Applying a Semantic Interpreter to a Knowledge
Extraction Task
Fernando Gomez
, Carlos Segami
Dept. of Computer Science, School of EECS
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Fl 32816
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
Barry University, Miami Shores, FL 33161
Abstract. A sy
stem that extracts knowledge from encyclopedic texts is
presented. The knowledge extraction component is based on a semantic
interpreter of English based on an enhanced WordNet. The input to the
knowledge extraction component is the output of the semantic interpreter. The
extraction task was chosen in order to test the semantic interpreter. The
following aspects are described: the definition of verb predicates and semantic
roles, the organization of the inferences, an evaluation of the system, and a
session with the system.
1 Introduction
There could be little doubt that a knowledge extraction component (KE) should be
based on the output of a semantic interpreter. The more general the semantic
interpreter the easier it should be to build different knowledge extraction tasks for
different domains. This paper describes a KE that is fully based on the output of a
semantic interpreter. It is also shown that the inferences of the KE are organized on
the verb predicates used by the semantic interpreter to assign meaning to the
grammatical relations of the sentence. Moreover, the KE uses the same ontology as
that of the semantic interpreter. Because the KE component is grounded on the
semantic interpretation algorithm and shares the same ontology, the construction of
different KE extraction tasks reduces to building some inferences in the predicates
used by the semantic interpreter. Incompatibilities between ontologies used by diverse
components of the system do not exist. Furthermore, the KE designer does not have to
be concerned with defining ontological categories, because these have been built for
him/her in the semantic interpreter. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2)
explains the semantic interpreter briefly; Section 3) describes the knowledge
extraction task from the The World Book Encyclopedia (World Book, Inc.,
Chicago.1987). Sections 4 and 5 explain the organization of the inferences in the KE.
And sections 6, 7, 8 and 9 provide the testing, a sample session, related work, and
conclusions, respectively.
Gomez F. and Segami C. (2005).
Applying a Semantic Interpreter to a Knowledge Extraction Task.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 100-109
DOI: 10.5220/0002569201000109
2 The Semantic Interpreter
We have defined verb predicates for WordNet verb classes [2], which have undergone
considerable reorganization and redefinition following the criteria imposed by the
interpretation algorithm. The WordNet upper-level ontology for nouns [11] has also
undergone reorganization and redefinition [5] based on the feedback that we have
obtained from the semantic interpreter.
The selectional restrictions in the predicates are linked to the WordNet ontology
for nouns. The predicates form a hierarchy in which semantic roles and inferences are
inherited by subpredicates from their superpredicates. For instance, the predicate
graduate-from has the following hierarchy:
where the arrow represents the is-a relation.
The syntax for the semantic roles in the predicates is:
(role (<slr>)(<grs>) (<slr>)(<grs>) ... (<slr>)(<grs>))
Where <slr> stands for any number of selectional restrictions, and <grs> for any
number of grammatical relations. The grammatical relations for PPs are represented
by writing “prep” followed by the prepositions that realize the semantic role, e.g.
(prep about on ...). The list of selectional restrictions is a preference list [15]. Entry
slri is preferred over entry slri+1. Thus, if entry slri subsumes the ontological
category of the head noun of the grammatical relation in the sentence, the entry slri+1
is not tried [3]. However, the list of grammatical relations is an unordered list. The
entry for the predicate graduate-from is:
The entry wn-map means that all the synsets of graduate1 and all the verbs that fall
under the class of graduate1 are mapped into the predicate graduate-from. The entry
for the theme is intended to interpret sentences such as “X graduated with a degree in
Physics from Y,” in which the theme is realized by [with NP] if the head noun of the
NP is an academic-degree. The PP [from NP] matches the from-poss if the head noun
of the NP is an educational-institution. This is the category preferred. However, if the
head noun of the NP is not an educational-institution, but it is an organization, the
from-poss role will also match. The default category, organization, is needed because
some educational institutions are not part of the WN noun ontology.
