Paul L. Juell, Syed M. Rahman and Akram Salah
Department of Computer Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota 58105, USA
Keywords: Zope, J2EE, Enterprise Web applications, Software Testing, Content management
Abstract: This paper compares several features between J2EE and Zope technologies.
Both technologies have
individual strength and will be appropriate in individual contexts. In choosing a development environment
or technology for web applications, a criterion is needed to assess the available development technologies.
In order to do this comparison, we have designed a web-based prototype for "managing research
information" and implemented the prototype in both technologies. We have compared several key features
in both technologies including content managements, session handling, safe delegation, security, and testing
facilities. The comparison in this paper forms a basis for making choices for web development technology
for academia and industry.
The objective of our research is to compare J2EE
(Java 2 Enterprise Edition) and Zope (Z-Object
Publishing Environment) (Isaacson 2002)
technologies. Both J2EE and Zope are capable of
developing enterprise web applications. To do this
study we designed a web-based prototype and
implemented the prototype in both J2EE and Zope
technologies. We compared several key features in
both implementations including content
managements, application request-handling, safe
delegation, security, testing facilities, session
handling etc.
The prototype, we developed, is a program to
allow teachers
supervising their research students’
online. We choose this prototype to compare
between J2EE and Zope technologies because it has
different levels of security users, complexities and
functionalities typical of an enterprise web
application. In the rest of the paper we focus mainly
on the comparison of features that we have
experienced from our prototype or individual
technology’s documentations.
Zope is an open source web application server,
rimarily written in the Python programming
language (Lerner 2002a). It features a transactional
object database, which can store not only content
and custom data, but also dynamic HTML templates,
scripts, search engine, and relational database
connections and code. Zope is built around the
concept of "safe delegation of control," Zope's
security architecture also allows us to turn control
over parts of a web site to other organizations or
individuals. The transactional model applies not only
to Zope's object database, but also to many relational
database connectors, allowing for strong data
integrity. Zope includes its own Hyper Text Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP),
Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning
(WebDAV), and XML Remote Procedure Call
(XML-RPC) serving capabilities. It can also be used
with the Apache or other web servers (Lerner
On the other hand, J2EE is platform-independent
nology. It is a Java-centric environment and
developed by Sun. J2EE is used for developing,
building, and deploying web-based enterprise
applications online. The J2EE platform consists of a
set of services, APIs, and protocols that provide the
functionality for developing multi-tiered, web-based
We found that under different circumstances,
d on a web application’s requirements and the
nature of the problem domain, either technology can
be preferable over the other one. We found, Zope
has an advantage on content-management, security,
developing environments etc. In contrast, J2EE has
many advantages in Internet technology for example
in online transaction, session handling, better testing
facilities etc.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
ion 2 explains the experimental setup; section 3
compares different key features in both technologies.
Section 4 presents key points of our research’s
L. Juell P., M. Rahman S. and Salah A. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 64-71
DOI: 10.5220/0002526500640071
findings. Finally, section 5 concludes with a
discussion of our findings and a roadmap to future
Our experiment objective was to compare J2EE and
Zope technologies. The comparing prototype,
“managing research information” has four different
types of user with different level of access i.e.
Teacher, Administrator, Student, and Guest. Besides
guest user, all other types of users must authenticate
to the system. Using our prototype, teachers and
students can share their documents,
upload/download documents on the web, edit their
personal information and communicate effectively.
Anyone from anywhere can access this online page
and explore a teacher’s research interests, current
projects, and status.
To do our experiment, we went through the
following work sequences:
Step 1: Designed an online “research
management system” prototype.
Step 2: Implemented the prototype using
J2EE technology.
Step 3: Implemented the prototype using
Zope technology.
Step 4: Compared several key issues in
both J2EE and Zope technologies.
In our prototype, we had four different types of
users with different level of privilege.
Table 2.1: User type and level of access in the prototype
In this section, we discussed similarities and
differences between J2EE and Zope technologies by
developing an online “managing research
information” prototype. We showed how the
competing platforms handle at each feature and
affected a web application. We looked at few
features that were not in our prototype, in those
cases, we depended on documentations mainly.
We focused on the following features in our
Web Application Platform
Data Access
Development Environment
Server-side Sessions
Learning Curve and Documentation
Safe Delegation
Testing and Debugging
3.1 Web Application Platform
Today a successful web application requires the
participation of many people across an organization
that has different areas of expertise. We looked at
how these two platforms handle web applications.
