Wai C. Yau, Dinesh K. Kumar, Sridhar P. Arjunan and Sanjay Kumar
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
RMIT University, GPO Box 2476V Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia
Visual Speech Recognition, Motion History Image, Discrete Stationary Wavelet Transform, Image Moments,
Artificial Neural Network.
This paper presents a novel vision based approach to identify utterances consisting of consonants. A view
based method is adopted to represent the 3-D image sequence of the mouth movement in a 2-D space using
grayscale images named as motion history image (MHI). MHI is produced by applying accumulative image
differencing technique on the sequence of images to implicitly capture the temporal information of the mouth
movement. The proposed technique combines Discrete Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT) and image mo-
ments to classify the MHI. A 2-D SWT at level 1 is applied to decompose MHI to produce one approximate
and three detail sub images. The paper reports on the testing of the classification accuracy of three differ-
ent moment-based features, namely Zernike moments, geometric moments and Hu moments computed from
the approximate representation of MHI. Supervised feed forward multilayer perceptron (MLP) type artificial
neural network (ANN) with back propagation learning algorithm is used to classify the moment-based fea-
tures. The performance and image representation ability of the three moments features are compared in this
paper. The preliminary results show that all these moments can achieve high recognition rate in classification
of 3 consonants.
Lip Reading for Human Computer Interface
With the rapid advancement in Human Computer In-
teraction (HCI), speech recognition has become one
of the key areas of research among the computer sci-
ence and signal processing community. Speech driven
interfaces are being developed to replace the conven-
tional interfaces such as keyboard and mouse to en-
able users to communicate with the computers using
natural speech. However, these systems are based on
audio signals and are sensitive to signal strength, am-
bient noise and acoustic conditions.
The human speech production and perception sys-
tem is known to be bimodal and consists of the audio
modality and the visual modality(Chen, 2001). The
visual speech information refers to the movement of
the speech articulators such as the tongue, teeth and
lips of the speaker. The complex range of repro-
ducible sounds produced by people is a clear demon-
stration of the dexterity of the human mouth and lips-
the key speech articulators. This project proposes the
use of video data related to lip and mouth movement
for human computer interface applications. The pos-
sible advantages are that such a system is not sensitive
to audio noise and change in acoustic conditions, does
not require the user to make a sound, and provides the
user with a natural feel of speech and the dexterity of
the mouth. Such a system is termed by the authors as
’Audio-less Speech Recognition’ system.
Audio-less speech recognition requires using only
the sensing of the facial movement. There are a
number of options that have been proposed, such as
visual, mechanical sensing of facial movement and
movement of palate, recording facial muscle activ-
ity(Kumar et al., 2004) and facial plethysmogram.
Speech recognition based on visual speech signal is
the least intrusive and this paper reports such a system
for human computer interface applications.The visual
cues contain far less classification power for speech
compared to audio data (Potamianos et al., 2003) and
hence it is to be expected that the visual only systems
would have only a small vocabulary.
Visual speech recognition techniques reported in
the literature in the past decade can be catego-
C. Yau W., K. Kumar D., P. Arjunan S. and Kumar S. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 340-345
DOI: 10.5220/0001209903400345
rized into two main categories -shape-based and the
appearance-based. The shape-based features rely on
the geometric shape of the mouth and lips and can be
represented by a small number of parameters. One
of the early visual speech recognition system was de-
veloped by Petajan(Petajan, 1984) using shape-based
features such as height, width and area of the mouth
from the binary image of the mouth. Appearance-
based features are derived directly from the pixel in-
tensity values of the image around the mouth area
(Liang et al., 2002; Potamianos et al., 2003).
One common difficulty with visual systems is that
these systems are ’one size fits all’ approach. Due to
the large variation in the way people speak, especially
if we transgress the national and cultural boundaries,
these have very high error rate, with error of the order
of 90% (Potamianos et al., 2003). This demonstrates
the inability of these systems to be used for such ap-
plications. What is required is a system that is easy
to train for a user, which works in real-time and be
robust under changing conditions (such as position of
the camera, speed of the speech and skin color.)
To achieve the above mentioned goals, this paper
proposes a system where the camera is attached in
place of the microphone to the commonly available
head-sets. The advantage of this is that using this,
it is no longer required to identify the region of in-
terest, reducing the computation required. The video
processing proposed is the use of accumulative image
differencing technique based on the use of motion his-
tory image (MHI) to directly segment the movement
of the speech articulators. MHI is invariant to factors
such as the skin color and texture of the speakers. This
paper reports the use of 2-D stationary wavelet trans-
form (SWT) at level 1 to decompose the MHI into
four sub images, with the approximate image used for
further analysis. This paper proposes to use image
moments as features extracted from the approxima-
tion of MHI and ANN to classify these features. The
fundamental concept of this technique can be traced
to the research reported by Bobick and Davis(Bobick
and Davis, 2001) in classifying human movement and
the work by Kumar et. al(Kumar and Kumar, 2005)
in hand gesture recognition and biometrics identifica-
2.1 Motion History Image
Motion history image (MHI) is a view-based ap-
proach and is generated using difference of frames
(DOF) from the video of the speaker. Accumulative
image difference is applied on the image sequence by
subtracting the intensity values between successive
frames to generate the difference of frames (DOFs).
