A Hybrid, Teleo-Reactive Architecture for Robot
Simon Coffey and Keith Clark
Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
Abstract. In this paper we describe the structure of a proposed hybrid architec-
ture for robot control. A BDI-style planning layer manipulates a plan library in
which plans are comprised of hierarchical, suspendable and recoverable teleo-
reactive programs. We also present preliminary simulation and implementation
1 Introduction
Since their inception, behavioural robotics techniques have made great progress in many
traditional areas of robotics research: localisation; navigation; search, etc. However,
their application in the area of robot cooperation has been relatively limited in terms
of producing truly versatile teams. This is not to say that behavioural approaches to
multi-robot teams are uncommon; quite the opposite. However, such research tends to
emphasise team-wide optimisation of a single task (e.g. [5, 12]). Genuine behavioural
attempts at intra-team task distribution are rare [9], and those addressing a fully re-
taskable team are even rarer.
It would be foolish at this point to try and reopen the behavioural vs. cognitive
debate, and this is not our aim. However, it is notable that many robot teams to date have
tended to be task-specific, and have solved their problems in a manner that could easily
be viewed as a single, distributed robot rather than a society of autonomous, interacting
robots [1]. By contrast, the world of multi-agent systems is heavily oriented towards
the latter view, with human/computer interfaces working with versatile, taskable agents
to address the user’s needs. In many potential robotics scenarios robotically assisted
hospitals, for example this approach makes more sense than a static, task-specific
situated team.
The large array of interaction schemes used in the agent world have a great deal to
offer robotics without compromising an individual robot’s behavioural nature (or even
team-wide behaviours, if such exist). We believe that by applying these techniques to
the robotics world, it is possible to enable a richer variety of team-based applications,
without compromising the essential advantages of a behavioural approach.
To address this goal, we present a hybrid robot control architecture based with vary-
ing fidelity on two previous agent control schemes: Beliefs-Desires-Intentions (BDI)
and teleo-reactive (TR) programming. We replace the action-sequence style plans in
traditional BDI with robust, recoverable TR programs, and augment both layers with
Coffey S. and Clark K. (2006).
A Hybrid, Teleo-Reactive Architecture for Robot Control.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic Systems, pages 54-65
DOI: 10.5220/0001225300540065
a unified percept and world model store. In the following sections we review teleo-
reactive programming and traditional BDI. We then examine some basic issues in the
development of hybrid robot control architectures, then present our own proposed ar-
chitecture. Finally we detail our early implementation work.
2 Teleo-reactive Programs and the Triple Tower
2.1 Teleo-reactive Programs
Nils J. Nilsson is responsible for proposing firstly a programming formalism for robust,
goal-oriented robot programming (teleo-reactive programs [7]) and more recently an
architecture for adapting this formalism for a more cognitive style of robot control in
the form of his Triple Tower architecture [8].
Teleo-reactive programs provide the robot programmer with an intuitive and re-
coverable structure within which to write goal-directed programs. Similar in style to
production rules (and to a lesser extent Brooks-style subsumption [3]), a teleo-reactive
program consists of a series of prioritised condition/action rules. A teleo-reactive inter-
preter constantly re-evaluates the triggering conditions set for each rule, and executes
the action corresponding to the highest-priority rule with a satisfied pre-condition. Gen-
erally, this is denoted
· · ·
An action a
may consist of a single, primitive action (e.g. move forward), or
may itself be a teleo-reactive subprocedure. A crucial point here is that unlike in con-
ventional programming, where a launched subroutine assumes control of the execution
of the program, a parent TR program continues to constantly evaluate its set of con-
ditions even when a subprocedure is invoked. Thus if a different rule condition is trig-
gered, the subprocedure is terminated by its parent. This mode of operation is highly
amenable to multi-threaded design, as subprocedures can simply be launched as a new
thread, and suspended or terminated by the parent as appropriate.
Nilsson defines two properties pertaining to teleo-reactive programs, the complete-
ness property and the regression property. A teleo-reactive program is said to be com-
plete if the conjunction of the preconditions for all of its rules, K
. . . K
, is a
tautology; that is, that the set of the preconditions of all rules in the program represents
the full set of possible percept states for the agent. In other words, there is no percept
state for which the agent does not have a relevant response action.