J2EE: Web application is a dynamic extension of a
web or application server. There are two types of
web applications (Armstrong et al. 2004):
Presentation-oriented: A presentation -
oriented web application generates
interactive web pages containing various
types of markup language (HTML, XML,
and so on) and dynamic content in response
to requests.
User levels Instances Area of access
Level 0
Administrator has access all
over the system. He/she can
access anywhere in the system,
edit any part of the system.
Level 1
Teacher has admin access only
over his/her own research team.
He/she can edit any research or
user information on his/her
research team.
Level 2
Student has access only in his
own account. He/she can edit
own information and
communicate effectively to get
the job done.
Level 3
Guest has limited access into
the system. Typically a guest
can browse the public area and
do not need any authentication.
Service-oriented: A service-oriented web
application implements the endpoint of a
web service. Presentation-oriented
applications are often clients of service-
oriented Web applications.
The J2EE platform web components provide
dynamic extension capabilities for a web server. A
web component includes Java Servlets, JSP pages
and web services. The interaction between a web
client and a web application is illustrated in Figure
3.1; the client sends an HTTP request to the web
server. A web server that implements Java Servlet
and JavaServer Pages technology converts the
request into an HTTPServletRequest object. This
object is sent to a web component, which can
interact with JavaBeans components or a database to
generate dynamic content. The web component can
then either create an HTTPServletResponse or it can
pass the request to another web component.
Eventually a web component generates a
HTTPServletResponse object (Armstrong et al.
Published Module
FTP Client
Zope: Zope presents objects on the web. This is
called object publishing. One of Zope's unique
characteristics is the way it permits us to access to
objects and call methods on them with simple URLs.
In addition to HTTP, Zope also makes objects
available to other network protocols including FTP,
WebDAV and XML-RPC (Lerner 2002a, Zope
community 2004).
Figure 3.1: J2EE web application request handling
When we access Zope with a web browser, our
browser sends an HTTP request to Zope's web
server. After the request is completely received,
ZPublisher processes it, which is Zope's object
publisher. ZPublisher is a lightweight ORB (Object
Request Broker, McDonough et al. 2004). It takes
the request and locates an object to handle the
request. The publisher uses the request URL as a
map to locate the published object. Finding an object
to handle the request is called traversal, since the
publisher moves from object to object as it looks for
the right one. Once the published object is found, the
publisher calls a method on the published object,
passing it parameters as necessary. The published
object then returns a response, which is passed back
to Zope's web server. The web server then passes the
response back to our web browser (McDonough et
al. 2004).
Zope object publishing process is summarized in
Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2: Zope object publishing (McDonough et al.
Web Server
Web Client
HTTP Response
HTTP Request
Typically the published object is a persistent
object that the published module loads from the
ZODB. We can present the object publishing main
steps (McDonough et al. 2004):
The client sends a request to the publisher
The publisher finds the published object
using the request URL as a map.
The publisher calls the published object
with arguments from the request.
The publisher interprets and returns the
results to the client.
To create and work with Zope objects, we use our
web browser to access the Zope management
interface. All management and application
development can be done completely through the
web using only a browser.
The Zope management interface provides a
familiar Windows Explorer-like view of the Zope
object system. Through the management interface a
developer can create and script Zope objects or even
define new objects, without requiring access to the
file system of the web server.
In our project, we received benefits from Zope. It
has built-in application control management system.
All we had to do is create different sort of users with
different privileges. It is just few mouse clicks away.
In compare to J2EE it was complicated, we created
different role based user interface by writing
Servlets program. This is the most significant
facility that we experienced from our experiment.
3.2 Data Access
Enterprises revolve around their data, often stored in
multiple, heterogeneous data stores.
J2EE: In J2EE, persistent data are typically
modelled as entity beans. There are two main types:
container-managed and bean-managed persistence
(CMP and BMP, respectively). Both let developers
tap into container-provided services such as
transaction management. It’s security framework, as
well as leveraging the container's innate
characteristics such as scalability and fault tolerance.
In general, there is a Java package to access almost
any corporate data source we care to mention (Sheil
& Monteiro 2002, Farley 2002).
Zope: Zope provides a consistent object oriented
way to access all kinds of enterprise data. Sources
can include RDBMS data as well as non- relational
data from sources such as LDAP or IMAP servers.
Zope supports most common relational databases,
including Oracle, Sybase, MySQL and ODBC
compliant databases (Switching to Zope 2004).