The delimiters for the start and stop of the motion are
manually inserted into the image sequence of every
articulation. The MHI of the video of the lips would
have pixels corresponding to the more recent mouth
movement brighter with larger intensity values.
The intensity value of the MHI at pixel location (x,
y) of the t
frame is defined by
= max
N 1
B(x, y, t) × t (1)
N is the total number of frames used to capture the
mouth motion. n represents the B(x,y,t) is the binari-
sation of the DOF using the threshold a and B is given
B(x, y, t) =
1 if Diff(x, y, t) a,
0 otherwise
a is the predetermined threshold for binarisation of the
DOF and
Diff(x, y, t) = |I(x, y, t) I(x, y, t 1)| (3)
I(x, y, t) represents the intensity value of pixel loca-
tion with coordinate (x, y) at the t
frame of the im-
age sequence. Diff(x, y, t) is the DOF of the t
In Eq. (1), the binarised version of the DOF is multi-
plied with a linear ramp of time to implicitly encode
the timing information of the motion into the MHI.
By computing the MHI values for all the pixels co-
ordinates (x, y) of the image sequence using Eq. (1)
will produce a scalar-valued grayscale image (MHI)
where the brightness of the pixels indicates the re-
cency of motion in the image sequence(Kumar and
Kumar, 2005).
The motivation of using MHI in visual speech
recognition is the ability of MHI to remove static el-
ements from the sequence of images and preserve the
short duration complex mouth movement. MHI is
also invariant to the skin color of the speakers due to
the DOF process. Further, the proposed motion seg-
mentation approach is computationally simple and is
suitable for real time implementation.
MHI is a view sensitive motion representation tech-
nique. Therefore the MHI generated from the se-
quence of images of different consonants is dependent
on factors such as:
position of the speaker’s mouth normal to the cam-
era optical axis
orientation of the speaker’s face with respect to the
video camera
distance of the speaker’s mouth from the camera
small variation of the mouth movement of the
speaker while uttering the same consonant
It is difficult to ensure that the position, orienta-
tion and distance of the speaker’s face are constant
from the video camera for every sample taken. Thus,
descriptors that are invariant to translation, rotation
and scale have to be used to represent the MHI for
accurate recognition of the consonants. The features
used to describe the MHI should also be insensitive
to small variation of mouth movement between dif-
ferent samples of the same consonants. This paper
adopts image moments as region-based features to
represent the approximation of the MHI. Image mo-
ments are chosen because they can be normalized to
achieve scale, translation and rotation invariance. Be-
fore extracting the moment-based features, SWT is
applied to MHI to obtain a transform representation
of the MHI that is insensitive to small variations of
the mouth and lip movement.
2.2 Stationary Wavelet Transform
2-D SWT is used for denoising and to minimize the
variations between the different MHI of the same con-
sonant. While the classical discrete wavelet transform
(DWT) is suitable for this, DWT results in transla-
tion variance (Mallat, 1998) where a small shift of the
image in the space domain will yield very different
wavelet coefficients. SWT restores the translation in-
variance of the signal by omitting the downsampling
process of DWT, and results in redundancies.
2-D SWT at level 1 is applied on the MHI to pro-
duce a spatial-frequency representation of the MHI.
SWT decomposition of the MHI generates four im-
ages, namely approximation (LL), horizontal detail
coefficients (LH), vertical detail coefficients (HL) and
diagonal detail coefficients (HH) through iterative fil-
tering using low pass filters H and high pass filters
G. The approximate image is the smoothed version
of the MHI and carries the highest amount of infor-
mation content among the four images. LH, HL and
HH sub images show the fluctuations of the pixel in-
tensity values in the horizontal, vertical and diagonal
directions respectively. The image moments features
are computed from the approximate sub image.
2.3 Moment-based Features
Image moments are low dimensional descriptors of
image properties. Image moments features can be
normalized to achieve translation, rotation and scale
invariance(Mukundan and Ramakrishnan, 1998) thus
are suitable to be used as features to represent the
approximation of MHI.
Geometric moments
Geometric moments are the projection of the image
function f(x, y) onto a set monomial function.The reg-
ular geometric moments are not invariant to rotation,
translation and scaling.
