji (among the around 50 thousand existing
kanji (Kubota, 1989)). Moreover, some support to
read or appreciate the meaning of uncommon kanji
and words is useful to native speakers, or to advanced
level learners.
The sequel of the paper is as follows. Next section
presents the detail of assistance functionalities. Sec-
tion 3 describes the software architecture of Japassist
and its connection to a web browser. Section 4 exam-
ines the related work. Finally, section 5 draws some
Japassist assistance functionalities can be grouped
in three categories: (1) counting of kanji and words
occurrences, (2) kanji and words highlighting, and
(3) suggestions about reading and English meaning.
These are described in the following three subsections
2.1 Counting Kanji and Word
Japassist holds and updates the count of occurrences
of kanji and words as two ranked lists, i.e. kanji-
count and wordcount, to reflect the web pages vis-
ited by the user. The kanjicount and wordcount lists
count how many times each kanji and word, respec-
tively, has been found while surfing the web. In a cus-
tomised way, these two lists suggest users the most
useful kanji and words. This is similar to what the
Halpern dictionary (Halpern, 2003) provides, i.e. pro-
viding ranked lists of words and kanji on the basis of
their use in daily newspapers.
Figure 1 shows the dialogue window that, upon
user request, reports the wordcount and kanjicount
lists, in the left and centre panels, respectively.
On this dialogue window, the user can select a word
or kanji, in the left and center panel respectively, to
obtain in return the following information:
1. in the bottom panel of Figure 1, the reading
and meaning in English, gathered by looking up
the electronic EDICT
(Breen, 2005a) and KAN-
(Breen, 2005b) dictionaries for words and
kanji respectively;
2. in the right panel of Figure 1, the list of existing
words that use the selected kanji, produced by scan-
ning the EDICT dictionary for a word including the
Figure 1: Counting kanji and word occurrences.
2.2 Kanji and Word Highlighting
The aim of characters and word highlighting is to
make it easier for learners to remember the most im-
portant kanji and to suggest the usage of grammar
particles and character sets. Four different highlight-
ing modes are at user disposal: (i) Jouyou and Jinmei
kanji, (ii) customised list of kanji or words, (iii) gram-
mar particles, and (iv) character sets colouring.
EDICT consists of a text file in which a row is an entry
of the dictionary. Each entry contains a word, its reading
and meaning. Most of the words have a single reading and
meaning. However, words with multiple readings and/or
meanings are dealt with by separate entries.
Similarly to EDICT, in the KANJIDIC file each
row/entry contains a kanji, its readings, meanings and some
additional data such as its frequency (Girardi, 2005). Each
kanji is found in one row only.
Figure 2: Kanji highlighting, furigana reading and translation tooltip.
In March 1981, the council of Japanese language
submitted the list of 1945 kanji, called Jouyou kanji,
that are most used in daily life, press, broadcasting,
law and official documents; and the list of 166 Jinmei
kanji that are used for names, which became 284 in
1992 (Shinmura, 1994).
In highlighting mode (i), when a web page is re-
quested by the browser, Japassist finds all Jouyou and
Jinmei kanji in it and sets their background colour to
green. The background colour is changed by adding
the span tag (World Wide Web consortium (W3C),
2005a) around the kanji into the HTML source of the
visited page.
The background colour varies from light green to
dark green according to the kanji classification, i.e.
the kanji that are usually learnt in the lower classes
of elementary school have a darker background than
those in higher classes (information on which classes
a kanji is taught in is available in KANJIDIC). Fig-
ure 2 shows an example of the green background of
kanji and words on the Yahoo! Japan home page.
In highlighting mode (ii), Japassist marks as light
grey the background of a user defined list of kanji or
words. This list is initially set by Japassist, with the
most frequent kanji found in the visited web pages
(see kanjicount in section 2.1), and can be modified
by the user through a provided front-end.
As for highlighting mode (iii), yellow is used to
mark the background of hiragana grammar particles.