The semantic interpretation algorithm reported in [3] is activated by the parser after
parsing a clause. The parser does not resolve structural ambiguity, which is delayed
until semantic interpretation. The goals of the algorithm are to select one predicate
from the list of predicates for a verb form, attach PPs and identify semantic roles and
adjuncts. For each grammatical relation (GR) in the clause and for every predicate in
the list of predicates, the algorithm verifies if the predicate explains the GR. A
predicate explains an GR if there is a semantic role in the predicate realized by the
GR and the selectional restrictions of the semantic role subsume the ontological
category of the head noun of the grammatical relation. This process is repeated for
each GR in the clause and each predicate in the list of predicates. Then, the predicate
that explains the most GRs is selected as the meaning of the verb. The semantic roles
of the predicate have been identified as a result of this process. In case of ties, the
predicate that has the greatest number of semantic roles realized is preferred. Every
grammatical relation that has not been mapped into a semantic role must be an
adjunct or an NP modifier. The entries for adjuncts are stored in the root node action
and are inherited by all predicates. Adjuncts are recognized after the meaning of the
verb has been determined because they are not part of the argument structure of the
3 Description of the Task
Assume that one wants to extract knowledge from the Encyclopedia about the schools
attended by people as students. The system should build a template for each school
attended by the person as a student. Each template built by the system must contain
the following information if known: name of the school, school type, date of entrance,
date of graduation, location of the school, subject/degree of study, age of the student
at entrance, and age of student at graduation. When an extraction task begins, the
fillers of the template are all initialized to nil. Hence the entire template is constructed
from scratch by the semantic interpreter. The main relation to recognize is that of
attend school as a student, which can be expressed in many ways. For instance, the
text may say that person X entered school Y, that X was transferred to Y, that X
graduated from Y, that X was educated at Y, that X received/got/obtained a degree
from Y, that X studied at Y, that X was/became a student at Y, that X was an alumnus
of Y, that X's parents sent X to Y, that X withdrew from Y, that Y accepted/admitted
X, etc. Besides recognizing that all these verbs may imply attend-a-school, the
algorithm must identify all semantic roles of the sentence and map them into the
entries in the template. For instance, if the sentence says that “X graduated from Y in
1943,” the algorithm must recognize that “from Y” is the school attended by X and
that “in 1943” is a temporal adjunct expressing the date in which X graduated. But,
this mapping should not be from syntactic relations for the verb “graduate” to entries
in the template, but from semantic roles for the predicate graduate-from to semantic
roles for the predicate attend-a-school. There are several reasons for it, the most
important being that other verbs besides “graduate” may express the relation
“graduate-from,” such as “X received/obtained/got a degree from Y.” Another related
reason is that the same semantic role may be expressed by different grammatical
relations. Because the template is constructed from the semantic roles and from
temporal and locative adjuncts, correct identification of semantic roles and adjuncts
becomes critical for the precision and recall of the overall system.
4 Using the Hierarchical Organization of Predicates to Establish
the Inferences
The hierarchical organization of predicates provided by the semantic interpreter does
permit already to establish the inference attend-a-school for many verbs, because
these are mapped into subpredicates of attend-a-school. For instance, the verb “enter”
followed by a post-verbal NP whose head noun is an educational-institution is
recognized by the interpreter as the predicate enter-a-school whose superconcepts are
given by:
The verb “transfer” followed by [to NP], where the head noun of the NP is an
educational-institution is recognized as transfer-to-school which is also a
subpredicate of attend-a-school. In these cases, the designer of the KE has to do
nothing because the predicate attend-a-school already exists, and the integrator is
going to integrate this predicate and its semantic roles onto the template. The
hierarchies of predicates in the interpreter have been designed to maximize the
inferences that can be established by inheritance and to anchor the inferences into a
generic predicate rather than on individual senses of verb forms, which would lead to
a proliferation of inference rules. However, inference rules connecting generic
predicates will be needed as explained in the next section. These observations apply
to every class of predicates constructed by the interpreter. For instance, if one wants
to extract knowledge about the things people value/respect/appreciate, etc. the
interpreter has already the predicate value-something whose hierarchy is:
This predicate does not only include one of the senses of “value,” but all WordNet
verbs under the class respect1 (see below), and treasure, appreciate, and one of the
senses of “recognize.”