Translation invariance of the features can be
achieved by placing the centroid of the image at the
origin of the coordinate system (x, y), this results in
the central moments. The central moments can be fur-
ther normalized to achieve scale invariant. The nor-
malized central moments are invariant to changes in
position and scale of the mouth within the MHI.
The normalized central moments can be derived up
to any order. In this paper, the 49 normalized geomet-
ric moments up through 9th order are computed from
the MHI as one of the feature descriptors to represent
the different consonants. For the purpose of compar-
ison of the different techniques, the total number of
moments has been kept the same. Zernike moments
require 49 moments, and thus this number has been
kept for the geometric moments as well.
Hu moments
Hu (Hu, 1962) introduced seven nonlinear combina-
tions of normalized central moments that are invariant
to translational, scale and rotational differences of the
input patterns known as absolute moments invariants.
The first six absolute moment invariants are used in
this approach as features to represent the approximate
image of the MHI for each consonant. The seventh
moment invariant is skew invariant defined to differ-
entiate mirror images and is not used because it is not
required in this application.
Zernike moments
Zernike moments are computed by projecting
the image function f(x, y) onto the orthogonal
Zernike polynomial. The main advantage of Zernike
moments is the simple rotational property of the
features. Zernike moments are also independent
features due to the orthogonality of the Zernike
polynomial(Teague, 1980). This paper uses the
absolute value of the Zernike moments as the rotation
invariant features(Khontazad and Hong, 1990) of the
SWT of MHI. 49 Zernike moments that comprise of
0th order moments up to 12th order moments have
been used as features to represent the approximate
image of the MHI for each consonant.
2.4 Classification using Artificial
Neural Network
Classification involves assigning of new inputs to
one of a number of predefined discrete classes.
Figure 1: Block Diagram of the proposed visual speech recognition approach.
There are various classifier choices for pattern recog-
nition applications such as Artificial Neural Net-
work (ANN), Bayesian classifier and Hidden Markov
Model (HMM). In this paper, we present the use of
ANN to classify moment-based feature input into one
of the class of viseme. ANN has been selected be-
cause it can solve complicated problems where the
description for the data is not easy to compute. The
other advantage of the use of ANN is its fault tol-
erance and high computation rate due to the mas-
sive parallelism of its structure (Kulkarni, 1994). The
functionality of the ANN to be less dependent on the
underlying distribution of the classes as opposed to
other classifiers such as Bayesian classifier is yet an-
other advantage for using ANN in this application.
A supervised feed-forward multilayer percep-
tron (MLP) ANN classifier with back propagation
learning algorithm is integrated in the visual speech
recognition system described in this paper. The
ANN is provided with number of training vectors
for each class during the training phase. MLP ANN
was selected due to its ability to work with complex
data compared with a single layer network. Due
to the multilayer construction, such a network can
be used to approximate any continuous functional
mapping (Bishop, 1995). The advantage of using
back propagation learning algorithm is that the inputs
are augmented with hidden context units to give
feedback to the hidden layer and extract features
of the data from the training events (Haung, 2001).
Trained ANNs have very fast classification speed thus
making them an appropriate classifier choice for real
time visual speech recognition applications.Figure 1
shows the block diagram of the proposed system.
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the perfor-
mance of the proposed visual speech recognition ap-
proach. The experiments were approved by the Hu-
man Experiments Ethics Committee of the Univer-
sity. The experiment was designed to test the effi-
ciency of different moments features in classifying 3
consonants when there was none or minimal shift be-
tween the camera and the mouth of the user between
the training and the testing data.
The first step of the experiment was to record the
video data from a speaker uttering the three conso-
nants. The three consonants selected were a fricative
/v/, a nasal /m/ and a stop /g/. Each consonant was
repeated for 20 times while the mouth movement of
the speaker was recorded using an inexpensive web
camera. This was done towards having an inexpen-
sive speechless communication system using low res-
olution video recordings. The video camera focused
on the mouth region of the speaker and the camera
was kept stationary throughout the experiment with a
constant window size and view angle. A consistent
background and illumination was maintained in the
experiments. The video data was stored as true color
(.AVI) files and every AVI file had a duration of 2 sec-
onds to ensure that the speaker had sufficient time to
utter each consonant. The frame rate of the AVI files
was 30 frames per second which is within the range of
standard frame rate for video cameras. One MHI was
generated from each AVI file. A total of 60 MHI were
produced for the 3 consonants, 20 for each consonant.
Example of the MHI for each of the consonants /v/,
/m/ and /g/ are shown in Figure 2.
SWT at level-1 using Haar wavelet was applied on
the MHI and the approximate image was used for
Figure 2: The three consonants and the MHI for the conso-
analysis. The moment-based features were extracted
to characterize the different mouth movement of the
approximate image of MHI generated by the SWT. 49
moments -each of Zernike, geometric and first six Hu
moments were computed. These features were tested
to determine the efficiency of the different moments
in representing the lip movement.
