Delfina Malandrino
Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni “R.M. Capocelli”
a di Salerno
Via S. Allende, Baronissi (SA), 84081, Italy
Vittorio Scarano
Dipartimento di Informatica ed Applicazioni “R.M. Capocelli”
a di Salerno
Via S. Allende, Baronissi (SA), 84081, Italy
HTTP proxy, programmable proxy, edge services.
In this paper, we present the state of the art in the field of programmability in HTTP proxies. In particular, we
first deal with programmability and show how it is a crucial requirement to easily realize and assemble edge
services that can enhance the quality and the user perception of the navigation into a crowded and confusing
World Wide Web. Then, we compare some of the most used HTTP proxies to provide an analysis of their
programmability and, finally, show some evidence of successful edge services realized on top of existing
programmable HTTP proxy frameworks.
The architecture of the World Wide Web has under-
gone a significant change in the last 10 years. The
simple client-server architecture, that was one of the
key factors of the World Wide Web success, has been
integrated with multiple interconnected nodes dis-
seminated across the Internet so that end-users can ex-
perience advanced services with better performances
(low latency), fault tolerance and high availability.
Despite the success of these architectures, the in-
troduction of new services into existing networks is
often an expensive and time-consuming process. In
order to improve and simplify this process, crucial has
become the requirement of programmability in all the
Internet infrastructures. A programmable infrastruc-
ture offers a quick prototyping and assembling of new
services as well as easy and responsive modifications
of existing ones.
In this research area, the interest is mainly devoted
to frameworks that make possible an easy develop-
ment of new services as well as enhancing the ex-
isting core functionalities of the distributed environ-
ments that provide such services.
Proxy servers are intermediary entities that can be
placed anywhere along an information stream in the
content path between origin server and client systems
aiming to improve the performance of the WWW and
its scalability.
Intermediaries can be developed in order to pro-
vide intelligent services beyond simple and tradi-
tional caching and content replication services. These
value-added services, also called edge services, in-
clude content adaptation and personalization, local-
ization, content aggregation, mobility and ubiquitous
access to the Internet content.
The edge of the network is a point that resides in
the path between clients and servers where content
processing is requested. Many are the potential places
where edges can store and change content or provide
services, in particular (for our purposes) examples are
proxy servers.
The goal of the paper is to show how proxy
servers represent the ideal place for adding program-
mability functionalities. For example, intermediaries
could choose to handle the request immediately, exe-
cute content processing to produce and deliver value-
added content, access resources on remote locations
and so on. By splitting the issuing of the requests
from making and managing them, it is possible to in-
crease the flexibility (newfunctionalities can be added
without changing the existing ones) and the power of
the Web.
Organization of the paper: In the following section,
Malandrino D. and Scarano V. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 231-238
DOI: 10.5220/0001233802310238
we briefly described how simple proxy services have
evolved into complex edge services. Then we de-
tail, in Section 3, what we mean by a programmable
infrastructure. In Section 4 we describe how each
programmable proxy infrastructure is rated against
the dimensions we outlined before. Finally, in Sec-
tion 5 we describe some advanced edge services that
can be obtained only by leveraging on highly config-
urable and programmable proxy infrastructures and
conclude the paper in Section 6 with some final re-
As the nature of the services delivered by the Web
grew more and more rich and heterogeneous, it be-
came necessary to design and implement more and
more elaborate caching strategies and infrastructures
that later evolved into the “Content Delivery Net-
works” (CDNs) (B. Krishnamurthy, 2001) that, first,
introduced the concept of “Edge” of the network.
While content networks create a virtual overlay of
Edge intermediary servers, on the top of the packet
network, for an efficiently delivering of customized
content to the end users, the Edge Services Overlay
Network moves one step further, by providing a ser-
vices infrastructure that involve the development of
another intelligent overlay network around CDNs.
The idea of the Edge overlay networks is to de-
velop and deploy software entities, strategically dis-
tributed through the network, to provide content adap-
tation and other complex functionalities (personaliza-
tion, location-aware data insertion, etc) on the data
flow exchanged between clients and servers. These
software entities must be able to provide a value-
added on the content delivered to end users and, in
the meantime, ensure robustness, high availability and
scalability performance.
