M.J. Escalona
Department of Computer Languages and Systems. University of Seville. Spain
J.L. Cavarero
Laboratoire CNRS / I3S, Sophia – Antipolis. University of Nice, France
Keywords: Static model, class diagram, web
methodology, systematic process
Abstract: The class diagram has become more important since the object-oriented paradigm has acquired more
acceptance. This importance has been translated also in the new field of web engineering. However, in a lot
of cases, it is not easy to get the best class diagram in a problem. For this reason, it is necessary to offer
systematic processes (as cheaper and easier as possible) to give a suitable reference to the development
team. This work presents two different processes developed in the University of Nice and in the University
of Seville and applies them to the same problem comparing the results and getting some important
The object oriented paradigm has been the most
accepted in the last years to model software
information systems. The class diagram has been
assumed by, not only the research community, but
also by the company environment as the best model
to represent the static model of information systems.
The importance of the class diagram is also very
vious in web development (Desphande et al.,
2002). In the last years, most of the groups working
in web methodologies have accepted the class
diagram as the way to represent the conceptual data
model, that is, the static model in web environment
(Barry & Lang, 2001), (Koch, 2001) (Escalona &
Koch, 2004). Moreover, the developer who applies a
class diagram to represent his system can very often
discover that it is not easy to get a good class model.
(Cachero & Koch, 2002) (Insfran et al., 2002). For
this reason, the research community is looking for
systematic processes, ways and heuristics, which
help the developer to build the class diagram. But,
the reality is quite different, if we achieve a
comparative study on the actual methodologies
(Barry & Lang, 2001), (Koch, 2001) (Escalona &
Koch, 2004), we can deduce that they do not offer
suitable, easy and cheap processes to build the class
diagram from the requirement catalogue.
In this work, we present two systematic processes to
get the class diagram
from requirements. These
processes were applied to a real project develop in
Seville, which is presented in the third section, and
very interesting results were obtained.
If we analyse the different proposals in software
engineering and also in web engineering, we can
discover that all methodologies give a great
importance to this model (Barry & Lang, 2001),
(Koch, 2001) (Escalona & Koch, 2004). For this
reason, some research groups have worked in
developing systematic processes, which help in a
very easy, cheap and fast way to get this model.
Actually, there are very few systematic processes At
his point, we are going to present two proposals
which offer algorithms to get a class diagram in a
systematic and, even, automatic way.
2.1 NDT- Navigational development techniques
NDT(Escalona, 2004) is a methodological proposal
to specify a
nd analyse web information systems.
NDT development process can be defined as a
J.Escalona M. and L. Cavarero J. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Seventh Inter national Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 378-381
DOI: 10.5220/0002511103780381
bottom-up process. The development process is
focused on a very detailed definition of requirements
guided by objectives, which covers three subphases:
requirements capture, requirements definition and
requirements validation. The NDT process only
covers the first phase in the life cycle. It is a bottom-
up process where models are independent. Also, it is
important to note that the processes to get analysis
models from requirements are systematic. They can
even be automatic if the development team uses
NDT-Tool (Escalona et al., 2003, 2004), which is a
case tool that supports the NDT development
2.2.1 From storage requirements to the basic
conceptual model
In this work, only one of the systematic processes in
NDT is presented. This process allows you to get the
basic conceptual model starting with the storage
information requirements definition. At this point,
we are going to explain this process in a global way
(more information in (Escalona, 2004)).
As we said, in NDT, each requirement is dealt in
a different way depending on its type. One of the
most important is the group of storage information
requirements. These requirements describe the
information which the system deals with. To
describe this kind of requirements, NDT proposes a
special pattern. In table 1, an example of this pattern
is presented. The process is quite simple, each
storage requirement pattern expresses which
information should be stored in the system as an
abstract concept. For example, in table 1, we show
the information that the system has to store for each
monument. One of the most important fields in this
pattern is the specific data. The specific data field
describes which concrete information is stored and
its nature. For instance, for each monument, the
system stores the name. Its nature is String. The
nature can be of two kinds in NDT: the basic natures
or other storage requirements. Basic natures can be
String, Number, etc. When a specific data has a
nature of another storage requirement, it means that
the structure of this specific data is described in the
pattern of this storage requirement. For instance, in
table 1 the specific data “Conservation Data” has a
nature SR-02. It expresses that its structure is
described in the pattern SR-02.
Basically, in the systematic process, each storage
pattern produces a class. The specific data with basic
nature are translated into an attribute in this class.
The specific data with nature of another storage
requirement are translated in associations.
