Ileana Hamburg
Institute for Work and Technology, Munscheidstr. 14, 45886 Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Thorsten Busse
Institute for Work and Technology, Munscheidstr. 14, 45886 Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Keywords: Web-based e-Learning for disabled, Scenario planning, Special needs, Special education.
Abstract: Web-based e-Learning could provide additional educational opportunities for disabled people to improve
their qualification and to support their social integration especially into the knowledge-based economy.
However, the requirements and wishes of disabled people are frequently not understood or taken into ac-
count by the designers of learning environments based on new media. Often, the users can not articulate
their wishes about the learning environments and what they would like to learn for their future. In this paper
scenario planning is presented as a method to help disabled people to express their wishes and plan their ca-
reers. Designers too, are addressed to increase their awareness about special needs of disabled people to im-
prove the usability and accessibility of Web-based e-Learning. Examples of on-going projects are shortly
The use of the Internet is growing worldwide at a
rapid rate. Its technologies in particular Web-based
services have the potential to revolutionise ap-
proaches to learning (online, e-Learning). There has
been a rise in the availability of e-Learning educa-
tion and training programmes and complementing
this growth, the popularity of online education is
The potential of new technologies particularly
the Web should be used in a way that both students
and staff have benefits. Additionally, learning op-
tions available for students should increase, rather
than using e-Learning as a cut-price approach that
leads to a reduction in quality. These new forms of
learning could provide additional educational oppor-
tunities for disabled people to support their social
integration and integration into the knowledge-based
economy. However, people with disabilities are
among the least considered in the context of online
learning (Kinash et al. 2004). This is particularly
disconcerting, because estimated 10% of students
are disabled in the European Community (Paciello
2000) and even estimated 13% in Germany (Ham-
burg et al. 2002). Estimated 60% of disabled stu-
dents in the UK are dyslexic, though the representa-
tion in the general population is much smaller. This
indicates the continuing barriers to further and
higher education encountered by other groups of
disabled people. In conclusion, in most countries a
substantial subset of the total population is poten-
tially excluded from full advantages of the Internet
and online education.
There exist guidelines that outline means for ac-
commodating individuals with special needs into
online courses. However, many courses still contain
barriers for this population (Burgstahler 2004).
e-Learning tends to use technologies and ap-
proaches developed in other contexts, such as in the
industry, which are not necessarily appropriate for e-
Learning applications for people with disabilities.
There is still a general lack of awareness of the need
for accessible Web-based design, although there
exist web accessibility guidelines produced by the
World Wide Web Consortium (see chapter two)
(Hersh et al. 2004).
There are concerns that increasing the accessibil-
ity for disabled will erode academic standards
(Wagner, 1989). Such concerns are largely based on
Hamburg I. and Busse T. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 357-362
DOI: 10.5220/0001241503570362
misunderstandings and ignorance of the importance
of and requirements for accessibility, as well as the
types of measures that will result in accessible learn-
ing environments (Gosden and Hampton 2000).
However, increasing accessibility is likely to lead to
benefits for all students, including non-disabled
students. It is unlikely to have any deleterious effects
on quality or academic standards (Hamburg et al.
2005; Muscan et al. 2004).
Some teachers consider that accessibility is un-
necessary due to the very small numbers of disabled
students. However, inaccessibility of courses, build-
ings and other facilities are one of the reasons for the
continuing under representation of disabled people
in further and higher education.
The requirements and wishes of disabled people
are frequently not understood or taken into account
by the developers of learning environments based on
new media (Hamburg et al. 2003). Many designers
believe erroneously that assistive technologies alone
can remove all access barriers.
Often the users can not articulate their wishes
about the learning environments and what they
would like to learn for their future.
In this paper the scenario planning is presented
as one method to help disabled people to express
their wishes and to plan their careers on one hand.
On the other hand scenario planning is meant to
support designers in decision making which ad-
dresses the special needs of disabled people at
e-Learning courses to improve usability and accessi-
bility. It is intended to anticipate potential problems
before any code or HTML is written at all.
e-Learning in our understanding is "… the use of
new multimedia technologies and the Internet to
improve the quality of learning by facilitating access
to resources and services as well as remote ex-
changes and collaboration." (White Paper, 2003).
Distance learning courses and environments that are
Internet and Web-based (e-Learning) can be used to
apply the potential of the Internet. Other information
and communications technologies too, can support
education and training of disabled people through:
Facilitating needs-oriented learning by providing
tools for searching information and learning con-
tent in the Internet which corresponds both to the
learning topic and to the learning situation of the
Usage in the context of action-oriented learning,
with the further aim of obtaining Internet skills.
