Élise Garrot, Sébastien George, Patrick Prévôt
ICTT Laboratory, INSA Lyon, France
Keywords: Computer based environments for human learning, tutors’ role and instrumentation, ontology, expert
Abstract: Currently, tutor’s roles in distance learning are not clearly defined and few tools support him/her in his/her
functions. Some tools help tutors to monitor learners and interact with them, but no tools assist them in the
setting-up of learning sessions. Activities are created by instructional designers who envisage standard
scenarios without knowing the learners. Thus, the aim of our research project is to create a system to help
tutors to adapt learning situations to learners’ needs and characteristics. The first phase of our work consists
in determine tutor’s roles in collaborative distance learning, in order to identify his/her needs. Then, we
implement an assistance system based on an ontology containing learners’ characteristics and parameters of
learning situations. An inference engine creates links between these characteristics by reasoning on the
ontology. Finally, some rules deduce relations between ontology elements in order to give the tutor advice.
Over the last thirty years, distance learning moved
from postal to an on-line teaching in which
information and communication technologies (ICT)
play a prominent part. In particular, it involved a
new definition of teacher roles, even if up to now
these are rather badly defined and vary from one
educational institution to the other.
Our research is in the area of the computer-based
environments for human learning, using partnership
between man and machine, particularly through ICT.
Internet generalization makes this dimension
currently central.
On the one hand, we identify tutor’s roles,
especially in collaborative learning situations; on the
other hand, we design a system aiming at helping the
tutor to take up all roles which are assigned to him.
More particularly, this tool assists tutor in the
setting-up of learning sessions adapted to learners’
needs and characteristics.
In this paper, we first determine distance learning
functions of tutors, compared with traditional
teacher roles. The next section explains why we
supply an assistance tool to the tutor. The following
sections show system design with an example of
implementation in the form of rules which advice
the tutor. The final section presents an overview of
our work in progress.
Our work is based on a literature survey on teacher’s
roles in traditional education and distance learning.
We first want to determine the effects of distance on
teachers’ roles and the differences on the actors’
interactions and relations due to distance,
specifically in collaborative learning. The aim of this
study is to determine the roles of the different actors
of the course, especially the role of “tutor”.
Houssaye (1988) represents relations between
learner, teacher and knowledge, under the shape of
the "educational triangle". This triangle brings out
three educational styles (Faerber, 2002). The
teacher-knowledge relation corresponds to the
traditional education with transmission of
knowledge, the teacher-learner relation defines the
emotional and psychological relation between these
two actors and learner-knowledge relation represents
the appropriation phase of knowledge by the learner.
In traditional education, teacher often has a role
of "transmitter of knowledge" and learners absorb a
Garrot É., George S. and Prévôt P. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 261-267
DOI: 10.5220/0001248702610267
quantity of information, among which little will be
transformed into knowledge. School has still an
approach to education which tends to inculcate a set
of knowledge and capacities which will not be
reusable in another context than the one in which
they were learnt (Perrenoud, 2000).
Perrenoud (2000) suggests setting learners in true
situations, steps of project, open problems, and
incites teachers to offer learners activities in which
they will be the actors of their learning. It joins to it
the constructivist theories (Doise et al., 1984) which
consider learning as a personal experience towards
knowledge, influenced by the social context in
which it takes place.
According to the socio-constructivist approach,
interactions between learners play a dynamic role in
individual learning. In this way, collaborative
learning activities are more and more used in
distance education. This kind of activity, as project-
based learning (George et al., 2001), business game,
case solving, has already proved to be useful
When we transpose the “educational triangle” to
collaborative and distance learning, other poles and
relations appear. In a specific collaborative learning,
another element appears: learning group (Faerber,
2002). By introducing this new element, we take
into account interactions and relations between
learner, teacher and learning group, each learner
being a member of a group. These relations and
interactions are more complex in the context of our
study due to distance. So it is very important to
consider the learning group in order to identify
teachers’ roles and to help the different actors to
interact in a positive way.
In distance learning, the function of teacher is
then divided into two distinct roles: the instructional
designer of courses supports and contents, and the
tutor who helps learners to build knowledge and
competencies and assess them. A one single person
can play both roles, but each role does not intervene
in the same moment of the course.
Figure 2 represents new relations between that
appear between the learning elements. The relations
between items have to be defined: both between the
pedagogical team (instructional designer and tutor)
and other elements (group, learner and knowledge),
and between instructional designer and tutor. Are
these both in relation with knowledge? Are they
both in relation with learners? A lot of questions
appear and our research tends to answer them.
Figure 2: Relations between actors of learning and
We want to determine relations between learner,
learning group and pedagogical team and with the
knowledge to be acquired by the learner. With this
in mind, we consider the tutor as the centre of the
learning and try to identify his/her role in specific
collaborative distance learning.
