Architectural Patterns for Context-Aware Services
P. Dockhorn Costa, L. Ferreira Pires and M. van Sinderen
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente,
PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, the Netherlands
Abstract. Architectural patterns have been proposed in many domains as
means of capturing recurring design problems that arise in specific design
situations. In this paper, we present three architectural patterns that can be
applied beneficially in the development of context-aware services platforms.
These patterns present solutions for recurring problems associated with
managing context information and proactively reacting upon context changes.
We demonstrate the benefits of applying these patterns by discussing the
AWARENESS architecture.
1 Introduction
Architectural patterns have been proposed in many domains as means of capturing
recurring design problems that arise in specific design situations. They document
existing, well-proven design experience, allowing reuse of knowledge gained by
experienced practitioners [1]. For example, a software architecture pattern describes a
particular recurring design problem and presents a generic scheme for its solutions.
The solution scheme contains components, their responsibilities and relationships.
Patterns for software architectures also exhibit other desirable properties [1]: (i)
patterns provide a common vocabulary and understanding for design principles; (ii)
they are a means for documenting software architectures; (iii) they support the
construction of software with defined properties; (iv) they support building complex
and heterogeneous software architectures; and (v) they help managing software
In this paper, we present three architectural patterns that can be applied beneficially
in the development of context-aware services platforms, namely the Event-Control-
Action pattern, the Context Sources and Managers Hierarchy pattern and the Actions
pattern. These patterns present solutions for recurring problems associated with
managing context information and proactively reacting upon context changes.
A context-aware services platform [5] contains generic components to support
development, deployment and execution of context-aware applications. Examples of
functionality provided by such components include context management (gathering
and processing context information), reactivity upon context changes, and 3
service usage. The reuse of services is the most emphasized benefit of using services
platforms support. Embedding common complex tasks into the platform and making
Dockhorn Costa P., Ferreira Pires L. and van Sinderen M. (2005).
Architectural Patterns for Context-Aware Services Platforms.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, pages 3-18
DOI: 10.5220/0002573800030018
them uniformly available for reuse can greatly enhance the efficiency of application
The approach chosen to present these patterns has been inspired by the book [8],
which describes a pattern as a three-part scheme: (i) a situation giving rise to a
problem; (ii) the recurring problem arising in that situation and (iii) a proven solution
to the problem. Therefore, for every pattern presented in this paper, we discuss (i) an
example situation where the problem occurs; (ii) the recurring problem being
considered; (iii) the solution scheme for this problem containing structural aspects
with components and relationships and dynamic (behavioral) aspects and (iv) the
general benefits of applying this pattern.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the Event-
Control-Action Pattern, Section 3 discusses the Context Sources and Managers
Hierarchy pattern and Section 4 describes the Actions pattern. Section 5 discusses the
applications of these patterns in a (partially) prototyped services architecture, Section
6 presents related work and Section 7 gives final remarks and identifies topics for
further study.
2 Event-Control-Action Pattern
The Event-Control-Action architectural pattern provides a high level structure for
systems that proactively react upon context changes. It has been devised in order to
decouple context concerns from reaction (communication and service usage)
concerns, under control of an application model. An application model defines the
behavior of the application, which may be described by means of, for example,
condition rules. In this pattern, context management issues, such as sensing and
processing context, are independent from issues regarding reacting upon context
2.1 Example
Suppose our services platform needs to provide support for applications in the
medical domain. An example of such an application would be a tele-monitoring
application [3], which monitors epileptic patients and provides medical assistance
moments before and during an epileptic seizure. Measuring heart rate variability and
physical activity, this application can predict future seizures and contact relatives or
healthcare professionals automatically. In addition, the patient can be informed
moments in advance about the seizure, being able to stop ongoing activities, such as
driving a car or holding a knife. The aim of using this system is to provide the patient
with both higher levels of safety and independence allowing him to function more
normally in society despite his disorder.
In this system scenario, the patient wears a heart monitoring system that collects
heart signals along the day. These signals are processed by smart algorithms which
are able to detect abnormalities, such as the possibility of having an epileptic seizure,
within seconds.
Several actions may be taken upon an epileptic seizure: (i) a volunteer, normally an
intimate of the patient capable of providing first aid, receives an alarm of a possible
seizure, (ii) in case no volunteer is available, healthcare professionals are sent to his
location, (iii) patient’s bio-signals derived from the monitoring system are streamed to
doctors at real time, and (iv) based on the real time information, doctors decide
whether the patient needs to be taken to the nearest hospital.
