Youssef Bououlid Idrissi and Julie Vachon
DIRO, University of Montreal
Montreal (Quebec), Canada
context analysis, semantic mapping, data sources alignment, machine learning, multi-strategy, semantic web.
Be it on a webwide or inter-entreprise scale, data integration has become a major necessity urged by the
expansion of the Internet and of its widespread use for communication between business actors. However,
since data sources are often heterogeneous, their integration remains an expensive procedure. Indeed, this
task requires prior semantic alignment of all the data sources concepts. Doing this alignment manually is quite
laborious especially if there is a large number of concepts to be matched. Various solutions have been proposed
attempting to automatize this step. This paper introduces a new framework for data sources alignment which
integrates context analysis to multi-strategy machine learning. Although their adaptability and extensibility
are appreciated, actual machine learning systems often suffer from the low quality and the lack of diversity of
training data sets. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a new notion called “informational context” of
data sources. We therefore briefly explain the architecture of a context analyser to be integrated into a learning
system combining multiple strategies to achieve data source mapping.
Machine learning systems using a multi-strategy ap-
proach are composed of a set of basic learners. Al-
though independent, these learners are coordinated
by a special unit called meta-learner. These ma-
chine learning systems are adaptive since they can de-
ploy learners able to specialize in the processing of a
specific type of information (e.g. field names, data
types, etc.). These systems are also easily extensi-
ble since new learners, developed independently, can
naturally be integrated under the control of a meta-
learner. Each basic learner is responsible for auto-
matically mapping the elements of two given data sets
(source data onto target data) according to its specific
knowledge. The main tasks of basic learners are the
learning data mappings from training examples
provided by a user.
generating mappings between new data sets by us-
ing the classification model settled during the train-
ing stage.
As for the meta-learner, its task is to combine all the
mapping proposals issued by the basic learners and to
compute a final matching for each concept present in
the source data set.
It is well-known that the precision of the mapping
directly depends on the quantity and quality of the in-
formation used in the training set. Most of the time,
this training set is composed of data and their corre-
sponding data scheme (XSD, DTD, RDFS, etc.). This
selection appears to be too thin and restrictive if one
hopes to unveil semantic ambiguities which makes it
hard to identify implicit relations between concepts.
Achieving accurate semantic analysis is thus a major
challenge. Here are some examples of problems one
can meet:
The attribute date1 of an entity Command does
not indicate if it represents the invoicing date, the
delivery date or the reception date.
The attribute name of an entity Employee does
not specify if the content is about the first name or
the full name of the employee.
The attribute amount of an entity Invoice does
not allow one to know if indicated values include
tax or not, neither does it specify the used currency
The attribute cl of a entity Command uses an ab-
Bououlid Idrissi Y. and Vachon J. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 445-448
DOI: 10.5220/0002539804450448
breviated form which makes it hard to automati-
cally identify that it denotes a c
ommand line.
Taken alone, a specialized learner can prove inef-
ficient or inadequate. For example, a learner special-
ized in the mapping of field names does not prove par-
ticularly outstanding when it comes to match names
which are not well-known synonyms (e.g. "‘com-
ment"’ and "‘outline"’), or names which abbrevi-
ate a concept (e.g. the name "‘home"’ used instead
of "‘telephone at home"’) or names whose broad
meaning would allow them to be matched with al-
most everything (e.g. "‘thing"’ or "‘entity"’). Sim-
ilarly, a content learner, that bases its semantic de-
duction on the frequency of lexical units appearing
in fields, would prove quite inadequate to analyze
numerical fields! Moreover, a learner relying on a
naive bayesian approach (Berlin and Motro, 2002; Pe-
dro Domingos, 1997; Kohavi, 1996) would not be
profitable for analyzing fields accepting values of nu-
merical or enumerated types (e.g. "‘gender"’).