In the experiment, features from 10 MHI (for each
consonant) were used to train the ANN classifier with
back propagation learning algorithm. The architec-
ture of the ANN consisted of two hidden layers and
the numbers of nodes for the two hidden layers were
optimized iteratively during the training of the ANN.
Sigmoid function was the threshold function and the
type of training algorithm for the ANN was gradient
descent and adaptive learning with momentum with a
learning rate of 0.05 to reduce chances of local min-
ima. The trained ANNs were tested by classifying
the remaining 10 MHI of each consonant that were
not used in the training of the ANN to test the perfor-
mance of the proposed approach. The performance
of these three moment-based features was evaluated
in this experiment by comparing the accuracy in the
classification during testing.
The experiment investigates the performance of the
different features in classifying the MHI of the 3 con-
sonants. The classification results are tabulated in
Table 1. It is observed that the classification accu-
racies of the three features (Zernike moments, geo-
metric moments and Hu moments) are very similar,
with Zernike moments and geometric moments yield-
ing marginally higher recognition rate (100%) com-
pared to Hu moment features. The results also in-
dicate a very high level of accuracy for the system
to identify the spoken consonant from the video data
when there is no relative shift between the camera and
the mouth.
Table 2 summarizes the recognition rates for the
three moment features. The results indicate that the
MHI based technique is able to recognize spoken con-
sonants with a high degree of accuracy.
The results indicate that the technique provides excel-
lent results for identifying the unspoken sound based
on video data, with error less than 5%. The results
using the three different image moments are all very
comparable. Hu moment has marginally higher er-
ror, but has significantly smaller number of moments
used (only 6 moments) to represent the MHI com-
pared with Zernike moments and geometric moments,
which have 49. The higher order moments contain
more information content of the MHI (Teh and Chin,
While this error rate is far lower than the 90%
error reported in the review by (Potamianos et al.,
2003), the authors believe that it is not appropriate to
compare the work reported there to our work as this
system has only been tested for limited and selected
The promising results obtained in the experiment
indicate that this approach is suitable for classifying
consonants based on the mouth movement without re-
gard to the static shape of the mouth. The results also
demonstrate that a computationally inexpensive sys-
tem which can easily be developed on a DSP chip
can be used for such an application. At this stage,
it should be pointed that this system is not being de-
signed to provide the flexibility of regular conversa-
tion language, but for a limited dictionary only, and
where the phones are not flowing, but are discrete.
The current systems require the identification of the
start and end of the phone, and the authors propose
the use of muscle activity sensors for this aim.
The authors would also like to point out that this
system is part of the overall system. This system is
designed for consonant type of sounds, where there is
facial movement during the phone. The authors have
also designed a separate system that is suitable for
vowels, and the two need to be merged together for
the complete system.
The authors believe that one reason for better re-
sults of this system compared with the other related
works is that it is not only based on lip movement, but
is based on the movement of the mouth. While lips
are important articulators of speech, other parts of the
mouth are also important, and this approach is closer
to the accepted speech models.
Table 1: Classification results for different image moments extracted from the SWT approximate image of the MHI.
Predicted Consonants
Actual Zernike Geometric Hu
Consonants /v/ /m/ /g/ /v/ /m/ /g/ /v/ /m/ /g/
/v/ 10 - - 10 - - 10 - -
/m/ - 10 - - 10 - 1 9 -
/g/ - - 10 - - 10 - - 10
Table 2: Recognition rates for the different moment features
of the MHI.
Type of Moments Recognition Rate
Zernike Moments 100%
Geometric Moments 100%
Hu Moments 96.67%
This paper describes a visual speech recognition ap-
proach that is based on direct mouth motion represen-
tation and is suitable for real time implementation.
The low complexity of the proposed visual speech
recognition system is achieved by using image differ-
encing technique that represent the mouth motion of
the image sequence using grayscale images, motion
history image (MHI).
This paper focused on classifying English conso-
nants because pronunciation of consonants results in
more visually observable movement of the speech ar-
ticulators as compare to vowels. 2-D SWT and image
moments (Zernike moments, geometric moments and
Hu moments) are used to extract visual speech fea-
tures from the MHI and classification of these features
is performed by ANN. The experimental results indi-
cate that such a system can produce high classifica-
tion rate (approximately 100%) using moment based
features extracted from SWT approximate of MHI.
There is a need to identify the limitation of this
technique by testing the system on large number of
sounds, with the intent to determine the possible vo-
cabulary that maybe supported by such a technique.
Such a system could be used to drive computerized
machinery when in noisy environments. The system
may also be used for helping disabled people to use a
computer and for voice-less communication.
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