Ralf Bruns, Jürgen Dunkel
Department of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover,
Ricklinger Stadtweg 120, D-30459 Hannover, Germany
Sascha Ossowski
AI Group, E.S.C.E.T.,Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Madrid,
Campus de Mostoles, Calle Tulipan s/n, E-28933 Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Semantic Web Application, Ontology, Agents, E-learning.
Abstract: In this paper, we describe the advances of the Semantic E-learning Agent project, whose obje
ctive is to
develop virtual student advisers that render support to university students in order to successfully organize
und perform their studies. The advisory agents are developed with novel concepts of the Semantic Web and
agent technology. The key concept is the semantic modeling of the domain knowledge by means of XML-
based ontology languages such as OWL. Software agents apply ontological and domain knowledge in order
to assist human users in their decision making processes. Agent technology enables the incorporation of
personal confidential data with public accessible knowledge sources of the Semantic Web in the same
inference process.
E-learning has started to play a major role in the
learning and teaching activities at institutions of
higher education worldwide. The students perform
significant parts of their study activities
decentralized via the Internet. The main focus of
current E-learning systems is to provide an
appropriate technical infrastructure for content
engineering and information exchange.
The emerged individual ways of study are
ocation- and time-independent, consequently
requiring a permanently available and direct support
to answer questions and give advice. A recent
comparison of modern E-learning environments
(CCTT, 2004) revealed that intelligent advisory
agents are not applied so far in E-learning systems.
The objective of the Semant
ic E-learning Agent
(SEA) project (Dunkel, 2004) is to develop virtual
student advisers that render support to university
students, assisting them to successfully organize und
perform their studies. The experiences of human
course advisers show, that most students have
similar problems and questions. The advisory agents
should help to resolve these problems. Typical
questions concern the regulations of study (e.g. does
a student possess all requirements to participate in
an examination or a course?) or organizing student
To achieve these goals, we propose a software
where virtual student advisers are
developed with novel concepts from Semantic Web
(Berners-Lee, 2001; Horrocks, 2002) and Intelligent
Agent (Wooldrige, 1995) technology. The basic idea
is to model the structure of our E-learning domain
by means of ontologies, and to represent it by means
of XML-based applied ontology languages.
Software agents apply the knowledge represented in
the ontologies during their intelligent decision
making process. We claim that this is a promising
approach because E-learning systems that
successfully support students in organizing their
studies are still to come. This paper reports on the
experiences gained from the development of an
advisory system that effectively integrates both,
Semantic Web and Intelligent Agent technology.
The first use case that has been implemented
reflects the counseling situation where a
intends to study a semester abroad within the
European Erasmus/ Socrates exchange program.
Together with the international coordinator, the
student has to choose the foreign university and the
Bruns R., Dunkel J. and Ossowski S. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 90-96
DOI: 10.5220/0002546500900096
foreign study program that matches best her/his
personal interests and her/his individual situation of
study. Subsequently, a study plan for the semester at
the host university must be determined that
corresponds to the home university syllabus. This
study plan constitutes the so-called Socrates
Learning Agreement.
The paper is structured as follows: In the next
section the employed knowledge representation
techniques and the developed knowledge models are
presented. The third section shows how automated
inference can be carried out on the knowledge
models. Subsequently, the software architecture of
the agent system is outlined. Finally, the last section
summarizes the most significant features of the
project and provides a brief outlook to future lines of
The key concept of a semantic advisory system is
the semantic modeling of the domain knowledge
(e.g. university organization, degree requirements,
course descriptions, examination regulations) as well
as an individual user model, which reflects the
current situation of study (e.g. passed exams, current
courses). The fundamental structures of the available
domain knowledge as well as the basic facts (e.g.
offered courses) are defined in appropriate models.