2.2 Problem
The example presented in section 2.1 imposes challenging requirements to the support
The platform should offer support for gathering context information, such as
the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure in order to predict possible epileptic
The patient’s and volunteers’ locations need to be known, and proximity
information needs to be derived;
Full time connectivity with the patient needs to be provided;
Devices (e.g., mobile phones) of volunteers and doctors need to pass an alarm
in case of seizure;
Real time streaming connections need to be established with the doctor;
In case of a critical situation, an ambulance needs to take the patient to the
nearest hospital.
Implementing such an application within a single business party is not feasible. In
fact, this application is realized with the cooperation of several business parties: the
location providers, the providers of algorithms to analyze heart rates, the doctors
clinic, the hospital, the connectivity providers, and the manufacturers of monitoring
devices, among others. The aim of the platform is to guarantee the execution of the
application by configuring and coordinating the cooperation of functions distributed
among business parties. The distribution of responsibilities among these parties and
the coordination of distributed functions require agreements on certain architectural
2.3 Solution
The Event-Control-Action architectural pattern aims at providing a structural scheme
to enable the coordination, configuration and cooperation of distributed functionality
within services platforms. It divides the tasks of gathering and processing context
information from tasks of triggering action in response to context changes, under the
control of an application behavior description. We assume context-aware application
behaviors are described in terms of condition rules, such as
if <condition> then
<actions>. The condition part specifies the situation under which the actions are
enabled. Conditions are represented by logical combinations of events. An event
models some happening of interest in our application or its environment. The
observation of events is followed by the triggering of actions, under control of
condition rules. Events are modeled and observed by one or more Context Processor
A Controller component, empowered with condition rules describing application
behaviors, observes the events. In case the condition turns
true, an Action Performer
component triggers the actions specified in the condition rules. Actions are operations
that affect the application behavior in response to the situation defined in the
condition part of the rule. An action can be a simple web services call or a SMS
delivery, or it can be a complex composition of services.
2.4 Structure
Fig. 1 shows a class diagram of the Event-Control-Action pattern as it is supposed to
be applied in a context-aware services platform.
Fig. 1. Event-Control-Action pattern.
Context concerns are placed on the left side of the figure, which depicts the
Context Processor component. This component depends on the definition and
modeling of context information. The Controller component, positioned in the central
part of the figure, is provided with application behavior descriptions, represented by
the Behavior Description class. On the right side of the figure, the action concerns are
addressed. The Action Performer component triggers actions, which can be a service
invocation on (external or internal) service providers or a network.
2.5 Dynamics
Consider the example presented in Section 2.2 in which a possible epileptic seizure is
detected and volunteers close to the patient are contacted via SMS. We assume in this
scenario that the services platform has been correctly configured (condition rules are
defined, devices are switched on and users are subscribed to required services).
Fig. 2 depicts the flow of information between components applying the Event-
Control-Action pattern.
The condition rule (here applied to a patient called John) defined within the
Controller is:
if <event:EpilepticAlarm>
<SendSMS(closeby(Volunteers, 100))>
Fig. 2. Dynamics of the event-control-action pattern.
The Controller observes the occurrence of event EpilepticAlarm. This event is
captured by the component Epileptic Controller, which is an instance of Context
Processor. Blood pressure and heart rate measures are gathered from other dedicated
instances of Context Processor. Based on these measures and a complex algorithm,
the Epileptic Controller component is able to predict within seconds that an epileptic
seizure is about to happen, and an EpilepticAlarm event is, therefore, generated.
Upon the occurrence of event EpilepticAlarm, the Controller triggers the action
specified in the condition rule. The action
100)) is a composed action that can be partially resolved and executed by the
platform. The inner action
closeby (volunteers, 100) may be completely
executed within the platform. However, it is the responsibility of the services platform
designers to decide whether this is meaningful and worthwhile. The execution of this
action requires another cycle of context information gathering on Context Processors
(to provide the current location of John and his volunteers and to calculate proximity
of these persons). By invoking the operation
getCloseVolunt(John, 100) with
assistance of an internal Action Performer, the Controller is able to obtain the
volunteers that are within a radius of 100 meters from patient John. Finally, the
Controller remotely invokes an action provided by a third party business provider
(e.g., a Parlay X [9] provider) to send volunteers SMS alarm messages.