These particles are used for distinguishing the role
(subject, object, etc.) of nearby words (see e.g. the
yellow background colour of hiragana in Figure 2).
Finally, in order to help users determine to which
writing system, i.e. kanji, hiragana or katakana, a
character belongs to, Japassist can be set to mark
the text using an associated colour for the foreground.
E.g. we have chosen black for kanji, blue for hira-
gana and dark grey for katakana. Figure 3 depicts a
rendered web page fragment whose foreground colour
reflects whether text is in the hiragana or kanji script,
while background colour highlights grammar parti-
cles and Jouyou and Jinmei kanji.
Beginner-level learners can take advantage of text
colouring, since a typical difficulty they face is to dis-
tinguish between character sets.
The current version does not use a grammar analyser,
therefore some hiragana, used as a phonetic character, could
be mistakenly recognised as a particle.
Figure 3: Hiragana and kanji highlighting.
2.3 Suggestions for Reading and
English Meaning
According to user preferences, Japassist can decorate
the text of visited web pages with help information, to
supply, both for words and kanji, some aid in terms of
reading, transliteration, English translation or English
semantic explanation. These are orderly described in
the following items.
Reading assistance is available for kanji and can be
written in hiragana and katakana. This can be use-
ful for learners that can read hiragana and katakana,
but have a scarce familiarity with the harder kanji
script. Kanji can be read in three different ways:
on, kun and nanori. Our support can be set to pro-
vide the three different readings.
Figure 2 shows several examples of reading sug-
gestions for kanji provided by furigana, i.e.
(smaller) text inserted on top of a word or kanji.
Transliteration aims at providing the phonetic
equivalent of hiragana, katakana and kanji into ro-
maji, i.e. roman writing. When the transliteration
suggestion has been selected, the Japanese text of
the visited web page is substituted with the translit-
erated version, as shown e.g. in figure 4. In this
transformation, the shape and structure of the doc-
ument remain almost unaltered.
Transliteration in romaji is useful for beginner-
level learners that are not acquainted yet with the
hiragana and katakana writing systems.
English translation assistance is available for words
written in hiragana, katakana and kanji. It provides
users with the corresponding English word or the
explanation of the meaning in English, according to
EDICT and KANJIDIC. The user can set whether
s/he wants to obtain the main or all the meanings
corresponding to a kanji or a word.
Since each kanji can have several meanings, the
appropriate one is obtained by relating a kanji
with contiguous ones, e.g. our support provides the
translation corresponding to the longest set of kanji
found into KANJIDIC.
Figure 4: Transliteration of a web page in romaji.
Once a combination of assistance suggestions are
activated the user can surf through several web pages
and automatically be supported by the selected assis-
tance. The various assistance suggestions are at the
user’s disposal and, upon selection, they can be pro-
vided in three assistance modes: tooltip, furigana and
append mode.
The tooltip assistance mode provides the user with
a small yellow window containing additional infor-
mation when the mouse is pointed over a kanji or
a word. This assistance mode allows Japassist to
supply suggestions unobtrusively, i.e. the web page
remains unaltered, and is meant for advanced level
learners that need not have a large amount of sugges-
tions. Figure 2 shows a web page including a transla-
tion tooltip.
The furigana assistance mode uses ruby HTML
tags (World Wide Web consortium (W3C), 2005b) to
insert on top of a word or a kanji the additional sup-
porting text (this additional text is said furigana). This
assistance mode, unlike the previous one, does not
conceal the additional text, so that the web page for-
mat becomes slightly different than the original page.
This assistance mode is more suitable for medium-
level learners. Figure 2 shows a web page including
several fragments of furigana text providing reading
The append assistance mode provides the addi-
tional text by mixing it with the original text. Sugges-
tions are added just after the word or kanji they refer
to, and both the word or kanji and the suggestions are
enclosed within square brackets. Although append
mode largely modifies the original page layout, it can
be particularly useful for beginner-level learners that
need a large amount of suggestions.