respect, esteem, value, prize, prise
=> think the world of
=> reverence, fear, revere, venerate
=> enshrine, saint
=> worship
=> admire, look up to
If one wants to build a template for each of the jobs somebody had, their location,
time, and duration, the interpreter already provides a hierarchy of subpredicates of
work-be-employed. For instance, the predicate do-service, encompassing such usages
as “serve as ambassador/teacher/etc,” has the hierarchy:
Some inference rules connecting a few other predicates to work-be-employed
would be the only things that the KE designer would need to do.
5 Lateral Inferences
However, not all inferences can be established from the hierarchical organization of
the predicates. Besides linking the predicates strictly up the hierarchy, predicates need
to be connected laterally. This is done by defining inference rules. These rules infer
predicates and map semantic roles from the inferring predicate into roles of the
inferred predicate. For instance, the predicates graduate-from, study-a-subject, and
others are not classified as subpredicates of attend-a-school. However, that relation
needs to be inferred if the sentence is “X graduated from Y,” or “X studied at Y,”
where Y is an educational-institution. The hierarchy for receive-an-academic-degree
The output of the semantic interpreter for a sentence of the form “X received a
Ph.D from Y” is: “X” is the agent, “a Ph.D” is the theme, and “from Y” is the from-
poss. In this case, a rule needs to be defined in the predicate receive-an-academic-
degree, which infers attend-a-school and maps semantic roles from receive-an-
academic-degree to attend-a-school. This is the rule:
((if% x-is-a $from-poss educational-institution)
(((pr (attend-a-school)) (agent ($agent)) (to-loc ($from-poss))
(end-time ($at-time)) (degree-of-study ($theme))
(graduate-at-age ($at-the-age))))))
The rule says that if the from-poss role of the predicate receive-an-academic-
degree is a subconcept of educational-institution, then infer the predicate attend-a-
school with agent the agent of the predicate receive-an-academic-degree, with to-loc
the from-poss of receive-an-academic-degree, etc. In general, the syntax for role
mapping in the inference rules is:
where <role> is the role in the predicate being inferred, and <$role> is the role of
the predicate in which the inference rule is anchored. If a <role> does not exist in the
output of the interpreter, then the <$role> in the inferred predicate is nil.
Here again, the hierarchies of predicates minimize the need of inference rules since
inference rules are inherited by subpredicates from superpredicates. For instance,
graduate-from inherits the rule from receive-an-academic-degree. The inference rules
can be viewed as a semantic network of predicates connected by conditional links.
Besides connecting the predicates, the network maps semantic roles from predicate X
into roles of predicate Y. Predicate Y may connect to other predicates, or infer other
predicates as you prefer to express it, by means of these conditional links. Predicate X
may infer Y, and Y may infer X. That is to say the link connecting X to Y may be
bidirectional. For instance, one may want to infer that “X attended Y” from “X
studied at Y,” and that “X studied at Y” from “X attended Y.” In fact, there is an
inference rule on attend-a-school that infers study-a-subject and vice versa. The
algorithm that fires the rules is not caught in a circularity because it keeps track of all
predicates that have been inferred. The algorithm is:
Let A be the interpretation structure built by the interpreter. Initialize the list
Exclude to nil. Initialize the list Inferences to nil. After applying this algorithm,
this list will contain the inferences obtained from the predicate in A.
1. Let pr be the predicate in A. Add pr to the list Exclude.
2. Let SI be the list of structures obtained from firing the inference rules
associated with pr.
3. For each structure a1 in SI
a) If the predicate of a1 is not in the list Exclude,
b) Add a1 to the list Inferences.
c) Apply steps 1, 2, and 3 with A replaced by a1.
These rules are easy to understand and can be easily written by someone with very
little knowledge of natural language processing. For this application, we defined 35
rules anchored on 18 predicates. Space limitations impede us from illustrating this
algorithm with some examples.