Intermediary software infrastructures exhibit fea-
tures that match the above requirements. They realize
a transparent deployment by appearing as a client for
existing servers and as a server for existing clients,
reduce requirements on clients and complexity on
servers and, finally, they are able to provide com-
plex intermediary functionalities, without involving
software/hardware modifications both on client and
server systems. In addition, it is well-know that prox-
ies are essential to improve Internet access by reduc-
ing user-perceived latency and assure a better quality
of services, to which WWW users are most interested
Intermediary systems, layered on existing network
infrastructures, can be easily programmed and de-
ployed to operate as an overlay network of connected
or cooperative components in order to efficiently pro-
vide advanced edge services.
Many are the application fields of edge computing
services that our vision encompasses: from the geo-
graphical personalization of the navigation of pages,
with insertion/emphasis of content that can be related
to user geographical location, to translation services
(IBM Almaden Research Center, 1999); from sup-
port for group navigation and awareness (Barrett and
Maglio, 1998; Calabr
o et al., 2003) for social navi-
gation (Barra et al., 2002) to advanced services for
bandwidth optimization such as adaptive compression
and format transcoding (Ardon et al., 2003a; Hori
et al., 2000; WebSphere, ). A particularly useful ap-
plication field for edge services is the accessibility
of Web sites. These applications are usually heavy-
weight and therefore, assuring their scalability is par-
ticularly critical. A typical example is an ubiqui-
tous service that provides text-to-speech (Barra et al.,
2003) translation of the pages navigated by the user,
regardless of the location and configuration of the lo-
cal machine (i.e. without installing particular soft-
Of course “traditional” proxy services like caching
can be further enhanced by combination with ad-
vanced edge services: an example can be offering
the user a “search engine” that operates only on
cached/personalized/translated pages.
In this section we introduce a detailed taxonomy of
characteristics that intermediary systems should ex-
hibit for quick development and easy deployment of
advanced edge computing services. In particular we
identify and investigate the following important fea-
With this term we mean the requirement of changing
or updating the functionalities provided by a software
infrastructure as well as the possibility to entirely de-
velop new intermediary services. The core function-
alities must be initially provided and off-loaded into
the intermediary infrastructure and, after program-
mers must develop and deploy new application ser-
Programming under existing intermediaries cannot
involve the same power, efficiency, and generality like
developing an open system from scratch. This means
that we need of an execution environment, in which
a compositional framework should provide the ba-
sic components for developing new services, and a
programming model to make this execution environ-
ment a programmable environment. Such program-
ming model should provide APIs, software libraries
and languages (object-oriented or others), for pro-
gramming and deploying new services into the inter-
mediary infrastructure.
Moreover, by enhancing the distinction between
the core network infrastructure and the programming
model for developing new services, programmers can
develop services without taking care of details con-
nected to scalability, fault tolerance and availability.
With this term we mean the requirement of configur-
ing the set of services that can be invoked during Web
transactions. In particular we can distinguish into two
types of possible configurations: (a) a simple config-
uration for adding, removing, enabling or disabling
functionalities and (b) a more detailed configuration
in which service parameters can be specified by ask-
ing the user to fill-out Web-based forms (for example
by providing a downgrade quality image for an im-
age transcoding service). In this context another im-
portant requirement concerns the possibility to load,
install and execute new services at run-time without
recompiling and restarting the running software in-
Finally service parameters could be specified
through a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to simplify
the process of services configuration. Moreover, that
GUI could to appear useful for monitoring the behav-
ior of the system (invoked services, HTTP requests
and responses, etc).
With this term we mean the need to address the is-
sues of the existing and emerging wireless and mobile
technologies that require content adaptation and dy-
namic reconfiguration based on the specific context:
limited devices capabilities (i.e. small screen sizes)
limited or intermittent connection to the wired net-
work, etc.
Centralized or Distributed System Architecture.
The architecture of a software intermediary architec-
ture can be expressed by components that can be in
execution on a single host (centralized architecture)
or, rather, by components that are distributed on dif-
ferent hosts and that collaborate to provide Internet
services and other complex functionalities such as
load balancing, fault tolerance, high availability and
performance scalability.
Lifecycle support of applications.
