Enabling Naïve Searchers to Search the Web Smartly
Sunanda Patro, Vishv Malhotra, David Johnson
School of Computing, Pvt Box 100, University of Tasmania, Hobart TAS 7001 Australia
Keywords: Web searching, Information need, Boolean query, Relevance feedback.
Abstract: This paper presents an algorithm to improve a web search query based on the feedback on the viewed
documents. A user who is searching for information on the Web marks the retrieved (viewed) documents as
relevant or irrelevant to further expose the information needs expressed in the original query. A new web
search query matching this improved understanding of the user’s information needs is synthesized from
these text documents. The methodology provides a way for creating web search query that matches the
user’s information need even when the user may have difficulty in doing so directly due to lack of
experience in the query design or lack of familiarity of the search domain. A user survey has shown that the
algorithmically formed query has recall coverage and precision characteristics better than those achieved by
the experienced human web searchers.
Quality of the links returned in a web search
depends on how well the query embodies the user’s
information needs. An erudite user is able to state a
web search query using appropriate terms and jargon
to obtain links to the valuable resources. A user
searching for information in a new or unfamiliar
domain faces difficulties. The difficulties are caused
by the searcher’s inability to provide suitable terms
and synonyms, or not being able to combine them
suitably to express the information needs accurately.
An unsatisfactory query may return an
overwhelming majority of links to resources of no
interest to the searcher or may fail to identify useful
resources. The former problem is called a precision
problem and the latter a recall problem.
Information foraging (Aula, Jhaveri and Kaki,
2005) is an unusual but apt description of the
common web search behavior. It suggests that a
typical searcher aims to maximize the amount of
valuable information they gain in a unit time. This
attitude manifests in many well-known observations;
for example, few queries have more than three
terms; use of operators in the web queries is rare;
and only a small number of links appearing at the
top of links returned by a search engine are viewed
by the searchers (Jansen, Spink, Bateman and
Saracevic, 1998), (Hölscher and Strube, 2000).
Indeed, the search strategy used by the web
searchers simply mimics well-known Artificial
Intelligence heuristic called hill-climbing (Kopec
and Marsland, 1997). In turn, like the heuristic, a
search may end in a sub-optimal local maximum.
The searcher misses to retrieve the best documents
matching the information needs. Some of these
searches fail to even retrieve a satisfactory
document, leaving the searchers frustrated and
believing that appropriate resources do not exist on
the Web for their needs.
As a user views documents on the Web, useful
examples of documents that user considers
somewhat relevant as well as those that are
irrelevant are generated. Few browsers make use of
this information to improve the quality of the search.
Previously, Cohen et al. (1996) and Malhotra et al.
(2005) have described algorithms to generate Web
search queries from example documents. These
algorithms have relied on established techniques in
text-categorization to construct queries to select
relevant examples and reject irrelevant examples.
The generated Boolean expressions have good recall
and precision characteristics but the query can be too
large to be effectively processed by a search engine.
Suggested approach of breaking a single query into a
series of queries is not effective; few searchers
bother to access more than a few documents let
Patro S., Malhotra V. and Johnson D. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 287-294
DOI: 10.5220/0001238502870294
alone try a sequence of queries. Thus, the onus is on
the query synthesis algorithm to provide a single
query that meets the user’s information needs well
when a searcher asks for help. This paper gives such
an algorithm to generate a query. Only an integrated
query provides access to resources that meet all
aspects of the user’s information needs as opposed
to some aspects of the needs.
Oyama et al. (2004) have suggested a different
approach to improve the quality of the web search
experience. They identify a domain specific keyword
spice to augment query terms so that only the
resources from the relevant domain are targeted by
the search. They illustrate their technique by
searching for beef cooking recipes. While a single
word query beef returns few links to the useful
resources, the keyword spiced query beef &
((ingredients & !season & !description) |
tablespoon) has good success in meeting the user’s
information needs. The main limitation of the
approach is that one needs to develop a keyword
spice for each information domain a user may be
interested in. Even if such a collection of keyword
spices could be developed, the problem remains
unabated as the users need to select correct keyword
spices for their information needs.