The two main concerns we deal with are browsing and
assistance. By means of the proposed aspect-based
software architecture these concerns are clearly inde-
pendent, i.e. no classes implementing the first concern
should be aware of classes implementing the second
concern and vice versa. Browsing and assistance con-
cerns are connected to each other by means of the Ad-
dOn aspect. This aspect provides the desired ability to
develop a personalised web browser without inserting
any changes into the source code.
Japassist assistance functionalities have been im-
plemented as a namesake Java package, whose classes
receive a HTML page and enrich it with the additional
data corresponding to the desired suggestions. The
JBrowser package implements browsing functionali-
JBrowser behaviour is customised with the results
Japassist provides by means of the AddOn aspect.
According to the aspect-oriented approach, AddOn
specifies the JBrowser operations, e.g. method invo-
cations, that need to be connected with the methods of
Japassist. Figure 5 shows an overview of the archi-
tecture and highlights the classes of the two packages
that are connected to each other by the AddOn aspect.
<< aspect >>
Figure 5: Aspect-oriented architecture for JBrowser and
3.1 Application Concern JBrowser
JBrowser is a simple Java web browser, consisting
of classes that handle, for a given web address, page
downloading, rendering, etc.
Rendering is based on an existing component,
such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla for
Windows, and Mozilla for Linux. JBrowser con-
nects with the chosen non-Java rendering compo-
nent by means of the Java Desktop Integration Com-
ponents (JDIC) libraries (Java Community, 2005).
Within JBrowser, the class WebBrowser of package
org.jdesktop.jdic.browser provides a blank area into
which web pages can be displayed by invoking the
setURL(aUrl) method. In turn, this class invokes na-
tive methods (through JNI) of the available browser.
In addition, the said JDIC package provides in-
terface WebBrowserListener that allows an instance
of the class implementing this interface to be noti-
fied when some events occur on the WebBrowser in-
stance it is registered to. In this context, class JLis-
tener is an implementation of WebBrowserListener
and its methods e.g. downloadStarted(), download-
Completed(), etc. are invoked when the corresponding
events occur.
3.2 Assistance Concern Japassist
The assistance functionalities of the package Japas-
sist are provided by classes Japassist, PageSetter,
Segmenter, Dictionary, Highlighter, OccurDialog and
Class Japassist is implemented on the basis of the
Facade design pattern (Gamma et al., 1994) and is
responsible to invoke the methods providing the user
requested assistance support within the visited web
PageSetter is intended to change the original
HTML page source in order to insert into existing
links their absolute path. This allows links within the
local enriched copy to still work correctly.
Segmenter provides methods allowing a sequence
of characters, taken from the web page, to be split into
words. Since in Japanese text words are not separated
by blanks, in order to detect whether a sequence of
hiragana, katakana or kanji constitutes one word, we
need to search the longest sequence of characters that
matches a word listed in EDICT.
Dictionary holds the EDICT and KANJIDIC dictio-
naries, and the list of grammar particles. Its methods
make it possible to look up words and kanji, and re-
turn their readings and meanings.
Highlighter enriches HTML source by adding tags
allowing text to be coloured (cf. section 2.2). It also
manages tooltips.
OccurDialog is responsible to draw the window
showing word occurrence (cf. Figure 1) taking as in-
put the data organised as class Occurrences. Occur-
Dialog is instantiated when the user clicks on the cor-
responding button of the browser window.
3.3 Aspect AddOn
Aspect AddOn is responsible to connect the browser
with assistance activities.
AddOn defines pointcut init() that is responsible to
insert some buttons and checkboxes into the browser
front-end when an instance of WebBrowser is created.
These buttons allow the user to: (i) select the desired
suggestions that will be inserted into pages while surf-
ing the web; and (ii) interact with additional Japassist
dialogue windows (e.g. cf. section 2.1).
At run-time, Japassist should insert suggestions
into visited web pages when their download is fin-
ished. For this, AddOn defines pointcut completed(),
see listing in Figure 6, that captures method docu-
pointcut completed() :
execution (public void
Figure 6: A pointcut capturing the termination of pages
Figure 7 shows the sequence diagram for the ac-
tivities that are started once a page download has
completed. The defined AddOn after Advice, i.e. the
code that is executed after the pointcut has captured
control from JBrowser, provides means to bring con-
trol to class Japassist that starts a set of activities.