This requirement is needed to support the deploy-
ment and un-deployment of proxy services, by mak-
ing these tasks automatic and accessible by both lo-
cally and remote locations. Application deployment
is an important system functionality that allows client
to anytime-anywhere access to provided services and
applications. By making the deployment an automatic
task (i.e. wizard) it is possible to add new functional-
ities into the intermediary system without taking care
of the complexity of the system itself, and without
manipulating and changing system configuration files
(which is a typical error-prone task).
Active deployment allow to add new services into
the network or to customize existing ones to math new
application demands without restarting or reconfigur-
ing Web proxy systems that host the services.
User Profiling represents the an efficiently way,
within mobile and ubiquitous environments, to pro-
vide personalized services according to the more and
more different and heterogeneous client devices that
have access to the more and more dynamic and in-
teractive Internet content. Users profiles are also im-
portant to make difference between groups of users.
If the intermediary system supports this functionality,
some authentication mechanism must be provided.
Services activation.
An important feature that a distributed service in-
frastructure could exhibit is the mechanism for ser-
vices activation. A rule-based services activation can
be useful to dynamically determining the data path
through the various components (that provide the ser-
vices) allowing arbitrarily complex boolean expres-
sions instead of simple URL and content-type match-
ing. Such rules should be dynamically modified to
add or remove services, or to change their conditions.
Maintainability of software.
Finally, an important feature concerns the availabil-
ity (source code) of the developed software in order
to ensure a swift adaptation of the software to the
demands for new advanced services. In fact, open-
source software is considered the most efficient so-
lution when system infrastructure has to be easily ex-
tended and enhanced with new system functionalities.
In this section we briefly describe the interemediary
systems that are, then, compared in Table 1.
RabbIT. RabbIT (RabbIT, ) is a Web HTTP proxy
that accelerates the delivery of Web contents to end
users by compressing text pages and images, by re-
moving unnecessary parts of HTML pages (back-
ground images, advertisements, banners, etc.) and fi-
nally by caching filtered documents before forward-
ing them to the clients.
RabbIT proxy, written in Java, has a modular archi-
tecture that allow an easy definition and implementa-
tion of new functionalities. In addition, these modules
can be configured at runtime (no parameter configu-
ration is provided), but we need to restart the proxy to
keep all chosen settings.
RabbIT Web proxy is characterized by a central-
ized structure, it is programmable, partially config-
urable (no services parameters are allowed), it does
not provide support for adaptability, user profiling and
automatic deployment. New services (filters) can be
added to the proxy but we need to access configura-
tion files and manually specify new settings.
Muffin. Muffin (Muffin, 2004) is a Web HTTP
proxy that provides functionalities to remove cookies,
kill GIF animations, remove advertisements, add, re-
move, or modify any HTML tag, remove Java applets
and Javascript code, etc.
It is programmable and configurable proxy, new
services or filters can be developed through a set of
provided APIs and can be added at runtime, using the
provided graphical interface, without restarting the
WebCleaner. WebCleaner (Webcleaner, ) is a filter-
ing HTTP proxy that provides functionalities for re-
moving advertisements, banners, flash and javascript
code, for reducing image (by size) and compressing
HTML pages (with gzip), etc.
WebCleaner proxy is programmable and highly
configurable, but it does not provide support for user
profiling. New services can be added into the system
through a graphical user interface. Through this GUI
new Filter Modules can be added by specifying ap-
propriate configuration parameters.
FilterProxy. FilterProxy (FilterProxy, 2002) is a
modular HTTP proxy that provides functionalities for
compressing HTML pages, image transcoding, etc. It
is programmable and highly configurable, new ser-
vices (or filters) can be dynamically added to the sys-
tem, and their configuration is realized through web-
based forms, or editing a configuration file. Services
can be chained in order to provide complex function-
alities. FilterProxy is written in perl, and is quite fast.
Privoxy Web Proxy. Privoxy (Privoxy, 2004) is a
Web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for
protecting privacy, modifying Web page content, con-
trolling access, and removing advertisements, ban-
ners, pop-ups, etc.
Privoxy has a very flexible configuration and can
be customized according to individual user needs.
Specifically, Privoxy can be configured with various
configuration files. By typing a specific URL into
the Web browser it is possible to select a set of ac-
tions and Privoxy’s configuration parameters can also
be viewed at the same page.