Table 1: A storage requirement definition.
SR-01 Information of the monument
OBJ-01: To manage the information of monuments
Description The system must store information about monuments.
Name and description Nature
Name: it’s the name of the monument. String
Address: it’s the address of the monument. String
… …
Typology: it’s the set of the monument
Image: it’s a set of images where the
monument appears.
Cardinality: 0..n
Specific data
Conservation data: it stores the piece
conservation studies.
Cardinality: 0..n
2.2 The Composition method
The Composition method (Cavarero & Lecat, 2000)
is a systematic process that starts with attributes and
methods. It proposes 4 steps to get the distribution of
these attributes and methods in classes, in the most
efficient way.
The process starts by identifying the methods and
attributes and by designing a matrix. The methods
are in columns and the attributes are put in rows.
Then, it is necessary to study how each method deals
with each attribute. If a method modifies one
attribute, a symbol O is included. If a method
consults but not modifies one attribute, we express
the relation with X. In our example, attributes and
methods are identified with NDT, so it is easier to
design the matrix which is presented in table 2.
Table 2: A part of the matrix.
Attribute m1 m2 .... m15 m16
Town X X X X
City X X X X
Code X X X X
Type O O
After designing the matrix, the next step is to study
the methods which modify any attribute. Each of
these methods is put in one class with the attributes
that they modify. In the third step, if two classes
have the same attributes or if the set of attributes in
one class is contained in another one, the two classes
are joined. After that, classes with common
attributes, but not contained, are connected. For
instance, if class A has the attributes A1, A2 and
class B has the attributes A1, A3, then attribute A1
is deleted in class B and in class A, a new public
Figure 1: The result of the application of NDT and the composition method.
method, getA1(), is added (to make it possible for
the method in B to read A1) and a relation between
A and B is created. In the last step, we add in the
diagram the methods that only consult attributes.
These methods must be added by trying to get the
least new relations as possible.
Since the last years, a lot of people and tourists are
interested in getting information about monuments
and cultural heritage. In Andalusia, in the south of
Spain, there is a public organization which manages
the information about monuments: the Andalusian
Institute of Historic Patrimony (IAPH, 2004). Some
years ago, this organization started to develop the
Information System of Andalusian Historical
Patrimony (SIPHA, 2004). This system stores
information about monuments in very different
media: image, text, documents, etc. It is a very big
system because in Andalusia there are a lot of
monuments. The system stores about 130 attributes
for each monument where we can find data like the
name of each monument, the name of its authors,
images of the monuments, etc. This amount of data
makes it necessary to design a class diagram very
efficiently to get the most suitable results.
Starting with the example of monuments, which was
completely specified by NDT, we reduced the
number of attributes and methods, working only
with the most significant We applied the NDT
method and the Composition method on a part of
this system, which contains originally 40 attributes
and 16 methods. The name of these attributes and
methods are quite intuitive, so we are not going to
explain all of them because the most interesting
issue is to show the results.
Figure 2: The final model.
In NDT the work started with the storage
information requirements patterns. The problem of
monuments was completely developed with NDT in
(Escalona et al., 2004)). In table 1, we can observe
one of them. From them the conceptual model A in
figure 1 was gotten. To apply the composition
method, the first task was to build the matrix. In
table 2 we present a part of the matrix for this
system. Applying the algorithm, we got the
conceptual model B in the figure 1. After the
application of the algorithms and, if we continue the
process in NDT and in the Composition method, we
can find that the final model is the same for both
methods. The classes Piece, PieceDescription,
PieceSituation and also PieceAnalysis, are joined in
the model of the Composition method and the
cardinalities of the other associations are the same as
in NDT. In NDT, the final distribution of the
methods is the same as in the Composition method.
In this way, the final model in both techniques is
shown in figure 2.
The necessity of offering systematic process and
tools to get class diagram, in an easy and cheap way,
has been detected by several research groups. This
work has presented two proposals that offer a guide
reference to build class diagrams.
The first one, NDT, is focused in patterns,
specific data and relations. The second one is
focused in methods and attributes. After applying
both proposals, it is very interesting to observe that
the results are quite similar, although they are
focused in different aspects. Moreover, the final
result in each of them is the same and also similar to
the real solution found in the IAPH.
These similar results allow us to guarantee that
both proposals are based on correct processes, they
only offer different ways to build class diagrams.
The application of both models is not difficult. Each
of them offers tools that allow us to apply them
automatically. For these reasons, in very complex
systems, with a lot of attributes, methods, uses cases
or storage requirements, it could be interesting to
apply both of them and compare the results.
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