A teleo-reactive program is said to satisfy the regression property if the pre-condition
of each rule is expected to be satisfied by the action of a rule with a lower priority. For
example, a rule with an action find door would satisfy a precondition at door;
thus the program
at door move through
> find door
would be considered to satisfy both the regression and completeness properties, since
> at door is a tautology, and the result of action find door is to achieve the pre-
condition at door. A complete teleo-reactive program which satisfies the regression
property is said to be universal.
Teleo-reactive programming appeals as the basis of a method for robot control due
to their goal-directed nature, and recoverable properties. Rather than planning a dis-
crete, explicitly sequenced series of actions (although simpler TR programs can appear
like this), TR programs make action a direct mapping from sensor inputs, in the be-
havioural style of (cite some Brooks here). As a result, robots can opportunistically
take advantage of external events which might satisfy some rule’s precondition without
the robot acting for itself, or recover from adverse external events without re-planning.
For example, a program intended to seek out trails, then follow them to a cache of
some resource might be written:
see resource collect resource
on trail follow trail
> wander
Should the robot be following a trail and for some reason lose it, or perceive that a
cache it had found becomes exhausted, it will simply default to the lower priority rules
as appropriate; no re-planning is needed. Conversely, should the robot be wandering
and fortuitously happen across a resource cache, it will simply skip the trail-following
stage, and opportunistically execute its collect resource action without having
to do any intermediate re-planning to cope with this unexpected stroke of luck.
Appealing though they are for intuitively constructing simple (and even moderately
complex) behaviours, teleo-reactive programs are limited in the extent to which they can
be used as a robot control architecture. They contain no defined mechanism for com-
munication; program state is (deliberately) minimal, and they are inherently directed
at a single goal. All of these factors limit their (unmodified) application as a taskable,
cooperative robot control system.
2.2 The Triple Tower
More recently [8], Nilsson described his Triple Tower architecture (Figure 1), building
on the foundation of teleo-reactive programs to construct a more capable architecture
aimed at a more cognitive style of robot control.
Acknowledging the need for control at different levels of abstraction, Nilsson pro-
poses (orthogonally to the traditional three-layer architecture) three towers, respectively
representing a robot’s perceptual expertise, its model of the world at a given time, and
its response functions. Each is intended to consist of an arbitrary number of levels, as
appropriate to the specific application.
The Model Tower, as indicated in figure 1, contains the predicates which comprise
the robot’s world model. At the lowest level, these directly correspond to the data ar-
riving from the robot’s sensors. The robot then uses the inference rules contained in the
Perception Tower to deduce higher-level information about its environment (e.g. navi-
gational information, task progress, etc.). To borrow Nilsson’s own example, a block-
stacking robot might directly perceive only whether each block is on another block,
Perception Tower
Model Tower
Action Tower
(Action routines)
Fig. 1. Nilsson’s Triple Tower.
or on the table. Deductive inference rules can then construct the agent’s world model.
For example, from this information the robot can infer whether a given block is clear
to be picked up, whether any towers are formed, and what order they are formed in.
This inferred information can then be used to create simpler TR programs than would
otherwise be possible using the raw percepts.
The Action Tower, which consists of a number of teleo-reactive programs, accesses
the Model Tower for use in its programs’ conditional rules. Rather than implement a
subsumption-style suppression system, the higher-level TR programs invoke the lower-
level programs as their actions, switching between lower-level programs as appropriate.
Nilsson avoids explicitly enforcing layer separation, so that Action Tower programs at
all levels can access all of the Model Tower if necessary. By design, however, higher
levels are intended to access inferred beliefs, with the bottom levels of TR program
accessing the raw percepts.
Despite its treatment of representation, and its facility for multi-level control, the
Triple Tower architecture is still not ideally suited for cooperative robot control. At
the highest level, there can still only be one TR program controlling the robot, so the
robot can not be easily switched between tasks. Moreover, there is no explicit facility
for communication (although this could be considered to simply be part of the robot’s
percepts), and the combination of this and the lack of taskability makes the architecture
as described unsuitable for team-based robot control.