2.6 Benefits
By applying the classic design principle of separation of concerns, the Event-Control-
Action pattern has effectively enabled the distribution of responsibilities in context-
aware services platforms. Context Processor components encapsulate context related
concerns, allowing them to be implemented and maintained by different business
parties. Actions are decoupled from control and context concerns, permitting them to
be developed and operated either within or outside the services platform.
Applying such design principles greatly improves the extensibility and flexibility
of the platform, since context processors and action components can be developed and
deployed on demand. In addition, the definition of application behavior by means of
condition rules allows the dynamic deployment of context-aware applications and
permits the configuration of the platform at run-time.
3 Context Sources and Managers Hierarchy Pattern
The Context Sources and Managers Hierarchy architectural pattern provides a
hierarchical structure for Context Processor components. It has been devised in order
to recursively apply context information processing operations in a hierarchy of
Context Processors. In this chain of context information processing, the outcome of a
context processing unit becomes input for a higher level unit in the hierarchy until a
top-level unit is reached.
3.1 Example
Suppose we are developing the same system scenario presented in Section 2.2, in
which a possible epileptic seizure is predicted. In addition to contacting nearby
volunteers, we would like to know whether the patient is driving in order to send him
a personalized alarm, such as “please, stop the car as soon as possible, your may have
an epileptic seizure”.
3.2 Problem
Processing context information is challenging. Deducing rich information (e.g., an
epileptic alarm) from basic sensor samples (e.g., heart rate and blood pressure
measures) may require complex computation. There may be several information
processing phases needed before yielding (syntactically and semantically) meaningful
context information.
Context information processing activities include [4]:
Sensing: gathering context information from sensor devices. For example,
gathering location information (latitude and longitude) from a GPS device;
Aggregating (or fusion): Observing, collecting and composing context
information from various context information processing units. For example,
collecting location information from various GPS devices;
Inferring: interpretation of context information in order to derive another type
of context information. Interpretation may be performed based on, for example,
logic rules, knowledge bases, and model-based techniques. Inference occurs,
for instance, when deriving proximity information from information on
multiple locations;
Predicting: the projection of probable context information of given situations,
hence yielding contextual information with a certain degree of uncertainty. We
may be able to predict in time the user’s location by observing previous
movements, trajectory, current location, speed and direction of next
The services platform should provide mechanisms to distribute context processing
activities among multiple components. In addition, it should be able to create
compound context information based on various context information sources.
Distribution and composition of context information components in a flexible and
decoupled fashion require agreements on architectural decisions.
3.3 Solution
The Context Sources and Managers Hierarchy architectural pattern aims at providing
a structural schema to enable the distribution and composition of context information
processing components. We define two types of Context Processor components,
namely Context Sources and Context Managers. Context Sources components
encapsulate single domain sensors, such as a blood pressure measuring device or a
GPS. Context Manager components cover multiple domain context sources, such as
the integration of a blood pressure and heart rate measures. Both perform context
information processing activities as mentioned in Section 3.2.
The structural schema proposed by this pattern consists of hierarchical chains of
Context sources and Managers, in which the outcome of a context information
processing unit may become input for the higher level unit in the hierarchy. The result
structure is a directed acyclic graph, in which the initial vertexes (nodes) of the graph
are always Context Sources components and end vertexes may be either Context
Sources or Context Managers. The directed edges of the graph represent the (context)
information flow between the components. We assume that cooperating Context
Source and Manager developers have agreed upon the semantics of information.
3.4 Structure
Fig. 3 (left side) zooms in the Event part of Fig. 1. It shows a class diagram of the
Context Source and Manager Hierarchy pattern as it is supposed to be applied for
context-aware services platforms.
Context Managers inherit the features of Context Sources, and implement
additional functions to handle gathering context information from various Context
Sources and Managers. A Context Managers observes context from one or more
Context Sources and possibly other Context Managers. The association between the
Context Manager class and itself is irreflexive. Fig. 3 (right side) depicts a directed
acyclic graph structure, which is an instantiation of this pattern. CS boxes represent
instances of Context Sources and CM boxes represent instances of Context Managers.
Fig. 3. Context Sources and Managers Hierarchy pattern on the left and an instantiation of this
pattern on the right.
Within a single context information processing unit (Context Source or Manager),
we verify recursive applications of the Event-Control-Action pattern (Section 2).
