AVATAR: A Flexible Approach to Improve the
Personalized TV by Semantic Inference
Yolanda Blanco Fernández, Jose J. Pazos Arias, Alberto Gil Solla and
Manuel Ramos Cabrer
Department of Telematic Engineering, University of Vigo, 36310, Spain
Abstract. Both the TV recommender systems and search engines developed in
the Internet are intended to lighten the user burden, by offering them automat-
ically the required information, personalized according to their preferences or
needs. In last years, with the goal of improving these search engines, an important
research line has been developed in the context of the WWW, known as the Se-
mantic Web. The Semantic Web describes the resources by metadata and reasons
on them by discovering new knowledge. Taking the advantage of the Semantic
Web in the field of the personalized TV, we propose an intelligent assistant named
AVATAR, which uses the semantic inference as a novel recommendation strategy.
This approach allows to overcome an important limitation identified in the per-
sonalization strategies adopted in other systems: an excessive similarity between
the programs known by the user and those suggested by the recommender. In
this regard, our approach diversifies and personalizes the elaborated recommen-
dations, by inferring semantic associations of different nature between the user
preferences and the suggested TV contents. This inference process requires a for-
mal representation both the knowledge of our application domain, and the user
preferences. In this regard, we resort to an OWL ontology to identify resources
and relations typical in the TV field, and to reason about them.
1 Introduction
The adoption of different standards for Digital TV (DTV) envisages a scenario in which
the users can access to a greater number of audiovisual contents, transmitted together
with interactive applications. This situation causes the viewers feel disoriented among a
massive amount of irrelevant information. To address effectively this problem it is nec-
essary to resort to tools —named TV recommender systems [1]— which lighten the user
burden by offering automatically programs personalized according to their preferences.
The functionality of these recommenders is very similar to the goal pursued by the
search engines developed in the Web, whose utility is undeniable due to the overwhelm-
ing information available for their users. In last years, the so-called Semantic Webhas
become a relevant research line. The Semantic Web uses metadata for describing the
Web resources, so machines can understand these descriptions and infer semantic rela-
tionships between them. Consequently, the search engines for the Semantic Web over-
come clearly the simple syntactic approach adopted in tools like Google.
Work supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Research Project TSI2004-03677
Blanco Fernández Y., J. Pazos Arias J., Gil Solla A. and Ramos Cabrer M. (2005).
AVATAR: A Flexible Approach to Improve the Personalized TV by Semantic Inference.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Web Personalisation, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces, pages 69-78
DOI: 10.5220/0001421100690078
Taking the advantage of the Semantic Web, the TV recommenders can also be
improved by including capabilities of semantic inference. This way, here we present
AVATAR (AdVAnced Telematic search of Audiovisual contents by semantic Reasoning),
a TV recommender which suggests to a user contents semantically related to those
he/she watched in the past. This novel recommendation strategy enhances the offered
suggestions by discovering appealing relationships, unknown in previous approaches.
Such relationships —named semantic associations are inferred from the knowledge
learned by our intelligent assistant.
Such inference process permits to overcome a drawback identified in previous rec-
ommendation approaches, that is, the excessive similarity between the contents known
by the user and those suggested by the system. To diversify the elaborated sugges-
tions, our proposal considers a complete classification of semantic associations of di-
verse nature. In this regard, the kind of discovered association and the diversification
are closely related in our approach: the more direct the inferred relationships between
the user preferences and the suggested programs, the less diversified this recommenda-
tion. Conversely, the discovery of indirect associations —not supported in the existing
approaches— allow to suggest varied TV contents. It is worth noting that the diversifi-
cation introduced in our system by the semantic inference is especially useful in the TV
domain, where neither viewing habits of the users nor their preferences follow a homo-
geneous pattern. Consequently, the different types of associations permit to adjust the
offered recommendation to each viewer, leading to successful personalized suggestions.