In literature, distance tutors are named differently,
according to the functions that one assigns to them:
moderator, facilitator, online tutor, online moderator,
e-moderator, coach, distance education tutor, e-
tutor… Reviewing the literature on the tutor’s role in
distance learning, we were surprised by all the roles
that are assigned to only one person and the
differences according to distance courses.
Tutors’ roles are generally classified into four
parts: pedagogical, organisational, relational and
technical. Denis et al. (2004), inside the Learn-Nett
project, assign seven different roles to the tutor. For
them, the tutor is a content, metacognition and
process facilitator, an advisor/counsellor, an
assessor, a technologist and a resource provider.
According to Lentell (2003, p. 74), “They [tutors]
have to be effective listeners and communicators, to
be a coach, facilitator, mentor, supporter and
resource. They have to listen, to shape, to give
feedback, to motivate, to direct, to appreciate –
broadly to be developmental and problem solving.”
According to Dillenbourg (1999), the tutor is a
“facilitator” because he/she has to assure a minimal
educational intervention to guide the learning group
in a productive way or to follow which members are
except the interaction.
We based our view of tutors’ roles on those who
are assigned to them by the platform ACOLAD
Learner Tutor
(Faerber, 2003) and on the view of Daele et al.
(2002). Tutors, in the ACOLAD environment,
decide which learning situations to propose to
learners, in order to adapt them to their needs. For a
given situation, tutors can bring documents and
personal references. We agree with this view of
tutors’ roles because we think that it is very
important for them to have the possibility to adapt
the activities to learners’ needs and characteristics.
It is necessary to differentiate the activities and
the interactions so that each learner is in his/her
proximal zone of development (Vygotsky, 1986), so
that he/she is constantly or at least very often
confronted with the most fertile didactics situations
for him/her. Tutors, thanks to their psychological
and emotional role, are the ones who are best placed
to choose the activities which are appropriated to
learners and the resources which they need.
Daele et al. (2002) are interested in collaborative
distance learning based on a pedagogical model
centred on the learner and on interactions. In this
context, they distinguish two levels of intervention:
with the learning group and with the learner. Tutors
help the group to define a common project, to find
adapted resources, to organize and regulate
exchanges, to respect the instructions and deadlines,
and to structure itself. They help the learner to
express his/her personal project, to articulate it to the
project of the group, to think about his/her own
approach of learning and collaboration at distance.
We also think it is essential to distinguish these two
levels of intervention in order not to lose the learner
into the learning group.
Dillenbourg (1999) gives four means to try to
develop interactions. These means are the following:
to carefully set up the situation of learning (group
size, selection of group members, suited tasks…), to
specify the “contract of collaboration” with a
scenario based on roles (to give different viewpoint
to subjects, asking subjects to play a specific role in
an argumentation,…), to specify interaction rules for
the computer-mediated interactions in collaboration,
to monitor and regulate the interactions. This advice
corresponds with many roles tutors have to perform
in collaborative learning.
In order to be able to play all their roles, tutors
must have experience and competencies to base on,
so as to be credible towards learners. The tutor may
have experience as a teacher or in a local point of
expertise in the field of the contents. It is necessary
that the tutor has a minimum of competencies in
these two fields (pedagogy and in the subject area),
so as to have capacities to build himself/herself as an
expert. He/she is a witness of his/her personal
experience; he/she must be able to bring out the
sense of the contents to learners, for example by
giving them anecdotes and personal references.
Regarding the works previously described, we
synthesize tutors’ roles. For the learning group, the
tutor is:
¾ A group assessor: he/she assess the learning
group’s productions and activities.
¾ A resource provider: for a given learning
situation, he/she can provide documents or
advise adapted resources in order to guide
learners in a good way.
¾ A moderator: he/she has to set up the
dynamic of the group and to develop
interactions within all possible means
(Dillenbourg, 1999).
¾ A pedagogical architect (George, 2004):
he/she has degrees of freedom to adapt the
learning situations created by the instructional
designer to learners’ needs and
characteristics, provided that the designer
foresaw that one needs to furnish the training
(Faerber, 2003).
Tutors also have different roles to help the
learner. For a learner in particular, the tutor is:
¾ A learner assessor: he/she evaluates the
knowledge and competencies that the learner
has acquired during the course.
¾ A psychological and emotional support:
he/she is a human mediator to motivate the
learner, to encourage, stimulate and boost him
(Lentell, 2003).
¾ A regulator: he/she has to regulate the
learning, to adapt learning situation
difficulties for each learner, and to give
him/her feedback on the assessment.
¾ A guide and facilitator so that the learner
acquires the competencies necessary to
autonomy in a specific context of distance
and collaborative learning (George, 2004).
He/she helps the learner to take part to the
learning group interactions and activities.
As Dufresne et al. (2003) emphasize, the
instrumentation of tutors’ activity in distance
learning environments is still little developed.