Consider the following application condition rule manipulated by Controller C1 in
Fig. 4:
if <event:(EpilepticAlarm ^ driving)>
<SendSMS(“please, stop the car as soon as possible, your
may have an epileptic seizure”)>
The event (EpilepticAlarm ^ driving) is a compound event observed on the
following components: (i) a Context Manager component that detects an epileptic
alarm (E1 in Fig. 4) and (ii) a Context Source component that detects the patient is
(E2 in Fig. 4). Within the epileptic detector Context Manager (E1), the
following condition rule
is described in Controller C2, characterizing the recursive
nature of the Event-Control-Action pattern:
if <event:(HeartRate > threshold)>
Controller C2 observes heart rate measures on a Context Source component. The
action of this rule is the generation of the epileptic alarm signal. Within the driving
detector Context Source (E2), the following condition rule is described in Controller
We assume there is a sensor in the patient’s car to detect whether he is driving.
For the sake of the example, we simplify the algorithm to detect epileptic seizures by
specifying it as the verification of heart rate measures against a threshold value. This
algorithm in reality is surely more complex than the simple value comparison given in this
condition rule.
if <event:(userSignalOn)>
The event userSignalOn may be directly set by the patient or automatically sensed
by a device embedded in the car that is able to detect his presence.
Event Control Action
Event Control Action
Event Control Action
Fig. 4. Recursive application of the Event-Control-Pattern.
3.5 Dynamics
Consider the example discussed in the previous sections. We assume the services
platform has been correctly configured (condition rules are defined, devices are
switched on, users are subscribed to required services and Context Sources and
Managers structures have been configured).
Fig. 5 (left side) depicts the flow of information between components in the
Context Sources and Managers structure at the top most application of the Event-
Control-Action pattern. At this level, ControllerC1 observes the occurrence of event
(EpilepticAlarm ^ driving), which is generated from CM:
EpilepticDetector and CS: DrivingDetector, respectively. When the
condition turns true (the alarm has been launched and the patient is driving), the
personalized SMS message is sent to the patient.
In the second recursion level of the event-control-action pattern (
Fig. 5, right side),
the ControllerC2 observes heart rate measures from a heart device Context Source.
Empowered with algorithms able to detect heart rate abnormality, the controller
generates the
EpilepticAlarm when it detects the possibility of an epileptic
3.6 Benefits
The Context Sources and Managers architectural pattern defines a hierarchical
structure reference for Context Source and Manager components. This approach has
enabled encapsulation and a more effective, flexible and decoupled distribution of
context processing activities (sensing, aggregating, inferring and predicting). This
attempt improves collaboration among context information owners and it is an
appealing invitation for new parties to join this collaborative network, since
collaboration among more partners enables availability of potentially richer context
Another important benefit of applying this pattern is that it enables filtering of
unnecessary information across the hierarchy of context information processing units.
At the lowest level of context information gathering, a great overhead of information
flow can be detected but only the relevant information is kept and forward to the next
level of the hierarchy.
Fig. 5. Dynamics of the Context Sources and Managers pattern on the highest level of the
event-control-action pattern recursion (on the left), and on the second level of recursion (on the
4 Actions Pattern
The Actions architectural pattern provides a structure of components to support
designing and implementing action concerns within context-aware services platforms.
It has been devised in order to decouple action purposes from action implementations
and to coordinate composition of actions. An action purpose defines an abstract action
intention, while its implementation represents the realization of this intention utilizing
specific implementation technologies.
4.1 Example
Consider the scenario presented in Section 2.2 in which the actions taken upon an
epileptic seizure alarm are (i) a warning message is sent to the patient; (ii) his close
relatives are called, (iii) volunteers close to the patient are notified of a possible
seizure, and (iv) in case no volunteer is available, healthcare professionals are sent to
the patient’s current location.
4.2 Problem
Some of the actions presented in the example may be performed independently in
parallel, such as (i) sending a warning message to the patient, (ii) calling the relatives
and (iii) notifying nearby volunteers. However, the action to call healthcare
professionals is only enabled in case notifying nearby volunteers (action (iii)) has not
succeeded (for example, no volunteers are momentarily available). This situation
characterizes a dependency between actions. In addition, some actions may trigger a
sequence of other actions. For instance, to send help from healthcare professionals, it
may be necessary to request the patient’s medical dossier, to select relevant
medication, to check availability of transportation, and so forth.