It provides a set of API and a detailed documenta-
tion on how to develop and deploy new services.
WBI. Web Based Intermediaries (WBI) is a dy-
namic and programmable framework, developed at
IBM Almaden Research Center (IBM Almaden Re-
search Center, 1999), whose main goal is to personal-
ize the Web by realizing an architecture that simplify
the develop of intermediary applications. WBI de-
fines a programming model that can be used to imple-
ment all form of intermediaries, from simple server
functions to complex distributed applications. WBI is
freely usable but its sources are not publicly available.
A WBI transaction is defined as a complete HTTP
request-response and flows through a combination of
the four type of basic stages, called MEGs: RequestE-
ditor and Editor MEGs, that modify HTTP requests
and responses respectively, the Generator MEG that
given an HTTP request produce the corresponding re-
sponse and finally, the Monitor MEG that monitors
HTTP requests and response without modify them at
all. A group of such MEGs is called WBI plugin.
WBI provides a rule-based system for dynamically
determining the data path through the various MEGs
allowing complex boolean expressions. With WBI,
rules can be dynamically altered to add or delete
MEGs, or to change their firing condition. Finally
the WBI GUI provides a convenient way to manage
and administer WBI, and to help users to debug the
plugins loaded into the proxy.
AT&T Mobile Network iMobile. iMobile (Rao
et al., 2001) is a proxy-based platform designed to
provide personalized mobile services. It provides a
modular architecture that support accesses from vari-
ous mobile devices to various information spaces.
The main component of iMobile platform is iProxy
(AT&T Labs-Research, 2002), a programmable proxy
server that provides an environment for develop-
ing personalized services, which are implemented as
building blocks in Java.
The modularity into the iMobile framework is
achieved through three different abstractions: (a) de-
vlets, that support the provision of iMobile services
to different type of mobile devices, (v) infolets, that
provide a communication mechanism between iMo-
bile servers and the information sources, and (c) the
applets, that encapsulate the services functionalities.
The iMobile project was subsequently extended
into e new project, iMobile EE (Chen et al., 2003), to
address the requirements of security, high availability
and performance scalability.
eRACE. The extensible Retrieval Annotation
and Caching Engine (eRACE) (Dikaiakos and
Zeinalipour-Yiazti, 2001a) is a modular, program-
mable and distributed intermediary infrastructure
whose main goal is to provide personalized services
for a wide range of client devices (Desktop PC,
mobile and thin clients), such as, personalization,
customization, filtering, aggregation, transformation
both on wireline and wireless Internet. The client
requests are scheduled for execution by an eRACE
scheduler which can implement different policies
for load balancing. Authentication and profiling are
managed by a Service Manager integrated into the
The most important component of the system
is WebRACE (Dikaiakos and Zeinalipour-Yiazti,
2001b) a proxy system that deals with WWW in-
formation. It consists of a Web crawler, a filtering
processor and an object cache. These components
can be distributed on several nodes and communicate
through socket links.
TACC. The BARWAN project (Katz et al., 1996)
by UC/Berkeley has the goal to provide intermediary
systems to support ubiquitous access to Internet ser-
vices from mobile and thin clients. An important sys-
tem component of this project is the programmable
proxy architecture, TACC, that acts as intermediary
between servers and mobile clients.
The main component of the TACC compositional
framework is the worker, that encapsulates the service
functionality. Workers, that represent the building
blocks of TACC applications, can be chained in or-
der to provide more complex functionalities, such as
transformation, aggregation, caching and customiza-
tion of Web content (Brewer et al., 1998; Fox et al.,
1998a). Other modules handle user profiling and
provide mechanisms for load balancing and fault-
ALAN. ALAN, acronym of Application Level Ac-
tive Network (Fry and Ghosh, 1999), is a network ar-
chitecture that provides mechanisms to dynamically
load code, or proxylet, to facilitates Web content de-
livery (MacLarty and Fry, 2001). Communications is
enhanced by Dynamic Proxy Server that are located at
strategic points along the content path between client
and server.
