John Sheppard, Joe Carthy, John Dunnion
University College Dublin
Data Mining, Network Intrusion Detection Systems, anomolies, network attack, decision trees.
This paper focuses on the domain of Network Intrusion Detection Systems, an area where the goal is to detect
security violations by passively monitoring network traffic and raising an alarm when an attack occurs. But
the problem is that new attacks are being deployed all the time. This particular system has been developed
using a range of data mining techniques so as to automatically be able to classify network tracffic as normal
or intrusive. Here we evaluate decision trees and their performance based on a large data set used in the 1999
KDD cup contest.
Over the past fifteen years, intrusion detection and
other security technologies such as cryptography, au-
thentication and firewalls have increasingly gained
in importance (Allen et al., 2000). This is reflected
by the amount of so called CERTs, Computer Emer-
gency Response Teams that have arisen since the early
nineties. Before these, reactions to attacks were iso-
lated and uncordinated resulting in much duplicated
effort and in conflicting solutions (First, ). These
CERTs worked together through organisation such as
FIRST,the Forum of Incident Response and Security
Teams, to prevent, detect and recover from computer
security incidents by sharing alert and advisory infor-
mation on potential threats and emerging security sit-
The impact of these attacks can be extreme. In
some cases corporations have lost millions in loss of
revenue or knowledge they were hiding from com-
petitors. On other occasions universities or individ-
uals have been hacked and used as middlemen for
causing damage to others. The victim is then held re-
sponsible for any damage caused by not ensuring the
security of their machine. Some experts believe that
one day insurance for computer networks will be as
common as fire and theft poliies. Detecting such vio-
lations is a necessary step in taking corrective action
such as blocking the offender, reporting them or tak-
ing legeal action against them. Alternatively it allows
administrators to identify those areas whose defences
need improving such as the identification of a pre-
viously unknown vulnerability, a system that wasn’t
properly patched or a user that needs further educa-
tion against social engineering attacks.
A good security model should be built upon several
layers including:
A good security policy for the organization
Host system security
Router Security
Intrusion Detection Systems
Incident response Plan
(SANS, )
Using multiple layers strength ens deterrence of
unauthorized use of computer systems and network
services. As each layer provides some form of pro-
tection against an attack, the security breach of one
layer does not leave the whole system open to attack.
The layer focused on in this paper is Intrusion Detec-
tion Systems.
1.1 Intrusion Detection
An intrusion can be defined as any set of actions that
attempt to compromise the integrity, confidentiality or
Sheppard J., Carthy J. and Dunnion J. (2005).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 399-404
DOI: 10.5220/0001231403990404
availability of a resource (Heady et al., 1990). Intru-
sion detection is the process of monitoring and ana-
lyzing the events occurring in a computer system in
order to detect signs of security problems.
Traditionally, both in a commercial and research
sense, these systems have been based on the idea of
attack signatures provided by humans. Signatures
were stored in a database and manually revised with
the emergence of new attacks. Systems were unable
to detect these new attacks, and it often took a sub-
stantial amount of time before the latest signatures
were created and deployed. Attempts to detect attacks
beyond this limited realm typically results in an unac-
ceptable level of false positives.
In recent years the focus has turned to Data Mining
as an alternative approach. Data mining techniques
are used in two ways, Misuse Detection and Anom-
aly Detection. In misuse detection each instance is
labeled as ’Normal’ or ’Intrusive’. Then learning al-
gorithms are trained on this data. Models created au-
tomatically are more precise and sophisticated than
those that are manually created leading to high accu-
racy and low false alarm rates, but are unable to detect
attacks whose instances have not yet been observed.
Anomaly detection algorithms build models of nor-
mal behavior and automatically detect any deviation
from it which may result in unforeseen attacks. This
is also known as the ’Paranoid Approach’ as any-
thing not seen before may be dangerous. Bearing
in mind that ”just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t
mean they’re not out to get you”, this outlook can
be seen as advantagous especially in a securitycon-
text. This gives the ability to detect attempts to exploit
novel or unforeseen vulnerabilities. The high false
alarm rate is generally seen as the major drawback.
The architecture of these systems can be host based
or network based. Host based systems reside on an
individual computer monitoring that particular ma-
chines log files. Network based systems monitor the
network traffic analysing packets. In the Intrusion De-
tection domain data is so volumous and the analysis
process so time consuming that administrators dont
have the resources to examine and extract all the rele-
vant knowledge except in rare circumstances such as
a legal investigation following an attack. Some of the
challenges being faced are
large data sizes,
high dimensionality,
temporal nature of the data,
skewed class distribution,
data preprocessing and high performance comput-
Figure 1: The KDD process
1.2 Data Mining
Data Mining is the process of extracting useful and
previously unnoticed models or patterns from large
datastores. (Bass, 2000; Manilla, 2002; Fayyad et al.,
1996). Data mining is a component of the Knowl-
edge Discovery in Databases (KDD) process (Car-
bone, 1997; Fayyad et al., 1996). There are several
steps to the KDD process. These can be seen in figure
Selection, obataining the data from a source.