The services platform should provide mechanisms to manage coordination of
actions, especially when dependencies exist. In addition, the platform should support
decoupling of an action purpose from its implementations. Although the action “send
healthcare professionals” presents a common purpose, the implementations of it may
vary, since the logistics may differ from hospital to hospital. Distribution and
coordination of actions in a flexible and decoupled fashion require agreements on
architectural decisions
4.3 Solution
The Actions architectural pattern aims at providing a structural scheme to enable
coordination of actions and decoupling of action implementations from action
purposes. It involves (i) an Action Resolver component that performs coordination of
dependent actions, (ii) an Action Provider component that defines action purposes and
(iii) an Action Implementor component that defines action implementations.
An action purpose describes an intention to perform a computation with no
indications on how and by whom these computations are implemented. Examples of
action purposes are “call relatives” or “send a message”. The Action Implementor
component defines various ways of implementing a given action purpose. For
example, the action “call relatives” may have various implementations, each defined
by a telecom provider. And finally, the Action Resolver component applies
techniques to resolve compound actions, which are decomposed into indivisible units
of action purposes (indivisible from the platform standpoint).
4.4 Structure
Fig. 6 zooms in on the Action part of Figure 1. It shows a class diagram of the
Actions pattern as it is supposed to be applied for context-aware services platforms.
Both the Action Resolver and Action Provider components inherit the
characteristics of the Action Performer component, and therefore are both enabled to
perform actions. The Action Resolver component performs compound actions,
decomposing them into indivisible action purposes, which are further performed
separately by the Action Provider component. Action Providers may be
communication service providers or (application) service providers. Communication
service providers perform communication services, such as a network request, while
service providers perform general application-oriented services, implemented either
internal or external to the platform, such as an epileptic alarm generation or an SMS
delivery, respectively.
An action provider may aggregate various Action Implementor components, which
provide concrete implementations for a given action purpose (represented by
implementors A and B in Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Actions pattern structure
4.5 Dynamics
Fig. 7 depicts the flow of information between components of the Actions pattern for
the scenario presented in Section 4.1.
The Action resolver gets a compound action to decompose. Empowered with
techniques to solve composition of services, the Action Resolver breaks the
compound action into indivisible service units, which are then forwarded to the
Action Provider. The Action Provider delegates them to the proper concrete action
implementations. In our example, send SMS and calling actions are delegated to the
ParlayX implementor and the action to send healthcare is delegated to the hospital
4.6 Benefits
By defining a structure of Action Resolvers, Providers and Implementors, the Actions
pattern has enabled the coordination of compound actions and the separation of
abstract action purpose from its implementations. This attempt avoids permanent
binding between an action purpose and its implementations, allowing the selection of
different implementations at platform run-time. In addition, abstract action purposes
and concrete action implementations may be changed and extended independently,
improving dynamic configuration and extensibility of the services platform.
Fig. 7. Dynamics of Actions Pattern
5 The AWARENESS Architecture
The AWARENESS project [7] aims at researching and designing a services and
network infrastructure for context-aware applications. The general architecture
consists of three layers: the application layer, the services infrastructure layer and the
network infrastructure layer.
The application layer defines applications to be developed, deployed and executed
using the support from the services and network infrastructure. In AWARENESS, the
application scenario chosen to validate the infrastructures is the mobile health
application that supports monitoring of epileptic seizures and uncontrolled
movements in spasticity [3].
The network infrastructure provides context-aware mobility support in dynamic
network environments. Context information, such as presence and available
bandwidth, is used to provide dynamic network routing and network selection. The
services infrastructure provides generic support easy and rapid development,
deployment and execution of context-aware applications. The functionality provided
by the service infrastructure include context management (gathering, processing and
reacting upon context changes) federated identity management, 3
party service
usage, service discovery, privacy enforcement and security mechanisms.
Although the network layer also benefits from the patterns presented in this paper,
we have focused on their applicability in the services infrastructure layer. Fig. 8
presents the AWARENESS services infrastructure architecture.
The Context Sources and Managers components address context specific concerns
such as gathering, processing, and delivering context information. The Control
module contains the application-specific functionality that is executed within the
service infrastructure. The Actions module concentrates the functionality to trigger
actions in response to context changes. The commands to trigger action are activated
by the Controller component.