To carry out such inference process our system requires a mechanism to represent
formally the knowledge of our specific application domain. In the Semantic Web, one of
the well-known methodologies intended for this purpose are the ontologies. So, we have
implemented an ontology —using the OWL (Web Ontology Language) language—
where resources and relations typical in the TV domain (categories of programs, genres,
credits involved in them, etc.) have been identified by means of classes, properties and
specific instances. This way, our approach focuses on the explicit properties defined in
the TV ontology, with the goal of inferring implicit semantic associations between the
instances stored in this knowledge base.
On the other hand, taking into account that the ontologies are intended to reuse
efficiently the knowledge represented in them [2], our approach has also used the TV
ontology to model the user preferences, defined in personal profiles.
This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 reviews the related work and highlights
the main differences with the aims of our proposal. Sect. 3 presents the structure of
our OWL ontology and defines the user profiles handled in AVATAR. Sect. 4 describes
the recommendation strategy used in our tool, including a complete classification of the
supported semantic associations and explanatory examples. Finally, Sect. 5 summarizes
the main conclusions and discusses future work.
2 Related Work
The personalization of services, according to user preferences, can be located in the
80’s and bound to Internet. Personalization intends to resolve the problems caused by
the more and more available information, firstly in News groups and later in the WWW.
It is in this context where the three main categories of systems for contents personaliza-
tion are identified. From the perspective of the information which is analyzed to elab-
orate recommendations, the approaches can be classified in: (i) content-based methods
which compute personalized recommendations by comparing content representations
of previously liked items, with descriptions of items still unknown to the user; (ii) col-
laborative methods, which intend to recommend contents which have been interesting
for users with similar preferences; and (iii) hybrid methods, which combine both meth-
ods to meet their different advantages [3]. Some well-known recommenders are the
content-based NewsWeeder [4] and WebWatcher [5]; the collaborative Phoaks [6] and
GroupLens [7]; and the hybrid Fab [8].
We have explored personalization systems for programming guides in the TV do-
main. As in the Internet context, the final aim is to avoid users managing such a huge
amount of information. The first ones of these systems were offered from Web sites, for
instance PTV [9]. Users register themselves in the PTV server (Web site) and then they
can access to personalized programming guides presented as HTML or WML pages.
The system incorporates user profiles, content-based reasoning and collaborative meth-
ods to make recommendations. When registering a new user, the system creates a profile
which stores preferences about programs, channels, genres, timetables, etc.
These systems are able to provide a good service, as it is the case of PTVPlus,
successor of PTV. Today PTVPlus is working in UK and Ireland and it provides per-
sonalization services of about a hundred of TV channels to thousands of people. How-
ever, two main lacks can be identified: the way in which user information is gathered
to elaborate the profile, and the inability to maintain historic logs about what programs
have been watched by what users. So, in these systems, it is not possible to deploy
implicit techniques for managing the above information. The only solution is to use
an explicit technique which elaborates an initial profile –from the information entered
at registration– and after that, the feedback information (watched programs, changes in
preferences, etc) needed for the explicit interaction and collaboration of the user through
specific Web pages. Despite the fact that good recommendations can be achieved by this
explicit mechanism, it entails the user to do a lot of work. Unfortunately, the user is not
often willing to fill up a tedious form about his preferences, and then to access again
and again to the WWW server in order to mark the programs.
Several ingenious solutions have been proposed to solve the problem of storing
the user viewing history, such as the GuideRemote system. This proposal is based on
a universal remote control that, after being connected to a PC, is able to download
from the appropriate website the personalized programming guide for the following
seven days, being also able to maintain information about the TV programs previously
watched by the user and, after that, to inform the server. However, a personalization
system running in the user receiver should be the most logic solution because all the
information about the user and TV interaction is always available.
Having this information in mind, in this kind of systems is possible to set up implicit
learning techniques about user interests and behavior. Additionally, this information can
be continuously improved by taking into account all decisions adopted by the user any
time he interacts with the system. This allows a great reduction in the information that
must be explicitly given by the user so, in this case, the first time the user turns on the
system only must inform about a few characteristics to built a preliminary profile.