Perhaps the most well-known formal agent control architecture, BDI or “Beliefs, De-
sires and Intentions” was proposed by Rao and Georgeff [11] and extended further with
the introduction of AgentSpeak(L) [10]. Following the work of Bratman et al [2], this
seeks to model what Rao and Georgeff see as the three primary mental attitudes nec-
essary for a rational agent. The three attitudes model the information, motivational and
deliberative states of the agent, respectively.
Beliefs are kept deliberately conceptually distinct from knowledge, which is not
represented in BDI. This is because a key assumption is that sensor information is
incomplete, necessitating a store of information that represents the likely state of the
environment. However, sensor inaccuracy and un-sensed environmental changes may
at any point cause some or all of the stored information to be untrue. As a result, the in-
formation store must be non-monotonic. Since such a requirement does not correspond
well with traditional theories of knowledge, the concept of belief is instead used. Simi-
larly, desires are considered distinct from goals, as at any given moment there exists the
possibility of mutually incompatible desires.
Intentions represent not what the agent is seeking to achieve, but the actions by
which it (presently) intends to achieve its desires. In practice (e.g. in AgentSpeak(L)),
this is implemented by giving an agent a library of uninstantiated plans, each describing
a pre-defined sequence of actions designed to achieve a particular desire or goal. Aug-
mented with preconditions, the BDI interpreter chooses a relevant plan, instantiates it
and adds it to its execution stack. To return to the earlier trail-following robot example,
a relevant plan to satisfy the goal have(gold) might be as follows:
?believes(see resource(R));
Here, the ?believes(...) represents a query against the agent’s internal be-
liefs. The agent performs one atomic action, then checks to see if it has succeeded, only
then proceeding to the next atomic action. The problem with respect to robot control is
fairly clear. Should any of the actions fail, and the desired belief state fail to be reached,
the plan has no fallback; it simply fails, leaving the planner to decide on another course
of action. Worse still, if the robot happens across a resource by accident, the plan con-
tains no contingency for this either, and will either continue searching pointlessly for
a trail before collecting anything, or will fail again and cause still more unnecessary
re-planning. Contrast this with the much simpler TR program shown earlier, with its
built-in facilities of recovery and opportunism, and the advantages that TR has to offer
are clear.
It is this re-evaluation in the face of unexpected events that causes the most problems
when attempting to apply action-sequence oriented BDI implementations directly to
robotic applications. Designed for an agent world in which non-deterministic actions
are relatively rare, and reliability is hoped to be the norm, not the exception, this re-
evaluation represents a considerable cost in the unpredictable world of robotics. Actions
can not be assumed to be completed, and changes in the world state can and will occur,
frequently unnoticed. By contrast, TR programs with their durative actions and fall-
back structure are ideally suited to a world in which not everything is in the robot’s
4 Hybrid Architecture Issues
At their heart, all hybrid architectures seek to tackle the divide between the reactive,
un-modelled control layers responsible for direct and reflexive control of a robot’s
basic functions, and the cognitive levels intended to allow logistical planning and re-
evaluation of the robot’s world model. Some systems take the approach of firmly delin-
eating the two aspects of the robot’s architecture [6], implementing a cognitive planner
entirely separately from the behavioural layers of the robot. While this offers a certain
conceptual simplicity, the problem of model consistency arises: does the symbolic state
of the planner accurately represent the raw sensor data being used by the behavioural
layer? Other architectures seek to incorporate behavioural concepts such as motivational
signals into the cognitive layer [13].
Rather than treat cognition and reaction as distinct and immiscible, we seek to grad-
uate the transition between the cognitive and the behavioural. Further, instead of main-
taining a separation between the sensory data used by the behavioural layers, and the
symbolic knowledge used by the cognitive layer, we instead maintain a distinct per-
cept and data server that all layers of the control architecture can access. While it is
to be expected that the cognitive layer will mostly access symbolic data and that the
behavioural layer will mostly access raw sensor data, it seems counter-productive to
enforce an artificial barrier between the two. In this sense, the percept system is similar
in concept to Nilsson’s Model Tower, differing in that the knowledge contained therein
is explicitly available to all levels of the control architecture.
