Lei Xu and Baowen Xu
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Jiangsu Institute of Software Quality, Nanjing 210096, China
Keywords: Web Application Testing, Capture-Replay, Intelligent Agents
Abstract: Web application testing is concerned with n
umerous and complicated testing objects, methods and
processes. In order to improve the testing efficiency, the automatic and intelligent level of the testing
execution should be enhanced. So combined with the specialties of the Web applications, the necessity and
feasibility of the automatic and intelligent execution of the Web application testing are analyzed firstly;
Then, on the base of the related work, the executing process of the Web application testing is detailedly
described and thoroughly analysed, so as to determine the steps and flows of the testing execution along
with the adopted techniques and tools; next, improve the capture-replay technique and make it fit for the
dynamic characters of Web applications, and adopt the intelligent Agent to realize the monitor,
management and exception-handler of the whole testing execution. Thus, in this way, the process of the
Web application testing can be implemented automatically and intelligently.
Web applications can realize the information
sharing in the wide world, so multiple users pay
attention to the new comings and the user number
increased at a rare bat. Thus the testing for these
Web applications must be carried out systemically,
completely and sufficiently, so as to ensure their
qualities and satisfy users’ requirements finally.
However, since Web applications have the
characters such as distributed, dynamic, multi-
platform, interactive and hypermedia, and their
running environments are heterogeneous and
autonomous, it is more difficult to carry out the
testing tasks. So in order to enhance the testing
efficiency and improve the testing effect,
appropriate testing methods and tools are needed,
which are focused on these specialties.
Web application testing is concerned with the
ultiple page contents, testing targets, steps and
methods, and the whole process generally requires a
great deal of manpower and material resources. For
the sake of reducing the testing cost, the automatic
level of the testing process should be improved, i.e.
go along with the testing under the tools’ assistants,
make use of tools to dispose the routine problems of
testing and the testers only monitor the whole
process. At the same time, the related tools must
have a certain degree of intelligence so as to adapt
to the dynamic and evolutive specialties of Web
At present, researchers pay more and more
tentions to Web testing, propose some methods
and obtain many important results (Gao, J. et al.,
1999),(Kallepalli, C., and Tian, J., 2001),(Kung,
D.C. et al., 2000),(Liu, C.H., 2002),(Ricca, F., and
Tonella, P., 2000),(Warren, P., Boldyreff, C., and
Munro, M., 1999). And we also attempted some
research in the area of Web testing modelling,
performance improvement, and the detailed testing
methods (Xu, L., and Xu, B.W., 2003),(Xu, L. et al.,
2003),(Xu, L. et al., 2003). This paper focuses on
how to realize the Web application testing
automatically and intelligently. So in Section 2, we
introduced the related work so as to explain the
necessity and feasibility of carrying out the Web
application testing automatically and intelligently.
In Section 3, we detailedly described and thoroughly
analyzed the executing process of the Web
application testing, so as to determine the steps and
flows of the testing execution along with the related
contents such as the adopted techniques and tools;
Furthermore, we presented the realization
techniques of the testing process, i.e. improved the
capture-replay technique and made it suitable for the
dynamic characters of Web applications, and
Xu L. and Xu B. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 194-199
DOI: 10.5220/0002540501940199
adopted the intelligent Agent to realize the monitor,
management and exception-handler of the whole
testing execution. Section 5 is concerned with the
conclusions and the future work.
Testing Web application is concerned with the
contents of the three aspects, i.e. the running
environment, previous preparing work and the
executing process. Since Web applications are used
by vast users, the testing is usually carried out in the
client-side so as to have more authenticities, and the
testing is also demanded to be executed under all
kinds of typical equipments of client-side. In the
preparing work before testing, testing objects and
testing plans must be determined, which include
generating and selecting the test cases (including the
input and expected output of the testing), and
establishing the testing actions and steps. So in the
executing process of the testing, testers often carry
out many test cases under several typical testing
environment so as to obtain the coverage rate as
high as possible, and they execute the actions due to
the previous determined testing steps, such as the
testing input, function running and results
comparison with the expected outputs.
Manually executing the Web application testing
has high cost and low efficiency. So automatic
testing is needed obviously. However, the
exceptions are often produced in the testing process,
and these errors could exist in the server side,
network transfers or the browser parser.
Furthermore, the presented error messages are very
vague, and this brings great difficulties to the error
diagnosis and exclusion. Thus it is urgent to
improve the intelligent degree of the testing so as to
guarantee the execution of the testing.