Fig. 8. The AWARENESS services infrastructure architecture
The Registries & Repositories module contains information on context types, event
types, services and other (meta) information on types and services within the service
infrastructure. It interacts with most of the components within the infrastructure since
it defines the data types manipulated by them. The User Management module
contains functionality related to access control, privacy and group management. User
profiling and preferences functions are managed by this component.
The AAA & Security module includes the functions associated with security,
privacy, authentication, authorization (including 3
party access control), accounting
and federation issues. Although this module is depicted in a single block, AAA &
Security are cross-cutting issues, meaning that these concerns influence the
development of other components of the infrastructure.
The application of the Event-Control-Model architectural pattern is depicted in the
figure. Context concerns (Event module) are decoupled from communication and
service usage concerns (Action module), under control of an application model
(Control module). Applications describe applications logic to the Controller (Control
module). Applications logic descriptions specify conditions under which actions
(services) are to be triggered. The conditions are specified in terms of (correlation of)
events. Events are modeled and observed by Context source and Manager
components. When the conditions hold (events have been observed), the controller
triggers the specified actions.
Context Source and Manager components are hierarchically organized,
characterizing the application of the Context Sources and Managers Hierarchy
pattern. Context Source components encapsulate single domain sensors, while a
Context Manager component covers multiple domain context sources. Context Source
and Manager components may be implemented as part of the infrastructure or
externally provided by third party context providers. Both types of components may
implement aggregation, prediction and inferring functionality. Aggregation,
prediction and Inferring rules can be described in terms of ontology languages [6].
We are currently applying, implementing and validating the three presented
patterns in the tele-monitoring scenario [3].
6 Related Work
The Event-Control-Action pattern inherits properties of design patterns presented in
the literature, such as Observer and Mediator [2]. The Observer design pattern defines
“dependencies between objects so that when one object changes state, all its
dependents are notified and updated automatically”. In the event-control-action
pattern, the control concerns can be seen as an observer and the event concerns, the
subject of observation. The publish-subscribe mechanism can be used to implement
observation: the subject is the publisher of notifications and the observers are the
subscribers to receive notifications. Any number of observers can subscribe to receive
notifications and the subject does not need to know its observers.
The Mediator design pattern allows loose coupling interactions by keeping objects
from referring to each other explicitly. It can be used in combination with the
Observer pattern to decouple subject from observers: rather than subscribing and
notifying directly to objects, subscriptions and notifications are submitted to an
intermediate object (e.g., an event channel). Finally, the Actions pattern extends the
Bridge design pattern [1], which “decouples an abstraction from its implementations
so that the two can vary independently”.
In [5] we report the design of a configurable context-aware services platform and
in [6] we discuss the utilization of ontology techniques in context-aware systems.
7 Conclusions
We have presented in this paper three architectural patterns that can be beneficially
applied in the development of context-aware services platform, namely the Event-
Control-Action pattern, the Context Sources and Managers Hierarchy pattern and the
Actions pattern. By decoupling context concerns from action concerns, the Event-
Control-Action pattern has effectively enabled the distribution of responsibilities
among various business parties within a context-aware services platform. This
approach has greatly improved extensibility and flexibility of the platform’s generic
functionality. The Context Sources and Managers Hierarchy pattern enables a flexible
and dynamic distribution of context information processing activities within a
collaborative network of context sources and managers. Finally, the Actions pattern
defines a structure of action performer components that enables the coordination of
compound actions and the separation of abstract action purposes from their
implementations. This attempt allows the dynamic selection of action
implementations at run-time, improving extensibility and flexibility of the platform
(3rd party services can be developed and deployed on demand at platform run-time).
Additionally to the benefits just mentioned, the application of these patterns in the
AWARENESS project has improved the collaboration among project members. By
defining and applying patterns we have provided a common vocabulary and
understanding of concerns within the project. Therefore, project documents produced
by different partners have become more consistent. In general, the application of
patterns has helped us managing the heterogeneity and complexity of the
AWARENESS services infrastructure, since we were able to compose an architecture
of distributed collaborative components, which can be developed and maintained by
various business parties.
Further study topics should include (i) the definition of an expressive language to
define condition rules; (ii) the specification of a mechanism to allow automatic
configuration of condition rules into the context sources and managers hierarchy; and
the (iii) definition of concrete techniques to resolve composition of actions
This work is part of the Freeband AWARENESS project [7]. Freeband is sponsored
by the Dutch government under contract BSIK 03025.
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