This paper presents an algorithm to construct
web queries that fit the query interface of Goolge
search engine. The algorithm uses Incremental
Learning (IL) algorithm (Sanchez, Triantaphyllou,
Chen and Liao, 2002) as modified in Malhotra et al.
(2005) to define an initial set of minterms. These
minterms collectively select all relevant examples
and each minterm rejects examples marked as
irrelevant by the viewing searcher. The algorithm
chooses and organizes these minterms to devise
query that accesses the best resources as measured
by the precision and recall characteristics and yet are
small to meet the size limit of the search engine.
Cohen et al. (1996) also generate a set of minterms
using a rule-learning technique RIPPER (Cohen,
1995). However, the RIPPER expressions are
already optimized to minimize misclassification
errors. This makes the expression less amenable to
further transformations to reduce their sizes to meet
limitations of search engine query interfaces.
In section 2, we briefly introduce relevance
feedback approaches used in text-categorization and
explain why we have chosen to use Boolean
expression based query synthesis approach. The
section also summarizes IL algorithm to construct a
set of minterms. This set of minterms constitutes the
primary input for our query synthesis algorithm
described in Section 3. The main goal of the
algorithm would be to synthesize web query that fits
the query interface of the search engine without
unduly compromising its access to the best web
resources. Section 4 presents results from a user
survey to establish the effectiveness of the
synthesized queries. In section 5 we conclude with a
description of planned work to integrate the
algorithm with a browser and also other
Relevance feedback has been studied extensively in
the context of text categorization (Baeza-Yates,
1991, Sebastiani, 2002). Given a corpus of
documents, certain terms are chosen as
discriminators. A query is a vector assigning weights
to the terms. Relevance feedback and query
expansion are used to adjust the terms and their
weights so that query is more aligned to documents
considered relevant and avoids documents
considered irrelevant (Ruthven and Lalmas, 2003).
Notwithstanding their success and usefulness in
text-categorization the vector based queries are little
used for web searching. Vector queries do not
express information needs in a way humans can
easily interpret. Thus, search engines use Boolean
expression based user interface for web searching.
Vector based approaches also use a large number of
terms in a query. On the other hand, it is important
for the search engines to limit the terms in queries to
deliver results efficiently and within an acceptable
time frame.
A web query also differs from the text
categorization in regards to its aims. An ideal text
categorization query for an information need is
required to locate all relevant documents without
retrieving any irrelevant document. The practical
algorithms – for example, RIPPER – aim for
misclassification minimization using a cost model
for errors. A web searcher typically views only a
few (usually, one) documents – clearly, one would
like these documents to meet the information need
A web search query is a list of terms (words)
punctuated by Boolean operators AND (&), OR (|)
and NOT (!). Following on from Google
conventions, AND is an implied operator and not
explicitly written. Operator NOT applies to a single
term and has highest precedence. The operator AND
(&) has lowest precedence. For a set of textual
documents, D, and a search query, Q, expression D σ
Q denotes the results of search by query Q over the
document set D with the following interpretation:
Case Q is term {doc | doc D and term
occurs in document doc}
Case Q is !term {doc | doc D and term does
not occur in document doc}
Case Q is (R & S) (D σ R) σ S
Case Q is (R | S) (D σ R)
(D σ S)
We shall assume the readers familiarity with the
standard terminology related to Boolean expressions
(Aho and Ullman, 1992) especially the terms
minterm, maxterm, Conjunctive Normal Form
(CNF), and Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF).
Quality of a query is a subjective notion.
Information retrieval systems measure the quality
through two objective measures precision (P) and
recall (R). Suppose a given collection of N
documents containing I irrelevant documents is
searched by a query that returns r relevant and n
non-relevant documents. Precision (P) and recall (R)
of the query are defined as follows: P = r/(r+n) and
R = r/(N – I).
These definitions require knowledge of the
various parameter values: N, I, n and r. The Web is
large and ever expanding collection of documents.
Therefore, it is impossible to know these values for a
web search. We therefore use other measures, P@20
and C@20 to model precision and recall respectively
(Patro and Malhotra, 2005). P@20 is defined as
fraction of top 20 links returned by query that the
searcher finds relevant. C@20 is defined based on
the estimated number of documents (say, E) in the
search engine database matching the query. C@20 is
defined as min(log
(E·P@20)/20,1). Briefly,
E·P@20 is the number of relevant documents the
query is able to find in the search engines database.
