Nasser B., Benzekri A., Laborde R., Grasset F., Barrère F.
Insitut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse-IRIT, Paul Sabatier Univeristy, 118 route de Narbonne,Toulouse,France
Keywords: Grid, Distributed systems, Security, Access control, RBAC, OrBAC
Abstract: The problems encountered in the scientific, industrial and engineering fields entail sophisticated
across widely distributed communities. The Grid emerged as a platform that has a goal enabling coordinated
resources sharing and problem resolving in dynamic multi-institutional Virtual Organizations (VO). Though
the multi-institutional aspect is considered in the grid definition, there is no recipe that indicates how to
fabricate a VO in such environment where mutual distrust is a constraint. Excluding a central management
authority, the different partners should cooperate to put in place a multi-administrated environment. The
role of each partner in the VO should be clear and unambiguous (permissions, interdictions, users and
resources to manage…). Organizing a large scale environment is error prone where not well formalized
models lead to unexpected security breaches. Within the access control models RBAC has proved to be
flexible but is not adapted to model the multi-institutional aspect. In this context, we propose a formal
access control model, OrBAC (Organization Based Access Control model), that encompass concepts
required to express a security policy in complex distributed organizations. Its generality and formal
foundation makes this model the best candidate to serve as a common framework for setting up Virtual
The problems encountered in the scientific,
industrial and engineering fields entail a
sophisticated process across widely distributed
communities involving huge data amounts to be
managed, analyzed using complex computing
applications and finally stored (Fedak,2001)(Foster,
1997)(Baru,1998). The needed cooperation across
the communities is no more trivial file exchange but
rather direct access to computers, software, data, and
other resources. It involves hundreds of processes
that necessitate acquiring resources dynamically and
communicate efficiently.
The grid has emerged as a platform that has as
enabling coordinated resource sharing and
problem solving in dynamic multi-institutional
virtual organization (Foster, 2001). The grid as a
middleware leverages the cooperation level between
the different partners higher than primarily
connectivity level. It offers layers and protocols (see that hide the underlying
nfrastructure (computer, hard disk, CPU,
services…), facilitate their exploitation, and employ
them in different scenarios as Data grids
(Baru,1998), Computing grids (Foster,1997) and
Desktop grids (Fedak,2001). From conceptual point
of view, the different communities in a grid
environment, federating into an alliance for a certain
goal, put in place a Virtual Organization. The
Virtual Organization (VO) constitutes the common
shared space between the different institutions. It
embraces topics as shared resources (data, computer
hardware and software), sharing relationships, fine-
grained access control…
Though the Grid defines the VO notion, it
sn’t indicate how to create and manage this large
scale, multi-organizational structure. Constructing a
VO necessitates tracing its boundaries, specifying
the different access rights within it and assuring
management during its life time.
Solutions as the Community Authorizations
ice (CAS) (Cannon, 2003) allow enforcing
access control policies within the VO using X.509
extensions. The extensions include low level user’s
permission to grid resources as read/write file
permissions. Another system is the Virtual
Organization Management System (VOMS)
(Alfieri,2003), where a server supplies the user with
B. N., A. B., R. L., F. G. and F. B. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 152-158
DOI: 10.5220/0002535001520158
an X.509 certificate extended with role and group
information. The destination resource needs to know
the access policies concerning the role/group to
make authorization decisions.
Other projects as GRASP (Djordjevic, 2004) and
DAME (Russell,2004) offer architectures based on
X.509 certificates to enable formation of VOs
responding to their proper needs.
These aforementioned solutions propose
mechanisms to put in place a Virtual Organization
by enforcing a certain access control policy.
However there is no clear method how such policy
would be conceived. Recalling that each partner
needs to keep control on his assets where delegating
others to specify the way to use his resources or its
access control policy is often not acceptable.
A central management of the shared space is
then excluded and the different partners should
cooperate to create a scalable, dynamic, multi-
administrated system.