Supporting a searching and exploring process
with the learner as focal point and the trainer or
tutor in a support role. Furthermore, to provide a
loose framework in which learning is carried out.
The provision of additional functions, such as
computer-supported acquisition, distribution and
creation of knowledge as well as collaborative
The subject of open Web-based e-Learning has
engaged researchers world-wide for a number of
years and different approaches have been proposed
for Internet-based distance learning. Methods for
synchronous learning (Eschelbeck 1995; Boegh
et al. 1998), asynchronous learning (McDaid et al.
1999), as well as environments to cover communica-
tion needs of collaborative work in a learning envi-
ronment (Mcgreal 1998) were proposed.
e-Learning techniques can either be the sole (or
main) teaching approach or supplementary to tradi-
tional courses. There are advantages of using them
in addition to traditional courses, because this allows
students to examine material from different view
points and/or to choose the learning approach that
they prefer. The opportunity to study material in
different ways generally increases understanding and
learning. In addition, the combination of
e-Learning and traditional classes gives students
who can not attend particular classes the opportunity
to complement missed study material. This can be
principally beneficial to those groups of disabled
students, which prefer to work at home. There is
anecdotal evidence that many disabled students
prefer to work at home. This is of course dependent
on the student’s access to the Web and the material
which is available on the Web in an appropriate
Making the best use of the medium to encourage
student interests and active learning requires appro-
priate teaching approaches. It is not effective to
simply place a set of notes on the Web or transmit a
traditional lecture across a video (or audio link).
Therefore, teaching staff will require training and
access to suitable materials that are more appropriate
for the new media. Web-based and other learning
materials too, need to be updated just as frequently
as materials used in traditional classrooms.
Unless e-Learning environments are not well de-
signed, they can increase, rather than overcome
social isolation. Individual learning without interac-
tion with other students and teachers will be the
reason. However, learning paradigms based on
"networked learning", that is learning in a learning
community and/or "blended learning" i.e. an appro-
priate mix of e-learning and traditional class-room
tuition can be used to overcome this disadvantage.
Studies show that there is an endless list of de-
sign elements of e-Learning courses conflicting
themselves due to imposing barriers and at the same
time providing support for students with special
needs. To create a manageable list, it is necessary to
focus on elements which affect the student to par-
ticipate fully in e-Learning courses.
Results of a literature review and of discussions
with disabled people were that the main factors for
the design of Web-based courses can be grouped in
five categories: Focus on disabilities, Design of the
Web-site, Applied Technology, Instructional Meth-
odologies and Support Systems. These will also
constitute the descriptors for our scenarios (see next
part) and are complex elements.
When focussing on disabilities it needs to be
considered that specific elements addressing differ-
ent disabilities must be present. In this essay as an
example visual and hearing impairments are consid-
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) de-
fines standards and gives recommendations of what
a good and informative Web-site is. The accessibil-
ity of Web-sites for disabled persons was especially
taken into account. The chapter titles of the
‘Guidelines Web Content’(W3C 1999) are:
1. Provide equivalent alternatives to auditory and
visual content
2. Don't rely on colour alone
3. Use markup and style sheets and do so properly
4. Clarify natural language usage
5. Create tables that transform gracefully
6. Ensure that pages featuring new technologies
transform gracefully
7. Ensure user control of time-sensitive content
8. Ensure direct accessibility of embedded user
9. Design for device-independence
10. Use interim solutions
11. Use W3C technologies and guidelines
12. Provide context and orientation information.
13. Provide clear navigation mechanisms
14. Ensure that documents are clear and simple.
These guidelines provide a good first idea about
what is necessary in the category Design of the
Web-site to ensure good accessibility.
When reffering to Applied Technology, it
becomes obvious that additional technologies
(cameras, video conferencing systems, chat rooms,
screan readers, etc) pose barriers for individuals with
special needs.
Furthermore, it is important to consider that both
Web-based and non-Web-based technologies are
necessary to guarnatee an efficient participation in
an e-Learning course.
The category Instructional Methodology reffers
to assigned activities during the learning sessions,
communication, timing requiremenst, and curricular
Support Systems include internal support
(content sensitive help) as well as external support
coming from other persons than the course’s teacher.
In the following we describe shortly the scenario
method used in our projects.