6 Testing
In order to test the system, we selected 50 articles at random from over 5,000
biographical articles in The World Book Encyclopedia. For each article selected, the
template built by a human was compared with the template built by the system. We
counted the number of slots in the template that were filled correctly by the system,
the number that were filled incorrectly, and the number that were missed. We let C be
the total number of correct slots for all articles, I the total number of incorrect slots,
and M the total number of missed slots. Then, the measure of recall is given by
C/(C+I+M), and the measure of precision is C/(C+I). The results obtained were 87%
recall and 97% precision.
Many of the articles selected contained only two or three sentences relevant to the
task. This is just the nature of the biographical articles in the World Book
Encyclopedia. A lower number of articles contained between four and 10 relevant
sentences, and a few others more than ten. The system gets very few incorrect slots,
and therefore very high precision, because of the accuracy of the semantic interpreter.
The system fails to interpret some adverbial clauses with an elliptical verb, e.g.,
“After a few months at Oxford University, Brummell was left ....” This is a problem
that has recurred several times, and which we plan to solve in a general way. In the
Carter and Eisenhower articles, the system fails to infer that “to receive an
appointment to the US Naval Academy” means to be admitted to the US Naval
Academy as student, e.g., “In 1942, .... Carter received an appointment to the US
Naval Academy.” Other failures are due to some discourse problems, which in
general are not acute in the Encyclopedia. We use a centering model [6] with specific
knowledge based on the rhetorical structure of the encyclopedic articles. In the
sentence, “When Dutch was 9 years old, he and ... settled in Dixon, Ill, where the boy
finished high school,” the system does not resolve the definite reference “the boy.”
7 Sample Session
In this example we illustrate the performance of the system when reading the John F.
Kennedy biographical article from the World Book Encyclopedia, and extracting
knowledge concerning the educational institutions he attended. For each institution
attended, the system fills a template consisting of the following slots:
The "attended" slot indicates the institution attended, "location" is the location of
the institution, "time" indicates when the institution was attended ("he attended
Harvard in 1950"), "from-time" and "end-time" are the starting time and end time of
attendance, "at-the-age," "enter-at-age" and "graduate-at-age" indicate attendance in
terms of the age of the individual ("he entered Harvard at the age of 20"), and
"subject" refers to the field of study.
The Kennedy article is fairly long, containing over 300 sentences, most of which
are not related to the educational institutions attended by Kennedy. A "skimmer"
module first selects the sentences deemed relevant to the knowledge extraction
problem at hand, and only these sentences are interpreted. The sentences selected
from the Kennedy article include the following:
John Kennedy attended elementary schools in Brookline and Riverdale. In 1930,
when he was 13 years old, his father sent him to the Canterbury School in New
Milford, Conn. The next year, he transferred to Choate Academy in Wallingford,
Conn. Kennedy was graduated from Choate in 1935 at the age of 18. He enrolled at
Princeton University that fall, but he developed jaundice and left school after
Christmas. He entered Harvard University in 1936. There he majored in government
and international relations. Kennedy was graduated cum laude in 1940. He then
enrolled in the Stanford University graduate business school, but dropped out six
months later.
The system parses, interprets and builds representation structures for each sentence
in the input. Here we show the parser output for the first sentence:
The parser output becomes the input to the interpreter, which produces the
following interpretation:
Clause CL1
Attach: Verb Confidence: WEAK
Attach: Verb Confidence: WEAK
The verbal concept is identified as "attend-a-school." The "agent" of the action is
Kennedy, a subconcept of "person." The "to-loc" role is "elementary school," a
subconcept of "grade-school." Brookline and Riverdale are subconcepts of "location"
and fill the "at-loc" semantic role.