On the other hand, since the testers generally
carry out the testing with the rigid steps and the
determinate contents, the whole process is suitable
for the automatic execution. By now, there have
been several testing assistant tools, which are
applied in the performance testing or the regression
testing. Paper (Anupam, V et al, 2000) described the
working process and related techniques of the
capture-replay tools, i.e. firstly capturing the actions
carried out by users in the correlative pages, then
storing them to the appropriate places due to a
certain sequences and contents, and replaying the
steps and contents after the searching and matching
finally. Apparently, this technique can be used to
realize the automatic testing. However, there are
many dynamic-generated pages in the Web
applications and the changes are very frequent in the
pages, so the intelligent degree of the capture-replay
tool also should be enhanced.
The intelligent Agent has its background in the
early work on artificial intelligence (AI) when
researchers concentrated on creating artificial
entities that mimicked human abilities (Hewitt, C.,
1977), and has good attributes such as autonomy,
cooperation and learning (Krulwich, B.,
1997),(Murugesan, S., 1998). So they can operate
on themselves without the manual guidance and can
perform certain tasks on behalf of its users. It could
also interact with other intelligent agents and/or
human in performing its task(s) via some
communication language. A key attribute of an
intelligent Agent is its ability to learn to understand
the user’s preferences and behaviour, to cope with
new situations it may face and to improve its
performance over time. These characters make the
Agent rather fit for the distributed platform such as
the Internet, and the Agent has made effective
progress (Belkin, N.J. and Croft, W.B.,
1992),(Guttman, R.H. et al., 1998),(Wooldridge, J.,
and Jennings, N.R., 1995) in Information Retrieval
(IR), personalization services, and etc. Furthermore,
the technique of the Agent also can be applied to the
intelligent Web application testing (Xu, L. et al.,
Thus we can combine the capture-replay
technique and the intelligent Agent to the automatic
and intelligent testing for Web applications, i.e.
manage the capture-replay tools by the Agent,
improve the testing effect by the learning function
of the Agent so as to deal with the real changes,
exceptions and faults, and realize the intelligent
search and fuzzy match to fit for the dynamic and
interactive properties of Web applications.
Executing the Web application testing should
consider the related factors completely, and this
process is divided into three parts: testing input,
testing execution and testing output. As shown in
Figure 1, the input part of the testing is the test cases
that are prepared previously, which includes the
input information, expected output and the detailed
Test Cases
Input Info
Expected Output
Figure 1: Execution Process of the Web Application Testing
test steps; then under a certain client-side
equipment, the testing monitor organizes and
manages the executors to fulfil the testing tasks;
next, output the testing results to the last phase, and
analyze and compare the results with the expected
output, furthermore give metrics and feedbacks to
the Web application.
The precondition of the Web application testing
is the test cases generation and selection, so it is
important to ensure the quality and quantity of the
test cases. The usual steps of generating and
selecting test cases can be described as follows:
(1) In order to obtain the executing sequences
of the testing, the testing requirements and the
structure contents of the Web application are
considered and analyzed in detail, so as to determine
the testing steps and input information such as
variable, parameter name, type and value domain.
(2) For ascertaining the expected output, the
general method is analysing the Web application
and the testing requirements, and running the test
cases several times in advance when the dynamic
scenes are considered, then classifying the results
into different kinds so as to provide references to the
next testing.
(3) Based on the generated test cases, further
work such as the simplification is needed to obtain
the right number of test cases that have the equal
The quality of the test cases influences the
testing effects directly, thus testers usually spend
more testing costs during this process of test case
generation. In paper (Xu, L. et al., 2003), we
proposed a test case generating method based on the
combinatorial testing and apply this method to the
Web compatibility testing. In this way, we can cover
more situations with less number of test cases and
obtain higher testing efficiency.
The executing part of testing is constituted of
client-side equipment, monitor and executor.
Among them, the client-side equipment provides the
testing environment, which has a certain degree of
typicality and is more important in the Web
compatibility testing; the monitor is the kernel part
of the testing execution, and it obtains the test cases
directly, controls and organizes the whole testing
tasks, monitors the running status of every executor
and guarantees the load equilibrium and
communication among the executors, and can deal
with certain exceptions, which is carried out by
testers or some intelligent entities; the executor is
the main actor who fulfils the testing tasks, and it
executes the test cases due to certain sequences and
steps heavily and tediously, i.e. based on the testing
steps and input information in the test cases, the
executor visits the Websites or pages under test,
fulfils the prescribed testing actions, then outputs
the testing results to the next phase. Furthermore,
the expected outputs in the test cases are also
delivered to the next phase by the monitor, so as to
process the results comparison and feedback.