Scenarios are "narrative descriptions of assumptions,
risks and environmental factors and how they may
affect operations. Scenarios attempt to explore the
effect of changing several variables at once with
objective analysis and subjective interpretations"
(Wikipedia 2005).
"Scenarios are narratives of alternative environ-
ments in which today’s decisions may be played out.
They are not predictions. Nor are they strategies"
and Schwartz 2004).
Scenario planning derives from the observation
of the given impossibility of knowing precisely how
the future will play out. A good decision or strategy
adopted is the one that plays out well across several
possible futures. To find that "robust" strategy, a
variety of scenarios are created in a way that each
scenario diverges markedly from the other. These
sets of scenarios are essentially constructed stories
about the future. Each of the scenarios is modelling
a distinct, plausible world in which we might some-
day have to live and work.
To be an effective planning tool, scenarios
should be written in a form of absorbing and con-
vincing stories that describe a broad range of alter-
native futures. Scenario planning can contain ele-
ments that are difficult to formalise such as subjec-
tive interpretations of facts, shifts in values, new
regulations or inventions. It is important for scenar-
ios to include plausible, but unexpectedly important
situations and problems that already exist in small
scales in the present.
Some steps in the planning of scenarios are as in
the following (Wikipedia 2005):
Decide on the key question to be answered by
the analysis
Set the time and scope of the analysis
Identify major stakeholders
Identify main descriptors (factors of influence or
driving forces)
Identify the extremes of the possible outcomes of
the (two) driving forces and check the dimen-
sions for consistency and plausibility
Define and write out scenarios
Assess the scenarios. Are they relevant for the
goal? Are the internally consistent?
Identify research needs and develop quantitative
Converge towards decision scenarios
In the following two projects scenarios in which the
authors are involved, were developed about people
with different kinds of disabilities using Web-based
e-Learning modules.
A project within the GRUNDTVIG programme
of the European Commission is the project IECU-
VADVLA (Hamburg et al. 2005). IECUVADVLA
means “Improvement of Employment Chances of
the Unemployed and the Visual and Auditive Dis-
abled by Innovative Applications”. IECUVADVLA
was initiated in the context of a participatory learn-
ing partnership of five countries: Romania, Ger-
many, Hungary, England and the Netherlands. In-
vestigations of the existing situation in the partici-
pating countries were already carried out. These are,
concerning the educational assistance by electronic
means, that especially senior disabled often have
moderate levels of education. In the current phase of
the project, informative assistance will be provided
based on the results of the investigations. Further-
more, some specific Web-based e-Learning courses
will be designed in order to improve computer skills,
the employment application techniques of the target
groups, and the awareness and knowledge about the
target group’s rights.
Scenarios are also used in the European project
TYAEST. Within this project alternative education
models for young adult education, particularly for
young disabled adults, were developed to increase
“consumption” of education. Furthermore, it pro-
vides an alternative perspective upon continuous
education and enables the planning of careers.
It was planned to disseminate and analyse the
scenarios within a workshop held together with
disabled young people at a special school in Ger-
One of the goals of this project is to use scenar-
ios to determine patterns of interaction of a disabled
person in a Web-based e-Learning course. Addition-
ally, functions protecting the software from irre-
versible actions of users need to be developed, for
instance “warning”-alerts need to pop-up. Another
goal is to motivate users to achieve Web-
competence and to facilitate the planning of their
future. The chosen scenario approach in the projects
is slightly different from the traditional use of the
scenario technique. Scenario technique is conven-
tionally used either as a teaching method in educa-
tional systems, or as a planning tool in business or
politics. The scenarios developed and used in the
projects IECUVADVLA and TYAEST combine the
teaching and the planning aspects. They are to gen-
erate benefits for students, for developers of special-
ised e-Learning applications, and to increase knowl-
edge about e-Learning applications for disabled
people even at political decision-making levels. In
literature a lot of learning scenarios for disabled can
be found. However, the literature mainly targets the
group of developers of e-Learning applications and
is mostly provided by scientists or university stu-
dents (Florénn
and Lindén 2003). The DEMOS pro-
ject in England examined learning needs of disabled
persons by interviewing them (for more information
about the project:
index.html). In IECUVADVLA and TYAEST it is
intended to develop the scenarios in intensive coop-
eration with the affected group. The demands and
wishes of disabled learners will be linked together
with experiences and knowledge of scientists and
developers of learning applications. Even if aspects
of usability and accessibility are already taken into
account in nowadays e-Learning programs, it is
important to respect the learners’ wishes. To intro-
duce the scenario technique a "dummy scenario" has
been presented to the students from the special
school in Bochum during the first workshop.