Zope’s object-oriented design allows us to
enforce a clean separation of data and presentation.
Database programmers can work on SQL Method
objects, while content managers can simply call the
SQL Methods and use the results in their content.
This object model makes it easy to integrate data
from multiple data sources. Advanced data access
features even allow us to define object behaviour for
database results, turning flat relational records into
"smart data" in our Zope application.
3.3 Development Environment
The development environment is another
differentiator between the platforms.
J2EE: Applications written in the Java
programming language can run in their own
windows, unlike applets, which run inside a web
browser. Applications are usually larger and more
full-featured than applets, and it is important that
there is an effect and robust method to deploy them
widely, while ensuring that the correct version of the
Java platform is available to them. Java webstart is
designed for just this purpose (Armstrong et al.
2004, Altendorf et al. 2002).
With Java webstart, a user launches an
application simply by clicking on a web page link. If
the application is not present on the client computer,
Java webstart automatically downloads all necessary
files for the application, including a new version of
the Java platform if needed. It caches the application
on client computer. On subsequent launches of the
application, Java webstart will check the network for
an updated version of the application, and if there
isn't an update, it will launch the cached version.
On Microsoft Windows, Java webstart is
automatically installed when the Java Runtime
Environment or Java 2 SDK is installed. The Java
webstart also comes with the Java 2 SDK and the
Java Runtime Environment for Solaris and Linux. It
can be installed manually. We can also use JNLP
technology for Java application deployment
(Altendorf et al. 2002).
Zope: The bulk of web application development in
Zope is accomplished via a web-based interface.
One logs into a Zope application and edits their
DTML, Python scripts, etc. inside of their web
browser. The upshot is that Zope development is
feasible on almost any platform. The downside is
that most web browsers make for poor text editors.
However, a developer can use a text editor, which
has built-in support for FTP (emacs, BBEdit, etc.) or
WebDAV in addition to the basic web interface
(Lerner 2002a).
3.4 Server-Side Sessions
There are a number of problems that arise from the
fact that HTTP is a "stateless" protocol. Session is
very important for many web applications. For
example, when we add an item to our shopping cart,
the server needs to know what's already in our cart
or when we move from one page to another. The
page that takes credit card number and shipping
address, the server remembers this entire
information and transfers one page to another. There
are three typical solutions to handle this session data.
These are using cookies, URL rewriting, or hidden
form fields.
J2EE: Java Servlets provide an outstanding
technical solution: the HttpSession API. This is a
high level interface built on top of cookies or URL-
rewriting. In fact, on many servers, they use cookies
if the browser supports them, but automatically
revert to URL-rewriting when cookies are not
supported or explicitly disabled. Using sessions in
Java Servlets is quite straightforward. It involves
looking up the session object associated with the
current request, creating a new session object when
necessary, looking up information associated with a
session, storing information in a session, and
discarding completed or abandoned sessions
(Armstrong et al. 2004, Sheil & Monteiro 2002).
Zope: Zope by default provides no support for
managing per-user-session data on the server.
Several add-on products are available, which
provide different forms of sessions (Isaacson 2002,
Lerner 2002a, Switching to Zope 2004).
However, the Zope community is aware of this
limitation and working to overcome the sessions
handling problem.
3.5 Learning Curve and
There are significant differences between J2EE and
Zope learning curve and documentations.
J2EE: J2EE is an established technology. It is very
popular for developing web-based applications. It is
developed and maintained by Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java has a very large user community and huge
learning resources. J2EE documentation is written
following standards.
Zope: Zope has some problems, the first and
biggest one being that the learning curve can be
rather steep. Even for an experienced web developer,
Zope requires that the developer learn nearly all of
the concepts from scratch, changing almost all of the
habits that they have acquired over the years. It can
be a surprise and a reason to be cautious. Using
Zope might slow things down during the initial
startup period. Another problem we have noticed is
that it does not have enough documentation or it is
not well organized or evenly written (IBM 2004).
Comparing J2EE and Zope, the Zope learning
curve is steeper. However, a newcomer in this field
needs to spend a significant amount of time learning
either J2EE or Zope technology.
3.6 Safe Delegation
A successful web site requires the collaboration of
many people in an organization: application
developers, SQL experts, content managers and
often even the end users of the application. On a
conventional web site, maintenance and security can
quickly become challenging. How much control do
we give to the content manager? How does giving
the content manager a login affect our security?
