Sandeep Dixit
NPTI Badarpur New Delhi India
BITS Pilani Rajasthan India
Keywords: Support Vector Machines (SVM), Term Frequency (TF), Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency
(TF – IDF).Internet services, Dial-up networking.
Abstract: Appplication of the machine learning techniques to embed adaptivity in the E-Learning frameworks is
receiving considerable attention. Text Classification, or the task of automatically assigning semantic
categories to natural language text, has therefore become one of the key methods for organizing digital
content.Reports on SVM have mainly focussed on the theory or conceptual application of the SVM with
little, if any, concern to applicability to E-Learning domain. In this paper we present a holistic approach
towards building a text classifier suited for E-Learning domains. We present theory, application and use of a
specific SVM software(SVM Torch) for classification of electronic documents giving every detail of how
the downloaded SVM software can be used to apply the SVM concept and categorise text document in the
context of E-Learning domains. Experimental results obtained by applying SVM to text document are
presented. Pre-processing of the document is also presented. The experiment was conducted using SVM
Torch software with ten documents for training and five documents for testing. SVMs performed the best
when used with binary representation. We are confident that the extent of details provided could well serve
as a useful component in E-Learning frameworks and even provide curriculum component for UG level
Text Classification, or the task of automatically
assigning semantic categories to natural language
text, has become one of the key methods for
organizing online information. Since hand-coding
classification rules is costly or even impractical,
most modern approaches employ machine learning
techniques to automatically learn text classifiers
from examples. Other text classification techniques
reported are the word based soft clustering
Algorithm,[King-Ip Lin, Ravi Kumar, Dept. of
science university of Memphis, USA]where a
comparative study of the quality of clusters by K-
Means, WBSC, Buckshot and Fractionation has bee
shown. However the tuning of parameters of the
algorithms in these studies is left out. Another text
classification technique reported (.H.Li, et.al.in The
Computer Journal, Vol.41, No.8, 1998l ) uses Naïve
Bayesian, Neural Networks, Decision Trees, and
Subspace Classifier. However use of SVM has been
left out in such applications specifically, even
though the high dimensionality is efficiently handled
with SVM. Support Vector Machines (SVM) theory
is finding increasing application in the classification
of the documents as it combines high performance
and efficiency with theoretical understanding and
improved robustness. In particular, it is highly
effective without greedy heuristic components and
computationally efficient in training and
classification. With SVMs the generalization error
gets optimised and the mean and standard deviation
of the error are improved. In this paper we have used
the ‘SVMTorch by Collobert and Bengio’ for
experimentation as it could work even with very
high dimensional data.
Dixit S. and K.Maheshwari L. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 191-198
The paper is organised as follows: Section I
provides an overview of SVM, its working and how
it lends itself for the type of categorisation work
necessary in e-learning paradigm, Section II
provides a brief description of the SVM Torch
software. Section III describes the approach used
and the pre-processing of the document. Section IV
gives the complete implementation of the Text
categorisation using the SVM software and gives
experimental results and the analysis. The method
for representing the documents and the use of SVM
Torch in classification of text documents has been
dealt therein. The code for the document pre-
processing, commands to be executed for training
SVM and classification of documents and sample
screen shots have also been included.
2.1 Support Vector Machines
The foundations of Support Vector Machines (SVM)
have been developed by Vapnik (Vapnik,V.,1995)
and are gaining popularity due to many attractive
features, and promising empirical performance. The
formulation embodies the Structural Risk
Minimisation (SRM) principle, which is superior
(Gunn, S.R., et al., 1997), to traditional Empirical
Risk Minimisation (ERM) principle, employed by
conventional neural networks. SRM minimises an
upper bound on the expected risk, as opposed to
ERM that minimises the error on the training data.
This is the difference that equips SVM with a greater
ability to generalise, which is the goal in statistical
learning. SVMs were developed to solve the
classification problem, but recently they have been
extended to the domain of regression problems
(Vapnik,V., et al., 1997). The term SVM is typically
used to describe classification with support vector
methods and support vector regression is used to
describe regression with support vector methods.
Kernel Selection is an important issue and the
obvious question that arises is that with so many
different mappings to choose from, which is the best
for a particular problem? This is not a new question,
but with the inclusion of many mappings within one
framework it is easier to make a comparison. The
upper bound on the VC dimension is a potential
avenue to provide a means of comparing the kernels.