In our system, the structural part of the
knowledge base is modeled by means of ontologies,
which formally define domain entities and the
relations among them. For this purpose, we apply
Semantic Web technology based on XML. We have
chosen the W3C standard ontology language OWL
(Web Ontology Language) (W3C-OWL, 2004) to
model the knowledge required in the advisory
system. Software agents use this information as the
basis for their reasoning and negotiation. Due to the
standardization of these technologies, knowledge
models can easily be shared and reused via the
Internet. Thus, the developed ontologies can serve as
standardized and open interfaces for the
interoperability of different E-learning systems.
2.1 Ontologies
In order to implement the counseling situation of the
Erasmus/ Socrates exchange program, information is
necessary about the possible exchange universities
and their offered degree programs. In addition,
further information about the living conditions of a
particular university city and its urban infrastructure
may influence the decision.
Several interrelated ontologies have been
developed for our advisory agents: Two central
ontologies describe the organizational structure of a
university and the offered courses in a semester. To
facilitate the comparison of different study places
and course contents, two subordinated ontologies are
used. The individual study situation of a specific
student is represented by a separate ontology.
Dividing the knowledge base of the advisory
system in several different ontologies is crucial to
yield a coherent scope of each ontology and to
facilitate reusing existing ontologies (Noy, 2001). In
the following, we describe the responsibilities of the
employed ontologies in some more details.
University Ontology
The university ontology is the core knowledge
base of the SEA project. It models the essential
parts of the organizational structure of a
particular university and the departments with
the different programs of study. Its main domain
concepts are: university, department, degree
program, offered degrees.
The following example shows an excerpt of an
instance of the university ontology.
<uni:numberOfStudents rdf:datatype=
<uni:hasContent rdf:resource=
<uni:hasContent rdf:resource=
At first, a degree program instance with id
FHH_Master_CS is created. The property
numberOfStudents specifies how many
students are enrolled and has the XML schema
data type int. The property
describes the contents of the degree program
and refers to a computer science instance of the
subject area ontology specified by the URI.
Course Ontology
The course ontology models the courses per
semester for a degree program. This information
changes from semester to semester and can only
be provided by the responsible department.
Several properties describe an individual course,
e.g. course name, teaching language, number of
credit points, keywords describing the course
content, and the semester when the course takes
place. This knowledge will be used in the
second step of our sample use case when open
courses of the home syllabus are matched with
courses at the exchange university.
Each university participating in the Socrates
program should build its own instance of these
ontologies. Additionally, for our counseling scenario
we need further information that is provided by two
additional ontologies.
Regional Ontology
The regional ontology models the relevant
properties of a study place, e.g. in which
country, state, and region it is located, number
of inhabitants, which infrastructure is available
(e.g. airport, station, theatre). Each study place
is represented by an instance of this ontology,
thus allowing a comparison due to the students
living preferences. It is expected that for many
cities this information will be available on the
Semantic Web in the near future.
Subject Area Ontology
To find an appropriate study plan at the
exchange university, home and foreign courses
must be compared based on their contents. A
simplified taxonomy is modeled in the subject
area ontology, e.g. one instance for computer
science, one instance for mechanical
engineering, and so forth.
These two ontologies define some transitive
properties that are used for inference and reduce the
number of facts significantly. An example for
transitivity is the property
isLocatedIn of the
regional ontology.
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#region"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#region"/>
For example, from the two facts, that Hannover
is located in Lower Saxony, and that Lower Saxony
is located in Germany, it can be concluded that
Hannover is located in Germany. In a similar way a
hierarchy of subtopics is modelled in the subject
area ontology.
In contrast to these ontologies, which model
public accessible information, the user ontology
serves as the knowledge model of a particular user,
e.g. student or faculty member and, consequently,
contains confidential information.
User Ontology
The major classes of this ontology are
Faculty. Relevant information of a student
are, e.g. login name, student ID, current
semester, passed/failed courses etc. Every
student owns her/his own instance file of this
ontology, reflecting her/his individual progress
of study. This information allows the adviser to
give a personalized advice considering the
individual situation of a student.
