A Partnership for the Future
José Braga de Vasconcelos, Paulo Castro Seixas, Paulo Gens Lemos
University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal
Chris Kimble
Department of Computer Science, University of York, York, UK
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Communities of Practice, Non-Governmental Organisations, Civil Society
Organisations, Information Society, Humanitarian Aid, Social Development.
Abstract: This paper explores Knowledge Management (KM) practices f
or use with portal technologies in Non-
Governmental Organizations (NGOs). The aim is to help NGOs become true Civil Society Organizations
(CSOs). In order to deal with more donors (at the top) and more beneficiaries (at the bottom), NGOs
working in Humanitarian Aid and Social Development increasingly need systems to manage the creation,
accessing and deployment information: within the NGOs themselves, between different NGOs that work
together and, ultimately, between NGOs and Society as a whole. Put simply, NGOs are organizations that
need an effective KM solution to tackle the problems that arise from both their local-global nature and from
the difficulties of effective communication between and within NGOs and Civil Society. To address these
problems, the underlying objectives, entities, activities, workflow and processes of the NGO will be
considered from a KM framework. This paper presents the needs of a responsible, cooperative and
participative NGO from a KM perspective, in order to promote the growth of Communities of Practice in
local as well as in global network.
Knowledge in an organization is the collection of
expertise, experience and information that
individuals and workgroups use during the execution
of their tasks. It is produced and stored by
individual minds, or implicitly encoded and
documented in organizational processes, services
and systems. Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs) dealing with Humanitarian Aid and Social
Development face a paradox concerning the
production of knowledge: interventions require
particular, even specialized expertise, and, at the
same time, must be a participative undertaking in
which each and every individual, group and
organization must be involved, regardless of its own
particular skills. This technical paradox could be
seen as an ideological one, where NGOs are viewed
either “as voices of global civil society and
democratic change”, or as agencies for carrying out
“political agendas of foreign interests” (Tvedt, 2002:
363). This technical/ideological paradox reveals the
problem of the participative-democratic versus
specialized-directive approach to development.
Nevertheless, more and more one cannot ignore the
important role of the development NGOs in shaping
national and global civil societies.
The purpose of the applied research we present here
is to
pursue for a stronger network between NGOs
and Civil Society in order to turn them into Civil
Society Organizations (CSOs) in which a global
network of citizens and institutions can interact and
intervene in a local and global – a so-called glocal –
Supported by a University-NGOs network and built
n existing NGOs workflows, this applied research
aims to promote the application of KM practices
across individuals, groups, institutions and
Braga de Vasconcelos J., Castro Seixas P., Gens Lemos P. and Kimble C. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 17-26
DOI: 10.5220/0002537900170026
communities in order to bridge citizens and
development through a proper web tool KM for
development turning NGOs into CSOs. For this
purpose, a web prototype system (section 4) is being
developed in order to enhance knowledge sharing
and reusing mechanisms for a selected set of NGOs,
and their related networks, based in Portugal and
The following section presents the main mission and
objectives of a NGO, the third section introduces the
KM research area and our KM approach in NGOs
and the fourth section analyses KM shortfalls and
related problems within and between NGOs.
Finally, the fifth section presents a web-based KM
prototype for the management of NGOs activities,
concluding this paper with some final remarks and
future directions for this research field.
In the history of humanitarian aid and social
development, “aid to others” and “bilateral aid”
were the predecessors of present partnerships or
affiliations and even of development cooperation.
At the beginning of 21
century, we must try to
reflect on what humanitarian and emergency aid as
well as social development means based on the
rejection of all and any naïveté regarding goodwill,
altruism and solidarity of western white man. We
must also reject the manipulation that hinders aid to
the "Other" and aid among one’s own from
becoming an extreme anthropological element, in
other words, from becoming a part of the
foundations of human sociability (Seixas, 2003).
It has become necessary to assume a global culture
based on assumption of the right of all to have
rights, so that the aid for others may be replaced by a
binding contract of multilateral cooperation based on
the certainty that the defence of the rights of any
person in any part of the world is the defence of the
rights of all human beings (Seixas, 2003).
Bearing this in mind Knowledge Management (KM)
through information society could represent a
partnership for the future in order to promote a
glocal counter-hegemonic continuous intervention.
