The Case of a Multimedia Glossary
David M. Kennedy
Hong Kong Institute of Education, Tai Po, Hong Kong
Keywords: Learning tool, Glossary, Adoption.
Abstract: There is evidence that glossaries are perceived by students as highly desirable assets to improve learning.
This paper describes the development of a glossary tool, the Multimedia Enhanced Glossary to Assist
Understanding (MEGA-U), which can leverage the resources available on the internet, support communities
of practice and support student-annotation of glossary terms. Customized glossaries should enhance student-
centred online learning environments. However, there are significant barriers to successful deployment of
the glossary system in pre-service teacher education Hong Kong. The paper describes the tool, and then
examines the reasons why the tool is not being used as expected, highlighting some of the pedagogical,
logistical and cultural factors that inhibit the use of the software.
There is strong evidence that online glossaries are
perceived by Hong Kong students as highly
desirable assets to improve learning. McNaught and
Lam (2005) conducted a meta-analysis of evaluation
findings for 58 courses in Hong Kong. The highest
ranked function was the provision of learning tools
such as glossaries. One explanation for this is that, in
Hong Kong, English is classified as a foreign
language, and the standard of English is a matter of
concern. It is not surprising that online dictionaries
(Chinese and English); and glossaries of technical
terms, especially with audio pronunciations or visual
material, are highly valued.
Hong Kong students’ desire to have access to
good glossaries was a key feature in the decision to
develop the glossary tool that will be described in
this paper. The first section of the paper describes
the development and functionality of the glossary
tool. The second section reflects on the, as yet,
unsuccessful attempts to have colleagues use this
tool in their own courses.
The Multimedia Enhanced Glossary to Assist
Understanding (MEGA-U) is a computer-based
courseware tool designed to support the
development of an online glossary for teachers/
lecturers and students engaged in developing courses
with a web component. MEGA-U is designed to be
more than a text-based glossary, as in a traditional
book-based version and, indeed, in what is generally
found on the internet. The functional aspects of
MEGA-U include:
a search engine capable of partial matching of
display of a wide range of media resources;
an easy to use authoring environment requiring
no knowledge of html;
the ability to create customized glossaries for a
range of courses;
the ability to involve students in the development
of the glossary;
facility for double byte character sets
(multilingual support); and
security protection for editing and usage of the
glossary (or glossaries) by multiple users.
M. Kennedy D. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 255-260
DOI: 10.5220/0001242602550260
The MEGA-U has been developed using the
standards for reusable content articulated in the
Sharable Content Object Reference Model
(SCORM) of the Advanced Distributed Learning
Network (Brown, 2002). The database has been
developed using open-source software, MySQL and
an Apache webserver.
Figure 1 provides a map of the workflow
involved in developing a glossary. The hierarchy is:
The Administrator creates a new named glossary
entity into which content can be placed for the
Glossary Owner, who may be the course
The Glossary Owner creates accounts for other
Teachers create accounts for students.
All members of the glossary team can annotate/
add links and resources to the glossary.
The glossary can be searched without a need for
a password and/or username. In this way, students
may be provided with access to a multimedia
glossary without a need to add usernames or
passwords in the first instance. The facility to
annotate and add additional resources to a glossary
term is considered a key component/ functionality of
the MEGA-U. Therefore, a simple procedure has
been incorporated in order to facilitate the uploading
of student names, passwords and numbers via a
comma-delimited file, should a teacher wish to
provide all students with the facility to add to
glossary terms. The MEGA-U is intended to
improve the information literacy of students, by
providing opportunity for students to annotate the
definitions, add custom resources or links to suitable
multimedia content thereby providing a student-eye
view of the concept or term in the glossary. The
glossary is also designed to support the development
of communities of practice (C of P).
The design of the MEGA-U enables groups of
teachers to work together to develop more complete,
more media-rich sets of glossary terms. Moreover,
the MEGA-U software enables resources to be
linked across multiple servers anywhere in the world
by the use of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
and simple-to-use templates to map the size of
multimedia resources for inclusion into the glossary.
The MEGA-U has been successfully developed and
tested. It is deployed in a number of pre-service
teacher education modules taught by the author.
Figure 1: Workflow in the MEGA-U.
wants to
log in
modification sent
for approval
Mus t
gloss ary
term s
Users can update
Batch creation of
student accounts
Account ma nagement
View, delete,
reset password for
student accounts
Glossary management
Ba tch crea ti on
of glossary
Add, list, update,
delete term
Glos sary
Ad d n ote o r UR L
Ad d re s o ur c e
Add link to resource
View term in detail
with m ultim edia,
multilingual entries
Create new
gloss ary
Account ma nagement
Download glossary
gloss ary
Cha ng es
New glossaries
need the
Ad m in i s tra to r
Ad min is tr a tor
Table 1: Main features and examples of the MEGA-U in use.