As a first step, we think that the VO should refer
to abstract entities rather than concrete users and
resources. Abstraction improves scalability, enables
adding users and resources dynamically according to
the local administrative domain policy. As a second
step, the relations between the different entities have
to be specified. Informally specifying these relations
is error prone causing potential security breaches. It
is judicious to achieve these two steps within a
formal access control model that governs the shared
space (Samarati).
Towards a dynamic creation of virtual
organizations in a multi-domain grid environment,
we start by introducing the Grid along with the
complexities confronted in a decentralized dynamic
environment. The need for an access control model
is emphasized and within this context RBAC and its
limits are reviewed (Sandhu 1996)(Sandhu 1999).
We then propose OrBAC (Organization based
Access Control model) (Abou El Kalam, 2003)
(Cuppens,2003) as the access control model that
specifies the different relationships within the VO.
OrBAC abstracts “users, object and action” with
“role, view and activity” and models flexibly the
different responsibilities within a VO. Finally, we
show how the grid environment can be modelled
using OrBAC and conclude with the future works.
The grid has emerged as a platform that has as goal
enabling coordinated resource sharing and problem
solving in dynamic multi-domain virtual
organization (Foster 2001).
Figure 1: Multiple partners participate in different VOs
The grid is founded on the idea of dispersed
resources as well as applications that necessitate
acquiring these resources dynamically on demand.
This on-demand approach provides tremendous
values toward scalability, in addition to aspects of
enhanced reusability. The resources are
heterogeneous (devices, HD, CPU, clusters…) and
attributed by multiple organizations. Take for the
example in Figure 1, a physicist at “Lab1” uses a
simulation application at a laboratory “Lab2” and
then analyzes the data using certain application
using a cluster in “Enterprise3” and finally stores the
whole results at a storage provider.
The different organizations in a grid
environment, federating into an alliance for a certain
goal, put in place a Virtual organization. The Virtual
Organization (VO) constitutes the common shared
space between the different partners. An
organization may participate in several Virtual
Organizations for different cooperation purposes
(ex. Lab2).
The Virtual organization creation embraces
topics as management of shared resources and
specification of sharing relationships for precise
levels of control over how shared resources are put
in place and used.
Creating a VO under a single administration, that
is one partner controlling the shared space, is not
always acceptable. A partner in a VO may be a rival
in another, so delegating him the control and
management of local resources is inadmissible.
Each domain has to manage its resources locally
taking into consideration the cooperation services’
availability. For example, a storage provider may
need to move the data on other storage devices
locally for maintenance reasons without referring
back to the client.
Excluding a central authority, the VO requires
scalable multi-administration by the involved
By multi-administration we don’t mean a
domain with multiple administrators having the
same rights, but rather an environment with different
administrators having each partial administration
rights within the whole structure (Wedde,2003).
Though the grid considers inter domains aspects in
virtual organization, it doesn’t specify how to put in
place such a space. The boundaries of a VO should
be defined as well as the responsibilities of each
organization within it. An access control model is
needed to avoid informal methods’ errors and
security breaches.
An access control model has to specify the
relations between the entities within the VO. Since
we are dealing with large scale structure and
dynamic resources allocation within multi-
administered environment, the access control model
should be compliant with that. An access control
management model should consider the multi-
administration aspect within the virtual organization.
On the other hand, to scale well, subjects and
objects within VO should be abstracted. For
example, dealing with the role “engineer” avoids
addressing individually the engineering department
users. The same is needed for the resources because
of their large number as well as heterogeneity.
Moreover, such abstraction separates the policy
from the physical dynamic infrastructure. Policy is
then expressed with abstract entities at the VO level,
and enforced locally by mapping it to the available
demanded resources.
From the existing access control models, RBAC
(Role Based Access Control) (Sandhu,
1997)(Sandhu,1999) has emerged as an access
control model more flexible and easier to manage
than the traditional MAC, DAC models (Samarati).
RBAC aims to facilitate the security management by
introducing the “role” notion. A role represents a
function in a system (engineer, administrator...).