Although local, regional and world (as well as the
several thematic) Forums have created a strong
reflexive and intervention tool either in counter-
hegemonic “cosmopolitism”, either towards a
“common heritage for humanity” (Santos, 2000) this
revolution should make his way within and between
organizations in a local-global continuum.
Aid and development workers of NGOs build up a
invaluable stock of local knowledge as are in
permanent contact with local needs and aims,
assessing them and building on them in their day-to-
day interventions. However, this priceless
knowledge is often sidetracked and misplaced in the
complexity of the communication hierarchy,
forgotten over the length of field missions, dispersed
due to the high level of turn-over associated with
many NGOs or, as Winograd and Flores (1986) put
it, simply ‘lost in the unfathomable depths of
The recent incentive, even obligation, for local
partnerships in development cooperation and for
consortiums of NGOs is, obviously, a way of
enhancing and promoting either a local knowledge
network or an international knowledge network to
improve development practices. However, local
partnerships are often just a presence and
international consortiums are simply ways of getting
more money without creating this desired exchange
of knowledge. Thus, development urgently needs a
civic infrastructure (from village to global scale) in
which “glocal” knowledge exchange promotes a
continuous sustained appropriation and use of
knowledge in a more democratic way.
The proposal that we present here sustains that KM
and NGOs through the Information Society and
could constitute a very relevant civic tool that would
give back development to citizens, grass roots
organizations and local communities without losing
the training and specialization which are required in
professionalized development work. Information
Society should be extensible in a planetary way
enhancing shared knowledge and practices
concerning concrete local development projects in
which local and international NGOs, as well as other
organizations, are involved. This local web turns
global as the information flows through
organizational hierarchies, bridging up the problems
as they are accessed not only by development
workers but also, in a more relevant way, by local
citizens and grass roots organizations. KM through
the Information Society in partnership with NGOs
may therefore enhance a web for development and
turning therefore, NGOs into CSOs.
From NGO to CSOs
The KM approach views knowledge as the key asset
of an organization and systematically develops
activities to manage it efficiently. The main
objectives of Knowledge Management are to
promote knowledge growth, knowledge
communication and knowledge preservation (Steels
1993). KM is a topic of great interest in the
management and organizational sciences and it is
argued that KM should be appropriately supported
by enterprise information infrastructures (Wiig
1993, Davenport & Prusak 2000).
3.1 Knowledge Management Systems
In many organisations, the knowledge used to solve
problems, to direct actions and to make decisions,
together with any lessons learnt, are lost in the
'noise' of a turbulent business environment
(Vasconcelos et al, 2003). In addition, knowledge
may be geographically distributed and stored in a
variety of different representations, e.g. tacit
knowledge in people minds and structured
information in databases. To be successful a KM
initiative must address both the 'hard' knowledge in
databases and the 'soft' knowledge in people's minds
(Hildreth and Kimble, 2000). A Knowledge
Management System (KMS) addresses these
problems by providing a mechanism to capture,
retain and distribute knowledge assets within and
between organizational agents (e.g., employees and
information systems). KMS generally deal with
several phases of the KM life cycle (Abecker et al
1998): identification, acquisition, development,
dissemination, use and preservation of knowledge.
This KM life cycle will be applied in this research
work regarding with the NGO’s mission and
Individuals and workgroups are the prime location
where the knowledge assets of an organization are
located. KMS can easily deal with, for example,
explicit (encoded) representations of organizational
structures, and process descriptions, however this
research work offers a KM approach to tackle
specific problems concerning the activities of NGOs.
This will involve the integration of another approach
to KM: Communities of Practice (CoPs)
3.2 Communities of Practice
Communities of Practice are often described as an
approach to KM that creates the proper environment
for groups to come together to exchange existing
knowledge and create new knowledge. These
groups have similar goals and a shared
understanding of their activities (Brown and Gray
1998, Greer et al. 2001); this often leads to CoPs
becoming the basis for so-called "Knowledge
Networks" (Hildreth and Kimble, 2004).
The term Community of Practice (CoP) was coined
in 1991 when Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger (Lave
and Wenger, 1991). Lave and Wenger saw the
acquisition of knowledge as a social process in
which people participated in communal learning at
different levels depending on their authority in a
group, i.e. whether they were a newcomer to the
group or had been an active participant for some
time. The linking of CoPs to KM came in 1998,
when Wenger (1998) published the results of a study
of a large insurance company. According to Wenger
(2002), CoPs are groups of people who share
common problems and interests, and their
knowledge and expertise in specific areas is shared
by interacting on an ongoing basis. Over time, the
main objective is the dynamic creation of a common
body of knowledge, practices and approaches.