Logarithmic scale caters for reduced marginal utility
of the larger sets. It can be easily noticed that for
specific information need, a query with better recall
returns higher C@20 value. We shall combine the
two measures through harmonic mean to define a
metric for quality of a query Q@20: Q@20 =
2/(1/P@20 + 1/C@20).
2.1 Building Blocks of a Query
For the sake of completeness, in this section, we
briefly describe the algorithm to generate minterms
needed to synthesize the queries. Further details of
the algorithm can be found in (Patro, 2006).
We assume that a searcher seeking help to
improve query has used an initial query to retrieve
and view a few documents. As the documents are
viewed the user divides them into two sets: Relevant
containing documents that have some information of
interest to the user; and, Irrelevant containing
documents that have little information to interest the
The query synthesis algorithm makes use of the
initial query and a set of minterms derived from
documents in sets Relevant and Irrelevant to
synthesize a new query. To construct this set of
minterms, the algorithm first constructs a series of
maxterms. Each maxterm is derived by selecting a
series of terms from the documents in set Relevant.
This selection of the terms to augment maxterms is
facilitated by computing selectivity of the terms. The
selectivity for term t in construction of (i+1)
maxterm is defined as follows (In the following
denotes a partially constructed (i+1)
TR = Relevant – (Relevant σ maxterm
= TR σ t;
TIR = Irrelevant σ (maxterm
&…& maxterm
= TIR σ t;
selectivity (t) =
A maxterm selects all documents in set Relevant
and reject one or more documents in set Irrelevant.
When enough maxterms have been found such that
each irrelevant document is rejected by at least one
maxterm, a Boolean expression is formed by taking
conjunction of initial user query and constructed
maxterms. The expression is simplified to its DNF
form. Minterms that do not select any relevant
document are dropped from this expression. The set
of remaining minterms constitute the required set of
minterms for query synthesis algorithm described in
the next section.
The construction process ensures that each
minterm rejects every irrelevant document viewed
by the searcher. Collectively the minterms in the set
select every relevant example identified by the
searcher. This set of minterms is called MSet.
We illustrate this with an example. Suppose the
following prose describes information need of a
We are to search information about plant
A page containing any one of the
following criteria in a brief description is
treated as relevant:
A relevant page should contain the herb
information or description of the plant.
The page should provide information
relating to its use or growing of the plant.
The page containing the word Eucalyptus
but not related to above criteria may be
treated as irrelevant.
The student uses keyword eucalyptus to retrieve
a number of documents and mark them as relevant
and irrelevant based on the information needs
Searchers to Search the Web Smartly
described above. The student viewed 71 text
documents and marked 23 relevant and 48 irrelevant
documents. We will continue to pretend, for the sake
of example, that the student used them to devise a
better search query. During a test run of the
algorithm, five maxterms were constructed before all
retrieved irrelevant documents could be rejected by
at least one maxterm. The resulting CNF Boolean
was as follows: (eucalyptus) (fruit | tall | cream |
drought | asthma) (tree | evergreen | alcohol) (gum |
south | blue | book) (white | found | green) (plant |
long | ground | index). In turn, DNF expression had
720 minterms of which 634 were found to be non-
redundant. These 634 minterms define the MSet for
synthesizing the query.
The minterms in a non-redundant DNF query
collectively select all documents in set Relevant.
However, a document may be selected by several
minterms. For example, the query concerning
eucalyptus has 23 relevant documents, but has 634
non-redundant minterms in the Boolean expression.
No more than 23 minterms are needed to select 23
A minimal set of minterms that selects each
document in set Relevant is all that is needed to
derive a complete search query. As the minimization
problem is NP-hard, we use a heuristic to construct a
compact cover for set Relevant. The query is derived
from this DNF expression.
The main idea used in the implemented
algorithm is to add one minterm into an incomplete
cover set at a time. At each augmentation step, for
each candidate minterm function gain is computed
based on the number of new relevant documents that
the minterm selects and its effect on query size. The
minterm providing maximum gain is added to the
cover set.