Hence, this article proposes to broaden and diver-
sify both data sets and training sets by extending them
with documents coming from, what we call, the in-
formational context of data sources. Indeed, isolat-
ing a data source from its context (as it is the case
when solely considering its XML schema) reduces
beforehand the set of usable cognitive information
which underlies the conceptualization of the repre-
sented data. In practice, the context within which the
data source lies, constitutes a precious fount of infor-
mation calling for a more systematic exploration so as
to better define the semantics of concepts.
In the sequel, the notion of informational context is
defined and the architecture of a context analyzer is
The informational context of a data source is com-
posed of all the information, saved in electronic for-
mat, which belongs to the data source’s environment
and shares the same domain.
1. The descriptive context of a data source gathers all
the specification files describing the data or their
application environment. These files document the
data according to various abstraction levels. For
example, if the data source is a database the de-
scriptive context could be composed of the follow-
ing documents:
A requirements document describing data and
services which the user calls for in applications
using the database. A test plan for instance,
might be practical to establish the link between
input and output data what could hide relevant
complex concepts.
Analysis and design specifications including the
various formal and semi-formal models elabo-
rated for applications relying on the database.
Data dictionnaries are worth citing under this
category. It describes in a formal fashion, among
others, data flows, data structures et data de-
posits. As an example, consider a structure de-
scription of the concept "Order", using regular
Order = O_Header + O_Item
+ O_F ooter
O_Header = O_Number + Date + CustAdress
O_Item = ItemN um + Descr + Qty + P rice
O_F ooter = T axAmount + T otalAmount
This provides relevant information about compo-
sitions and dependencies of "Order" and "Items"
concepts. Furthermore, detailed description of
each data element can be obtained from a data
description deposit.
User manuals. In the same way as for dictio-
naries, one can think of the numerous formula
linking concepts present in a such resource.
2. The operational context of a data source is com-
posed of all the data management and processing
files. Among others, these files can be
programs written in any known programming
paradigm and language. The way concepts
are manipulated could hide valuable information
about how they are linked to each other.
Files containing SQL-type requests.
For each data source, the important is to list all the
documents which may compose the descriptive and
operational contexts of this data set. The analysis of
these documents (in addition to the analysis of the
data themselves and their schema definition) will help
enhancing the knowledge required by the learners to
deduce the best semantic mapping between the given
data sources.
The main objective of context analysis consists in ex-
panding data sources with semantic information and
hints drawn from the context. Among other, this in-
formation is intented to be used by learners during
their training stage to increase the precision of the
mapping they are asked to compute.
In particular, context analysis offers an interesting
opportunity for resolving complex mappings which
are pairing combinations of concepts (e.g.(street,
zip code, city) employee_address).
To the best of our knowledge, there is still no
satisfactory solution addressing this problem al-
though it is frequently encountered. For example,
we can imagine a context analyzer detecting the
presence of a function call "‘concat(address,
zip_code, city)"’ in a program file. The ana-
lyzer should therefore be able to add the definition
of a new concept complete_address to the con-
cerned data source and present it as a new candidate
to be mapped (hence if complete_address
employee_address then our problem is solved
by transitivity). As mentioned earlier, learners spe-
cialized in field name analysis may often prove in-
effective when processing, for example, abbreviated
names or names with a very broad meaning. Mak-
ing the most of the context, it is hence possible to
tag field names with additional information to make
them more significant. From this viewpoint, a simple
documentation text file may turn out to be a valuable
source of information to analyze if it contains a com-
plete data description table (with two columns: one
for data names, the other for their description).
Furthermore, the analysis of formal annotations in
models may also contribute to refine mapping solu-
tions. Among others, OCL is a formal language (Bot-
ting, 2004) which allows the expression of constraints
in object-oriented models. In fact, OCL is a standard
of the OMG
and can be used together with the UML
to constrain models. Let’s consider the UML class
diagram shown on Figure 1.
