Ken Boness, Rachel Harrison, Kecheng Liu
Department of Computer Science,
The University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, RG6 6AY, UK
Keywords: Natural Language Requirements, Validation, Profiling, Goal Orientation, Semiotics.
Abstract: The traditional software requirements specification (SRS) used as the principal
instrument for management
and planning and as the foundation for design can play a pivotal role in the successful outcome of a project.
However this can be compromised by uncertainty and time-to-market pressures. In this paper we recognise
that the SRS must be kept in a practical and useful state. We recognise three prerequisites to this end and
introduce a programme of research aimed at developing a Requirements Profile that changes the emphasis
of requirements engineering from defining the requirements to defining what is known about the
requirements. The former (being a subset of the latter) leaves the traditional idea of a SRS unaffected
whereas the latter adds much to the avoidance of misunderstanding.
This position paper describes work in progress.
Consideration of the practicalities of working with a
software requirements specification (SRS) leads us
to propose a requirements profile. Our expectation
is that it would be used to annotate a SRS and cause
a shift in emphasis from simply defining
requirements to also quantifying our assumptions
about the requirements; e.g. “we are 95% certain
that we understand the requirements well”.
A software requirements specification defines
is wanted from a new or modified software
product that is expected to function in a particular
environment of users, organisations and machines.
In traditional requirements engineering a SRS
written in a format such as recommended in the
IEEE standard (IEEE 1998) would be used as the
principal instrument of specification, negotiation and
management. In this role it would ideally provide
benefits to the project such as the basis for:-
realistic esti
mation of cost and risk;
ding wasted or misguided effort;
architecture a
nd design;
testing a
nd acceptance;
anagement of releases;
a cl
ear understanding shared by all stakeholders.
However often in real projects it is the case that
irements remain uncertain until late on.
Furthermore, often in industry there is the urgency
of a time-to-market deadline. Both factors can make
the benefits of working with a SRS seem
This conflation of urgency with uncertainty is
ften the reason why iterative-incremental
development methods are chosen over the waterfall
method. However such methods can be consistent
with the diligent use of a SRS.
When these conditions are severe the role of the
S may break down. Some developers take the
view that the pursuit of a SRS is futile and instead
adopt a more radical method of development such as
one of the Agile methods. Worst of all a SRS may
be written and then set aside in the performance of
the project. Clearly these practices call into question
the very nature of the SRS. Recently published
papers bear witness to this with a debate about the
Agile methods (Goetz; Jepsen; Pinheiro; Tomayko;
Berry; Eberlein & Leite; Kohler & Paech 2002).
Similar interest is found also in, for example,
(Baskerville et al 2003). However the debate
exposes a wide range of situations where the use of
some kind of SRS remains appropriate for the
primary instrument of specification and
Boness K., Harrison R. and Liu K. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 337-342
DOI: 10.5220/0002548303370342
management. Our interpretation is that this is where
there is one of the following:-
a fixed price contract;
a need for a wide range of stakeholders to be
a probability of significant additional
development in the future;
where the system’s architecture must be
decided from very early in the project.
Published studies concerning the tendency for IT
development projects to fail to deliver what is
wanted in time and budget all report deficiencies in
the preparation and use of the SRS as one of the
main causes of failure; see (Taylor 2001; Keil et al;
POST 2003). It is noteworthy that a SRS is usually
presumed to be in use and the criticism reinforces
the role of the SRS described at the beginning of this
section along with the expected benefits of its use.
The above arguments suggest that there is a
significant commitment to the use of the SRS but its
use is potentially compromised by a lack of
practicality in the face of uncertainty combined with
urgency. Hence we suggest that:-
It is desirable in software development projects,
where practical, to use a SRS with diligence as the
primary instrument of specification, negotiation and
management. (Premise 1).
Practicality and diligence are the keys. Without
the former the latter is unlikely. Without the latter
the value of the SRS is lost.
Section §2 discusses practicality and diligence in
more detail. In §3 we propose prerequisites for a
practical SRS. §4 discusses how we can measure a
SRS with a new requirements profile. We conclude
with a brief discussion.
Practicality is at the heart of motivating the
stakeholders to work with a SRS and to take
responsibility for it. In some cases this is to plan and
design from it and in others it is to verify and
validate it. These responsibilities take effort. It is
essential that this effort is perceived as worthwhile.
Berry (2002) points out that pain (i.e. tasks seen
as chores) can be a practical barrier to the diligence
of developers (and other stakeholders). He reminds
us that the perceived value of any task matters if the
task is to be depended upon. To some extent a
disciplined process may suffice but just as in any
regulated system personal motivation will remain
significant. McPhee and Eberlein (2002) concluded
that it is important to stakeholders that requirements
are unambiguous and usable. From a project
management perspective, Keil, Rai, Mann and
Zhang (Keil et al 2003) stress the importance of the
clarity of requirements. Clearly important qualities
of the SRS that affect motivation include: usability
and understandability.