5 Our Architecture
We propose an architecture in which we bind a BDI-style cognitive layer with a graded
behavioural layer composed of hierarchies of teleo-reactive programs. In our approach,
we seek to smooth the transition between the cognitive layer of our architecture and the
behavioural. In this, we follow the example of Nilsson’s triple tower by using hierar-
chies of teleo-reactive programs, with each higher level of TR program operating using
a information at a higher level of abstraction. Thus, the lowest level of program oper-
ates using the robot’s raw sensor percepts as the basis for its rules’ conditions, while
the highest level can use the robot’s belief state regarding the world and its team-mates
if necessary.
In a BDI context, the set of highest-level TR programs corresponds to the BDI
layer’s plan library. Each is augmented with a plan for attribute, which represents
the event or goal that the plan is intended to address. Thus, an intention consists not
of an instantiated series of pre-planned actions, but an invoked TR plan, to which con-
trol of the robot’s actuators is passed. In a similar manner to traditional BDI, these
pseudo-intentions can be suspended and resumed as required in reaction to externally-
or internally-generated events.
In a significant simplification over traditional BDI, however, resumption of sus-
pended intentions carries no risk of requiring re-planning. Since they are generally
stateless, a suspended TR program can be resumed after an intervening program has
run without the BDI layer needing to consider whether circumstances have changed in
the meantime such as to invalidate the plan. Rather than leaving complex re-planning
to the BDI layer, recovery is left to the TR program itself, which due to its inherently
robust structure is able to accommodate any changes to the robot’s state caused by the
intervening program.
BDI-style planner
Symbolic comms
(e.g. negotiation)
TR “Plan” Library
Percept Manager /
Belief Store
Control Software
Robot Hardware
and Belief
Intention Selection
Fig. 2. Our hybrid architecture.
For example, the trail-following robot in Section 2 might find its foraging behaviour
interrupted by an intervening request to deliver its current cargo to a depot, or to pass
it to a team-mate. Being stateless, the foraging intention can be trivially suspended
(or simply stopped) to allow the requested delivery to go ahead. On resumption of the
suspended intention, the BDI layer need do no re-checking of plan guard conditions,
etc.: it can simply restart the suspended program on the assumption that it will operate
as designed, regardless of the changes in the robot’s belief state caused by the delivery
In practice, the TR style makes intention suspension and resumption even easier
through multi-threaded design. Each intention is given its own execution thread, run-
ning its own TR interpreter on such percepts and beliefs as it chooses to subscribe to
from the percept module. Should the BDI module wish to switch to a new intention, it
merely suspends the current top-level TR execution thread, leaving it dormant while the
intervening intention executes. Again, the stateless nature of the TR programs allows
the agent to either abandon the intention entirely or resume it at a later time by simply
terminating or restarting the suspended thread.
The percept/belief subscription model is important to the efficient operation of the
TR interpreter. By placing a subscription to the relevant belief within the belief store, the
TR interpreter will receive updates only on changes to fluents that it has deemed rele-
vant, and more importantly will only receive updates when they change. More efficient
than busy querying of rule conditions on a constant cycle, this allows the interpreter
to suspend until relevant information makes re-assessment necessary. Programs which
need to do so can still access streams of raw percept data, but this is intended to be
limited to the lowest levels of program.
5.1 Percepts, Beliefs and Communication
The decision to use one unified module for percepts and beliefs allows the inclusion
of several agent-style design techniques, such as multi-modal percept transmission us-
ing publish/subscribe, broadcast and point-to-point communication. It also facilitates
intra-team percept sharing by allowing members to subscribe to percepts from another
agent in the team transparently, effectively co-opting sensors throughout the team as
This is not to say that the distinction between percepts and beliefs is lost, however.