Therefore, it is possible to find recommender systems [10] based on a multiagent
architecture running in the user receiver. In these proposals specialized agents collab-
orate to obtain and combine the information broadcast with the information available
in the Internet about TV programming guides. Besides that, they are also able to learn
the user preferences and behavior in an implicit way, which allows having better rec-
ommendations in future. Likewise, [11] uses three different sources to build the user
profile: his implicit viewing history, his explicit preferences and his interaction with the
system. In this kind of systems, Bayesian techniques or those based on decision trees
are the most used to allow the implicit learning of profiles.
Our approach differs from these works, given that our proposal uses several mech-
anisms to represent the knowledge about the TV domain, taking the advantage of pre-
vious experience in the Semantic Web. In order to carry out inference processes, our
system requires generic descriptions about TV programs, that is, metadata about these
TV contents.
Our proposal is based on finding out semantic relations between TV programs, by
reasoning about the content descriptions provided by their metadata. The issue of the
inference of complex relations has been only addressed out of the TV domain. Specif-
ically, [12] defines this kind of associations for national security applications over a
RDF(S) set. Its goal is to discover relationships between two instances specified by
the user. Our approach differs from it because AVATAR stems from the viewer pref-
erences, and finds out which contents are semantically related to them in a significant
way. In other words, [12] resorts to two instances and AVATAR considers only one and
discovers the second one, that is, the set of suggested programs.
3 Background
3.1 The TV Ontology
In the Semantic Web, ontologies are well-known methodologies for representing the
knowledge of a specific application domain. In our proposal we have also resorted to
an ontology, implemented using the OWL language, to conceptualize the TV domain.
This ontology, referred to as O, consists of two parts: (i) A knowledge base (KB
which contains classes and properties hierarchically organized, and (ii) a description
base (DB
) containing a set of instances of these classes related by the properties
contained in KB
. These instances are TV programs of different categories, actors,
directors involved in them, genres, etc.
To identify relations among different resources, the concept of property sequences [12]
is used. A property sequence P S is defined as a finite set of properties [P
, P
, . . ., P
which joins different classes stored in the knowledge base of the ontology O. This way,
the length of a sequence is defined as the number of properties contained in it.
Given that this ontology contains specific instances of each class, it is also possible
to define a property sequence instance, represented by lower case letters. So, ps is a
chain of properties which join different instances present in DB
. The first node of
C. Eastwood
Stadium Amsterdam Arena
F. Alonso
D. Beckham
Quiz Shows
Stadium Yokohama Julia Roberts
hasParticipant CollaboratesIn
Fig.1. Excerpt of DB
the instance ps is named origin, and the last one terminus. Besides, two functions have
been used to return the classes contained in the sequence P S PS.NodesOfPS()
and the instances contained in ps ps.PSNodesSequence().
Just as its name suggests, a property sequence P S (and an instance ps) fulfills that
the class (instance) which appears as range in the property P
, is the same one which
figures as domain in P
. To clarify the above concepts, an excerpt of our ontology is
shown in Fig. 1, where the circles represent specific instances of classes with the same
name, the arrows are properties, and the rectangles are concrete values of data types.
Here we can see different property sequences. For example, in the left side of the
figure, the sequence ps = [hasStarringActor, producerOf, hasPlace, hasName] is shown.
This property sequence allows to identify an action movie in which Clint Eastwood is
involved as starring actor. Besides, this actor is also producer in a terror movie happened
in the Stadium Amsterdam Area. This way, the nodes of this sequences are the follow-
ing instances: ps.PSNodesSequence() = [Action Movies, Actors, Terror Movies,
Sport Places], where Action Movies is the origin and Sport Places is the terminus of the
sequence. On the other hand, the nodes contained in the set PS.NodesOfPS()would
be the classes to which these instances belong. Note that in Fig. 1, we are representing
instances and therefore, here Action Movies is a concrete instance of the class identified
with the same name.
Next, we show how the knowledge represented in O is efficiently reused to model
the user preferences.