What about that SQL code embedded in the ASP
files he / she will be working on - code that probably
exposes our database login? We presented how these
technologies handle the specified issue.
J2EE: In J2EE, when we try to access a protected
web resource, the web container activates the
authentication mechanism that has been configured
for that resource. We can specify the following
authentication mechanisms:
HTTP basic authentication
Form-based login authentication
Client certificate authentication
Mutual authentication
Digest authentication
If we do not specify one of these mechanisms, the
user will not be authenticated. Figure 3.4 shows
what happens if we specify HTTP basic
authentication. With basic authentication, the
following occurs (Armstrong et al. 2004):
A client requests access to a protected
The web server returns a dialog box that
requests the user name and password.
The client submits the user name and
password to the server.
The server validates the credentials and, if
successful, returns the requested resource.
1 Request a protected resources
2 Requests username: password
3 Sends username: password
4 Returns requested resources
Figure 3.4: HTTP basic authentications
(Armstrong et al. 2004)
HTTP basic authentication is not particularly
secure. Basic authentication sends user names and
passwords over the Internet as text that is uu-
encoded (Unix-to-Unix encoded) but not encrypted.
This form of authentication, which uses Base64
encoding, can expose user names and passwords
unless all connections are over SSL. If someone can
intercept the transmission, the user name and
password information can easily be decoded.
Form-based authentication is not particularly
secure either. Client-certificate authentication is a
more secure method of authentication than either
basic or form-based authentication. It uses HTTP
over SSL, in which the server and, optionally, the
client authenticate one another using public key
certificates. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) provides
data encryption, server authentication, message
integrity, and optional client authentication for a
TCP/IP connection (Armstrong et al. 2004, J2EE
Zope: Zope addresses collaboration issues with
its strong object-based design. It enforces separation
of data and presentation. It provides a flexible
security model designed specifically to handle the
unique business models of the web (Lerner 2002a).
Zope manages users with "User Folders," which
are special folders that contain user information.
Several Zope add-ons are available that provide
extended types of User Folders that get their user
data from external sources, such as relational
databases or LDAP directories (Lerner 2002a).
In addition to strong encapsulation and security,
Zope also provides other useful collaboration
features. No matter what, something will ultimately
go wrong. Once there is a problem, instead of
running for the backup tape or spending hours for
debugging, the site manager can simply use “undo”
option and changes to the site back to a point before
the problem started. The manager can also avoid
this kind of problem altogether, he/she can work in
"Versions," which are private views of the object
system (Lerner 2002a, Zope community 2004).
Zope makes “undo” easy and flexible. We do not
need to worry about, do any experiment and us undo
option if it does not work. On the other hand, to
make any small change in Java Servlet code, we had
to change the code, compile and run to see the
effects. Sometimes it is even harder to investigate
what went wrong. Zope preview feature made our
life even easier; just make any changes and view the
effects right away and use the Undo button if
anything goes wrong.
3.7 Testing and Debugging
Software Testing is the most expensive phase in
software development life cycle. Depending on
software types, typically, it is about 40 % to 70% of
total cost of software (Kim 2003). We can reduce
the overall software cost significantly, if we can
reduce testing expenses only. Ostrand and Weyuker
(2002) studied on a large AT&T software system.
They found early unit-testing method exposed 73%
of total faults. It can reveal maximum bugs at the
early development stages. Both J2EE and Zope
technologies are using unit testing effectively. JUnit
has a plug-in for both technologies. However, only
unit testing is not enough testing for an application.
We have to do requirements and design testing,
integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing
J2EE: There are many testing tools available for
testing a Java program. Some of them are free, and
some are not. Sun offers two lines of development
tools designed for professional developers. The Sun
Java Studio line offers a complete, integrated
development environment (IDE) for Java technology
encompassing J2ME, J2SE, and J2EE technologies.
Sun’s tools are Sun ONE Studio, Sun Java Studio
Standard and so on. Besides Sun, we have many
popular Java testing tools available such as JUnit,
GJTester, Cactus, JUnitPerf, Jemmy, Clover, TrueJ
etc(Armstrong et al. 2004).
Zope: Zope’s debugger allows us to peek inside a
running process and find exactly what is going
wrong. Unit testing allows us to automate the testing
process to ensure that our code still works correctly
as we change it. We can setup a debug mode and
can debug code. Zope uses the JUnit plug-in for unit
testing. It is also integrated with Python debugger
which is a very simple command line debugger
(Zope community 2004).