Research was rather centred on the characterization
and the standardization of learning activities in order
to assist authors in the designing of scenarios, and
also centred on tutors to support them to monitor
learner’s activities and interact to solve difficulties
(Després, 2003).
As we assert in the previous section, tutors have
several roles which do not only consist in
monitoring and interacting with learners. We want
tutors to be resource providers and pedagogical
architects, to set-up the dynamic of the group, to
regulate the learning and to adapt situations to
learning groups and to each learner in particular. We
think that it is impossible for tutors to assume all
these roles without a tool to assist them. As
suggested by Bennett et al. (2002) tutors are being
asked “to run before they can walk”.
Generally, the instructional designer prepares
scenarios without knowing learners. We prefer the
concept of “learning situation” to “scenario”. A
scenario anticipates a learning process and
interactions during learning sessions (Faerber,
2004). It generally defines a progress through
contents, resources, and it anticipates behaviour,
tasks sequencing. But is it possible to provide a
scenario for all possible cases? We prefer the term
“learning situation” which is more general and
shows all the possibilities offered to the tutor to
adapt learning sessions during the course, according
to learners’ needs and progress, not defined a priori.
The system we developed assists tutors in the
instantiation of generic learning situations provided
by instructional designers. Learning situations
consist of a set of activities carried-out by a learners
group engaged in a same objective. Project, case
study, problems resolution… are examples of
learning situations. The designer defines parameters
for each situation, in order to give degrees of
freedom to the tutor to adapt them to learners. The
system assists and advises tutors in the setting-up of
learning sessions, by creating links between
learners’ characteristics and the parameters of
Figure 3 highlights the role of the assistance
system for tutors to help them to set-up learning
sessions. In this configuration, the instructional
designer has to envisage a variety of activities and
possible situations of learning with parameters
(number of students, group size…). Then the tutor
can prepare specific learning situations from existing
generic situations.
Figure 3: The functioning and the place of our assistance
tool to help tutors.
5.1 Development Choices
The assistance system must be able to adapt to
learning situations which vary according to the type
of online courses and the tutoring model applied.
That’s why we chose to separate knowledge and
reasoning. The system is based on an ontology
which represents the different concepts (like actors
or activities), their properties and the relations
existing between them. Ontology has the advantage
to make explicit what is regarded as implicit in the
field (Kasai et al., 2004), to use a vocabulary
comprehensible by all actors, to re-use and make this
vocabulary evolve.
Concerning the implementation, we chose the
software Protege2000
, a tool for modelling and
knowledge acquisition developed by the University
of Stanford, in the United States. The plug-in
, integrated into Protege2000, makes it
possible to introduce the knowledge stored by
Protege2000 into a data base, in order to be inferred
by some rules written in the inference engine Jess
an expert system independent of Protege2000.
5.2 Ontological Model
The developed ontology identifies and describes
several concepts: the actors of the learning (learner,
tutor, designer…), learning situations (project, case-
study…), resources, knowledge, behaviour and an
historic of the learning.
For example, we created two different concepts:
Actor and Actors’ characteristics. These two
concepts correspond to classes which each contains
subclasses (figure 4). The class Actor has for
subclasses Learner, Tutor, Instructional Designer
and Computer Designer. To each subclass of the
class Actors’-characteristics correspond general
characteristics (like identity) and the subclass
Learner has specific characteristics. For the moment,
we have especially developed learner characteristics
but tutor characteristics can be added later. Both
concepts are connected by properties of the class
Actor which are instances of the class Actors’-
For the learner, we identified five general
characteristics: learner’s knowledge and behaviour,
his/her experience, identity profile (curriculum-
vitae, cultural origins, interests and habits), needs
and objectives, and cognitive capacities (figure 4).
Figure 4: Properties associating to learners characteristics
in Protege2000.
To give a structure and describe learning
situations, we referred to the granularity levels of the
standard IMS-LD (IMS Learning Design)
. This
model, based on the EML standard (Koper, 2001),
describes a formal way to represent the structure of a
Unit of Learning and the concept of a pedagogical
method specifying roles and activities that learners
and support persons can play using learning objects.
In the ontology, activities are decomposed in the
following way: Course -> Learning situation ->
Activity -> Resources and communication tool ->
Media (figure 5). The course corresponds to a unit of
learning described in IMS-LD and, as we said in the
previous section, the concept of “learning situation”
is preferred to “scenario”.
We consider that learners carry out a set of
activities within a same learning situation. In a case
study-based learning, an activity can be the problem
formalization, searching for causes or solutions.
Some resources (documents…) and means of
communication (chat, forum, e-mail…) are offered
to actors before and during learning sessions. They
represent the learning environment. A resource is
composed of media (picture, video, sound…).