Firstly, the bytes corresponding to the HTML page
are extracted by means of a supporting class ByteGet-
ter. Secondly, PageSetter is invoked to make ex-
isting links absolute. Then, class Japassist invokes
other methods to insert the assistance text into the web
page. In the example of Figure 7, highlighting is ob-
tained by invoking class Highlighter.
Finally, the modified page returns to class Japas-
sist that updates the original page, rendered by the
browser, with the one enriched with suggestions.
:JBrowser :Highlighter
downloading ended
activate Japassist
Captured by
execution(public void documentCompleted(...))
Figure 7: Sequence diagram for the assistance activities.
Google Language Tools (Google, 2005a) and Ba-
belfish (Altavista, 2005) are some examples of ser-
vices available on the web that provide text transla-
tion from Japanese to English. Once such a transla-
tion service has been requiested, it can remain active
to operate on the following visited web pages. These
services are meant as a translation support rather than
an e-learning tool like Japassist.
Googlebar (Google, 2005b) is a tool that pro-
vides single word translations, by means of a tooltip,
from English to other languages, including Japanese.
In general, this is more suitable to Japanese native
speakers than to Japanese learners. Japanese learn-
ers having had an English word translated into kanji
would need some further hints, such as e.g. how to
read it, what are the related meanings, how to use it.
Thus, this tool has a quite limited e-learing support
for Japanese.
JquickTrans (Systran, 2005) is an e-learning tool
that allows users to create the kanji and word lists they
need to study. This tool uses EDICT and KANJIDIC
dictionaries. The aim of JquickTrans is to provide an
advanced electronic dictionary with useful annotation
facilities, which is quite different from enriching web
pages with e-learning support.
The Japanese WorkBench project (Winiwarter,
1999) is an e-learning tool for the Japanese language
that, using a web-interface, provides support for read-
ing and understanding kanji and words. A text is
transformed by WorkBench so that each kanji and
word is provided with a link that, upon clicking, fills
a separate frame with readings and meanings.
Compared with the latter tool, Japassist affords a
more advanced support, in that: (i) its assistance func-
tionalities are more numerous and dynamically avail-
able while surfing the web; (ii) selected suggestions
can be set to interfere as little as possible with the text
and the user’s reading activity; and (iii) additional dia-
logue windows are available to list useful and frequent
words and kanji.
At the architectural level, the use of aspect oriented
programming avoids any interference between assis-
tance and browsing functionalities, hence any need to
modify or adapt browser code.
The Japassist e-learning support for Japanese lan-
guage has a rich set of features that can satisfy
the needs of beginner and advanced level learners.
These features range from counting occurrences to
text colouring and highlighting, as well as explain-
ing the meaning of kanji and words into English. All
the e-learning aid is available while browsing the web
on-line by enriching the visited web page.
A simple Java browser has been enhanced and
connected with Japassist assistance functionalities
through an appropriate aspect. This provides means
for the two main concerns we have focused on, i.e.
browsing and assistance, to be kept clearly separated.
Performance of Japassist strongly depend on the
amount of required suggestions and on the length of
the web page. On a 2.6GHz Pentium 4, 1GB RAM,
host updating the HTML source of Yahoo! Japan
home page to have the several suggestions shown in
figure 2 takes around 3 seconds. However, the origi-
nal page is rendered once download is completed, and
suggestions are added in the background, thus the said
delay often does not affect the user.
The preliminary experimental tests with Japanese
language learners have shown that the provided aid
is very appreciated. By using Japassist, learners find
it easier to read and comprehend Japanese text both
with teachers and on their own. Besides reducing time
and effort for manually looking up dictionaries, the
adjustable amount of suggestions allowed learners to
fine-tune the extent of additional text, letting them fo-
cus on just what they needed.
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