Each role is associated with a set of permissions (or
privileges) which is a set of rights corresponding to
the tasks which could be realized by this role.
Contrary to traditional models, RBAC doesn’t
associate privileges directly to subjects but it passes
via roles. A subject may have several roles, and roles
may be attributed to different subjects. Moreover, a
role may have multiple permissions and permission
may be associated to different roles.
The role definition reflects the organization
structure where the role is defined. Roles can be
structured hierarchically to facilitate attributing
permissions. However RBAC is unable to tackle the
complexity of distributed and decentralized
organizations. RBAC doesn’t express contextual
permissions or interdictions which are important in
the grid environment example: role “engineer” has
the right to use application “appl. 1” for 3 hours.
On the other hand, RBAC doesn’t reflect the
multi-organizational aspect where each organization
controls solely certain parts of the system. In such
environment, different administrators get into the
scene each having his assets that he only controls.
We find RBAC limited for modelling the grid virtual
In the grid environment each partner has resources
that are put in common to be shared by the
community. However each partner needs to keep the
management of his resources local maintaining the
internal structures as confidential as possible and
revealing only needed information for the well
functioning of the system.
What we need is an access control model that
indicates: who can do what in which context.
OrBAC (Abou El Kalam,2003) (Cuppens,2003)
access control model is proposed for modelling a
security policy that is not restricted to static
permissions and include contextual rules related to
permissions prohibitions and obligations. It aims at
introducing an abstraction level that separates access
control policy from its implementation.
Figure 2: ORBAC access control model
In the grid environment, or the multi-domain
environment in general, there are several access
stakeholders. The access control model should take
into consideration the nature of this multi
administered environment.
OrBAC model offers a flexible mean to model
such environment employing abstract notions as
“role, activities and views” to abstract the traditional
“subject action object”.
We recall here the principal notions in this
- Organization: it is an organized group of active
entities, i.e. subjects, playing some role or other.
This notion can be mapped to the Virtual
Organization which is the scene of the different
- Role: It corresponds to certain privileges in an
organization. The entity Role is attributed to a
subject within an organization. Dealing with Roles
facilitates users’ management in such a large scale
environment. On the other hand, roles are well
adapted to our environment where users are
dynamic. Policy expressed in terms of roles stay
valid even if users change. It is sufficient to
assign/revoke a role to a new/departing user.
- View: a view corresponds to a set of properties that
can be supplied by a set of objects (storage device,
databases, files etc). This notion corresponds well to
referencing resources by properties as explained
above in the “resources” and “reutilization” issues.
- Activity: It is used to abstract actions as “read",
“write". An activity may correspond to a
combination of actions.
Or-BAC with these notions responds to the grid
requirements. We may consider a Virtual
Organization to be an organization in Or-BAC
context. Entities in the virtual organization would be
roles instead of users, and views instead of objects.
The large scale problem of the grid (users,
resources) is overcome by the offered abstraction.
On the other hand, the multi-administration is also
taken into consideration as we will see in the
following sections.
There are eight basic sets of entities: Org
(organization: an organized group of subjects,
playing some role within the group), S (a set of
subjects), , A (a set of actions), O (a set of objects),
R (a set of roles), A (a set of activities), V (a set of
views), C (a set of contexts).
OrBAC considers that org S, S O. Any
entity may have attributes, for instance if S is a
subject, then name(S), address(S) represents the
name and the address of subject S.
Reviewing the relations in OrBAC:
- Empower is a relation over domains Org x S x
R. Empower (org, s, r) means that org empowers
subject s in role r.
- Use is a relation over domains Org x O x V.
Use (org, o, v) means that org uses object o in view
v. This helps to give different definitions for the
same view.
- Consider is a relation over domains Org x A x
A., Consider (org, α , a) means that org considers
that actions α falls within the activity a.
- Define is a relation over domains Org x S x A x
O x C. Define (org, s, α, o, c) means that within
organization org context c holds between subject s,
action α and object o.