Proxylet can be downloaded, as JAR archive,
from HTTP servers into a Dynamic Proxy Server
infrastructure, making their deployment very easy
(URL to reference proxylets). The main contribu-
tions of this approach are: (a) the fast deployment
of new communication services on demand without
the drawbacks of the Active Networks (deployment
of new elements at network routers) and (b) a plat-
form that provide flexible and value-added services
(WWW streaming audio, WWW compression, etc).
WebPADS. WebPADS (Chuang and Chan, 2005),
acronym of Web Proxy for Actively Deployable Ser-
vices, provides a framework that facilitates the devel-
opment of add-on services or mobilets, which can be
actively deployed and migrated across Web proxies,
according to the dynamic changes in wireless envi-
WebPADS, developed in Java, provides a set of
APIs for developing mobilets and mobile appli-
cations. Prototype implementations, to prove the
framework’s benefits, include compression and image
transcoding services.
Finally, mobilets can be chained together in a
nested order to allow service aggregation and an easy
reconfiguration if changes in the mobile environments
MARCH. MARCH (Ardon et al., 2003b) is a dis-
tributed content adaptation architecture that provides
functionalities for adapting Web content according to
the capabilities of client devices that access to Internet
While MARCH enables the creation of an over-
lay network of intermediary entities, deployed be-
tween clients and servers, it adopts a server-centric
approach, by delegating, for example, the decision
of which proxy invoke for a given service (front end
component of the system) to a centralized mobile
aware server.
An important feature of this system architecture is
that it allows the dynamic composition of services
(proxy chain) for a given set of operating conditions
(CPU, memory, etc). MARCH is implemented in Java
and prototype implementations include examples of
transcoding services and a compression service.
Squid. Among the “classical” (i.e. non program-
mable) proxy, particularly popular is SQUID (Squid
Proxy, ). It is a high-performance proxy caching
server for web clients, supporting FTP, gopher, and
HTTP data objects. Unlike traditional caching soft-
ware, Squid handles all requests in a single, non-
blocking, I/O-driven process. Squid acts as an agent,
accepting requests from clients (such as browsers)
and passes them to the appropriate Internet server. It
stores a copy of the returned data in an on-disk cache.
The real benefit of Squid emerges when the same data
is requested multiple times, since a copy of the on-
disk data is returned to the client, speeding up Internet
access and saving bandwidth.
Despite its efficiency in dealing as proxy cache,
Squid is not explicitly mentioned here in the compar-
ison, since it lacks a real support for programmabil-
ity. In fact its main functionalities include caching
of HTTP, FTP and other URLs, transparent caching,
proxy-ing for SSL, HTTP server acceleration. Most
of SQUID-based products focus on caching, firewall
technologies, security, network monitoring and con-
tent filtering (Cerberian, ).
Table 1: Proxy Comparison. Notice that RabbIT is only partially configurable, i.e. it does not allow to specify parameters
for services.
Programmability Configurability Adaptability Centralized / Lifecycle Personalization Activation Maintainability
Distributed Support Services
- C - - -
- C
- -
- C - - -
- C
- -
- C
- -
- C
- - D
The current trend in the field of pervasive computing
is how to enable universal access to the Internet con-
tent, that is, how to address the critical issue of de-
veloping technologies that are able to allow the trans-
formation, or content adaptation, of Web content for
adapting it to the different and heterogeneous client
devices that exhibit different capabilities in terms of
network connectivity, processing power, storage, dis-
play capabilities, etc.
More precisely, content adaptation or transcod-
ing represents the process of converting Web content
from one form to another, and it is typically carried
out by content servers or, on-the-fly, by proxy servers
at the Edge of the network.
Content adaptation refers to two different abstrac-
tions, that is, personalization, the adaptation of the
Web content according to user preferences, locations
and contexts, and transcoding, the process of of tailor-
ing Web content to the capabilities of the client device
and the network connections.
Adaptation can take place at client-side, server-
side or at intermediary entities in between. In a
proxy-based approach, content adaptation can be per-
formed on-the-fly, without overload the clients (as in
client-based approaches) and without allow multiple
variants of the same content (as in server-side ap-
Several proposal, academic (Fox et al., 1998a; Fox
et al., 1998b; Fox and Brewer, 1996; Zenel, 1999)
and commercial products (WebSphereEdgeServices,
), are HTTP proxy-based, since they explore proxy
systems to adapt multimedia Internet content.