However, it requires the estimation of the radius of
the hypersphere enclosing the data in the non-linear
feature space.The problem of empirical data
modelling is germane to many engineering
applications. In empirical data modelling a process
of induction is used to build up a model of the
system, from which it is hoped to deduce responses
of the system that are yet to be observed. Ultimately
the quantity and quality of the observations govern
the performance of this empirical model. By its
observational nature data obtained is finite and
sampled. This sampling is non-uniform and due to
the high dimensional nature of the problem the data
will form only a sparse distribution in the input
space. Consequently the problem is nearly always ill
posed (Poggio,T. et al., 1985) in the sense of
Hadamard (Hadamard,J., 1923). Traditional neural
network approaches have suffered difficulties with
generalisation, producing models that can over fit
the data. This is a consequence of the optimisation
algorithms used for parameter selection and the
statistical measures used to select the ’best’ model.
As a final caution, even if a strong theoretical
method for selecting a kernel is developed, unless
this can be validated using independent test sets on a
large number of problems, methods such as
bootstrapping and cross-validation will remain the
preferred method for kernel selection.
2.2 SVM and Document
The emergence of Student Centred Learning Models
in E-Learning has led to lecture presentation as per
the learner’s choice and state of knowledge. In this
context text categorization has become an area of
intense research. Several methods have been
proposed for such purpose(Y.H.Li, et.al.in The
Computer Journal, Vol.41, No.8, 1998) but we chose
Support Vector Machines as they can be used
efficiently for document classification by using a
feature representation and a kernel method that best
represents the features. The process of representing
the document by a feature representation is termed
as pre-processing. The features need to be mapped
to numerals as SVM software work with numerals.
Support Vector Machine is essentially calculated as
weighted sum of kernel function outputs. The kernel
itself could be polynomial, RBF Gaussian or any
other function satisfying Mercer’s conditions. We
used the polynomial as the kernel function.
Conceptually the Lagrangian formed with the
objective function (constructed from the SVM
output expression) is minimised and the
classification margin maximised for the training set.
2.3 Feature representation
A feature is a word in the document classification. A
feature vector consists of the various words from a
dictionary formed by analysing the documents.
There are various alternatives and enhancements in
constructing the feature vectors. Some of them are
(Drucker,H. et al., 1999):
Term Frequency (TF)
Term Frequency Inverse Document
Frequency (TF-IDF)
The i
component of the feature vector is the
number of times that the word appears in the
document. Sometimes, the feature vector is
normalized to unit length Binary Representation.TF-
IDF uses the above TF multiplied by the IDF
(inverse document frequency). The Document
Frequency (DF) is the number of times that a word
occurs in all the documents or some (based on
specifications). The inverse document frequency is
defined as
) = log(|D|/DF(w
Mod D is number of documents.
Binary Representation
Binary Representation represents whether a
particular word occurs in a particular document
presentation In addition to the any of the above, stop
words may or may not be used. Words like “of”,
“and”, “the”, etc., are used to form the stop list.
Words on the stop list are not used in forming a
feature vector. The argument against the use of stop
words is that it is not obvious which words, beyond
the trivial, should be on the stop list
Polynomial Kernel
A polynomial mapping is a popular method for non-
linear modeling,
The kernel used is usually the second equation, a
slightly modified form with addition of 1 to the right
hand side of the above expression as it avoids
problems with the Hessian becoming zero.
The SVMTorch Software
SVMTorch is the software tool used for using SVMs
for classification. SVMTorch (Source: www.support-
vector.com) is a new implementation of Vapnik's
Support Vector Machine that works both for
classification and regression problems, and that has
been specifically tailored for large-scale problems
(such as more than 20000 examples, even for input
dimensions higher than 100).
SVMTorch software enables user to train the SVM
and use it for classification with the help of two
commands. They are SVMTorch and SVMTest. The
command SVMTorch is used for training the SVM
using the training data set and the command
SVMTest is used for classifying the test documents.
The syntax of both these commands are given below
The general syntax:
SVMTorch SVMTorch [options]
example_file model_file
SVMTest SVMTest [options] model_file
where "example_file" is the file obtained from the
training set file after preprocessing, "test_file" is the
file obtained from the testing set file after
preprocessing and "model_file" is the SVM-model
created by SVMTorch.
SVMTorch provides the above commands with
multiple options. All the options are described when
SVMTorch or SVMTest is launched without any
argument. By default, SVMTorch is a classification
machine. If the regression machine is needed, the
option –rm is to be used. The current error displayed
by SVMTorch is only an indicator. It can oscillate.
The major options of the command SVMTorch are:
- multi <int> for multiclass problems. The data must
be in multiclass format.
-mlc <int> for multiclass problems. The last class to
learn can be specified here.
-c <float> <float>is the trade-off between training
error and margin. Defult=100.
