Towards Application Suitability
for PvC Environments
Andres Flores
and Macario Polo
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computaci
on, Universidad Nacional del Comahue,
Buenos Aires 1400, 3400 Neuqu
en, Argentina
Escuela Superior de Inform
atica, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha,
Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, Espa
Abstract. Pervasive Computing Environments should support the feeling of con-
tinuity on user’s daily tasks. This concept relies on the availability of different
resources (in this work that will mean availability of applications). We propose a
framework for a component-based integration process, centred on the concept of
composing/adapting applications at run-time. Central to the problem is the task
of component assessment, at syntactic and semantic levels. Our aim is to apply
metadata-based techniques and a process-oriented simulation which resorts to
well establlished verification tools.
1 Introduction
Component-based Software (CBS) refers to the possibility of transparently integrate
off-the-shelf (OTS) components on a new target environment in order to satisfy a given
functionality. Then reusability is one of the main aspects to be supported since com-
ponents are used “as they are found” instead of being modified [1]. Hence, the need
for reliability on components functionality and components inter-connection. Impor-
tant proposals have been delivered for CBS verification and validation [2,3,1], though
much work have to be accomplished yet in this area.
Pervasive Computing Environments (PvCEnv’s) require special considerations on
reliability. As pervasive computing implies computation becoming part of the environ-
ment, specific and disparate software as well as a variety of heterogeneous computing
devices have to be interrelated to allow access to information from anywhere and at
anytime in a secure manner [4].
The user’s relationship to computation changes from the traditional tasks performed
“on the computer”. Instead, individuals may come to expect certain services facilitated
by the environment, which will aim at providing a feeling of “continuity” in their daily
tasks [5]. Such users do not expect to find that the surrounding place is in fact a con-
strained environment [6]. Thus applications should not be set to a fixed collection. Here
we explore the possibility to compose applications ‘on demand’ and maintain their
suitability upon different changes. This could be achieved by a run-time assembly of
applications from disparate OTS components [7], which allow to make adjustments by
This work is supported by the CyTED project VII-J-RITOS2, the UNCo MPDSbC project
04-E059 and the UCLM MAS project TIC 2003-02737-C02-02.
Flores A. and Polo M. (2005).
Towards Application Suitability for PvC Environments.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems, pages 58-62
DOI: 10.5220/0002577400580062
replacing components to satisfy the computational demands of the user as s/he moves
in a place.
Components interconnection motivates an inter-operability pattern involving the
consideration of different levels of information about the components [8] e.g. syn-
tactic aspects are undertaken in [9], whereas in [10] the focus is on the semantic level.
Our emphasis is at the semantic level but syntactic aspects are considered as well. Our
approach relates to the concept of Semantic Interoperability and our assumption is that
to deal properly with these semantic aspects it is important the consideration of a for-
mal framework to reason about important aspects of the Component-based Integration
Process. Our work aims to develop a solution to address the problems faced in the
integration process which consider specific phases like: qualification’, adaptation’,
assembly and integration’. Currently we are focused on the Qualification phase, for
which different techniques have been applied in connection to the development of a
Component Assessment procedure.
On a PvCEnv the usual scenario implies users changing from one operational con-
text to another. This may involve to use a different device and expect to continue work-
ing under the same or similar application. Hence, requirements are invariably updated
as well as those resources that need to be accessible. When a required application is
not available or degrades its suitability, the assembly could be initiated from a previ-
ously executed selection procedure of proper components. They could be fetched from
a repository or being discovered from a mobile device. In any case evaluation should be
rigorous [7].
2 Component Assessment
Our Assessment Procedure intends to compare behavioural aspects from components
against a given set of requirements. The requirement specification is assumed in the
form of a component interface – the necessary set of component services. Thus our ap-
proach, which compares components interfaces, actually evaluates a component against
an expected set of services.
At a syntactic level we evaluate matching on the signature of a service – e.g identi-
fiers, parameters, and data types. A preliminary approach was developed on a previous
work [7], which is currently being extended. Additionally, components will be enriched
by adding meta-data an adaptation mechanism called instrumentation [11]. Meta-
data has been used in several approaches as a technique to make testing easier [1, 12,
13]. Currently we are focusing more on the semantic level of interoperability.
Our first concern is to add assertions to abstract out the black box functionality
hidden on components. Also, the usage protocol that describes the expected order of
invocations for component services, will be included in the form of regular expressions.
This technique has been applied on inter-class testing [14], and also on descriptions for
components [15,10]. We expect to succesfully adapt the idea to our framework.
Suppose, for example, post-conditions on services from two similar components.
They should relate to a similar structure and semantic. Hence, they could be thought
as being one a clone of the other. Thus we apply some algorithms based on Abstract
Syntax Trees (AST) from [16], which were originally intended to detect similar pieces
of code (clones) on existing programs. Then compatibility for assertions and the usage
protocol is carried out by generating ASTs.
It is also our intention to incorporate a temporal dimension to our approach. As some
authors have pointed out [17, 18], temporal aspects could also be helpful to achieve
a more accurate integration process. A component can be characterized by the states
it goes through during operation. We plan to explore whether all possible states are
achievable on a component under evaluation with respect to their counterparts as in
the requirement specification. We are analysing current languages and tools in order to
develop this aspects of the system.
We have started experimentation on such an approach using a process-oriented de-
scription by using Promela language associated to the SPIN verification tool. Thus com-
ponents may include a Promela-based specification of their behaviour which can be
used to explore the components possible states on the SPIN tool. Statements about the
expected behaviour can be writte and checked using the language of Propositional Lin-
ear Temporal Logic (PLTL) [19] based query. On a previous work [7] we have applied
PLTL to verify the dynamic aspects of components behaviour.
3 Implementation Alternatives
Well-known platforms as Microsoft .NET and Enterprise Java Beans provide mecha-
nisms to enable meta-data incorporation into components. Information about compo-
nents - its structure and the state of their corresponding instances - can be recovered
at runtime by using Reflection on both, Microsoft .NET and Enterprise Java Beans.
Particularly .NET includes the possibility of adding Attributes, which is a special class
intended to provide additional information about some design element as a class, a
module, a method, a field, and so on.
In order to put our ideas to test and assess the viability of our approach, we have re-
cently developed a preliminary prototype on .Net. Some functions from the framework
process were implemented, like the Recovery procedure from a Component Reposi-
tory. Also a first draft of what could be the Adaptation or Tailoring techniques to be
applied on components were represented. The Assessment procedure was also partially
implemented by considering the interface, assertions and usage protocol matching.
4 Conclusions
The main aim behind this project is to automate a Component-based Integration Process
for PvCEnv’s. We have presented a phased scheme and explained the Component As-
sessment procedure related to the Qualification phase. For this we apply metadata-based
techniques in order to address Interoperability at a Semantic level.
We have also discussed some alternatives in order to implement different functions
from the framework process, by the use of well-known platforms like .Net and EJB.
The experience gained from building a simple prototype on .Net has been rewarding
but more experimentation is necessary in order to recognize not only the efficiency
level but mainly effectiveness on supporting reliability.
Our work is at a preliminary stage and currently we are exploring different tech-
niques to improve our process on efficacy and reliability. As reliability is our main
concern, selecting appropriate methods, techniques and languages, must be accurately
accomplished. Our next step is related to the accomplishment of the semantic level for
component assessment. We believe the complementary procedure with incorporation of
temporal aspects will be a significant step to achieve an adequate deployment.
We would like to thank Dr. Juan Carlos Augusto, from School of Computing and Math-
ematics, University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, UK. His participation provides a mean-
ingful complementary view giving accuracy and confidence to the project.
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