3.2 The User Profiles
Each user profile defined in AVATAR stores personal information about the user and
his/her preferences. To model these preferences we have used a dynamic subset of our
OWL ontology, built incrementally by adding new classes, properties and instances
extracted from O — as the system knows additional information about his/her interests.
For that reason, these profiles are named in AVATAR ontology-profiles. Specifically,
when AVATAR knows a new content, the system adds to the profile: (i) this instance,
(ii) the class referred to it, (iii) the hierarchy of superclasses defined in KB
related to
this class and finally, (iv) some properties defining the main characteristics of this TV
For example, let us suppose that a user watched a Formula 1 race in which the driver
Fernando Alonso is involved, and the action movie starring Clint Eastwood mentioned
in the previous section. In this case, AVATAR adds to the user profile the instances Ac-
tion Movies and Formula1 Broadcasting shown in Fig. 1, the classes to which these
instances belong (they are classes with the same name than the mentioned instances),
the superclasses Sport Programs and Broadcasting Programs, with respect to Formula1
Broadcasting, and the superclasses Movies with respect to Action Movies. Finally, some
properties are also included in the user ontology-profile, such as hasStarringActor, has-
Driver, etc, together with their respective values.
It is worth noting that the ontology-profiles handled in AVATAR improve greatly
the plain lists adopted in previous approaches. These lists allows to define the user
preferences, but not organize them in a structural and hierarchical way, causing that
discovery of new knowledge is clearly hampered.
On the other hand, to maintain the user preferences permanently updated, our pro-
posal defines three indexes related to each class and each instance contained in his/her
profile. These indexes are updated in an automatic way from the actions carried out by
the TV viewer as we describe in [13]. They are the DOI (Degree Of Interest), the Confi-
dence and the Relevance indexes. The former one measures the level of interest referred
to each class/instance; the second one quantifies the success or failure of the system in
the previous recommendations; and, finally, the Relevance index —which combines the
previous ones— is used to rank the suggested programs. Finally, note that user profiles
store both those contents the user likes (called positive preferences) and those he/she
dislikes (negative preferences).
4 A Recommendation Strategy based on Semantic Inference
Once formalized the TV ontology and the user profiles, we describe the cornerstone of
our recommendation process: the semantic associations supported in our approach.
4.1 The Semantic Associations
The semantic associations included in our approach are built taking as a starting point
the relations established between the properties, and between the property sequences
defined in O. First, we formalize the information used to define these relations.
Let P S
= [P
, . . . , P
] and P S
= [Q
, . . . , Q
] be two property sequences,
and ps
and ps
two instances of them, respectively.
Our approach defines a relation between any pair of properties as follows:
- Semantic Nexus between Properties (
): P and Q are related by a semantic
nexus —denoted as P
Q— if either of the conditions is satisfied: (i) they the same
property, (ii) P is superproperty of Q, (iii) Q is superproperty of P or (iv) P and Q are
sibling properties.
Example 1: In Fig. 1 we can establish several semantic nexus between properties:
for instance, producerOf
presentedOf is true because both properties are sibling.
Analogously, hasSupportingActress
hasStarringActor is also verified.
Regarding the property sequences, two relations between them can be defined:
- ρ - Isomorphic Property Sequences (
). P S
and P S
are ρisomorphic
denoted as P S
— if all their properties are related by semantic nexus one-to-
one, that is: i, 0 i m, P
is verified.
Example 2: Let us consider the sequences shown below. For clarity, the classes are
represented in italics, and the properties in brackets.
: Soap Operas [hasSupportingActress] Actresses [presenterOf] Quiz Shows
: Action Movies [hasStarringActor] Actors [producerOf] Terror Movies
Taking into account the semantic nexus shown in Example 1, it is not hard to see
that the above sequences are ρ-isomorphic.
- Joined Property Sequences (
). P S
and P S
are joined P S
if they contain at least a common class. In other words, P S
is verified if
.NodesOfPS() P S
.NodesOfPS() is a nonempty set. This way, a join class C (i.e.
.NodesOfPS() P S
.NodesOfPS()) is named join node.