Preprocessing, correcting any incorrect or missing
Transformation, converting all data into a comm-
mon format.
Data Mining, using algorithms to extract the infor-
mation and patterns derived from the kdd process.
Interpretation/evaluation, how to present the re-
Data mining techniques can be differentiated by
their model functions and representation, preference
criterion, and algorithms (Fayyad et al., 1996). The
function model in question here is classification.
Common representations for data mining techniques
include rules, decision trees, linear and non-linear
functions, instance based examples and probability
The data set used here was the same as the data set
used for the 1999 KDD intrusion detection contest. It
is a version of the 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection
Evaluation Program which was prepared and man-
aged by MIT Lincoln Labs. Lincoln labs set up an
environment to acquire nine weeks of raw TCP dump
data for a LAN simulating a typical US Air Force
LAN. The raw training data was about 4 gigabytes of
compressed binary TCP dump data from seven weeks
of network traffic. This was processed into about 5
million connection records. Another two weeks of
test data yielded approximately two million more con-
nection records.
Each connection record consists of about 100
bytes. A connection is a sequence of TCP packets
starting and ending at some well defined times be-
tween which data flows to and from a source IP ad-
dress number under some well defined protocol. Each
connection in the training set is labelled either as nor-
mal or as an attack.
The training data contains twenty four attacks,
while the test data contains an additional fourteen at-
tacks. These thirty eight attack types can be catego-
rized into one of following four categories
DOS, a denial of service attack is an attack
where the assailant makes some computing or mem-
ory resource too busy or too full to handle legitimate
requests, or denies legitimate users access to a ma-
chine. An example of a DOS attack would be a Back
Attack. This strike attacks the Apache web server by
submitting requests with many frontslashes. As the
server tries to process these frontslashes it consumes
excessive CPU time slowing down and becoming un-
able to process other network requests.
R2L, a remote to local attack takes place when
an attacker manages to send packets across a network
targetting a machine the attacker does not have access
to. There are many ways to do this varying from a
dictionary attack on the users password to exploiting
buffer overflow vunerabilities.
U2R, a user to root attack occurs when a normal
user, (or possibly an unauthorized user who has al-
ready gained access to a normal user account through
social engineering or sniffing passwords), is able to
exploit some vulnerability in order to gain root access
to the system. A common means to carrying out many
U2R attacks is buffer overflow. When a programmer
writes a program to recieve some input the size of the
buffer in which it will be stored needs to be decided.
An intruder will profit from this opportunity by filling
the buffer and then including some extra commands to
be submitted and understood by the operating system.
PROBE, a probe atack is a surveillance proce-
dure where an attacker can quickly scan a network
in order to gain information on the network and the
machines for a possible attack in the future. (Kendall,
Each connection record is made up of forty two
features in the training data and forty one in the test
data. These features are divided into three categories.
The first set is basic features of individual TCP
connection such as the length of the connection,
the type of protocol, the network service and the
number of bytes from source to destination and vise
versa. The second set are content features within
a connection suggested by a domain knowledge
including the number of failed login attempts,
whether the attacker gained access, whether the
attacker attempted to gain root access, whether the
attacker was successful in gaining root acces, the
number of file creation operations and the number
of outbound commands in an ftp session. The final
set of features are Traffic features. These were com-
puted using a two second time window and resulted in
Number of connections to the same host as the cur-
rent connection
Percentage of connections that have ”SYN” errors
Percentage of connections that have ”REJ” errors
Percentage of connections to the same service
Percentage of connections to different services
Number of connections to the same service as the
current connection
Several categories of higher level features were de-
fined including same host and same service features.
The same host features study the connections in the
past two seconds that have the same destination host
as the the current connection while the same service
features inspect the connections in the past two sec-
onds that have the same service as the current con-
nection. These features together are called time based
features and it is from these that statistics relating to
service and protocol behaviour are derived.
The architecture of the system can be seen in figure
1. It is a distributed system, a computer architec-
ture consisting of interconnected processors. With
distributed systems each processor has its own local
memory. Processors communicate by message pass-
ing over the network. For any particular processor its
own resources are local whereas the other processors
and resources are remote. Together a processor and
its resources are called a node.
The distributed architecture of this system allows
for a shorter response time in analysing incoming net-
work traffic and higher reliability due to various data
mining algorithms performing differently depending
on the attack.