University Student
Student.allInstances ->forAll(s1,s2 |
s1<>s2 implies <>
Figure 1: OCL invariant
Using OCL invariant constraints, one can easily
specify that there cannot be two students with the
same name within the same university. This OCL in-
variant (specified in the attached note) must be veri-
fied by all data sets constructed on this model. One
must therefore ensure that no computed mapping pro-
duces target data violating the invariant. The analysis
of such invariants contributes de facto to the accuracy
of computed mappings.
To summarize, context analysis (c.f. Figure 2) is a
process applied to a data source and its context and
an enriched data source, which can be used by
learners as a training set or as a candidate data set
for mapping.
Object Management Group
data source
data source
Figure 2: Context analysis
a set of integrity constraints, that computed map-
pings must ensure.
Data sources enhancement consists, among others,
in replacing ambiguous or vaguely defined concept
names with more significant ones. It may also en-
rich the source with new names to define composite
The informational context of a data source may in-
clude a wide range of document types. As mentioned,
they can differ in their style, which can either be de-
scriptive or operational. They can also differ in the
formality degree of their contents. Some may have
a formal content (e.g. formal models such as tran-
sition systems, programs, etc.), some may rely on a
semi-formal notation(e.g. decision tables, UML dia-
grams, etc.), while others are written without any for-
mality consideration (e.g. textual documents, draw-
ings, etc.). Of course, informal documents are the
most demanding regarding analysis. For efficient re-
sults, it is important that the analysis addresses each
type of contents individually, taking into account its
C++ program
Java program
Fortran program
Figure 3: Architecture of a context analyzer
Hence, each type of contents is treated by a ana-
lyzer trained for this specific kind of information. Fol-
lowing a multi-strategy approach, we advocate an ar-
chitecture (c.f. Figure 3) composed of many special-
ized analyzers coordinated by a main meta-analyzer.
The role of the meta-analyzer consists in running
through the context documents, identifying the var-
ious contents types and determining which special-
ized analyzer is the most appropriate to take care of it.
Results returned by specialized analyzers are then fil-
tered (redundancy elimination) and combined by the
meta-analyzer. The context analyzer has a hierarchi-
cal architecture of arbitrary depth. Indeed, a child an-
alyzer can itself supervise, as a meta-analyzer, a set
of more specialized analyzers. As illustrated on Fig-
ure 3, a program analyzer can itself coordinate the
processing of many specialized analyzers, each one
being an expert in the parsing of a specific program-
ming language.
Finally, it is possible for analyzers to collaborate
with each other without being related in the coordi-
nation hierarchy. For example, a program analyzer
could resort to a SQL analyzer for the analysis of a
request inserted in the program it is parsing.
Exploitation of contextual resources is a promising
approach to solve the problem of semantic alignment
of data sources (Tierney and Jackson, 2004). Docu-
ments composing the context of a data source offer
valuable information which can help resolving major
problems such as the identification of complex map-
pings (e.g. mapping a combinination of source con-
cepts onto a single target concept).
As an extension to machine learning architectures
using a multi-strategy approach for semanctic map-
ping (Doan et al., 2003; Berlin and Motro, 2002;
Doan et al., 2002; Kurgan et al., 2002), we propose
a context analyzer based on multiple specialized an-
alyzers which are themselves coordinated by a meta-
analyzer. This architecture has both the advantage of
being adaptative and extensible. The hierarchical or-
ganization of analyzers allows a more efficient repar-
tition of tasks between units. It also facilitates ana-
lyzing the context according to different abstraction
levels. Hence, the context analyzer can enhance data
sources with a range of details going from the most
general (with low time cost) to the most specific (with
higher time cost).
Moreover, this way of exploiting the context can
prove to pay off for the effort put into data documen-
tation. It also reduces the importance of user inter-
vention in the mapping, which can be tedious, costly
and error prone.
Although only two enrichment types have been
brought up in this paper (i.e. expliciting abbrevi-
ated field names and identifying composite concepts),
many other types of data source enrichment can be
achieved from context analysis. Among others, our
project aims at identifying and experimenting various
enrichment strategies (based on context information)
which could help improve the quality of data source
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