Example 3: The sequence properties P S
: Terror Movies [hasPlace] Sport Places
and P S
: Sporting Events [hasPlace] Sport Places, share the join node Sport Places,
and consequently they are ρ-joined.
Taking into account the aforementioned relations, [12] defines significant semantic
associations between two entities defined in a RDF(S) set. Some of them are especially
useful in our recommendation process, and, for that reason, they have been assumed in
our approach. A brief review of such associations is presented here:
I. ρ - pathAssociated: ρ - pathAssociated (x,y) is true if there exists a property
sequence instance ps and, either x and y are the origin and terminus of ps respectively,
or vice versa, i.e. y is origin and x is terminus.
Example 4: We can illustrate this kind of semantic association by resorting to any of
the property sequences shown in previous examples. So, we can define the sequence ps
by extracting specific instances of the classes shown in P S
in Example 2. This way, it is
possible to define an association ρ-pathAssociated between the instance corresponding
to the soap opera represented in Fig. 1, and the instance referred to the quiz show.
II. ρ - joinAssociated: Let P S
and P S
be two joined property sequences with a
join node C (i.e. P S
). Besides, assume that there exist ps
and ps
contain two instances —equal or different— belonging to this class C.
ρ - joinAssociated (x,y) is true if (i) x is the origin of ps
and y is the origin of ps
or (ii) x is the terminus of ps
and y is the terminus of ps
Example 5: Considering the joined property sequences P S
and P S
defined in
Example 3, it is possible to define two sequences ps
and ps
by extracting specific
instances of the classes Terror Movies, Sporting Events and Sport Places. So, an associ-
ation of the form ρ-joinAssociated is established between the terror movie represented
in Fig. 1, and the sporting event. Note that the join node is the Sport Places class, how-
ever ps
y ps
contain different instances of this class: ps
is related to the stadium
Amsterdam Arena and, on the other hand, ps
is referred to the stadium Yokohama.
III. ρ - isoAssociated. ρ - isoAssociated (x,y) is true if there exist two ρ-isomorphic
property sequences P S
and P S
(P S
), and there exist ps
and ps
origins are x and y, respectively.
Example 6: This example is easy to extract from the isomorphic property sequences
and P S
shown in Example 2. So, an association of the form ρ-isoAssociated is
established between specific instances corresponding to the soap opera starring Julia
Roberts, and the action movie where Clint Eastwood is involved (in Fig. 1, ρ - isoAsso-
ciated (Soap Operas, Action Movies)).
With the goal of enhancing the inferential processes in AVATAR, several semantic
associations not considered in [12], are defined in our proposal. Taking into account the
necessary balance between the personalization and the diversification of recommenda-
tions, we propose the so-called mixed semantic associations, by taking as a starting
point the ρ-pathAssociated association, given that it is the most direct and meaningful
relationship out of the ones described in [12]. These mixed associations are shown next.
IV. ρ - join-pathAssociated. Just as its name suggests, this association mixes the
following ones: ρ - pathAssociated and ρ - joinAssociated. So, ρ - join-pathAssociated
(x,z) is true if either of the conditions is satisfied:
( ρ - pathAssociated (x,y) and ρ - joinAssociated (y,z) ) or
( ρ - joinAssociated (x,y) and ρ - pathAssociated (y,z) )
Example 7: In Fig. 1, the associations ρ-pathAssociated (Formula 1 Broadcasting,
Sport Documentaries) and ρ-joinAssociated (Sport Documentaries, Soccer Broadcast-
ing) can be identified. Consequently, the association ρ-join-pathAssociated (Formula 1
Broadcasting, Soccer Broadcasting) is direct.