Klaus is a 16 year old boy visiting the 10
His hobbies are swimming, reading and computer
gaming. So far he is an ordinary teenager but he has
got a handicap, he is blind. At the age of three he
drunk antifreeze (smelled like citron) which contains
methyl alcohol and for the reason his eyesight is
completely gone. Nevertheless he has plans for his
vocational future. In former times a blind person had
very few possibilities for working, best known pro-
fessions were piano tuner or beggar. In nowadays
handicapped people have more opportunities. Klaus
is interested in working as a clerk in an office. For-
tunately most of the work in an office is done with
computers. In school he is trained to use a Braille-
device and a speech output device for reading the
screen contents. Therefore he is able to cope with
most of the work as well as a seeing person. To
improve his skills and his employability he wants to
learn building up a Web-homepage. Therefore he
attends an
e-Learning course for HTML and homepage design
especially developed for blind users. He found this
course by visiting an online portal for blind users.
This course is adjusted to the needs of blind users in
different ways. It is HTML based and needs no fur-
ther software but a standard browser e.g. Firefox or
Microsoft Internet Explorer. The course works with-
out video clips or flash animations so neither the
screen reader nor the Braille-output device has prob-
lems to present the content of the e-Learning plat-
form in a suitable way. To raise accessibility the
platform is set up in a simple way and all learning
modules have the same structure. The course is sup-
plied by specially trained and certified e-Learning-
trainers which communicate with the learners via e-
mail, phone, chat, forums or online conferences.
The animated scenario was presented to the stu-
dents with different disabilities of this special school
in Bochum Germany. Questions about plausibility
and consequences of it have been discussed. Some
students express that the scenario could help them to
think more positive about learning and future ca-
The students like scenario methods and want to
work themselves in groups to develop other new
scenarios. The topics they proposed were about
using Web for learning by: visually impaired users
with hand tremor, users with dyslexia, deaf or hear-
ing impaired, user with colour blindness. The key
Question for the scenarios is “how the Web can
make some e-learning tasks easier for people with
disabilities”. The two main factors of influence are
the type of disability and the technology used.
In the next workshops these scenarios will be
presented and discussed. They will be analysed in
connection with their consistency and relevance for
the target group. Strategies for lifelong learning will
be developed together with the students in this con-
text. From the previous discussions with the students
it could be concluded that the students do not under-
stand what means and how important is lifelong
learning for their integration into social and working
It is intended to find patterns of interaction of a
disabled person in a Web-based e-Learning course.
Two developers of e-learning environments will be
invited to the workshops. The will try to make some
adaptations at the Web-based learning environment
developed within the past Leonardo project EURO
H about distance learning for people with disabilities
(Hamburg et al. 2004).
Additionally, functions protecting the software
from irreversible actions of users will be developed,
for instance “warning”-alerts need to pop-up.
The adapted Web-based learning environment
together with two learning modules about Internet
and its applications for disabled-oriented informa-
tion searching will be offered to the students for
The scenarios developed by young people with
different disabilities and improved will be presented
to a group of elderly people (50-65 years old) being
participants within the project IECUVADVLA. The
main topic of the discussion with this group will be
the lifelong learning of elderly people by using the
Also the adapted Web-based learning environ-
ment will be presented and tested. This will be
available for elderly people who would like to learn
within the European Distance Learning Centre de-
veloped within EURO H.
The importance of e-learning and particularly of the
Web for disabled is recognized but the process of
designing accessible e-learning courses for them is
very complex. It requires attention to many variables
and considerations of needs what are often unpre-
dictable. Disabled people can not always express
their needs or wishes or have not awareness to plan
their future career.
Scenarios which resemble a set of stories, written
or spoken, can express multiple perspectives on
complex events giving meaning to these events. We
consider that they are suitable for shaping learning
environments for disabled because they present
alternatives images.
Effective scenarios need not to be always right;
they need to foster discussions that are very impor-
tant for disabled people who are often isolated so-
cially. If the endpoints of a scenario are unbelievably
extreme, then the uncertainties as variables can be
moved closer to what should be achieved. It is im-
portant to determine disabled people to articulate
their needs and the developers of e-Learning envi-
ronments to understand and to try to integrate these
needs and wishes into the systems.
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