A further part of practicality is the timeliness of
the SRS. If it is to take the role of principal
instrument of negotiation and planning it must be
available and usable early in the project. Urgency
and uncertainty make it almost inevitable that when
the SRS it is needed early in the project it is highly
unlikely that the requirements can have been
specified with much rigour. Consequently its content
may, to some extent, be ambiguous, inconsistent and
structurally incomplete. This makes it very unlikely
to be understood consistently by all the stakeholders.
Note: In this paper we use the word coherence
when referring to the understandability, consistency,
and structural-completeness of an SRS. This extends
the usage in (Nusibeh & Easterbrook 2000).
Given time and careful requirements elicitation,
verification and validation along with good and
appropriate drafting the SRS should become more
coherent. However any lack of coherence would
increase the chances of misunderstanding.
Thus for a SRS to be used as in premise 1 it must
be available early in the project and should be
qualified in some way so as to reduce the potential
of misunderstanding. This is summarised in a second
The SRS must be produced rapidly with
emphasis on its usefulness to all stakeholders and
should make clear to any stakeholder reading it the
extent of what is known about what is wanted
(Premise 2.)
Pinheiro (2002) offers three principles of
requirements. They should be:-
1. Purposeful (there should be an objective to be
2. Appropriate (requirements should express what
is necessary to achieve the system’s objectives;
3. Truthful (requirements should express what is
actually required).
From our premise 2 we propose three
prerequisites for a practical SRS over and above the
principles of Pinheiro:-
1. Rapid production;
2. Using a format that is understandable to all
3. A means for making “what is known about what
is wanted” clear to all stakeholders.
The need for rapid production comes from the
need to have requirements in place early enough for
the SRS to be used for estimation, scoping and
initial sketching of architecture; possibly also to be
bound into a contract. This usually implies an early
deadline making it likely to be a “rough sketch” that
can be subsequently improved to approach
correctness (Zowghi & Gervassi 2003). How much
can be elicited in the available time will depend
upon the effectiveness and efficiency of the
techniques of elicitation adopted. In this work we are
not concerned with the details of different
techniques of elicitation; we presume that suitable
methods will have been chosen in a groundwork
phase (Finkelstein 1993) to suit the project.
The need for the format to be understandable to
all stakeholders is self-evident if the SRS is to be
shared for common understanding and if it is to be
used for negotiation between stakeholders. The
question is what limitations ought to be applied on
the format of the SRS in order that it is
understandable to the stakeholder community as a
whole. In some communities the efficient and
effective means of communication may be formal
(for example using predicate logic, mathematics
and/or other symbolic representation). However it is
likely to be the case that key stakeholders are
effectively lay people for whom such methods are
not properly understood. Possibly the ideal is to have
the SRS in multiple versions; using natural language
to share and using formal versions to validate.
Rolland and Proix in (1992) described an exercise to
bridge the problem of using natural language for
communication among the stakeholders whilst using
a parallel formalised representation and subjecting it
to the rigour of formal analysis. They developed a
system that accepted an initial SRS written in natural
language and parsed it to represent it in a formal
equivalent which is then analysed by formal
methods. The errors discovered in this process are
corrected in the formal model and then a new
version of the SRS is synthesised in natural language
for all stakeholders to review.
Rolland and Proix chose natural language for
sharing, communicating and agreeing the SRS and
chose the formal version for specialist and computed
validation. This is a significant stance. All systems
that have multiple views or versions of the SRS
(even if they are derived from a single formal core)
have the problem of documentary precedence. The
same pertains to legal documents needing
agreement. Any discrepancies in translation between
the different forms potentially cause
misunderstanding. For example if a contract is at
stake then the reasonable interpretation of the shared
SRS (in natural language) would probably hold
precedence over specialist formal versions;
(Ambriola & Gervassi 1997).
(Leveson 2000), in a broad view of requirements
indicates a continued strong role for natural
language in specification. Further in their review of
requirements management tools Finkelstein and
Emmerich (2000) give natural language a powerful
endorsement whilst implying a mixed future:
“We argue that the reason that the use of natural
language persists in requirements documentation is that it
plays a valuable role and furthermore that it is unlikely to
be supplanted. This role goes beyond simply providing a
means for stakeholders to validate the specifications,
though this is in itself very valuable, but is concerned with
the essence of the specification task. Requirements refer to
the real-world, for the models that result from analysis to
be comprehensible it is essential that the correspondences
between the components of the model and the real-world
phenomena are explicated. Without this the models are
airy abstractions.”
Thus notwithstanding the acknowledged power
and rigour of other forms for expressing
requirements our work concentrates on the natural
language forms of a SRS:-
Requirements expressed in natural language
remain important to a significant extent in
contemporary practice as the contracted and shared
expression of need. (Premise 3)
We are testing this premise through a survey of
current industrial practice. Early indications are
positive. A related market survey in 2002 (Mich et al
2002) reported circa 70% of SRS documentation
being substantially in natural language.
Our interest does not rule out situations where
translations to and from formal representations are
used to add modelling rigour. The point is that the
objects of our work are requirements specifications
expressed in natural language for the purpose of
agreement by all stakeholders. Of course whilst they
will usually have been written by humans they may
have been machine generated.