Note that the different ontologies are not
isolated, but related to each other. So, e.g. a student
instance of the user ontology is related to a course
instance of the university ontology via the property
isEnrolledIn. Figure 1 shows the entire structure
of the ontologies with the interrelating properties
and some of their classes.
Subject Area
Subject Area
Figure 1: Sketch of ontology structure
In a Semantic Web infrastructure the knowledge
is spread over the Internet in form of different OWL-
files. We can distinguish two types: OWL schemas
and OWL instances. In our advisory system there are
five different OWL schema files, each containing
just one of the described ontologies. To prevent
inconsistencies, OWL schema files are located only
once on a central web server.
However, the OWL instance files are created and
maintained locally. It is crucial, that the OWL
instances conform to the language specification
defined in the OWL schemas and refer also to other
2.2 Ontology Development
The previous section described the knowledge base,
i.e. the ontologies and their corresponding facts,
from a logical point of view. To make the
knowledge usable for the advisory agents, internally
or via the internet, they must be defined in a formal
ontology language suitable for reasoning. For this
purpose, we applied the W3C standard ontology
language OWL (Web Ontology Language) (W3C-
OWL, 2004) based on XML and RDF/ RDF Schema
(W3C-RDF, 2004). The expressiveness of OWL-DL
was sufficient to model our domain knowledge.
Only a few shortcomings of OWL came up, which
we resolved within the inference engine, as describe
in the next section.
To develop complex ontologies an adequate tool
support is indispensable. OWL is intended for the
usage of software programs and cumbersome for
humans, as the short OWL example in the previous
section illustrates. In our project we used the well-
known Protégé Version 2.1 with the OWL Plugin
(Protégé, 2004) for ontology development. Except
some smaller technical problems we made good
experiences with this tool. It allowed to specify
ontologies with a graphical user interface and to
generate the corresponding OWL files, avoiding a
potentially error prone “manual” OWL coding.
Furthermore, facts in form of OWL instances were
created on base of these ontologies.
The semantic advisory agents should act similar to
human advisers according to their knowledge
modeled in the ontologies. This is achieved by using
the rule-based inference engine JESS (Java Expert
System Shell) (Friedman-Hill, 2004) to carry out the
automated inferences entailed by the semantics of
OWL. JESS provides a convenient way to integrate
reasoning capabilities into Java programs. With the
JESS language complex rules, facts and queries can
be specified.
3.1 OWL Transformation
To make use of the knowledge modeled in an
ontology, the OWL semantics must be mapped into
facts and rules of an inference engine. Because JESS
does not provide an interface to import an OWL
ontology, we employed the tool OWL Engine to
load OWL ontologies and OWL instances into a
JESS knowledge base (OWL Engine, 2004), which
provides an XSLT-based transformation process.
The OWL inference engine consists of three
different parts. One file contains JESS rules
describing the OWL meta model, i.e. the OWL built-
in rules. Two XSLT stylesheets transform files with
OWL schemata or with OWL instances into JESS
A major advantage of the XSLT stylesheets
approach is that the stylesheets can be easily
adjusted to individual requirements. In our project
we expanded the transformation rules for the
owl:transitiveProperty and the owl:UnionOf
OWL constructs.
3.2 Ontology Reasoning
Mainly, the advisory agents reason on the basis of
the OWL knowledge model loaded into the JESS
knowledge base. For our sample use case, the
semantic expressiveness of OWL is nearly
sufficient. But to express more complex expert
knowledge, e.g. complex examination regulations,
domain-specific rules must be developed. Inference
engines such as JESS provide their own languages to
specify complex rules for developing rule-based
systems. A simple example for a domain-specific
rule, out of the scope of OWL, is a JESS rule that
categories cities according to their size.
The data modeled in OWL is usually domain
specific, but independent of a certain application.
