Dowming Yeh, Han-Yung Yang, Wen-Shen Liu
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education , National Kaohsiung Normal Universit,
116 Hou-Ping 1
Road, Kaohsiung, 802, Taiwan
Keywords: e-Learning, Annotation, SCORM, Software Reengineering.
Abstract: SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) standard simply records learner’s evaluation grade
and traces their learning path. However, learning portfolios contain not only learner’s evaluation grade and
the browsing sequence of their learning contents, but also annotations which the learner add onto learning
objects, for example: comments, highlighting marks, digests, and so on. Therefore, a popular open source
SCORM-compliant browserADL Sample RTE only records grades for pre-test/post-test and learning path,
lacking the capability of storing annotation information. This research applies software reengineering
techniques to enhance ADL Sample RTE so that learner can store annotation information with the enhanced
version. The software Reengineering process is divided into three phases. Static analysis is performed first
to dissect the system architecture, followed by dynamic analysis, which is proceeded interactively through
web fronts to understand how various dynamic pages startup. Finally, annotation functionality is added in
system reconstruction phase. The outcome of the reengineering process is called Power RTE. Besides its
annotation power, Power RTE also enables sharing annotations among its users; therefore, learning objects
with annotation information could be reused on this e-Learning platform.
As e-Learning technology matures and its
application flourishes, more and more digital
educational materials are produced. However,
courseware is not the only factor for successful
e-Learning implementation. Learning systems also
play an important role in leading to the success of
e-learning. In the past, the contents of teaching
materials were authored by teachers to cover the
need of all learners. But once the content is on line,
it is fixed and seldom changed. The different needs
of individual learners cannot be addressed. Although
there are adaptive learning systems under research
and development, learners are still constrained by the
material presented by the learning system.
A truly successful e-learning system should be
centered on learners and empower learners with
various sorts of learning tools to construct his own
knowledge. Tools useful in traditional learning such
as ink annotations could also be useful in the
e-learning setting. Ink annotations serve as the most
convenient medium to make ideas clearer in
documents, in such forms as sketches or handwritten
text notes (Fogli et al., 2004, Yang et al.,2004). In
learning systems without the capability recording
users’ annotation, a learner can only read the
learning objects in the system, and he cannot mark
his ideas or obtain ideas marked by him or others in
the past (Chong and Sakauchi, 2001). The learning
effect would be lower than systems that support
learners with annotation capability.
In November 1997, the Department of Defense
and the White House Office of Science and
Technology Policy launched the Advanced
Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative. The missions
of the initiative are to solve the problem of the
communication between each e-learning system and
learning objects sharing. Among these things,
SCORM specification describes a run-time
environment (RTE) for executing reusable learning
objects. RTE contains three parts: launch mechanism,
application program interface (API), and data model.
Learners (client) launch the learning objects (LOs)
with mechanism. API manages the pass of learners’
information. Data model defines how to access data
such as learners’ portfolio (Mor and Minguillón,
Yeh D., Yang H. and Liu W. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 383-386
DOI: 10.5220/0001243003830386
RTE does not address issues on annotation;
therefore, all its implementations do not possess any
annotation functionality. In this work, an
open-source RTE implementation, ADL Sample RTE
1.3 beta 3, is reengineered to produce a new learning
system with annotation capability, named Power
Our software reengineering techniques and the
original system, ADL Sample RTE are discussed in
section 2. The reengineered system are presented in
section 3. The related work is discussed in section 4.
Finally, conclusions are given.
After evaluating the complexity, interactivity, and
functionality of the ADL Sample RTE, we adopted a
reengineering process to construct Power RTE. The
two major steps of reverse engineering process are as
(a) Static analysis: During this phase, the
system is analyzed using some tools to discover
its structure such as module relationships.
(b) Dynamic analysis: In this step, two slices
would be executed. One is to examine the
runtime behavior of the system such as the
interaction between server and client. The other
is to find out what source code is triggered to
The Reconstruction phase is the most complex
one of the four phases. The main tasks of this phase
are to design, develop, and deploy the evolved
system. At last, a new system will be produced in
this step. After reconstruction, the reengineered
system is evaluated to determine whether it
conforms to requirement or not.
Good tools are prerequisite to the successful
execution of a reengineering work. Tools used in this
study are Macromedia Dreamweaver and Borland
J++ Builder (BJB). Dreamweaver is useful in static
analysis and reconstructing application interface in
the last phase. BJB supplies code structure window
that is very powerful in tracing source code. BJB is
mainly applied for dynamic analysis and modifying
the program code.
Any SCORM materials contain a XML file,
named ‘imsmanifest.xml’. It describes the general
information of the material such as the internal
structure, course names, and so on. In the process of
course browsing, RTE system would parse this file
to present the course structure and all course units.
2.1 Static Analysis
In the static analysis phase, we used Dreamweaver to
discover the structure of ADL RTE. Dreamweaver
supplies site-map capability that searches and lists
all files related to the home page of a web site. In our
case, we set LMSMenu.jsp as the home page, and
Dreamweaver provides the site map based on
LMSMenu.jsp as shown in Figure 1. The root of the
tree structure is LMSMenu.jsp and the leaves are the
related jsp files, java files, and so on.
Since the focus is on annotation capability and
annotations are closely related to browsing functions,
we searched for course browsing. And it is easy to
identify the files with the function “View Registered
Courses”, viewCourses.jsp and
sequencingEngine.jsp, from the site map.