We expect that requirements will be presented in
eclectic forms dominated by natural language texts.
These are likely to involve mixtures of: goals; use
narratives (such as stories
, use cases, and scenarios);
assumptions; and specific requirements (both
functional and non functional). Hence:-
The objects of our study are software
requirements specifications written in natural
language and broadly compliant with the IEEE
standard (IEEE 1998). They may also have
diagrams (or other non natural language inclusions)
as sign surrogates for text. (Premise 4)
This premise stresses the dominance of natural
language but admits the use of diagrams such as
literate modelling (Arlow et al 1999; Finklestein &
Emmerich 2000).
Using the idea of signs from semiotics, (Pierce
1935), the SRS could be construed as a collection of
signs where the signs are chosen (written) by the
author to signify ideas to the reader. Sometimes the
author may find it necessary to use a means other
than natural language, such as a diagram or an
equation, to signify a subset of ideas. In this sense
the signs are surrogates for missing and potentially
more complex natural language text. Thus such
signs are regarded here as possible infill to otherwise
missing information. In principle the reader could be
asked questions about each sign and their answers
then be used to complement and possibly complete
the natural language body of the SRS.
Semiotics also cautions us that it is an
incomplete understanding of communication to
consider solely the author’s use of signs to signify an
idea. It is necessary to consider the potential
elusiveness of what is being signified and how the
reader responds to the signs (Pierce 1935). The
author’s choice of sign may be an imperfect signifier
of a clear idea on one hand; it may be a good
signifier for a vague idea on the other. It is also
possible that the reader will interpret the sign
differently to some degree from what has been
intended by the author. Thus the SRS may well
induce misunderstanding and divergent assumptions
between different stakeholders by the author’s
choice of signs. Add to this the likelihood of poor
drafting induced by time pressures then the
likelihood of misunderstanding is increased.
Clearly the possibility of misunderstanding
constitutes a severe jeopardy to projects depending
on the SRS (premise 1) and can mask severe project
threatening problems. For these reasons importance
is placed in requirements engineering on the
verification and validation of requirements; see
(Penheiro 2002; Keil et al 2003; Nuseibeh &
Easterbrook 2000; Avritzer & Weyuker 1998).
However validation may be obfuscated by a lack of
coherence in the SRS. Whereas we can confidently
attempt to validate coherent requirements we cannot
reasonably do the same with incoherent ones since
they are unlikely to be understood consistently by all
the stakeholders. This brings the argument back to
the need to make clear what is known about what is
wanted (prerequisite 3).
This third prerequisite extends Pinheiro’s
truthfulness principle and is at the heart of our work.
It represents a change in thinking about the SRS and
is discussed further in the following section defining
a requirements profile.
From the above reasoning we consider that there is a
need for a quantitative means of revealing the
coherence of an SRS as it evolves from a very early
draft into a mature representation. We refer to this as
a requirements profile.
The IEEE standard (IEEE 1998) tolerates
incompleteness in the SRS by allowing TBD (to be
determined) to be inserted with accompanying
explanation of how the TBD can be fulfilled. This is
the start of defining what is known about
requirements (prerequisite 3) rather than simply
defining the requirements; if specific requirements
(functional or non-functional) are known they are
included and in this way the traditional concept of
the SRS is preserved. Our work aims to extend this
idea by the development of a requirements profile
that can be used both to annotate the SRS and
provide indicative measures.
There is a range of grammatical and syntactic
methods and tools that could contribute to a
requirements profile; (Berry et al 2003; Ambriola &
Gervassi 1997; Wilson et al 1997; Lami et al 2000)
and others. The emphases of our work are
assumptions and omissions detectable by the goal
satisficing methods of (Mylopolous et al 1998;
i.e. Stories as used in the Extreme development
Letier & Lamsweerde 2002; Lamsweerde 2001) and
the use of semantic normal form derived from the
semiotic methods in MEASUR (Stamper et al 1988;
Stamper 1993; Liu 2000).
The use of our requirements profile goes beyond
our premise 1. For example any exercise that
involves reading and interpreting a SRS may benefit.
It could also provide a quality measure to be used
before and after re-drafting, or re-generating, a SRS.
General examples include providing:-
1. A means, as a quality control metric (or set of
metrics), to guide the rapid creation of high
quality requirements.
2. A way of measuring improvement in the process
of preparing specifications.
3. A means for accelerating the verification and
validation of requirements by inspections; both
formal (e.g. Fagan) and informal (e.g. readings
by stakeholders).
4. A quality control to prepare requirements that are
written in natural language for translation to
another format (including formal representation).
In presenting prerequisites for the practical use of
the SRS we have been drawn to the need for
emphasising what is known about the requirements.
We are addressing this by developing a requirements
profile that concerns itself with the coherence of the
SRS and its capacity to avert misunderstanding.
We are using problem exemplars to help in
developing the profile. Initially this is in the context
of inspections since their use is well documented
(e.g. (Porter et al 1995)). Our main validation will
use case studies from industry and academia
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