The usual testing process and steps are described
in the above, and the executing efficiency is the
main problem to solve. As shown in the before, the
testing for Web applications has huge scale and
tedious tasks, and it is impossible to execute the
testing only by manual work. So the testing must be
fulfilled under the assistant tools to realize the
automatic or semi-automatic testing; and at the same
time, the intelligent level of the related tools also
should be improved so as to deal with the
After obtaining the testing results, the
comparison with the expected results is demanded
so as to judge whether pass the testing. Quantitative
analysis is still needed to the testing results. Then
based on the existed criterions and standards, the
Web application metrics can be established and
adjusted so as to evaluate the quality of the Web
application and the efficiency of the testing.
Furthermore, the modification and maintenance to
the Web application are required due to the testing
results, i.e. feedback the testing results to the Web
application itself, and further improve the system’s
quality, performance, reliability, usability and
Based on the previous work, in order to realize the
automatic and intelligent Web application testing,
adjustment and optimisation are also needed to the
capture-replay technique and the intelligent Agent,
so as to be seasoned with the interactive, dynamic
and frequent-change properties of Web applications,
and finally complete the testing tasks successfully.
4.1 Obtaining Testing Behaviours
In general, the capture-replay technique is used to
realize the automatic Web application testing.
Therefore, we must capture the testing behaviours of
testers firstly, then record these steps and actions by
Script language, and finally replay the Script to
fulfil the automatic testing. In our method, we set an
Agent in the test side, and capture the contents such
as executing actions and input information of the
testers by the recording, learning and analysis
functions of the Agent. Since Agent has the ability
of self-learning, we can capture more precise testing
behaviours by the Agent’s coordinate and analysis.
Figure 2 shows the inner structure of the test-
side Agent, which is consisted of three portions, i.e.
the recorder (Krulwich, B., 1997), the analyzer and
the repository. This Agent runs at the executing
circumstance of the testing, and the flow steps can
be described as follows:
(1) When the testers begin their testing actions,
the recorder inside the Agent starts executing its
tasks at the same time, and it captures and records
all the behaviours that have taken place in sequence,
such as the hyperlink-hitting and the form
submission, so we can capture testers’ executing
sequences and all the testing actions in focus, and
gain a full executing process of testing at last.
(2) After a period of time (set to the
requirement), the analyzer in the Agent carries out
the classification and coordinate work to the
contents inside the recorder, i.e. classifying the
testing actions due to the different testing targets
(for example, in the form function testing, testers
must prepare the test cases that have all kinds of
selected-values; and in the Web performance testing,
multiple virtue users are needed to visit the server
(3) In this way, the testing behaviours of the
testers are captured, which are focused on different
testing targets. And such knowledge is stored in the
repository for the coming usages.
Furthermore, the above process can be refreshed
due to the real instances of the tester’s executing
actions, so as to insure the contents in the repository
have the precision and the freshness.
Since the tasks of Web application testing are
very heavy and tedious, it is impossible to capture
all the testing scenes; additionally, the dynamic
generated pages and the frequent changes make the
captured testing scenes unable directly use or never
be applicable. However, the captured testing
behaviours obtained in our method have better
operability owing to the test-side Agent, for by the
learning and analysis of the Agent, we can present
the corresponding testing process due to the
different testing targets, thus they have wider
adaptabilities. Furthermore, since the testing process
is recorded very detailedly, we have the specific
guidance abilities on the testing details.
4.2 Executing Testing Automatically
-Side A
After capturing the testing behaviours through the
intelligent Agent, the automatic replay for the test
can also be carried out by Agent, i.e. choosing some
intelligent Agents as the testing executor, and
substituting the testers to fulfil the testing tasks, so
as to improve the testing efficiency evidently. Thus
the capture-replay task can be implemented by the
test-side Agent and the test-execution Agent
respectively, but the two kinds of Agents have some
differences in the inner structure and the functional
The workflow of the test-execution Agent is
shown in Figure 3, and this kind of Agent performs
the testing tasks under the control of the testing
monitor. The working process of this Agent can be
described as follows: firstly, based on the type of the
testing target, choose the corresponding testing
scene in the test-side Agent’s repository; then
determine the testing steps and executing
behaviours, combined with the input data that are
provided by the test cases; next, the test-execution
Agent visits the Web pages under testing and
implement the recorded actions such as hitting
hyperlinks or filling in the form information; finally,
output the testing results to the testing monitor, by
which we can enter the next testing phase.