We have brought out two important concepts:
knowledge and behaviour (Paquette, 2002), because
these two concepts are linked to other concepts of
the ontology: activity, learning situation and learner.
On the one hand, activities and learning situations
have properties which define pre-required
knowledge and behaviours, and knowledge and
behaviours to be acquired. On the other hand,
learners have initial behaviours and knowledge, and
some to acquire during the course.
Figure 5: Activities description in Protege2000.
It is important for the tutor to have the possibility
to note and to have access to data concerning
learners. We give tutor the possibility to keep for
each learner and learning group a chronological
record of learning. With this chronological record
tutors can indicate learners’ achievements,
interactions and carried-out activities. Tutors can
also note their perceptions about learners, on their
level of initiative, motivation, stress, autonomy or
interactions, at some point of the course.
The implementation of the system consists in writing
different types of inference rules. These types are the
following ones:
¾ Rules which create links between learners’
¾ Rules which deduct advice to give to the tutor
concerning the type of pedagogy to be applied
for each learner, according to some of his/her
¾ Rules which create links between activities’
parameters and learners’ characteristics by
advising the tutor an activity to attribute to a
learner according to some variables.
Rules can help tutors to play all the roles we
assigned in a previous section. For example, tutors
are moderators who have to develop interactions. To
play this role, Dillenbourg (1999) gives
recommendations: set up the situation, specify
interaction rules and roles inside the learning group.
These recommendations can be implemented in the
system in the form of rules, which infer advice to
tutors, according to the characteristics of a given
activity defined in the ontology, in the form of an
instance of the class Activity.
For example, let us consider a learner who has
just validated an activity. We have developed a rule
which advises the tutor an activity to attribute to the
learner and the modality associated (individual or
collective), according to the need for autonomy
declared by this learner. The rule so created looks
for activities which need the pre-required activities
validated by the learner. Then, in the case of an
activity which can be indifferently done in an
individual or collective way, we look at the need in
autonomy declared by the learner and we advise an
activity with the associated modality. We present a
part of the code which enables this rule to be
(if (and (eq ?pre_required_activities
(eq (slot-get ?activity
modality) individual-or-collaborative))
then (foreach ?need (slot-get ?learner
(if (eq (slot-get ?need
autonomy) TRUE)
then (printout t "Propose to
learner "?name" to do the actvity
"?activity_name "individually."crlf))
The rules have no ambition to be totally
educationally valid at this time of the project; they
only show the feasibility of the system. To validate
the rules, we will work with specialists of education
We also want to give the possibility to tutors to
modify and create the instructional rules themselves,
so as to ensure a good appropriation of the tool by
tutors. We do not want either to replace the tutor by
a system, or to automate its work. We want to assist
him/her in his/her functions with a system which
gives advice. This research is based on the
partnership between man and machine.
In the next weeks, we will validate our view of
tutors’ roles and needs by interviewing some of
them. We are in relation with several tutors of
various backgrounds who are interested in working
in collaboration on this subject. We will present to
tutors a model of our assistance tool, so as to make
its functionalities progress.
We developed a system to assist the tutor before
learning sessions in the setting-up of learning
situations. Tutors also monitor and manage learning
sessions. Beyond the learners monitoring necessary
in a pedagogical way, we are more particularly
interested in recovering information about learners’
activities and interactions which will guide tutors in
the setting-up of sessions to come. This iterative
functioning is the heart of our future research work
(figure 7).
Figure 7: Iterative functioning of the system.
The aim is to develop specific monitoring tools
in order to trace learner activities to determine or get
more precise learners’ characteristics. The
monitoring tools will have to be configurable by the
A result of this research concerns tutors’ roles in
collaborative distance learning. We assigned four
roles in regard to the learning group and four roles in
regard to each learner individually. This work led to
the implementation of a system to help tutors to
adapt learning sessions to learners, taking into
account their characteristics and needs during the
The system is based on an ontology which
integrates all the learning concepts (actors, learning
situations, activities, resources) by specifying their
properties and relations. Finally, the development of
the system containing rules, which apply on the
classes instances of the ontology, showed the
feasibility of our assistance system to set-up learning
situations. Moreover, the diversity of rules shows the
flexibility of the system and the many prospects
Future research will be directed towards two
axes: the validation of our view of tutors’ roles and
needs and the complete implementation of the
system. We are in relation with several tutors of
various specialities who are interested in working in
collaboration on this subject. It will be as many
possible grounds for our future experiments.
Concerning the tutor’s assistance system to
configure learning activities, we want to conceive
various interfaces for learning actors, in order to
guide them to insert data in the ontology. In
addition, it will be interesting to give the tutor the
possibility to modify and create learning rules
himself, thus ensuring a feed-back on uses and a
good appropriation of the tool. We also have in
prospect to associate an interactions analysis agent
to automatically feed the system with data
concerning interactions between learners.
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