The OWL properties define rules, which represent
the general structure of the knowledge. They are
mainly data-oriented, usage-independent and
applicable to different applications. Additional rules
specified in an inference engine are process-
oriented; they specify the reasoning capabilities of
an advisory system and are tailored to a specific use
The software architecture of an advisory system
should reflect the situation of a real counseling
interview. In our use case, a student intends to study
abroad for one semester and consults the
international coordinator of the department to get
advice. Together they first look for an appropriate
exchange university and then for a study plan, which
fits best with the course program at the home
All students are characterized by their personal
situation and intents; the international coordinators
give their advice on base of a profound knowledge
of the study regulations and the different exchange
Multi-agent systems provide a software
paradigm that fits well to the described situation
(Woolridge, 2002). The advisory system can be
viewed in terms of autonomous agents of two
different types: student agents and international
coordinator agents. These agents interact to find an
exchange university and a suitable study plan. Multi-
agent technology provides the right level of
abstraction to model a negotiation process between
independent partners (Jennings, 2000; Kraus, 1997)
and, consequently, is well-suited for our purposes.
4.1 Agent Structure and Semantic
Figure 2 outlines the internal structure of the
advisory system with two different types of agents:
the student agent and the international coordinator
Adviser Server
OWL instance
coordinator data
Student Server
OWL instance
student data
University Server
OWL instance
university +
course data
University Server
OWL instance
university +
course data
Schema Server
OWL instance
subject area
City Server
OWL instance
regional data
City Server
OWL instance
regional data
Adviser Server
OWL instance
coordinator data
Student Server
OWL instance
student data
University Server
OWL instance
university +
course data
University Server
OWL instance
university +
course data
Schema Server
OWL instance
subject area
City Server
OWL instance
regional data
City Server
OWL instance
regional data
agent. The two agent types are conceptually
identical: both reason on a knowledge base using
JESS as inference engine.
Student Agent
Coordinator Agent
and facts
user ontology
and facts
JESS rules
JESS rules
JESS engine
JESS engine
Student Agent
Coordinator Agent
and facts
user ontology
and facts
JESS rules
JESS rules
JESS engine
JESS engine
Figure 2: Agent structure
Each agent loads its individual knowledge base
dynamically according to the actual counseling
situation. As described above, the knowledge is
specified in OWL-files and spread over the Internet.
To build up its knowledge base each agent has to
process the following steps:
1. According to the status of the interview, the
agent determines the required information for
the actual counseling context.
2. If the information is publicly available, the
agent locates the corresponding OWL files in
the Internet.
3. It downloads the OWL instances, transforms
them and imports them into JESS using OWL
The international coordinator agent requires
information about all exchange universities and their
course contents. To gain this knowledge, it can
dynamically expand its knowledge base by
accessing the locally stored OWL-files of the
universities registered in the advisory system.
Beyond the information the coordinator agent
collects in the Internet, it can hold some private
knowledge. For example, it may know about all
exchange agreements of its university or the
utilization of the courses in its department.
The student agent is characterized by its
individual study situation, which can be described
by the study year, the attended lectures, and the
passed exams. Of course, this information is
confidential and, therefore, it is represented in a
personal OWL instance file, which is protected
against unauthorized access.
Figure 3 depicts the distribution of the
knowledge sources in the Semantic Web. The
coordinator agent and the student agent reside on
different servers, where their private knowledge is
stored in corresponding OWL instance files.
Figure 3: Distributed knowledge sources in the
Semantic Web
Furthermore, each agent can have more
sophisticated reasoning capabilities expressed by
some further JESS rules, as explained in subsection
4.2 Agent Interaction and
In a real counseling situation a problem is resolved
by a communication and negotiation process, which
is characterized by an information exchange among
the different dialog partners. In a multi-agent system
the communication between the agents reflects this
negotiation process between clients and advisers.
Depending on how the consultancy is developing,
different information is exchanged between the
agents. The agent behaviors implement the
negotiation protocol determining the rules that
govern the interaction (Jennings, 2000; Ossowski,
2002). The following use case scenario outlines how
the agents interact.
1. A student starts his/her personal student agent
(SA) to search for a suitable exchange semester,
and logs in.