V. ρ - cp-pathAssociated. Similarly, ρ - cp-pathAssociated (x,z) is true if:
( ρ - pathAssociated (x,y) and ρ - cpAssociated (y,z) ) or
( ρ - cpAssociated (x,y) and ρ - pathAssociated (y,z) )
VI. ρ - iso-pathAssociated. Finally, ρ - iso-pathAssociated (x,z) is satisfied if:
( ρ - pathAssociated (x,y) and ρ - isoAssociated (y,z) ) or
( ρ - isoAssociated (x,y) and ρ - pathAssociated (y,z) )
4.2 The Process of Recommendation
The open and modular architecture proposed for AVATAR [14] allows to add new rec-
ommendation strategies without including significant modifications. For its novelty in
the personalization domain, here we focus on the strategy based on semantic inference
proposed in this paper. Regarding this, two phases can be distinguished:
- Phase of Semantic Inference: First, AVATAR explores the property sequences
defined in DB
whose origin are instances contained in the user ontology-profile. The
associations supported in our proposal are easy to infer by stemming from these se-
quences. For that purpose, it is only necessary to check if the conditions shown in
Sect. 4.1 for each kind of association, are verified by these sequences. For example,
two sequences which share a common class originate an association of the form ρ-
joinAssociated between their respective origins (or terminus).
It is worth noting that in order to avoid retrieving a massive amount of meaningless
associations, our approach resorts to a filtering methodology previous to the aforemen-
tioned inference. This methodology ignores those instances of the analyzed sequences
which are not relevant enough according to the personalization requirements, and re-
trieves only significant associations. Obviously, the quantification of such relevance
depends on the user preferences: if an instance is closely related to the programs the
user liked, this one is not filtered and consequently, it will be contained in the inferred
semantic associations. This phase returns a set of programs semantically related to the
user preferences, together with the type of discovered association.
- Phase of Ranking: This list of programs must be ranked and shown to the users.
In this process AVATAR considers two factors. The first one is the index Relevance of
each instance in the user profile (remember Sect. 3.2). Note that if a program is very
appealing for the user, its relevance index takes high values. This way, those inferred
programs which are related to the user preferences with highest relevance, will be rank
in provisional top positions of the suggestion. To confirm this position in the recommen-
dation, AVATAR resorts to some parameters relevant in a personalized TV environment,
such as the age rating of the program, the viewer favorite time for watching TV, etc.
5 Conclusions and Further Work
In this paper we have proposed AVATAR, a recommender system which takes the ad-
vantage of the Web Semantic and extends it to the domain of personalized TV. Its main
contribution is a reasoning process about the user preferences and descriptions of TV
contents. The recommendation strategy applied in our tool is based on suggesting a
user TV programs which are semantically related to those watched in the past. Our
approach differs from other existing proposals because semantic inference capabilities
have never been considered in a personalization environment. Such inference process
allows AVATAR to adjust in a flexible way to the kind of suggestion required by each
viewer: if the user wants to watch programs similar to ones he liked in the past, AVATAR
infers very direct associations between the suggested programs and his/her preferences.
On the contrary, if the user does not mind watching varied programs, less similar to
those he knows but always related to them, our inference methodology considers in-
direct associations. So, AVATAR discovers contents especially appealing for the user
which would not be suggested by previous approaches.
It is worth noting that our inference methodology is not only valid for the TV do-
main. As mentioned in Sect. 4.2, the phase of inference reasons about a generic OWL
ontology and the user preferences, by discovering semantic associations meaningful ac-
cording to his personal interests. On the contrary, those parameters specific of the TV
domain are considered in a separate phase (the phase of ranking). Such decomposition
favors the reuse of our inference approach in other personalization applications.
For example, our proposal could be applied in recommender systems for the Se-
mantic Web, where few proposals have been defined up to now. So, a possible example
for motivating the usefulness of our approach in the Semantic Web, could be a system
which suggests to a user travel destinations, by considering relations between coun-
tries according to their customs, culture, etc. For that purpose, it is only necessary to
conceptualize this new domain by an OWL ontology, and to know the user preferences.
At this moment, we have a first prototype of AVATAR by which appealing recom-
mendations have been obtained. Our goal is to extend these encouraging results to a real
scenario with a greater number of users. For that reason, we are working on statistical
studies by considering different population groups with diversified characteristics, such
as genre, age, cultural level, etc. This way, we evaluate the usefulness of the semantic
inference as novel recommendation strategy both in the TV domain and out of it.
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