Xin Peng, Wenyun Zhao, Yijian Wu, Yunjiao Xue
Computer Science and Engineering Department, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Software Reengineering, CASE Tools, Reverse Engineering, Component.
Abstract: Reengineering presents a practical and feasible approach to transform legacy systems into evolvable
systems. Component-based systems are evolvable and can be easily reengineered. Object-oriented software
reengineering should base on component library and focus on seamlessly cooperating with component
library and assembly tool to construct the whole reengineering system. So the reengineering discussed here
concentrates on extracting components from legacy systems via comprehension and analysis. In this paper,
we present our java-based tool prototype FDReengineer and introduce the component extraction algorithm.
The method and the advantage is demonstrated through a case study.
Object-oriented method has been the mainstream of
software development. However, lack of experience
of OO design and immaturity of OO technology
during its development will make the existing
systems lack evolvability and such systems cannot
be easily adapted to meet the variety of requirements
by maintenance. Reengineering presents a practical
and feasible approach to transform legacy systems
into evolvable systems (Yao, G. et Al.).
The increasing complexity of today’s legacy
systems demands for automated tool support and
some commercial and academic tools are available,
such as JBPAS (Xie, T. et Al.), FAMOOS (Bär, H.
et Al.), McCabe IQ, etc.
Along with the development of CBSD
(Component-Based Software Development),
reengineering changes to focus on reconstructing
existing object-oriented systems to component-based
applications. Accordingly, the tool should also
support this orientation and be integrated seamlessly
with the component library. This paper presents a
package-spreading based component extraction
algorithm and the prototype is also introduced.
The paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2
introduces our prototype tool FDReengineer. Sect. 3
presents in detail the method we used in system
partition and component extraction. Sect. 4
demonstrates the advantage by contrasting our
method with other ones in a case study. Finally Sect.
5 draws our conclusions.
FDReengineer is the prototype of our tool, the kernel
task of which is to extract, filter, encapsulate and
submit components according to the concrete
reengineering requirements. In the forward process,
it cooperates with enterprise component libraries and
assembly platforms (Figure 1). Here are some
features of FDReengineer:
z UML diagrams generation: Two kinds of
class diagrams, namely global view and local view
are supported. The global view presents structure of
the whole system, while the local view concentrates
on single class by presenting the inner structure of
the class and the relations with other classes.
z Metrics: Some general metrics, such as
length of codes, depth of inheritance, are provided.
Especially for measurement of the tightness of a
package we define cohesion as below:
Here P is a package of classes (the package here is
not the term in Java, it only presents a set of classes),
(1) is the direct cohesion of package P, while (2) is
the indirect cohesion of package P.
)(|),()( brefersaPbPabaPR
Peng X., Zhao W., Wu Y. and Xue Y. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 399-402
DOI: 10.5220/0002513703990402
According to the RE2 (Reverse Engineering and
Reuse Reengineering), a reuse reengineering process
is modeled by five sequential phases: Candidature,
Election, Qualification, Classification and Storing,
Search and Display (Canfora, G. et al., 1955). This
is a clear reuse reengineering process aiming at
reuse reengineering of structural programs.
In object-oriented programs, classes are atomic
units. So we should aim at composing reusable
components from atomic classes by analyzing
relations between them. Components of higher
abstract levels can be composed of lower ones.
Class diagrams present the bottom structure of
legacy systems. In order to extract reusable
components for the forward engineering phase, the
tool must support the promotion of abstract level and
provide designs at a higher abstract level.
3.1 The process of extraction
In our method java classes are the atomic units of
partition. The initial partition object is the whole
system, including all the classes in it. At first the
whole system is divided into several subsystems
according to relations between classes. That is the
partition at the first abstract level. Then similar
operations can be done within each subsystem.
When performing partition within a subsystem, only
relations between classes of the current subsystem
will be taken into account.