- unshrink if the optimality of removed variables at
the end of learning phase is to be checked. It will
possibly restart the optimization. The SVMTorch
will be slower with this option.
-d <int> where <int> is the parameter d in the
polynomial kernel.
- std <float> where <float> is the parameter std in
the Gaussian kernel.
- s <float> where <float> is the parameter s in the
sigmodial or in the polynomial kernel.
- r <float> where <float> is the parameter r in the
sigmodial or in the polynomial kernel.
- u <string> where <string> is a parameter for the
user defined kernel.
- t <int> <int> defines kernel:
0 is the linear kernel
1 is the polynomial kernel (a,b)
2 is the gaussian kernel
3 is the sigmoidal kernel
The options of the command SVMTest are:
- multi for multiclass problems. The data should also
be in the same format.
-norm when in multiclass mode, this option
normalizes (with the inverse of the margin norm) the
output of each model before deciding in which class
the example should be. To avoid time conconsuming
the margin is now approximated by the sum of the α
where α
is the coefficient related to i
vector. (In the separable case it is the same as the
- sparse for the sparse mode. This is used when the
data is in the sparse format.
- bin if the data is in binary, set this flag.
- load <int> loads only <int> examples in the test
- oa <file> prints the output of the model in <file>,
- ob <file> prints the output of the model <file>, in
File format
The files that are given to the above commands can
in be various formats. The default format of
SVMTorch and SVMTest is the ASCII format.
Therefore, -bin is to be given in the command line
while using binary files. No tests are made with
binary files, and it could have an error such as
"Check your data" or "Segmentation fault". Also, -
sparse is to be given if the data is in sparse format.
There are two main input formats for "input_file"
and "test_file" in SVMTorch. They are:
ASCII format
Binary format
The general format of a file in ASCII format is given
<Number n of training/testing
samples> <Dimension d of each
> <a
> <a
> .... <a
> <a
> <a
> <a
> .... <a
> <a
where <a
> is an ASCII floating point number
corresponding to the j
value of the i
example and
> is the i
desired output (in classification, it
should be +1/-1). The binary format is the same,
without carriage returns.There is another special
input format for SVMTest, when there is no desired
output. (-no option is to be used).
Programming and categorization approach
This section explains the coding and use of SVM
Torch and mentions the steps to be followed for the
classification of documents. Broadly the two aprts
are The problem posed is shown in the Table 1.and
gives the approach used by us
Esentially, preprocessing involves conversion of the
text document into a file with format supported by
SVM for classification. The format used is ASCII
mode- Standard. The training documents as well as
the test documents must be preprocessed. The
preprocessing can be done using any one of the
alternatives present (Ex: Term frequency, Term
frequency-Inverse Document frequency, Binary
representation etc.) along with defining some rules
for building the library. We have developed
programs for preprocessing using the techniques
Term frequency (TF), Term frequency-Inverse
Document frequency (TF-IDF), Binary
representation along with
The following points must be strictly followed while
executing any of the above programs:
The files given as input to any of the above
mentioned programs are to be in the same
directory as that of the program being
The number of input files should be less
than 20.
The value given as input for class should be
either 1 or -1 as we are dealing with only
binary classification.
In case of pre-processing of training files, no. of files
corresponds to no. of training samples (documents)
and class to which category the document belongs
while in case of processing for test files, no. of files
corresponds to the documents to be classified and
class corresponds to the expected category to which
it is to be classified.
In case of pre-processing with the help of rules,
an additional input of the value of rule is to be
provided. This value represents the minimum
Table 1: Gives an overview of the approach used in using SVM Torch.
INPUT : A set of text documents based on a kew descriptor of lecture content
OUTPUT: Classify the favourable documents against a mix of other text documents.
1.1Documents for both training and testing are converted into a file with ASCII format (which is supported by
The following steps are involved in converting the documents into a file with ASCII format. This stage also involves
the removal of articles and irrelevant terms
1.1.1 A dictionary is built based on the training files.
1.1.2 All the documents are represented in the form of feature vector.
1.1.3.These feature vectors are written into a file.
2.1.Takes the preprocessed output from previous stage .and uses them for training and testing the SVM.
SVMTorch [option] example_file
number of times the word should occur (when
counted it’s occurrence in all the documents).
where “example_file” is the file generated from
training examples and “model_file” is the output
model generated by the command.
Classification Stage
The files generated from the preprocessing stage are
used for training and testing the SVM by SVMTorch
software with the help of the two commands
SVMTorch and SVMTest mentioned previously..