- Policy definition: access control policy is
defined by the relation permission. Permission is a
relation over domains Org x R x A. x V x C,
Permission (org, r, a, v, c) means that organization
org grants role r permission to perform activity a on
view v within context c.
We consider that VO is the organization Org in
the OrBAC context. To construct this space, add
users, attribute users to roles and resources to views
and specify access permissions, a management
model [Munawer,Cuppens] is needed. It should
control the activities: management of organizations,
management of roles, activities, views and contexts,
assignment of users to roles, assignment of
permissions to roles, assignment of users to
For this mission AdOrBAC (Administration
model for OrBAC) (Cuppens,2003) defines views as
URA (user/role assignment), PRA (permission/role
assignment)... Objects belonging to these views have
special semantics, namely they will be respectively
interpreted as an assignment of user to role,
permission to role. Intuitively inserting an object in
these views enables an authorized user to
respectively assign a user to a role and a permission
to a role.
Conversely, deleting an object from these views
will enable a user to perform a revocation.
Distributing the administration functions consists
of defining which roles are permitted to access the
views URA, PRA … or to more specific views when
the role has not complete access to one of these
5.1 URA in AdOr-BAC
This view is used to determine who is allowed to
assign a user to a role and on which conditions.
Assigning a user to a role equals adding a new
object in a given view called URA. Three attributes
are associated with this view: subject to designate
the subject which is related to the assignment, role
that corresponds to the role to which the subject will
be assigned and org to represent the organization to
which the subject is assigned.
So to add a user to a special role (engineer) in
the engineering department eng-dept at organization
H, we have to create a view URA-engineer-eng-dept
defined as follows:
ura, Use (H, ura, URA-engineer-
eng-dept) -> Use (H, ura, URA) ^ role
(ura) = engineer ^ org (ura) = eng-dept
This way we defined a view for the engineers in
the eng-dept. there is a link between adding an
object to this view and the relation empower:
Org, ura, Use (org, ura, URA)
->Empower (org (ura), subject (ura),
role (ura))
“Assign” is the acitivity to be given to the
administrator to do this assignment job.
Permission (H, administrator, assign, URA-
engineer-eng-dept, default)
We may consider the activity “manage” as a
combination of two sub-activities (assign , revoke):
Permission (H, administrator,
manage, URA-engineer-eng-dept, default)
Permission (H, administrator, assign,
URA-engineer-eng-dept, default)^
Permission (H, administrator, revoke,
URA-engineer-eng-dept, default)
5.2 PRA in AdOr-BAC
Permission role assignment follows the same logic
as URA concerning adding an object to a view;
however the object has 5 attributes:
Issuer= issuing organization
Grantee, privilege, target = role, activity and
view concerned by the permission
Context = designate the context in which the rule
can be applied.
There is a link between adding an object to this
view and the relation permission:
org, context, Use (org, pra, PRA)
-> Permission (issuer(pra),
grantee(pra), privilege(pra),
target(pra), context(pra))
5.3 VOA in AdOrbac
As in URA (user role assignment), the administrator
(ex. Role administrator) adds ura object to the
defined view URA. In analogy [9], we would like to
define a view including certain collection of objects
and attribute the “manage” activity to an
administrator (ex. “View-admin”)
Associating a user with the role “View-admin”
Empower (org, user, View-admin)
Attributing permission “manage” to the role
Permission (org, View-admin, manage,
VOA-org2, default)
Where VOA-org2 is the view of a group of
resources having an attribute “org” that is equal to
org2, it can be defined as follows:
voa, Use(org, voa, VOA-org2) <->
Use(org, voa, VOA)^org(voa)=org2
So finally attributing a resource or object to a
view in the organization is equivalent to adding a
voa with attributes (object to be added, view to
which it should be added, organization) to the VOA-
org2 view. This can be done by the view-admin.
Figure 3: ORBAC model in Grid environment
Consider the scenario in figure 3 where two
organizations need to cooperate forming a Virtual
Organization. Consider that organization org2
supplies the resources where org1 contains the users.