Partial word matches in
It is possible to enter one letter or a partial spelling and have the glossary engine return a list
of possible term (Figure 2). This has advantages for many students who may not know the
exact spelling of the word. The search engine is only in English. This is not perceived as a
problem in Hong Kong since all students in schools study English from an early age.
Display of a wide range
of media resources
Video, animation, graphics and/or sound can provide multiple perspectives of the definition
or description of a term. In Figure 3, the term shown is ‘photosynthesis’ and it includes a
graphic that is accessed from a remote server.
A single glossary entry, composed of multiple media resources from a variety of sources
(URLs), can be assembled into a single coherent form for display (and interaction) to a
student when required.
Simple to deploy
The clickable MEGA-U icon can be placed in any webpage or as a replacement for a glossary
in a learning management system, and is therefore available to students at any time.
Display information
about any number of
content domains
The database behind the MEGA-U is intended to simply store content or URL links and
collate each of the elements of a glossary term on demand. In this way, the content can be
updated easily.
Multilingual The database supports double-byte characters.
Simple glossary
A basic glossary can be uploaded via a comma-delimited Excel file which includes the
glossary term, definition, links to resources and related terms.
Glossaries can be managed from a standard web browser. The software engine has been
tested with Internet Explorer (6.xx) and Firefox (1.0x).
Multiple levels of
The levels are: administrator (creates glossaries), Glossary Owner and associates (editing,
uploading terms, student accounts, adding resources, quality control), and student rights to
annotate or add resources (URLs, multimedia).
Once a student annotates an existing entry, the
Glossary Owner (key teacher) receives an email that
links the teacher (via a web browser) to the changed
term which now has ‘Accept’ or ‘Reject’ on screen
in order for permission to be given for changes to
the database. This is a key design feature of the
MEGA-U, which is intended to maintain the
accuracy and appropriateness of the content of any
glossary, and protect against malicious or
inappropriate annotations or links.
In Table 1, the main features of the MEGA-U
software are summarized. Key aspects include the
ease of authoring (students and teachers), partial
word searches in English (very important in a
multilingual environment such as Hong Kong), and
managing access to the authoring components of the
MEGA-U for students and teachers.
The theoretical framework of the project is based
upon the work of Kennedy & McNaught (1997)
which described the manner in which computer-
facilitated learning (now more commonly called
eLearning) may be considered from the perspective
of either didactic, pre-emptive or transformative
approaches to teaching (Bain & McNaught, 2006;
Laurillard, 2002). These three conceptions of
teaching can be briefly described as follows.
The didactic teacher believes in a transmissive
view of learning in that knowledge can be directly
transferred from teacher to student. This viewpoint
tends to encourage surface or reproductive learning
in students.
A pre-emptive orientation to student learning
which, while sensitive to past students’ prior
learning and misconceptions, is teacher-centred and
focuses on the teacher’s explanations, rather than
student activity.
A conversational or transformative conception is
based on viewing learning as a process in which
understanding is constructed by the student with the
assistance of the teacher.
In Table 2, the three views of a glossary viewed
from the perspectives above are shown.
The design of the MEGA-U extends the
traditional text-based glossary to one that
encompasses the affordances offered by the internet,
with the additional potential to incorporate a more
transformative approach to the material incorporated
in the glossary. Including student-derived definitions
and links has the potential to develop a multi-modal
glossary better suited to the specific needs of
a Multimedia Glossary
Table 2: Design elements of a glossary from a didactic, pre-emptive, or transformative perspective.
Didactic Pre-emptive Transformative
A list of text-
based definitions
and formulae.
The terms may be represented as text,
graphics, video, sound, or simulations
(multiple representations of concepts).
As for pre-emptive, with the additional facility
for students to contribute multiple definitions to the
glossary, and/or construct their own glossary.
Figure 2: Graphics in a glossary entry.
When a student searches for a term, partial
matches are shown (e.g., ph would produce pH and
photosynthesis). When a student rolls their mouse
over the row automatically expands to show all of
the text (bilingual) for that term. In Figure 2, the
student has clicked on the term ‘photosynthesis’ to
show embedded multimedia resources.
The MEGA-U can either upload or link to any
internet resource with a URL. A transformative
approach to learning is supported by the ability of
students to add to existing glossary terms.