2.2 Dynamic Analysis
The files identified from the previous phase are
analyzed further to understand their behaviors. We
adopted event-trigger method to analyze source code
with BJB. During the phase, a series of code tracing
is made. We start with LMSMenu.jsp by clicking the
“View Registered Course” button in LMSMenu.jsp
in BJB. BJB returned the viewCourses.jsp
Module viewCourses.jsp displays a list of
courses that a learner registers for. We just have to
analyze what will happen when one of the course
names is chosen. And we find that the selected
course name is transferred to the module
sequencingEngine.jsp. File sequencingEngine.jsp
determines which item should be launched in the
current course. It responds to the events such as
Next-Launch or Previous-Launch.
We also discovered the code for gathering the
path of single learning object by locating the code
session.setAttribute("pagePath", nextPath) in
sequencingEngine.jsp. File LMSFrame.jsp contains
the API Adapter applet and the buttons of the
Run-time Environment such as login, next, previous,
suspend, and quit.
Figure 1: Site Map.
By discovering the presentation code of the
buttons and the path code of the single course
content in this phase, we are ready to build a new
button for annotation function, and the content can
be transferred to a new annotation web page by the
path of a learning object.
After reverse engineering ADL Sample RTE to
determine the modules that are to be modified, the
next step is to introduce the annotation functionality
to the original RTE code. The presentation of course
content in RTE is still in HTML format, and since
most annotation functionalities such as highlighting
and underlining are in fact realized by general
HTML editors. Again, an open source HTML editor
solution is sought and a tool called HtmlArea is
chosen to be integrated into RTE to realize the
annotation functionality. HtmlArea is implemented
in Java Scripts and can be loaded into any browsers
As indicated by the result of dynamic analysis,
the command buttons available in browsing course
content are defined in LMSFrame.jsp. Therfore, a
button for invoking annotation functionality is added
in LMSFrame.jsp and the proceduce invoked is
defined in a file, anno.jsp.
The procedure in anno.jsp finds the source file of
the course content, load the file into annoContent
area, and invoke the HtmlArea to provide the
annotation functionality. From the previous analysis,
the path of the course content is set by the module
sequencingEngine.jsp, and we can access the name
of the path through the method of the session object:
object path = session.getAttribute("pagePath")
Once the name of the path is accessed, the
content of the course can be loaded with the
following function:
The functionalities of HtmlArea are customized
and removed of features not related to annotation.
The remaining functions are
z Font setting, including setting a particular font,
z Type setting such as bold, italic, and underline
z Color setting for foreground and background
color of text for highlight
z Commentary insertion: The image insertion
function in HtmlArea is modified so that a user can
insert commentary with text or image and the
content where a commentary applies would be
marked with an icon. When the user browses the
content afterwards, he can review the commentary
by moving the mouse over the icon. Finally, the
annotation information added by the user is stored by
the Save button.
The stored annotation information can be shared
with others with the same mechanism for content
sharing since all the annotation information are in
fact embedded in the HTML files contain the course
content. Therefore, an export function is provided in
LMSMenu.jsp to package the annotated content back
to a SCORM format for sharing with other learners
with readers that support SCORM 1.3 beta 3.
Many annotation systems are based on XML. One of
them is HATS (Hypertext Annotation and Trail
System) (Kim et al., 2004). HATS is based on
WebDAV, which is a XML-based protocol to support
collaborative authoring and manage namespace.
HATS is implemented as a plug-in facility onto the
Mozilla browser. When a user invokes the annotation
functionality, a menu frame containing an input area
and previous annotation information would be
displayed. All the annotation information is inputted
through this menu frame; hence, the original page
content stays intact. HATS can also provide
annotation to PDF files and even multimedia files
with pictures.
Ramachandran et al. develop a system for
pen-based annotation information (Ramachandran
and Kashi, 2003). Its user applies pen-based input
devices to annotate web pages. The annotation is
stored in XML format to record various attributes
such as ink point, text area, and so on. Since
SCORM is also based on XML, the extension of
these works to annotate SCORM learning objects
may be plausible, but integrating the XML structures
require certain amount of work.
Besides XML standard, some researches follow
industrial standard such as RDF. Annotea is a
web-based annotation sharing infrastructure
following open RDF standard (Kahan and M.-R.
Koivunen., 2001). Annotea treats annotation as
additional information of the original documents,
and stores annotations on several annotation servers.
Annotea achieves annotation sharing and reuse
through open RDF. When a user wants to annotate
some texts in the document, he simply marks these
texts and presses the associated key, and the
annotation information is then stored in RDF format.
This research aims to develop a learning content
presentation system, Power RTE, which support
annotation functionality and comply with SCORM
standard. On such a platform, learners could
annotate their learning materials by making their
notes, highlighting key point, and so on to improve
comprehending and reviewing these digital materials
as well as personalizing their learning processes.
Power RTE is based on ADL RTE 1.3 Beta 3.
Through software reengineering techniques, ADL
RTE 1.3 Beta 3 is analyzed statically and
dynamically so that modules for annotation functions
may be introduced and integrated. The annotation
functionality, including font setting, type setting,
highlighting, and commentary insertion, is derived
from another open source solution, HtmlArea. The
annotation produced by a user can be packaged into
a SCORM object and shared to other learners.
The future development of Power RTE is to
support more diverse types of annotation, say,
allowing voice or even video annotation. The
opinions of users on Power RTE should also be
collected to adapt and enhance its functionality.
Finally, the effectiveness of Power RTE in
promoting learning effect needs to be studied
carefully to prove whether such tool meets the goal
of its development.
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