Blocks of appropriate granularity will be
available when partition reaches certain abstract
level. The block here comprises some close related
classes and can be chosen as a candidate component
if certain functions are well encapsulated in it. So
candidate components are the results of certain
phase of partition. Granularities of candidate
components can vary a lot depending on different
business functions and aims of acquirement (for
public reuse or only for the reuse in reconstruction).
Generally, the granularity of business components
for single domain is relatively coarse, while
components for public reuse are finer.
3.2 The spread algorithm
Some methodologies for system partition have been
proposed, such as RBCI (Xin, et al.) and cluster
algorithm (Xu W., et al., 2003). Both of them treat
relations between classes as undirected ones, while
we know these relations, such as generalization,
dependency, aggregation etc, are all directed. On the
other hand, they view the relations as separate ones,
which only exist between two classes. The complex
relations among a set of classes are not taken into
The closure method is also a partition algorithm.
The closure here is a kind of transitive closure,
which is a recursively defined unit including all the
classes related directly or indirectly by each class in
it. The closure method is a rough way of component
extraction and a closure is often too unwieldy to turn
into a component.
In view of these shortcomings, we proposed our
spread algorithm. The improved method, which we
call the spread algorithm, is based on further
analysis of the reference relations. The spread
expands a package by performing spread on the
network of relations. Notice that the “package” is
just an organization unit here, which is not Java
package. The concrete algorithm is given as follow:
Step 1: The initial package is a collection of
entry classes (one or several).
Step 2: Pick out a class C from current package,
consider all the classes directly referenced by C and
determine whether a class should be added into the
package one by one by means of specific algorithms.
Step 3: Perform step 2 until each class of current
package is considered and the package does not
expand any more, then the spread stops.
Step 4: The one on which the last spread stopped
becomes new entry class if it is not covered by any
of the existing packages
Step 5: Repeat step 1-4 till each of the classes
take part in the partition is classified to certain
Entry classes are the start of spreading. Initially
the entry is often the class which has the largest
closure, e.g. the main class of whole system. More
entry classes may be needed if the system has
several independent branches. That ensures that all
the classes of the system can be reached from at
least one entry class via a reference chain.
diagrams, metrics…
Encapsulate and submit
Analyze source codes
Reverse phase
Forward phase
Read the data
election packing
Figure 1: Functional model of FDReengineer
During partition the evaluation criterion mainly
represents how closely the class under consideration
and the current package are related. For a class C
and a package P: Let,
and N is the set of all the classes,
RCi is the
relating degree between class
and C , then our
criteria combines three measurements below:
Refer operator represents directed relations, such as
generalization, dependency, aggregation etc. In these
factors, RCP represents the summation of relating
degrees between C and P; RCN represents the
summation of relating degrees between C and N;
refCP represents the number of the classes which
refer both class C and package P; refC represents the
number of the classes which refer both class C.
Calculation of the relating degree between two
classes are discussed in (Xin, et al.) and (Xu W., et
al., 2003). For example we can assume that:
generalization is 3, aggregation is 2 and dependency
is 1. Here we consider directed relations, that is,
only the situations that C is referred by other classes
are taken into account when considering whether C
should be added into P.
These factors represent different aspects of the
evaluation. The first one reflects the probability that
class C and package P are used together. The second
one shows to which extents C particularly serves P.
The third one describes the degree of class C as a
common function provider. The more widely a class
is used, the fewer score it can get from factor 3.
Each time when evaluating whether class C
should be added into package P, the tool calculates
the score got from these three factors and compares
it with the criterion specified to make the decision.
FDReengineer provides a default criterion according
to the level of each partition. Additionally, the user
can adjust the criterion at will, cancel the last
partition and redo it.
After this kind of partition, the legacy system is
divided into several parts. Some of them are close
organized subsystems, and the classes providing
common functions are picked out separately. The
resulting packages can be reused in the forward
phase. Some common ones can still be valuable in
other domains.