The interpreter output is then transformed into the following set of knowledge
representation structures:
(instance-of (location)) (related-to (@a9) (@a10) (@a11))
(instance-of (location)) (related-to (@a9) (@a10) (@a11))
(is-a (grade_school1)) (related-to (@a9) (@a10) (@a11))
(is-a (person)) (attend-a-school ($null ($more (@a9) (@a11))))
(study-a-subject ($null ($more (@a10))))
(args (john_fitzgerald_kennedy) (elementary_school1) (brookline)
(pr (attend-a-school))
(agent (john_fitzgerald_kennedy (q (constant))))
(to-loc (elementary_school1 (q (constant))))
(at-loc (brookline (q (constant))) (riverdale (q (constant))))
(instance-of (action)) (time (past))
(related-to (@a9) (@a11))
(instance-of (inference (@a9))) (pr (study-a-subject))
(agent (john_fitzgerald_kennedy (q (constant))))
(args (john_fitzgerald_kennedy) (elementary_school1) (brookline)
(at-educational-institution (elementary_school1 (q (constant))))
(at-loc (brookline (q (constant))) (riverdale (q (constant))))
(time (past))
(related-to (@a10))
The knowledge in these structures is used to fill the predefined knowledge
extraction template, yielding the entry:
After reading all the relevant sentences, the output produced is:
(TIME (1936)) (FROM-TIME (1936))
Some time references still need to be solved, such as “next-year,” “that-fall,” and
“then,” which can be done by accessing the other entries in the frame. However, these
temporal references have not been implemented. These results show the system's high
degree of precision. Recall is also high, having missed Kennedy's age when entering
Canterbury School, the end time for Princeton, the graduation date for Harvard, and
the end time for Stanford.
8 Related Work
This work is related to that described in [7] in which the acquisition of knowledge is
closely connected to the semantic interpretation process. A paper that deals with the
issue of inferences using WN is [8]. The authors implement a marker propagation
algorithm that uses the verb entailment, the glosses and the concept hierarchy in WN.
As the authors observe, the lack of semantic relations for the verbs and the few
number of entailments that WN provides are some of the serious limitations with their
There have been several systems in relation to the MUC project [12] that extract
patterns from texts. These systems rely on the user to identify the relevant patterns, or
on annotated corpora. None of these systems approach the semantic interpretation of
complete sentences. In some of these systems, the user identifies the patterns of
interest and the system uses WN for the generalization process. Riloff [13] generates
extraction patterns from annotated texts. Other systems require pre-constructed
templates [1]. However, a semi-automated system that does not require annotated
texts is [14] that constructs a domain lexicon by using a bootstrapping algorithm that
starts with a set of seed words, and adds new words belonging to a semantic category.
The enhanced list of seed words is then reviewed by a human who selects the words
that should be added to the domain lexicon from those proposed by the algorithm.
This system may be very useful for building lexicons for specialized domains, but not
for acquiring knowledge from encyclopedic texts which deal with general domain
knowledge. Moreover, because the system does not address the issues of semantic
interpretation in a general context, its scope of applications will be limited to the
extraction of some well-defined patterns. Similar remarks apply to the work on
acquiring hyponyms from patterns that originated in [9]. This work does not assign
meaning to the constituents of the sentence.
This work also differs from work reported in [10] in that the knowledge acquisition
designer does not have to be concerned with defining ontological categories, or
semantic interpretation rules because they are already part of the semantic interpreter.
Moreover, the ontological categories, namely those of WordNet, are of a general
nature and have received a wide acceptance in the natural language processing
A critique that can be leveled against our approach could be that it needs the hand-
crafted construction of verb predicates, which is a rather difficult and time-consuming
job. The reply to this is that once the verb predicates are defined, they are defined for
every natural language application. This is so because their definitions are not tied to
any given application, and their selectional restrictions are based on a general
ontology of English. In [4], the reader may find a progress to date of the goal of
building predicates for English verbs regardless of domain. In this paper, we have
shown that the predicates can be applied to a knowledge extraction task from an
encyclopedia of intermediate complexity.
9 Conclusions
We have described a knowledge extraction system that acquires knowledge from
encyclopedic texts. The system is based on a general semantic interpreter of English
that uses the WordNet ontology for nouns and verb predicates constructed for
WordNet verb classes. Because the knowledge extraction system and the semantic
interpreter share the same ontology and because the inferences of the KE are based on
the structure and organization of the predicates used by the semantic interpreter, the
definition of new extraction tasks is relatively easy. The system has been tested in the
The World Book Encyclopedia producing very solid results.
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