To construct a Google query from a given set of
minterms the algorithm determines a term that
occurs most frequently in the minterms. The term is
factored out of the minterms using the following
equivalence rule: (A B) | (A C) A (B | C).
The application of this rule partitions the original
set of minterms in two sets of minterms. The first
set of minterms is comprised of the minterms that do
not include the term. The second set of minterms is
created as the result of factoring of the term from
minterms which included the factored term. The
algorithm is applied recursively to two sets of
minterms to achieve further reduction in the size of
the query.
3.1 Trading Precision for Query Size
Many queries generated by the algorithm are small
to fit the constraints imposed by the search engines.
The oversize query for our example was (assuming
old Google limit of 10 terms in a query): eucalyptus
((tall white) | (gum (green | alcohol)) | (evergreen
blue) | (fruit south) | (cream found)). The oversized
queries need to be trimmed in size. The trimming,
however, would adversely affect the recall or
precision of the query.
The preservation of recall rather than the
precision is preferred as it generates a query that
integrates the aspects of the documents in set
Relevant into the synthesized query. The property is
useful as the synthesized query benefits from all
examples, even those that only partially satisfy the
user’s information needs. A precision-centric
approach would require each document in set
Relevant to be fully satisfying user’s information
needs causing an obvious paradoxical demand on the
Each minterm used to construct the web query
rejects every document in set Irrelevant. Thus, each
minterm has terms to reject every document in set
Irrelevant. A minterm can be reduced in size, by
dropping one or more of these terms from it. Such a
transformation, affects the minterm in two ways: (i)
A reduced-size minterm either selects the same set
of relevant documents as the original minterm or
selects some additional documents from set
Relevant. (ii) The reduced-size minterm selects some
documents from set Irrelevant. The original minterm
selected no document from this set.
In turn, a search query constructed from the
reduced-size minterms is affected as follows:
A search query may need a smaller number
of reduced-size minterms to cover all documents in
set Relevant.
The search query is composed of minterms
with fewer terms in them.
The search query fails to reject all documents
in set Irrelevant.
Thus, the size of the constructed query will be
smaller but will be of lower precision.
The query synthesis approach uses the reduced-
size minterms that have best benefit-to-cost ratios.
The cost is measured by the number of irrelevant
documents selected by the reduced-size minterm and
the benefit is measured by reduction in the number
of terms in the constructed query.
A quality value – roughly representing a
reciprocal of the cost – is assigned to each minterm
to measure its ability to avoid irrelevant documents.
The quality of minterm mt is defined by fraction:
|Relevant σ mt| | Irrelevant σ mt|. The quality of a
set of minterms is defined by the minimum quality
of a minterm in the set.
The benefit is represented by the (incremental)
change in the query size for each new relevant
document selected. Since small query sizes are
desired, synthesis algorithm used a reciprocal
function gain. For minterm mt, gain is defined as
(number of new relevant documents selected by mt
for the query) (change in the query size resulting
from the introduction of mt in the query).
The set of all reduced-size minterms (called,
RSet) is derived from set MSet by taking a minterm
from MSet at a time. The reduced-size minterms are
added to RSet by deleting one or more (but not all)
terms from the selected minterm. Thus, each
minterm will add 2
-1 reduced-size minterms in set
RSet, where n is the number of terms in the minterm.
Finally, we systematically construct a series of
search queries till we obtain one that meets the size
constraint of the search engine. At each stage, we
choose a cut-off value for attribute quality. The first
cut-off value chosen is infinity, representing the case
where the original MSet is used as the set of
minterms to construct the query. In the subsequent
runs, minterms exceeding the chosen quality cut-off
are chosen from RSet to define minterm set for input
to query synthesis algorithm. The set is cleaned first
to remove dominated minterms. A minterm is
dominated if another minterm with a smaller number
of terms selects all relevant documents selected by
the dominated minterm. If the synthesized query is
not suitable for the search engine, the next lower
value for attribute quality is chosen to construct
another candidate query.
To illustrate the procedure with eucalyptus
The first query synthesized at quality level
infinity was: eucalyptus ((tall white) | (gum (green |
alcohol)) | (evergreen blue) | (fruit south) | (cream
found)). Clearly this query with 12 words is an
oversized query for Google search engine.