These informal networks can act in several ways,
such as resolving conflicting goals or disseminating
best practices across communities.
The development of Internet-based networking
technologies, which can provide a convenient single
platform for groups or networks of groups to form
within larger organizations, have led to a
proliferation of various forms of virtual groups and
communities. Subsequently, there has been much
discussion about virtual CoPs (Kimble et al, 2001).
These virtual CoPs depend on a common
communication platform, and an organization to
support this by providing both the communications
infrastructure and the means to easily find and join
the CoP (Lock Lee and Neff, 2004). This concept of
a CoP is applied in the web based prototype system
presented in the following section.
3.3 Knowledge Management
The underlying objective of this research is to
develop mechanisms to minimize KM problems that
happen across NGOs. Both academic and corporate
KM literature has identified a set of KM deficits that
happen at the organizational and corporate level; this
literature can also be adapted and applied to NGOs.
Macintosh’s (1997) work on knowledge asset
management identified a set of organizational
impediments to more productivity and performance
in knowledge-based companies were:
“Highly paid workers spend much of their time
looking for needed information”.
“Essential know-how is available only in the heads
of few employees”.
“Valuable information is buried in piles of
documents and data”.
“Costly errors are repeated due to disregard of
previous experiences”.
“Delays and suboptimal product quality result from
insufficient flow of information”.
Based in these statements, Dieng et al. (1998)
elicited possible motivations to build a KMS based
on Organizational Memories.
To avoid the loss of corporate expertise when a
specialist leave the company;
To explore and reuse the experience acquired in
past projects in order to avoid the repetition of
previous mistakes;
To improve the information circulation and
communication across the company;
To integrate the know-how from different
sources in the company;
To ultimately to improve the process of
individual and organizational learning.
In what concerns NGOs, big business NGOs (so-
called “BINGOs”) already dealt with the “KM for
development” problem and created their own
internal devices to respond to those problems.
Nevertheless, great number of small and medium
size NGOs deal with constant constraints that are
presented in detail below. Our KM tool addresses,
in particular, these issues.
3.4 KM Constraints in NGOs
Contextual Global and National information
NGOs, either international or national, frequently
become involved in missions without a deep
background knowledge of the global/national/local
problem and without skilled personal or proper
accessible methodologies.
Some specific problems are absence of just in time
access to:
a) Specific information concerning the countries
where NGOs will (or already have) a mission;
b) Skilled specialized personal in a particular
country or linguistic grouping;
c) Manuals, checklists and other sources of
managing knowledge needed to enhance the
efficacy of project elaboration, formulation and
Field-mission information
NGOs projects and missions are often “go and run
away” missions, that depend too much on the
personalities that are send to the field, with scarce
time too much focused on bureaucratic/operational
work and with difficult beginnings and final periods
to each of the mission field-workers. Great lost of
knowledge and capital is the usual balance.
Some specific problems are:
a) Personalization of the information resulting in
non accounted overheads moreover when field-
missions are 6 to 10 months length;
b) Loss of non bureaucratic/operational
information (social and cultural) which isn’t
refereed in standard reports;
c) Loss of information in mission team turnover.
Communication between the field mission and
the main office
NGOs have a multi-level Knowledge Management
which goes, in the field, from the Project manager to
the Program manager / Country manager and in the
main office, from the Project Director and Finances
Director to the Direction Board. Through this
several local, national and international steps, too
much information is lost.
Some specific problems are that there might be
a) A strict hierarchical top to bottom decision-
making, which works against a more
participative approach to decision making built
through local knowledge;
b) The autonomy of field missions, which could
lead, sometimes, to an information crisis in the
management of the project or even an crisis in
the NGO it self;
c) An absence of a communication platform
accessible by levels of responsibilities for a just
in time proper information flow and information
Communication between NGOs
To often several NGOs, work in the same country,
or even in the same region, without knowing about
each other organizational purposes, projects and
Some specific problems are an absence of access to:
a) A map of previous NGO interventions, if
possible through purpose and projects;
b) Simple and direct access to communication
forums or to create one which could invite and
congregate NGOs professionals through
purpose, project or activities a Community of
Practice in the and in each field;
c) Best practices databases of projects selected by
NGOs Direction Boards in order to have an
identification card of each NGO as well as to
publicise a problem-solving database for
Communication between NGOs and the
NGOs relations with beneficiaries of the projects are
not so easy and well done as they should be and
frequently a project is elaborated and formulated
without sufficient participative enrolment by the
community of beneficiaries. In addition, in the
implementation phase, authorities are often more
aware of the project purposes and activities than the
ones the project will direct supposedly benefit.