2. The SA loads the OWL user ontology and the
OWL instance data representing the students
specific study situation into its JESS knowledge
3. The student can enter some preferences
regarding the exchange university (e.g. the
subject of study, the teaching language, desired
location). The SA extracts the specified
parameters and queries further personal data
(e.g. the aimed degree) from the knowledge
base. Then the SA sends a request to the
international coordinator agent (ICA).
4. The ICA collects instance data about all
universities registered in the system as well as
about the study places and loads them in its
knowledge base. During its initialization, the
ICA has already loaded all ontology schema
5. Then the ICA reasons on the knowledge base,
aggregates the results and sends a ranked list of
appropriate foreign degree programs to the SA.
6. The SA receives the result and presents it to the
student, who chooses his/her favorite exchange
university and degree program. The student’s
decision and further user instance data are send
to the ICA (e.g. the study program based on the
passed exams).
7. The ICA accesses the OWL course instance
data of the selected foreign degree program via
the Internet, and loads it into its knowledge
base. Usually the courses information is
maintained in each exchange university
separately. On the basis of the expanded
knowledge base the ICA suggests the foreign
courses that are fitting best to the study program
of the home university, see figure 4.
Figure 4: Study plan proposal of the coordinator agent
8. The SA receives the results from the ICA and
the student chooses manually the desired course
plan out of the different suggested options.
Finally, the SA generates a formal document,
called Socrates Learning Agreement,
determining the personalized exchange study
The student agent protects the confidential
information of its human owner. Similar to a real
consultancy situation it only reveals sensitive private
data, if it is indispensable for finding a solution. The
knowledge of the student agent is rather restricted; it
mainly knows the personal situation of its owner.
The international coordinator agent has a much
broader knowledge, which it dynamically expands in
the Semantic Web.
In the current implementation the international
coordinator agent has no own intentions, i.e. it
leaves all decisions about the exchange program to
the user agent, who delegates them to its human
user. Of course, the behavior of both agents could
implement personal desires and intentions. For
example, the coordinator agent could present only a
selection of possible exchange universities,
depending on the exchange agreements or the
number of applicants.
4.3 Implementation Issues
Powerful agent development frameworks facilitate
the development of multi-agent systems. The
semantic advisory agents are developed with JADE
(Java Agent Development Framework) (Bellifemine,
2002), which complies with the FIPA (Foundation
of Intelligent Physical Agents) standards (FIPA,
2003). JADE includes two main components: a
FIPA-compliant agent platform and a framework to
develop Java agents. The core part of the FIPA
architecture is a standard for agent communication,
i.e. its ACL (Agent Communication Language). The
interaction between the student and the international
coordinator agent is based on the exchange of ACL
To avoid that a user has to install the student
agent on her/his computer, we chose a web
architecture: the user agent resides on a central
server and has a web interface implemented with
JavaServer Pages.
In this paper, we described how Semantic Web and
Agent Technology can be integrated to build an
intelligent advisory system for an E-learning
environment. Our goal is to create and deploy
semantic advisory agents capable of supporting
university students in successfully organizing and
performing their studies.
Due to the use of Semantic Web languages the
developed knowledge models can easily be used in
distributed systems and shared among software
agents via the Internet. In dependence of the state of
the consulting interview, agents acquire dynamically
useful knowledge from distributed sources in the
Semantic Web and integrate it in their personal
knowledge base. Agent technology enables the
incorporation of personal confidential data with
publicly accessible knowledge sources of the
Semantic Web.
The major difficulty encountered was the
integration of the different concepts – on the one
hand the knowledge bases written in RDF and OWL,
on the other hand the inference engine JESS and the
agent environment JADE. We implemented a
prototype system, where the agents were able to
reason upon the knowledge base in the desired
manner. Our experiences show that the employed
technologies are mature and well-suited for the
implementation of advisory systems.
In our future work, we will implement more use
cases for the Semantic E-learning Agent project. For
example, advisers should be able to announce new
opportunities for students who are looking for
suitable thesis subjects and to answer questions
regarding the regulations of study.
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