Additional text, links, descriptions and resources
may be added to the glossary as required via a
forms-based editing environment. In an existing
term, the glossary term, definition and initial links,
and resources remain unchangeable by the student.
The student can add a resource description and link,
a description, multimedia or a link to multimedia
(the size of the object must be stated in pixels in
order to provide the size of area for the object to
display correctly).
Initial evaluations have been undertaken with a
small focus group (four students) from a multimedia
class. The students had a link to the MEGA-U
available as part of the online module resources. The
comments by the students are summarised into the
paragraphs below (this is a summary developed by
one student for the group). More complete
evaluations are ongoing, as the MEGA-U becomes a
part of the teaching and learning environment of
more modules.
The system is quite user friendly. Once you’ve input
the keywords, for example, you input a word ‘cancer’,
then the cancer’s glossary will appear and then you can
see the definition of cancer. Then you can click on the
word cancer and you go to another page. After opening
the webpage, you can see more details about this glossary
item. You can see the pictures and also some URL links
which provide more information to the item. The user can
certainly click the URL links and find more useful
information on the webpage created by the other people
all over the world.
Moreover, you need not input the whole word and then
you can start your search. For example, you need to find
what photosynthesis is, but you forget the spelling of the
part ‘synthesis’ or maybe you’ve already mixed up with
other words, you can simply type the word ‘photo’, and it
will start the smart search, giving you all the words with
the spelling started by ‘photo’. Thus, if you only type a
letter ‘a’ and start the search, the system will give you all
the words started with ‘a’ in the glossary. Additionally, no
matter you input a capital letter ‘a’ or not, it will display
both the capital ones and the non-capital ones. If you do
not input anything and press the search button then all the
items in the glossary will be displayed.
Responses from experienced educational
designers in Hong Kong, Australia and the UK have
also been positive. However, in order to be more
fully evaluated, the MEGA-U needs to be used in a
number of normal classes with a range of students
and teachers. Therein lies the problem. A number of
colleagues in a number of discipline areas at the
Hong Kong Institute of Education have looked at
MEGA-U and stated that it would be of real value in
their classes. However, all have deferred actual
implementation plans, claiming that students (who
are pre-service teachers) would find this way of
working too challenging, and that students would
not ‘trust’ entries from other students. In the second
section of the paper I will look at reasons for this
In 1998 the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region government began a program of
modernization as part of a five-year strategy to
provide hardware and software, connect schools to
the internet, begin professional development of
existing teachers, and require teacher education
institutions to mandate a level of information
technology competency in education (ITCE) targets
amongst new graduates. The original five-year plan
achieved a number of milestones, primarily in
technical, training and infrastructure developments
(Kennedy, Fitzgerald & Lee, 2004). However, the
hoped-for change in pedagogy did not occur in
conjunction with the hardware and software roll-out.
In 2004 progress was reviewed and the focus was
shifted from equipment and infrastructure to
pedagogical change, which articulated a more
constructivist view of using ICTs to enhance and
support teaching and learning in Hong Kong
(Education and Manpower Bureau, 2004), arguing
for a move from a teacher-centred to a more student-
centred approach. This is a challenging shift as, in
Hong Kong, a student-centred, collaborative
approach to teaching and learning is not the norm in
the classroom (Pearson, 2001).
It is claimed by the University Grants Committee
that Hong Kong has enthusiastically adopted web-
based technologies for teaching and learning in
universities (Leung et al., 2005). One reason is that
the web is viewed as offering significant cost
savings. However, the situation in schools is seem to
be different with tightly prescribed curricula and
more traditional approaches to teaching and learning
still being the major form of student experience
(Kennedy, Fitzgerald & Lee, 2004). In such
environments changes in teaching practice are
incremental and slow. There are some good
exemplars of effective use of ICTs in Hong Kong,
but these isolated examples have required
substantive changes in the manner in which students
are taught, a clearly articulated collective vision and
strong school leadership over a number of years
(Harrington, 2005).
Ten years ago Hooper and Rieber espoused a belief
that embedding technology in teaching and learning
in schools would reinvigorate the role of the
classroom teacher: “We envision technology as a
teacher’s liberator to help reestablish the role and
value of the individual classroom teacher.” (Hooper
& Rieber, 1995, p. 154). They identified two things
that were required in order to realize this belief. The
first was a move to more student-centred teaching
and learning. The second was the need to develop a
community of teachers, students and parents that
nurtured and supported the learning process
(Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt,
1992). Rogers (2003) went further and identified
five key stages: knowledge, persuasion, decision,
implementation and confirmation that are required
before actual practices are likely to change.