Selecting the next highest quality value
which is 12.0, the query obtained is: eucalyptus
((fruit | (tall white) | (evergreen (gum | blue)) |
(alcohol gum) | (cream found))). This query has 11
words, which is again an oversized query for Google
search engine.
The next lower quality value is 11.0. At this
quality value, the synthesized query is: eucalyptus
(fruit | tall | (gum (white | alcohol) | (evergreen
blue)). This query with 8 words is acceptable to the
Google search engine.
A web search query synthesized from only a few
relevant documents is not expected to be precise.
The deficiency results as small number of available
relevant documents may not train the CNF Boolean
expression adequately. As the number of relevant
documents used to train the Boolean expression
increases the precision of the synthesized query
improves. The recall also benefits from the increase
in the number of relevant example documents
available for query synthesis. Different relevant
documents tend to use different vocabulary. The
diversity in vocabulary introduces new terms,
including synonyms and related words, to the
synthesis process.
Our initial experience suggests that query
synthesized from six relevant documents gives a
precision of about 50%. This level is satisfactory as
several surveys have pointed that a successful web
search is followed by an access to only one
document (Jansen, Spink, Bateman and Saracevic,
1998). Queries synthesized from sets of 8 or more
relevant documents out-perform experienced human
4.1 User Survey
To compare the effectiveness of the synthesized
queries against human queries we conducted 39
search sessions involving 25 topics. For each topic,
the intended information need was described in a
form similar to one illustrated for eucalyptus
example in Section 2. Documents for the first 70
links returned by Google when searched using
(single-word) topic title as keyword were
downloaded. Our goal was to get some 10 to 20
relevant text documents for each topic to synthesize
queries. Since many of these 70 links where defunct
or non-text documents, for each topic a different
number of usable text documents remained for query
synthesis. For each topic, available text documents
were classified manually by the authors. The number
of relevant documents for topics ranged from 2 to 44
with average of 17 documents a topic. Average
number of irrelevant documents for a topic was 38.
These collections were used to synthesize queries.
Searchers to Search the Web Smartly
Table 1: Statistical summary of the performances of user
defined queries and synthesized queries on precision (P),
coverage (C) and quality (Q) metrics.
User query Synthesized query
Min 0.50 0.42 0.50 0.60 0.63 0.65
Average 0.75 0.72 0.72 0.91 0.79 0.84
Max 1.00 1.00 0.91 1.00 1.00 0.98
Median 0.75 0.70 0.72 0.95 0.74 0.84
0.14 0.14 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.09
The survey volunteers were all university
students and staff with extensive experience with the
web searching. For a chosen topic, a volunteer
devised a web query based on the description given
to them. The volunteer formed the query
interactively and used web search to test queries as
they formed them before identifying their best
query. We then gave the volunteer the synthesized
query. Using the volunteer’s query and the
synthesized query separate set of 20 top documents
were retrieved. These documents were then
classified by the volunteer based on their
understanding of the information need presented in
the description statement. The arrangement
overcomes bias in classification due to interpretation
of the information need or influence from the
classifications made by the authors in forming the
synthesized queries.
The statistical summary of data collected during
the survey is presented in Table 1. Figure 1 shows
cumulative distributions of precision (P@20),
coverage (C@20) and quality (Q@20) of user
devised (volunteer) queries and synthesized queries.
It is clear from the figure that for any specified
precision, coverage and quality threshold fraction of
synthesized queries performing better than human
queries is better.
Figure 2 shows the same data but compares data
for user and synthesized query from the same survey
session. The bars shown in the graphs represent
differences in performance of two queries (user and
synthesized) on the chosen metrics. Again
synthesized queries have performed better more
often than the volunteers’ queries.
Hypotheses tests on paired data confirm that the
synthesized queries perform better than the user
queries on precision and quality metrics at 99.99%
confidence. The confidence level judging the better
performance for synthesized query on coverage
metrics is lower at 99%. It is worth stressing that
coverage without a supporting precision does not
make a query better – an inane query TRUE has
100% coverage but 0% precision for every search.