SVMTest is the command used for classifying the
documents using SVM. Its syntax is given below
The code has been developed in C and tested in
UNIX and LINUX platforms. For executing the
commands given in the previous section for training
and testing the SVM, SVMTorch software should be
downloaded and all the files mentioned above
should be present in the directory SVMTorch
SVMTest [options] model_file test_file
where “model_file” is the output model generated by
SVMTorch and “test_file” is the file generated from
the test documents
Once the preprocessing is done, the classification of
the test documents could be done by training the
Support Vector Machine using the file created out of
the training documents. For training the Support
Vector Machine, any of the available software could
be used (with proper changes in the file created out
of the training documents). We have used
SVMTorch software for this purpose. It is free
software downloaded from the net. It provides two
commands for training the SVM and for classifying
the documents using SVM. They are:
Experimental Results
For experimentation purpose we have included text
from diverse categories of documents so as to
These two commands are provided with several
SVMTorch is the command used for training the
SVM. Its syntax is given below:
Table 2: Results of categorization.
Contents of Test file Expected Classification Actual Classification
Bitmap Indexing 1 1
September 11 attacks -1 -1
Climatic Conditions -1 -1
Bitmap Indexing 1 1
Bitmap Indexing 1 -1
Figure 1: Sample Screenshot. It shows one of the ouput samples. Number of Support Vectors is 11, Input dimension being
Table 3: SVM application for E-Learning framework-Learner Centered Model
Student Needs SVM role for classification of the Digital content for E-Learning Paradigm
Review selected text
only (before exams)
Provides the keyword
Classified and Categorize
Slides, Text using SVM
All about ‘Router’ Categorize and produce select set of documents from lecture on ‘Computer
networks’using SVM
What are good
candidate documents for
reviewing on ‘Concept
Present a list of documents classified based on the given concept category.
Rank Lecture
documents based on
relevance to coming
Prioritise the documents so as to optimise on the time to be given for each
document before a presentation or talking the exam
Q & A Session,
e.g.‘What is an SVM ?’
Lookup the lecture sets for the string with the given ‘Question’ keyword and
classify that document for further presentation.
subject the SVM to worst testing environment. The
categories cover ‘bitmap indexing’, ‘climate
conditions’ etc.
The screenshot in fig.1.above shows the runtime
environment while the table 2 indicates the success
results obtained on testing the SVM trained on ten
documents using first order polynomial as the kernel
function. Of the ten input documents, five are about
Bitmap indexing and the remaining files are about
irrelevant matter.
E-Learning Application Scenario
Here we briefly present the use of SVM in the
context of larger perspective of learner centered E-
Learning frameworks wherein adaptivity and
student/learner context is to be perceived prior to the
delivery of content. The table 3 above provides a
brief glimpse of one such possible framework. The
digital content takes the form of Text( slides, books),
Graphics, videos and the student requirement is to
extract only the needed material.Such techniques are
making the E-learning systems increasingly dynamic
with features exhibiting the human tutor
characteristics. The various documents and data
relevant to a course of study are digitally preserved
and on request from the user, these data are
presented in the available form with minimal
processing. The learner seeks to acquire tailor made
information as per his choice of keyword. It is here
that the appropriate document classification must
take place so that the classified document forms the
input to the overall personalized E-Learning system.
The paucity of space did not permit us to give
complete details. However it is important to note
that text classification is a high dimensional problem
and speeds as well as accuracy are major concerns.
Due to the capability of the SVM to produce
acceptable generalization error even with small size
of training data, they are expected to be better than
the ML techniques like NN, BN etc. at least in the
matter of text classification. Text classification poses
a challenge due to its unique characteristics like–the
vector size being proportional to the vocabulary, and
the rare words having same weight as normal words,
etc. In the case of subjects in engineering stream
these characteristics are further accentuated due to
multi dimensional nature of ‘term meaning
depending on context. Therefore it is necessary to
employ an efficient technique such as SVM for
categorization of text. The time for the classification
in the tested documents is shown as zero due to
small size of the document and hence the dimension
In this paper we have presented the detailed use of
SVM and SVM Torch software for categorization of
document in the larger context of E-Learning
frameworks. The results were slightly optimistic due
to smaller number and size of test documents. The
number of support vectors was 11 and the dimension
was 611.The reports of other techniques used for
classification like Naïve Bayesian, Neural Networks,
Decision Trees also provide encouraging results.
However the SVM approach to classification is
expected to be superior from the point of view of
size of training data particularly for text
classification tasks where high dimensionality and
speed are major concerns. Specifically, SVMs could
yield acceptable generalization errors even with
small size training data as compared to the
techniques like NN and BN. The use of Reduced Set
SVM could further enhance the speed of the
classification. Our next work covers the effect of
natural languages and context on the SVM vector
size and dimensionality issues.
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