Access to them is mediated through the same software module to allow all levels to
consult both beliefs and percepts if necessary. Discretion in this matter is left to the
programmer; however it is to be expected that a coherent programming style will only
attempt to use (for example) high level beliefs in a low-level TR program rarely.
The unified percept module also assists with the synthesis of percepts and communi-
cations to beliefs. Domain knowledge allows an agent or robot to contextually interpret
its current percepts with respect to its belief state. For example, a robot whose belief
state indicates it is in a corridor might interpret decreasing frontal sensor readings as in-
dicating the end of the corridor, or a door opened in its path, depending on how far along
the corridor it believes itself to be. By contrast to Nilsson’s Model Tower, however, we
use “live” deductive reasoning in a Prolog style, querying the database using inference
rules on demand, instead of interpreting each incoming percept and adding the appro-
priate beliefs. This obviates the need for a Truth Maintenance System as with the Triple
Tower, as beliefs are not permanently stored, and therefore need not be removed when
5.2 Cooperative Task Allocation
Task distribution amongst collective members is a classic agent problem. Our architec-
ture is agnostic with respect to distribution methods; robots might implement any one
of a number of task distribution algorithms. What is required is that all agents are capa-
ble of advertising those tasks they are able (and willing) to perform, and of requesting
tasks from appropriate partners. Our early simulation efforts (Section 6.1) demonstrate
a basic selfless negotiation strategy being used to optimise foraging and collection tasks
in a homogeneous team. More complex strategies for use in heterogeneous teams and
more varied task environments can be implemented using traditional agent techniques.
Robots acting as brokers might specialise in organising a particular type of task, or
might use superior communications abilities to muster a team for a less capable robot
in the field.
If a robot is to search for task partners, it must first be aware that it needs to do
so. To this end, our TR plans must therefore be augmented with another attribute,
requires coop([(N,T)| ])
, indicating that the task requires (or would like)
N cooperative agents to perform task T in order to accomplish the goal. This attribute
is used by the deliberative layer to locate and recruit available agents according to the
task distribution scheme in use. If none can be found, an alternative TR plan is sought.
Note that the attribute does not specify a manner in which the task is to be performed -
in a heterogeneous team different robots may perform the same task in different ways,
and with differing degrees of efficiency. Here again, agent techniques such as Contract
Net offer the ability to sensibly recruit the most appropriate agent/robot for the task,
without having to bother about the details of how the task is achieved.
Where [(N,T)| ] denotes an arbitrarily long list of tuples (N,T), allowing an agent to
specify several different cooperative tasks required to fulfil its goal
5.3 Cooperative Behaviours
One aspect of forming ad-hoc teams is the ability to not only agree to perform an agreed
set of tasks together to achieve a common goal, but to cooperate within those tasks. On a
behavioural level, this might mean maintaining a specific formation with other robots to
achieve an efficient search pattern, or perhaps share range-finder data to cooperatively
map an area. In each case, however, the individual robots have a specified set of data
requirements from their team partners, each appropriate to the task being performed.
Again, this necessitates a further augmentation of each TR plan in the robot’s li-
brary, requires data([(T,P)| ]). This indicates that for each cooperating robot
performing task T, the local robot requires the cooperating robot to forward its percepts
matching P. This is again mediated by the deliberative layer. Here the agent techniques
again come to the fore, as the network-transparent publish/subscribe features of the indi-
vidual robots’ percept modules allows the deliberative layer to simply place a subscrip-
tion from the local robot to the cooperative team-member, whereupon the local robot’s
TR plans can simply treat the remote percepts like any other (allowing, of course, for
issues of network latency and unreliability).
It should be noted at this point that all of the above presumes that any robots wishing
to cooperate will have some shared ontology for both tasks and percept types. While
our architecture is designed with heterogeneous teams in mind, some degree of com-
monality is clearly needed to allow even the most minimal of cooperation. Our initial
implementation efforts presume a completely shared ontology; while teammate discov-
ery and task allocation in an uncertain ontology environment would certainly represent
an interesting research topic for the future, it is beyond the scope of our present work.
6 Early Implementation
Initial attempts at implementation have been made in both simulation and hardware.