4.2 Discussion
Only in two survey sessions human queries
performed better than the synthesized queries on
precision metrics. One of these sessions searched for
information on Australian marsupial Kangaroo. The
synthesized query reads: kangaroo ((tail pouch) |
(feet found) | (user grass)). The human query that
gave better precision was kangaroo (macropodiade |
animal). The precision of the synthesized query was
(a) Fraction of queries at or above the
precision values
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fraction of queries
Synthesized queries User queries
(b) Fraction of queries at or above the
coverage values
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fraction of queries
(c) Fraction of queries at or above the
quality values
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Fraction of queries
Figure 1: Distribution of performance metrics for
precision, coverage and quality metrics for user devised
and synthesized queries from survey sessions.
Figure 2: Performance differences between user and
synthesized queries noticed in survey sessions. Each
metrics is sorted independently.
(b) Differences in coverages
C@20(Syn) - C@20(User)
(c) Differences in query qualities
Q@20(Syn) - Q@20(User)
(a) Differences in precisions
P@20(Syn) - P@20(User)
0.85 and of the user query 0.9. The coverage for the
two queries was 0.928 for the human query, and
0.678 for the synthesized query. The search was
repeated in another session. In the latter search, the
human devised query was (kangaroo animal
Australia) with precision 0.7 and coverage 0.827.
The synthesized query had a precision of 0.9 and
coverage of 0.677 in this session.
In our post survey analysis, it was noted that
there are a large number of business and commercial
web-sites using term kangaroo. The synthesized
query has correctly abstracted the nature of the
desired information from the given relevant
documents. The first volunteer has avoided these
business sites using an uncommon but a Kangaroo
specific term. The second searcher has been less
successful. The combined harmonic mean score,
Q@20, for the first volunteer query (0.914) correctly
rates it better than the other two queries with scores
of around 0.76.
The other case giving better precision by a
human query (ostrich bird struthio neck) over a
synthesized query ostrich ((((bird largest) | neck)
world) | ((neck | (bird brown)) ground) searched for
information about Ostrich. Precision for the human
query was 1.0 and coverage 0.545. The synthesized
query had precision 0.85 and coverage 0.699. A
different volunteer used query (ostrich Africa
flightless largest). This gave the precision of 0.85
and coverage of 0.601. However, both human
queries are narrowly focused and are less general
than the synthesized query. One of them is focused
exclusively on neck and the other on size (largest) of
the bird.
It is interesting to note that keywords
macropodiade and struthio are not common
vocabulary of a typical web searcher. We believe
that these volunteers were very motivated,
knowledgeable persons in the topic of their search.
Anecdotally, both these searches occurred in the
earlier stages of the survey when volunteers had
many topics available to choose from. We believe
these volunteers searched topics that were close to
their interests and knowledge.
The algorithm was developed and tested through
survey using the old Google limit of 10 terms in a
query. The limit has since been raised to 32. The
concession, however, does not make the part of the
algorithm that reduces query size unnecessary.
Compact query is necessary for good precision and
recall. Well targeted terms in the query help the
ranking algorithms in the search engines to order the
links well. Shorter queries are also easily understood
by the human searchers.
The synthesized queries have performed better than
queries that humans could devise. The links returned
by the synthesized queries are different and much
expanded collection from those used in the
synthesis. The links to the documents used in
synthesis are not easily located in those returned by
the new query. The correctness of the learned
abstraction is evident by the high precisions
achieved by the synthesized queries.
Searchers to Search the Web Smartly
Figure 3 gives a brief outline for integrating the
algorithm with a web browser. All traffic between
the browser and the Internet flows through a proxy
that records the documents and the user’s feedback.
The proxy augments the displayed document with
additional buttons for interaction with the searcher.
A criticism of our approach could be made based
on the perception that the searchers may not be
willing to spend time and effort the documents. We
acknowledge that the majority of searches will be
satisfactorily and efficiently serviced through the
standard search engine interfaces. However, the hard
and frustrating searches, albeit uncommon, do need
help. We believe that our approach provides a
mechanism for such searches without reducing the
experiences of the searches that do not require this
The algorithm described in this paper has other
applications too. It can provide a convenient way for
locating related emails. Other application area
includes search for all related files on a file system
using tools like Google Desktop.
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Web documents
Proxy server
query synthesis
Figure 3: Architecture for integrating query synthesizer with web browser.