In the closure method all the classes under
consideration will be added into the package. In fact,
the closure method is a special case of the spread
method in condition of setting the criterion to 0. The
improved method has two advantages:
1) It can determine which package the class falls
into by means of specific algorithms in the case of
junction classes.
2) The classes which provide common functions
can be extracted separately.
Figure 2 shows an example of system partition.
If partition begins from class B, the resulting
package will be {B, E, F, I, J, K}. Class J and H will
repeat in several packages, since they provide
service for many classes.
Let we redo the partition by the spread method.
Suppose that the three factors are combined with the
scale of 3:1:1 and the criterion is 70 while the full
score is 100. So the full score of the three factors are
60, 20, and 20 respectively. We perform the partition
from B, so the initial package is {B}. Here are the
1) Consider the classes referred by B. The scores
of E and F are: 60+20+18.2=92.2, which is above
70, so they are added into the package. Now the
package is {B, E, F}. The score of J is:
36+12+10.9=58.9, so it should not be added here.
2) Consider I, J and K, which are referred by E.
The score of I is: 60+20+18.2=92.2, so it is added
into the package. Class J is considered again. Its
score is: 48+16+10.9=74.9, and it can be added into
current package this time. Now the package is {B, E,
F, I, J}. Class K will not be added because its score
is: 30+6.7+9.1=45.8.
3) All the classes referred by the classes in the
current package are considered, and no more classes
will be added. Therefore, this partition ends in a
package {B, E, F, I, J}.
Furthermore, class K will not fall into any
package of other classes. We will get a package only
containing K. This is what we expect, since K
provides service for many subsystems. Thus it can
be seen that this method can get a better effect.
The first partition of the legacy system produces
some subsystems, then partitions can be performed
on each subsystem using the same method. When
doing this, only the references between classes of the
subsystem will be taken into account. The right
criterion varies with the abstract level. According to
our experience, the partition at upper levels should
be loose to produce subsystems of coarse
Figure 2: An example of system partition
granularity, and tighten when the abstract level
lowers to get blocks of fine granularity.
3.3 Advanced partition strategies
The partition algorithm described in section 3.2 is
somewhat deficient in practical application. Some
advanced partition strategies are needed:
breakpoints setting: Packages gained from the
root probably contains entry classes of some
subsystems which are only referred by the root class.
That is disadvantageous if we want to acquire the
distinct partition of subsystems in vertical direction,
because these subsystems will not be separated from
the root by our algorithm. A breakpoint indicated
that the former spread will stop here, then it will
become the start of a new spread. In this way we can
get the subsystems in vertical direction.
UI separation: Another problem is that when
we concentrate on the extraction of business
components we must specially separate UI classes
from business classes. UI separation can make the
spread stop between UI classes and business classes.
Identification of UI class can be automated to some
extent, e.g. classes inheriting Java UI classes may be
identified as UI classes.
Figure 3 demonstrates a part of a store management
system, in which class DbUpdate provides functions
of database operation and DbSelect provides
functions of database query. ConnPool is a simple
connection pool. MyDbConnection is a wrapping
class of database connection. It is explicit that these
four classes compose a component providing
database service, other classes use DbUpdate and
DbSelect to perform database operations, such as
Class1 and Class2. So the perfect partition result is
packing these four classes together.
ConnPool only has dependency relation with the
other three classes, which is the weakest relation. If
we perform partition according to the RBCI
algorithm in (Xin, et al.) we can not achieve the goal.
If we adopt the spread algorithm we can obtain a
more perfect result package consisting of four
database operation classes.
CBSD presents a new framework for reengineering.
Reengineering tools should focus on producing
well-encapsulated reusable components under the
direction of the user. FDReengineer has gained a
good effect on component extraction. However, how
to determine the criterion and the scale to combine
the evaluation factors still needs further study. We
will further our research on these aspects.
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Figure 3: A segment of a store management system
Class1 Class2
DbUpdate DbSelect