Interface between NGOs and beneficiaries should be
done probably moreover in a face-to-face basis,
nevertheless, Knowledge Management through web
interface tools could be an asset because besides and
beyond information concerning the project,
beneficiaries should have a continuous possibility of
taking positions in relation to it.
Some specific problems:
a) Inadequate, un-participative analysis of the
needs felt by a particular population in which a
NGO pinpoint an intervention;
b) Inadequate, un-participative representation of
the beneficiary community in the formulation
and implementation of the project
c) Required of a development concept as a citizen
tool (an interactive day-to-day activity) through
which everyone could have a word and
participate in action.
Communication between NGOs and the donors
Although institutional donors usually have their own
ways of controlling the uses of applied funds and the
impacts of the projects, the non-organized social
responsibility response of civil society through
NGOs is much less informed in what concerns either
the concrete development projects supported, or
their real impact in the field. NGOs are usually
much more concerned with reports to institutions
like World Bank or EU Offices than with Civil
Society donors.
Some specific problems:
a) Absence of a communication toll through which
donors have direct link with the project in the
field and with its impacts;
b) High levels of turn over in NGOs,
personalization of the information in the field,
as well as problems with storage of information
often lead to difficulties either in internal
supervision, either in external auditing by
sponsors and donors;
c) Information coming from the field mission
concerning the project is, to many times, sent
only the country, mission or project manager
without any kind of feed-back by the population
who were impacted by the project.
Communication between NGOs and Civil Society
Each individual and each organization should, must
and could be an active development actor and agent
if only could have the proper knowledge capital
(understood as social, symbolic and, therefore,
economic capital) to make a difference. This utopia
could be built through a good communication
network between Development NGOs and Civil
Society in order to turn themselves into CSOs, Civil
Society Organizations. Therefore, we believe, KM
through information society could be the tool to turn
NGOs into CSOs, being this purpose the engine of
the present project.
Some specific problems:
a) Absence of a KMS to enrol individuals and
organizations in order to a participative effort
toward development, both in a local and in a
global sense. Such a systems should deploy of
information concerning 1) basic continuously
renewed geo-strategic and anthropological
situation of countries in risk; 2) basic training
towards citizen and organizational intervention;
3) intervention protocols and counselling; 4)
cultural online counselling and 5) psychological
b) Absence of a development best practices
database that could be used as an intervention
guide not only to NGO experts but also to any
citizen enrolled in a local development process
or with global development concerns. This
guide could enhance not only the analysis,
discussion and choosing of alternative
development paths but also could be a way of a
more adequate impact analysis of development
projects by comparing the achieved goals in
similar projects.
c) Absence of a Community of Practice of
Knowledge Network that could cut across
NGOs competence and competition but also that
could bridge NGOs, donors and beneficiaries in
a more coherent and focused way.
A practical result of this research work is a web-
based KM tool (or KM portal) that is currently under
development. This web tool is being developed to
act as a KM portal for individuals, organizations and
more specifically, for NGOs. This Glocal
Collaboration Tool aims to promote the
democratization across different and heterogeneous
Bearing in mind the several NGO constraints
presented and the difference between “soft
knowledge” or “tacit knowledge” and “hard
knowledge” or “explicit knowledge” (Hildreth and
Kimble, 2001), the first one more centred in the
knower and interactivity through “conversation”; the
second one more centred in the storage of
knowledge. Table 1 presents the portal
functionalities as problem-solving devices to the
constraints referred in the previous point.
“Conversations” in CoPs are the most important
device because of the multiple contexts (personal,
social and cultural) that its interactivity includes.
The goal of the research and development of our tool
is to create a KM system based on “conversation
analysis” which could help different users and
preserve the context in which the knowledge is
created. CoPs can be seen as a glocal simulacrum of
such places as corridors or water coolers where
knowledge is exchanged in informal conversations.
In many organisations, these conversations have
been replaced by mobile phone calls in which the
decisions of formal meetings are planned for and
prepared. The goal is to try to capture some
information about both these calls and their context.