Our experience with our prototype testing, we
had an advantage in J2EE components. The main
reason was that we are familiar with Java testing and
debugging tools. There are several commercial and
non-commercial tools were available to us where as
in Zope we experienced few problems for testing
and debugging programs. Python command line
debugger was not very useful to us. We found the
error message was generic and hard to understand.
Comparing J2EE, Zope do not have enough tools for
requirements testing, design testing, system testing
In this paper, we compared several key features
between J2EE and Zope technologies. To do this
study, we designed an online prototype for
“managing research information” and implemented
it in both technologies. We found that depending
upon a web application’s requirements and features
involved, either technology can be preferable over
the other one.
Here are some key points that we concluded from
our study:
Downloading and installing one Zope file
includes all components that we need for a
web application. On the other hand, in J2EE,
we need to install different components
separately and need to configure as well.
Zope uses Python language, which is not
popular like Java. Java has larger user
community and more learning resources than
Python. We found very few universities
where Python is considered as the primary
programming language.
In Zope, Python script (DTML), can be
written inside a web browser.
Software testing in Zope is difficult. J2EE
has many more established testing tools and
technology than Zope.
Table 5.1: Compare features between J2EE and Zope technologies
Features J2EE Zope
Language used Java Python
Delegate control Not easy Very Easy
Documentations Very good Poor
Learning curve Steep Steeper
Platform stability Stable Less stable
HTML generation Use JSP and Servlets Use DTML and ZPT
Server-side session Servlets provide great
No support by default
Different testing
tool availability
Many tool available Not many
Undo option No Yes
New version Not easy Very easy
Search Engine Not available Built-in search engine
Most of the components are
not open source and not FREE
All components are open
source and FREE
Zope has problems with standards and
documentations, where J2EE has an
advantage on these issues.
Zope is specially designed to safely delegate
control to design expert, database expert, and
content managers. On the other hand, in
J2EE, it is very difficult to control and
maintain projects.
Zope by default provides no support for
managing per-user-session data on the
server. Java Servlets offers excellent session
tracking technology.
Depending on the application and nature of the
problem, J2EE technology is superior over Zope and
vice-versa. Zope is very efficient and useful for
creating roll-based management system e.g. creating
and maintaining a portal. J2EE does a very good job
for shopping cart applications, online transactions,
and many other web applications.
In the Table 5.1, we summarized features
between J2EE and Zope technologies.
In this paper, we have compared several key features
in J2EE and Zope technologies. We found that based
on application requirements and features required,
either technology can be superior over other one. To
do our study, we designed an online “managing
research information” prototype and implemented in
both technologies. We compared several key
features including applications request-handling,
content managements, safe delegation, security,
session handling, testing facilities, availability etc.
We have found that Zope has some advantages
over J2EE. Zope includes a built-in web server, a
content management system and a search engine. It
is free to download, does not need any special IDE
or any software beside a browser, as a developing
environment. It has a built-in “undo” facilities. In
Zope, it is very easy to create a new version of the
software. On the other hand, Zope suffers from lack
of standards, documentations and proper
management. It does not have proper session
handling technology and Zope components are not
stable like J2EE components. The learning curve is
steeper for Zope than J2EE technology. We believe,
Zope architecture needs to change to handle session
data properly and add better testing mechanism.
We have also found that J2EE components are
well-documented and built on standards. J2EE has a
very large number of users community and learning
resources. It has excellent facilities for handling
session data, testing facilities, online transactions,
concurrency controlling system and other services.
Most of the components are not free; it does not
have an easy “Undo” facilities. J2EE applications
are not easy to make a new version as Zope. J2EE
does not allow a site manager to safely delegate
control to a design expert, a database expert and a
content manager as Zope.
Having walked through the main features and
issues that any enterprise technology must address
and evaluated J2EE and Zope for each one, what do
we think about our respective causes or as a manager
which technology we would use for our next web
application? We would say that it depends; based on
application requirements or features involved in the
application, Zope can be superior over J2EE or vice
versa. For a customize application or where frequent
changing necessary (e.g. portal), Zope will be a
better choice. However, for a large web application
where session handling and testing issues are
crucial (e.g. online banking software), J2EE will be
more preferable.
Our future work includes developing a prototype
in both technologies where we can observe features
such as online transactions, concurrency control,
session handling, huge traffic handling, outside
attack vulnerabilities etc. We would also like to
contribute to Zope community to overcome Zope
weaknesses including session handling and testing
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