Simulation efforts have been limited purely to proof-of-concept levels, since it is our
belief that to rely on simulation is to ignore the majority of the fundamental challenges
of robotics.
6.1 Simulation
A basic foraging scenario formed the basis of initial simulation attempts [4], in which
four independent agents operated in a grid world to collect a constantly replenished food
resource. Combining a reactive search and navigation layer with more sophisticated
task allocation and negotiation techniques, the agents’ internal architecture represent a
simplified prototype of the proposed architecture.
While not implementing a full BDI-style upper layer, the agents demonstrate a use-
ful convergence of deliberative and behavioural programming styles. Foraging is done
reactively, using a basic TR program consulting only the agent’s direct percepts. An ant-
style pheromone-laying algorithm directs the agent’s search by guiding it away from
previously explored areas in a pseudo-random walk. Independently, the deliberative
layer monitors the food discovered by the agent and its team-mates, and attempts to op-
timise the agent’s current task according to both its personal expediency and that of the
8 steps
2 steps
5 steps
Fig. 3. Foraging agent scenario.
team at large. It can do this independently of the search behaviour’s implementation,
and interacts with the behavioural layer solely by depositing intentions in the shared
belief store.
The simulation further demonstrates the ease with which cooperative strategies can
be used at different levels of an architecture without interfering; indeed, in a highly
complementary manner. The pheromone-based search algorithm is reactive, unaware
of the existence of other robots in any explicit sense, while the task distribution algo-
rithms act to further enhance the search’s efficiency, without needing any details of how
the search itself is being performed.
6.2 Robotic Implementation
Implementation on robot hardware is still at a relatively early stage, but illustrates some
incidental advantages of the architecture. Our research equipment is comprised of two
Garcia robots from Acroname, each equipped with a BrainStem controller board (a con-
troller package providing serial sensor interfaces and a minimal C-style programming
environment), an Intel Stargate onboard host, and a CMUCam2 vision system. Sensors
include 6 IR range sensors around the robot, and two downward-looking IR sensors for
ledge avoidance.
As shown in figure 4, the execution platform is split between the Stargate host and
the low-level BrainStem controller. Running on the StarGate are the BDI layer and the
upper levels of TR program; running on the BrainStem are the lowest levels of TR pro-
gram. In this sense the TR programs act in effect as a hardware abstraction layer; higher-
level TR programs (and certainly the BDI layer) can be programmed without regard to
the individual implementations of the lower-level programs. Indeed, the system could
cope with more divisions of execution hardware or even the wholesale replacement of
an entire hardware platform (e.g. swapping the BrainStorm for, say, a HandyBoard, a
broadly comparable robotic controller board), since interaction between execution lay-
ers within the architecture is limited to invocation and termination calls.
The split nature of the hardware does force compromises regarding the handling of
percepts, however. Because of the limited communication facilities between the Brain-
Stem and Stargate, and the fact that the robot’s sensors are not all attached to the same
hardware, percept availability is not universal as desired in the original percept design.
Moto Module GP Module
(12 prog
Stargate Linux Host
Basic behaviours stored
here; TR programs directly
accessing sensor data.
Team comms
400MHz XScale ARM Chip
32MB Flash 64MB
Fig. 4. Garcia hardware platform.
Primarily, the camera data is unavailable to any TR programs running on the BrainStem
itself. This does not represent a particularly onerous limitation since the processing
power of the BrainStem is limited, and is not ideally suited for vision algorithms.
7 Conclusions
Early simulation efforts have indicated the ease of programming offered by our pro-
posed approach, as well as the validity and utility of allowing independent coopera-
tion at multiple levels of the same robot’s architecture. The intermediate staging of TR
programs in place of plans allows both the behavioural and deliberative layers of the
agent architecture to be programmed independently. This can be done without regard
to the details of the other’s implementation. Further, the nature of the architecture has
proven itself extremely amenable to the multi-threaded programming style common in
the world of agent research. Future work will concentrate solely on real-world robotics
implementations, with a view to replicating the successes achieved thus far in simula-
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