Scone (Weinreich et al., 2001) is a modular Java
framework whose main gaol is to improve the navi-
gation and orientation on the Web, by generating new
views of Web documents, offering workgroup tools
to support collaborative navigation, enriching Web
pages with new navigational elements, etc.
Extraction of useful and relevant part of Web doc-
uments has many applications, such as displaying for
devices with limited size capabilities, speech render-
ing for users with visual disabilities, summarizing of
Web contents, etc.
The process of extracting part of a document re-
quires two important steps: (a) the parsing of HTML
Web pages (to remove unnecessary elements, links,
images, etc), and (b) the building of the DOM repre-
sentation of such pages (for their reformatting). These
operation can be efficiently realized on the top of in-
termediary systems (Gupta et al., 2004) in order to
reduce complexity both on client and server systems.
Content aggregation refers to the generation of con-
tent at intermediary systems. More precisely, an ag-
gregator queries one or more Web sites for specific
content (news, search. etc) and collects and formats
the results for the presentation to the clients. In the
TOP GUN Wingman proxy (Fox et al., 1998b), the
aggregation service allows the user to enter some in-
formation describing what is being requested. The re-
quest is processed by a service module into the proxy
and the response is formatted by an HTML proces-
sor. This aggregator works (and produce results) for
Yahoo, HotBot, AltaVista, DejaNews, Yahoos stock
quotes service, and TripQuest.
Due to its popularity and its ease of use, the Web
is an attractive platform to support distributed coop-
erative works (Cabri et al., 1999). These systems
can help users to quickly find information among
the growing amount of information available on the
A proxy-based architecture can be employed to
support synchronous cooperation on the Web. By
programming a proxy-framework, many cooperative
functionalities can be provided to allow users within
a common workgroup to share and cooperate toward
a common goal.
Proxy-based frameworks can be also programmed
to operate as recommender systems, assisting users in
their navigation and making users aware of others’s
information activities, interests and knowledge. The
WebMemex system (Macedo et al., 2003) was devel-
oped on top of a high level architecture, an augmented
Web proxy server, that provides capture, linking, user
authentication, storage, retrieval and access capabili-
Another interesting functionality that can be of-
fered by proxy systems concerns the recording of
Web navigation. An example is WebMacros (Safonov
et al., 2001) a proxy-based system for automating
repetitive user interactions with the Web by recording
and replaying user navigation.
Finally, intermediary systems can be used as visu-
alization systems (Hong and Landay, 2001), in or-
der to help Web design teams to run usability tests
and analyze the collected data, and Web users for re-
visitation of Web pages by allowing dynamic drawing
of animated graphs of the user’s paths as the surf the
The examples shown in the last section witness the
usefulness of programmability in intermediary in-
frastructures. Without a full support toward the devel-
opment of new services, advanced mechanisms can-
not be easily realized, deployed and managed, while
quick prototyping and manageability represent crucial
requirements to assure that programmers can quickly
respond to mutations of data format, content or stan-
dards that are so common in the Web, nowadays. Our
comparison shows how this field is now proposing
several platforms that share a common objective, to
ensure that advanced edge services can be efficiently
and effectively realized.
An important direction toward standardization is
being conducted by the IETF Working Group for
“Open Pluggable Edge Services” (OPES)
. Their goal
is to define an open standard that allows interme-
diaries to provide services on the data flow. In
See (Barbir et al., 2003) for the description of the
architecture and the Web site http://standards.
nortelnetworks.com/opes for the overall activities
of this WG.
OPES, intermediaries can also employ local or remote
servers (called “callout servers”) in order to facilitate
the efficient delivery of complex services. OPES rule-
set are applied in order to choose which service to
apply to the data flow. Communication between dis-
patchers and callout servers occurs through a proto-
col that must obey the requirements for OPES Callout
Protocols specified in (Beck et al., 2002).
Of course, as OPES gains momentum, program-
mability of proxies will get an additional character-
istics to be measured against, namely the compatibil-
ity with an open standard to interconnect components.
Therefore, it is clearly foreseeable that, if OPES gets
enough support, the environments for programmable
proxies will take into account their openness to stan-
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