4.1 Application Functionalities and
Knowledge Resources
The web Portal application (figure 1) has a specific
registration area (for individuals and organizations)
in order to access to other areas, both general and
with specific interactive tools, such as a best-
practices database (DB), collaborative tools (forums)
and knowledge (and glocal) libraries. Other
functionalities include personalisation mechanisms
based on the registration profile of each
individual/organization, and keyword-based and
advanced search mechanisms.
Table 1: Problem-solution analysis
NGO constrains Portal functionalities:
Tacit knowledge
Portal functionalities:
Explicit knowledge
Contextual global and national information 1. Intranet CoPs by project and
2. Extranet CoPs by project and
1. Lay-out plan with NGOs
3. Best Practices
Field mission information 1. Intranet CoPs by project and
2. Extranet CoPs by project and
Communication between field mission and main
1. Intranet CoPs by project and
2. Extranet CoPs by project and
1. Lay-out plan with NGOs
2. Library
3. Projects showcase
Communication between NGOs and the
1. Extranet CoPs by project and
1. Lay-out plan with NGOs
2. Library
3. Projects showcase
4. Best Practices
Communication between NGOs and the donors 1. Extranet CoPs by project and
1. Lay-out plan with NGOs
2. Library
3. Projects showcase
4. Best Practices
Communication between NGOs and Civil
1. Extranet CoPs by project and
1. Lay-out plan with NGOs
2. Library
3. Projects showcase
4. Best Practices
Figure 1: Web Collaboration Tool
4.2 Best-Practices Database
Based on the following attributes (table 1) and
related registration area (figure 3), we are defining a
best-practices database in order to reuse this
information for future Civil Society Organizations
(such as a NGO) projects. The idea is the definition
of a common, shared web space where CSOs,
individuals and citizens representing different
communities could upload their experiences, and
related project’s best practices in a structured
manner. The best practice DB includes specific
classification techniques based on the proposed
taxonomy (figure 2) for development areas.
Figure 2: Best practices taxonomy.
Using the proposed collaboration tool, this
taxonomy will have dynamic expansion based on the
experiences of each CSO, and the inputs (and related
uploads), which they include in the web platform.
Trough this expansion and depending on particular
requests (local knowledge), beyond the Internet
platform, we will build specific Intranets to provide
context-based data access for a better decision
making in each CSO and related responsibility level.
These attributes are used to create a database set of
CSOs including their project experiences and best
practices. To create the initial profile, an individual
or organization will register (figure 3) to create a
personal (or organization) account that makes
available the remaining functionalities.
General guides to run effectively CSOs
- Protocols, Manuals, Standards
- FAQs, Project rules, Proposals
Best practices by world regions
- Continents
- National regions
Best practices by CSO
Best Practices by thematic area
Conflict management and negotiation
- Rehabilitation and development
- Public health and sanitation
- Emergency
- Rehabilitation and development
Social and Cultural
- Rehabilitation and development
Table 2: Data attributes for the best practices registration
Attribute Meaning
Internal code (year/project) Application use for future data manipulation
Project title Short project designation
Start date Project start date
Closing date Estimated closing date
Activity area Short description of the underlying activities
Applicant(s) The registered NGO, individual or organization
Project cost An estimation of the project cost (if applicable)
Objectives Overall objective and specific objectives
Principal local partners The main project stakeholders
Target groups Target communities, citizens, individuals
Expected results Quantitative results; Qualitative results
Activities Project timeline (different project stages)
Figure 3: Collaboration tool: registration area
4.3 Application
A multi-tier architecture environment provides data
for clients and serves as an interface between clients
and database servers (figure 5). This architecture
enables the use of an application server to validate
the credentials of a client, such as a Web browser, to
connect to a database server, and to perform the web
requested operations.
mes the identity of the client
when it is performing operations on the database
server for that client. The Application Server for the
proposed Web-KM system is based on the Microsoft
(MS) .NET Framework with ASP.NET. The .NET
Framework is used for building and running all
This prototype is based on a multi-tier a
that allows a web-enabled personal computer (client)
to interact with an application server connected to
the Internet (figure 4). This web infrastructure is
crucial considering the purpose of this solution
which means that clients are supposed to be any
computers connected to the Internet anywhere near
the area of intervention of the ONG.