When the test-execution Agent replays the
testing behaviours, some problems may take place
such as unable using the recorded actions, since
there are dynamic generated pages and often-
changed pages in the Web applications. In order to
solve these problems, fuzzy match and intelligent
identification techniques are fetched so as to suit for
the properties of Web application. Namely, as the
different pages are concerned, which are generated
dynamically by the same submitted form, since they
are generated from the common template, they have
the similarities in their structures, thus the content
differences can be discovered quickly by the fuzzy
match; and by the intelligent identification to the
page elements, the Agent can find the changes of the
pages under testing, thus it can adjust the testing
scheme accordingly.
Figure 2: Inner Structure of Test-Side Agent
Execution Agent
Testing Steps
--- ---
Testing Monito
Figure 3: Workflow of Test-Execution Agent.
4.3 Monitoring the Testing Process
The testing monitor takes charge of the control and
harmony with the whole testing tasks, and is
generally taken on by testers or some intelligent
entities. In order to improve the intelligent degree of
the testing, liberate the testers drastically and
facilitate the communication and interaction with
the test-execution Agent, we also select the
intelligent Agent as the testing monitor so as to own
the consistent in the presentation and contact.
Combined with Figure 1 and Figure 3, we know
the testing monitor is the hinge of the whole testing
process, which is associated with the input and
output of the testing, and also monitors the running
states of each test-execution Agent. The workflow
of the test-monitor Agent is described as follows:
(1) After the test cases are send to the test-
monitor Agent as the input information, the Agent
estimates the scale of the testing tasks so as to
determine the needed number of the test-execution
Agents, and divides the tasks into several cells for
each test-execution Agent.
(2) Based on the running states of each test-
execution Agent, the test-monitor Agent carries out
the real-time management and control, so as to
ensure the load equilibriums and the collaborative
communications among the test-execution Agents.
(3) When the exceptions come forth during the
testing process, the test-monitor Agent adopts some
schemes to deal with these problems, excluding the
faults and eliminating the influences in time.
The realization of the above functions requires a
great deal of trainings for the test-monitor Agent
beforehand, thus generate some disciplinarians and
regulations, and store them into the repository of the
test-monitor Agent; at the same time, utilizing the
self-learning property of the Agent, it can improve
the intelligent degree of itself ceaselessly until it has
the ability to solve the exceptions independently and
Web applications develop very rapidly, but their
properties, such as distributed, dynamic, multi-
platform and interactive along with the
heterogeneous and autonomous running
environments, make it much difficult to carry out
the testing. And the testing process usually needs a
great deal of testing cost, however, the testing
efficiency is not high. So it is urgent to adopt some
testing assistant tools to improve the automatic level
of the testing process; at the same time, it is also
demanded that these tools should have certain
degree of intelligence to fit for Web applications’
dynamic and evolving characters.
Based on the previous work, this paper
established an executing scheme for the Web
application testing, and the realizing techniques
have certain degree of automatization and
intelligence. By introducing the related work, we
explained the necessity and feasibility of carrying
out the Web application testing automatically and
intelligently. Then, the executing process of the
Web application testing were detailedly described
and thoroughly analyzed, and in this way, we
determined the steps and flows of the testing
execution along with the related contents such as the
adopted techniques and tools. Next part was
concerned with the realization techniques. In this
section, we improved the capture-replay technique
and made it suitable for the dynamic characters of
Web applications, and adopted the intelligent Agent
to realize the precise testing behaviours, correct
replaying, and the monitor, management and
exception-handler of the whole process for the Web
application testing.
Future directions are focused on the research of
the realizing techniques of the testing process for
Web applications. Since the testing process is
divided into three phrases, i.e. the prophase
preparation, testing execution, and comparing
testing results, and the relationships among them are
close and influencing each other. So it is urgent to
deeply research the details of each separate phase
firstly, then integrate them into a related whole, so
as to optimize and consummate the testing process
and equip them with better pertinence and
adaptability. When the realizing details are referred,
we should pay more attention to the developing
trends of Web applications, and furthermore select
some valuable assistant tools, mathematic theories
and realizing techniques to the testing process of
Web applications, so as to further improve the
automatic and intelligent level of the testing. And
the future work still includes the research and
development of the related tools.
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