Sherry, Billig, Tavalin & Gibson (2000)
proposed a five-stage model congruent with Rogers’
key stages that has been validated (in a three-year
research project) for technology adoption and
diffusion in US schools. The five stages are
characterised by: teacher as: learner, adopter, co-
learner, reaffirmer or rejecter, and leader. Each stage
in turn is characterized by a series of strategies. For
example in Stage 1, teachers are learning about the
technology while in stage two they are beginning to
adopt the technology. It would be fair to say that the
majority of teachers in Hong Kong are currently
between ‘persuasion’ and ‘implementation’ stages in
the Rogers’ (2003) model, but it is less clear with
regard to the Sherry et al. (2000) model since there
is evidence to suggest that the availability and access
to computers in Hong Kong schools outside formal
IT/ computer literacy classes is limited. While
teachers are often interested in engaging with ICTs
a Multimedia Glossary
to improve student learning, they are constrained by
circumstances out of their direct control. Over 77%
of teachers have achieved Intermediate ITCE
competencies, but the implications of a survey of
teachers in 684 primary and secondary Hong Kong
schools were that only 6% of teachers show any
evidence of innovative pedagogies and practice
(Kennedy, Fitzgerald & Lee, 2004).
The design of the MEGA-U has been undertaken
with constructivist principles in mind and a teaching
and learning framework that is based upon a
conversational framework in which students
communicate with each other (Laurillard, 2002).
However, not withstanding the design, the positive
responses from the student focus group and
experienced educational designers, there remain
significant barriers to more widespread use.
Establishing Communities of Practice (C of P) using
ICTs in Hong Kong schools can be achieved but it is
often limited to direct intervention (Yuen, 2003).
The MEGA-U is being trialled in a number of
courses involving pre-service teachers but only those
taught by the author. Its use is still limited by current
policies and practice.
Bain, J., & McNaught, C. (2006). How academics use
technology in teaching and learning: Understanding
the relationship between beliefs and practice. Journal
of Computer Assisted Learning, 22, 99–113.
Brown, J. (2002). Making a Macromedia Flash MX
learning object SCORM-conformant (White paper).
Alexandria, Virginia, USA: Advanced Distributed
Learning Co-Laboratory. Retrieved November 28,
2005, from
Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt. (1992).
The Jasper Experiment: An exploration of issues in
learning and instructional design. Educational
Technology Research and Development, 40(1), 65-80.
Education and Manpower Bureau. (2004). Empowering
learning and teaching with information technology.
Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.
Retrieved November 28, 2005, from
Harrington, S. (2005, Aug. 27). Big class struggle to get
IT just right. South China Morning Post, pp. E1–E2.
Hooper, S., & Rieber, L. P. (1995). Teaching with
technology. In A. C. Ornstein (Ed.), Teaching: Theory
into practice (pp. 154–170). Needham Heights, MA:
Allyn and Bacon.
Jonassen, D. H., Peck, K. L., & Wilson, B. G. (1999).
Learning with technology: A constructivist
perspective. New Jersey: Merrill.
Kennedy, D. M., Fitzgerald, R., & Lee, K. T. (2004).
Enacting government IT in education policy:
Designing modules for teacher education in Hong
Kong. Journal of APEC Studies, 6(1), 17–38.
Kennedy, D. M., & McNaught, C. (1997). Design
elements for interactive multimedia. Australian
Journal of Educational Technology, 13(1), 1–22.
Kozma, R. B. (2003). Technology and classroom
practices: An international study. Journal of Research
on Technology in Education, 36(1), 1–14.
Laurillard, D. (2002). Rethinking university teaching: A
conversational framework for the effective use of
learning technologies (2nd ed.). London: Routledge
Leung, T. P., et al. (2005). Education quality work: The
Hong Kong experience. Hong Kong: Editorial
Committee on behalf of the eight University Grants
Committee (UGC)-funded higher education
McNaught, C., & Lam, P. (2005). Building an evaluation
culture and evidence base for e-learning in three Hong
Kong universities. British Journal of Educational
Technology, 36(4), 599–614.
Pearson, J. (2001). Information technology in education:
policy and provision in Hong Kong schools.
Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 10(3), 279–
Rogers, E. M. (2003), Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.),
New York: Free Press.
Sherry, L., Billig, S., Tavalin, F., & Gibson, D. (2000).
New Insights on Technology Adoption in Schools.
Retrieved November 28, 2005, from
Yuen, A. H. K. (2003). Fostering learning communities in
classrooms: A case study of Hong Kong schools.
Educational Media International, 40(1-2), 153–162.