Figure 4: Web-enabled architect
Application Server
The application server provides access to the data
for the client. It serves as an interface between the
client and one or more database servers, which
provides an additional level of security. The
application server assu
kinds of software, including Web-based
applications. This software platform uses
components that facilitate integration by sharin
data and functionality over a network through
standard, platform-independent protocols
ASP.NET presents a fully object-orien
architecture that promotes the development of well
structured and easy to maintain.
r creating a strong
ommunications platform of dynamic network
pplications. Organizations of all sizes use IIS to
host a r on
their intranets.
Database Server
ation to be displayed on the client,
whereas an application server operation can be a
request for a connection to the database server. Our
system uses the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 for the
necessary database management system services.
This data y used by
government l to medium
sized data
In e client could be an
In a technological viewpoint, a
uest for an operation to be
llaborative services across different
gions and communities.
as individual CSO
Intranets) is also a key success factor for an effective
maintenance of this KM system.
In order to enhance all these developments, the
Glocal Collaboration Tool has to be tested in real
organizational and communities’ environments.
Access expectancy towards resources of this kind of
base server is commonl
s and businesses for smal
a social viewpoint, th
Figure 5: Multi-tier architecture and services
Web Server
Our system uses the MS Internet Information Server
(IIS) as the Web Server for the Glocal Collaboration
Tool. This Internet Information Service provides
integrated, reliable, scalable, secure and manageable
Web server capabilities over an intranet, the Internet
or an extranet. IIS is a tool fo
nd manage Web pages on the Internet o
A database server (engine) provides the data
requested by an application server on behalf of a
client. The database server does all of the remaining
query processing. The database server can audit
operations performed by the application server on
behalf of individual clients as well as operations
performed by the application server on its own
behalf. For example, a client operation can be a
request for inform
Individual or a CSO.
client initiates a req
Database engine
Application server
- Business rules
User interface
performed on the database server. The client can be
a Web browser or other end-user process. In a
multi-tier architecture, the client connects to the
database server through one or more application
servers. The client tier consists of a typical web-
enabled personal computer browser. Applications
are accessible by users running a browser on any
operating system. The Glocal Collaboration Tool is
being developed to be used as a KM web-based
application that could run anywhere in order to make
it available to any CSO/Individual with a basic fixed
or mobile Internet access. Therefore, this research
project and the proposed KM tool also intend to
promote the democratization of the Information
Society. This could be achieved by providing and
disseminating context-based CSOs information
resources and co
world re
At medium-term, the practical result of the proposed
KM portal should enhance knowledge sharing and
reuse tasks between and within CSOs and
individuals. The idea is to apply and promote
collaborative tasks, knowledge (glocal) libraries and
the dissemination of CSOs best practices across
different communities. Personalisation is a crucial
factor to improve KM practices. In this context, this
research work and the related Glocal Collaboration
Tool needs to investigate more personalisation
mechanisms to incorporate into the KM tool. These
mechanisms should provide and distribute
contextual information based on the specific profile
(roles and responsibilities) of each registered
organization. The collection and classification of
heterogeneous information resources into well-
structured CSO web pages (acting
Web server
Web browser
Database engine
Application server
- Business rules
User interface
Web server
Web browser
tool will be our first challenge. Nevertheless, w
believe strong partnerships with boards of NGO
st be build i
mu n order to have a commitment of
change in the NGO internal information and
nagement and Business Model
Innovation, Idea Group Publishing. Hershey
220 - 234.
E., 1991. Situated learning.
Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge:
in Hildreth,
P. and Kimble, C. (2004) "Knowledge Networks:
Innovation through Communities of Practice", Idea
Ma t,
Pea s, and Civil Society,
Sei ergency and Humanitarian Aid.
Sei e Intervenção
e al
nal Social
Vas nd Rocha, Á., 2003.
n, Massachusetts.
Identity. CUP.
ion: a new foundation for design
communication structure. Relations between
organizational intranets and extranets will also take
some time and be the source of some problems. The
effectiveness of Communities of Practices, from a
local project level to a global development area
strategy level, however is the deepest challenge, as
this calls for an organizational transformation of
NGOs into more Glocal CSOs. Pilot project,
focused in the beginning on the lusophone world,
will entail Portuguese and Brazilian NGOs and
within a year we are hopping to have several NGOs
involved turning this Collaboration Tool in a non-
stop glocal project in the construction of a new
Glocal Civil Society.
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Sintek, M., 1998. Towards a Technology for
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