Putting in place the VO needs to define the
participating entities from both sides this includes
roles, views, activities and the administration
Modelling this environment using OrBAC, we
start by the virtual organization management itself.
Considering that VO is the organization of OrBAC.
Then such an entity may have attributes. As
discriminating attributes there are the involved
participants, a name discriminating a certain VO
within the different VOs that can be set up with the
same partners, and may be a certain expiry date after
which the cooperation is terminated:
Name (VO) =cooperation 1
Partners (VO) = org1, org2
Time= deadline
For the administration plan, we should define the
relevant roles in the Virtual Organization as:
Relevant-role (VO, Role-org1Admin);
Relevant-role (VO, PR-org1Admin);
Relevant-role (VO, ViewAdmin);
Relevant-role (VO, ActivityAdmin).
Also the Relevant activities and the Relevant
views names.
To attribute to a certain “org1admin” the role
Role-org1Admin” that has the responsibility to
assign/revoke roles to the users of organization org1:
Empower (VO, org1admin, Role-org1Admin)
Permission (VO, roleadmin, manage, URA-
Where URA-org1 is defined as:
Ura, Use (VO, ura, URA-org1) <=>
Use (VO, ura, URA) ^ org (ura) = org1
To attribute to a certain “org1admin” the role
“PR-org1Admin” that has the responsibility to
assign/revoke permissions to roles of organization
Empower (VO, org1admin, PR-org1Admin)
Permission (VO, PR-org1Admin, manage,
PRA-org1, default)
Where PRA-org1 is defined as:
pra, Use (VO, pra, PRA-org1) <=>
Use (VO, pra, PRA) ^grantee(pra) {r/
ura URA-org1, role(ura)=role}^
privilege (pra) activities(VO)
To attribute to a certain “org2admin” the role
“ViewAdmin” that has the responsibility to
assign/revoke views to objects of organization org2:
Empower (VO, org2admin, View-org2Admin)
Permission (VO, View-org2Admin, manage,
VOA-org2, default)
Where VOA-org2 is defined as:
voa, Use (VO, voa, VOA-org2) <=>
Use (VO, voa, VOA) ^ org (voa) = org2 ^
view(voa) views(VO)
To attribute to a certain “org2admin” the role
“ActivityAdmin” that has the responsibility to
assign/revoke activities to actions comprehensible
by organization org2 and its different resources:
Empower (VO, org2admin, ActivityAdmin)
Permission (VO, ActivityAdmin, manage,
AaA-org2, default)
Where AaA-org2 is defined as:
aaa, Use (VO, aaa, AaA-org2) <=>
Use (VO, aaa, AaA) ^ org (aaa) = org2
Assigning concrete level to the abstract level
entities (of course done by authorized roles/users as
indicated in the administration plan above):
Empower(VO, Rlocal1, Rvo1)
Empower(VO, Rlocal2, Rvo2)
Use(VO,applicationserver, Objlocal1)
Consider (VO, action1, Activity1)
Consider (VO, action2, Activity2)
Consider (VO, execute, Execution)
Consider (VO, write, Update)
Consider (VO, read&write, Modify)
storage device, workTime)
application server, day&night)
The grid has a goal enabling coordinated resource
sharing and problem solving in dynamic multi-
domain virtual organization. For this reason it sets
up a virtual organization which constitutes the
shared common space between the different
On the way to dynamically create virtual
organizations we needed an access control model
that takes into consideration the grid environment
constraints as inter-domain aspect, large scale,
dynamic resource allocation…. We presented
OrBAC as the candidate having too many features
appropriate for this mission. OrBAC models a multi-
administered environment using the “role view
activity” abstraction which abides to the Grid
constraints (large scale and dynamic resources).
However, since the dynamic resources allocation
can be propagated on multiple sites on behalf of the
user, the model should realize delegation aspects
(Welch, 2004). Delegation will be discussed in
details in another paper. After completing the model
an analysis is needed to study the appropriate way
for implementing OrBAC within the different Grid
layers (Foster, 2001).
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