The system works as follows,
Figure 2: System Architecture.
1 TCP dump data is gathered from the network.
The data is then filtered and the required features
are extracted.
2 Each incident is classified as either an ’Intrusion’
or ’not definitely an intrusion’.
3 If the incident is an intrusion the human analyst
is alerted and takes appropriate action and the new
incident is added to the data base of known intru-
If the incident is classed as ’not definitely an intru-
sion’ it goes through to be checked for anomalous
4 In the anomaly detection phase the incidents are
compared to the data base of normal incidents us-
ing a range of data mining techniques. Incidents
that exceed a certain threshold are labeled ’Nor-
mal’ and added to the Normal data base. Those
that aren’t similar enough are labeled as ’Not defi-
nitely Normal’ and the human analyst is alerted to
investigate the incident further.
There are many different data mining techniques
available such as clustering, summarization, regres-
sion, association rules and classification to name a
few. The subsystem looked at in detail here is the
classifer. A classification problem is when given a
databse D={t1,t2,...,tn} of records and a set of classes
C={c1,c2...,cm}, the problem is to define a mapping
f:D->C where each ti is assigned to one class. A
class cj contains precisely those tuples mapped to
it.(Dunham, 2003)
The classification technique used in this instance is
a decision tree. Decision trees are a predicitve mod-
elling technique. A decision tree is a tree where the
root and each internal node is labelled with a ques-
tion. The arcs emenating from each node represent
each possible answer to that particular question. Each
leaf node represents a solution to the classification
problem. Hence decision trees adopt a disjunctive
normal form representation. The important difference
between decision trees is to be found in their splitting
criterion, how best to split the sample.
Quinlans C5.0 algorithm was used here. It is an
extension from C4.5, which itself was an extension
from Quinlan’s earlier ID3 algorithm for constructing
trees. In these algorithms the splitting criterion used
have their origins in information theory.
The basic procedure followed by them is
1 See how the attributes distribute the instances.
2 Minimize the average entropy; Calculate the av-
erage entropy of each test attribute and select the
one with the lowest degree of entropy.
Entropy is a measure of the impurity or uncertain-
ity of the data. It is based on the probability of an in-
stance on a branch being positive, where homogenous
positive means Pb = 1, and homogenous negative oc-
curs where Pb = 0. The equation for this probability
meausre is shown in equation 1.
n b, is the number of instances in branch b
n bc, is the number of instances in branch b of class c
n t, is the total number of instances in all branches
The information gained over an attribute is a mea-
sure in the reduction of entropy.
AverageEntropy =
) [
The entropy value is normalised between 0 and 1.
The lower the entropy value the purer the set. C4.5
and C5 are based on ID3 but have added functionality
with C5 being much faster and a lot more memory
The system was trained on the learning dataset com-
prising of over 5 million records. It was then tested
with the test data set containing 311029 records. In
the test dataset we know what classes should be given
by the tree. From this the system is able to produce
a decision tree and a confusion matrix which can be
seen in figure 3 and table 1 respectively. The decision
tree consists of a series of quesitions at points called
nodes. Following these decisions should lead to the
conclusion as to whether this is normal behaviour.
count > 80
bytes <= 1
: :....diff
srv rate <= 0.23: DOS
: : diff
srv rate > 0.23: PROBE
: dst
bytes > 1:
: :....diff
srv rate <= 0.53: normal
: diff
srv rate > 0.53: PROBE
:count <= 80
Figure 3: Example of branaches on the tree
The confusion matrix in table 1 shows us that
60302 test incidents were correctly identified by the
system to be deemed as normal behaviour. These
are known as true positives, the tree outputs the
class correctly. These true positives follow the di-
agonal through the matrix with respect to each at-
The righthand column labelled (b) indicates that
232 normal test incidents were thought to be probe
attacks. These are known as false negeatives indi-
cating that the tree has output class normal falsely.
The values diagonally through the matrix are
known as true negatives when we are looking to
the normal figures as our true positives. This show
us that 3572 PROBE attacks, 223687 DOS attacks,
4 user to root and 28 remote to local attacks were
correctly identified.
All the values listed in column (a) other than the
number of true positives are called false positives,
that is to say the tree incorrectly classified them as
not normal.
The metrics of precision and recall were calculated
according to equations 3 and 4. Both a high recall and
precision rate are desired. However generally as pre-
cision increases recall decreases and vice versa. From
the graph in figure 4 we see a varied set of results.
U2R, user to root attacks, and R2L, remote to local
attacks, perform very poorly with only a few being
correctly classified. Despite the fact the corpus con-
tained many more instances of R2L attacks than it did
PROBE attacks PROBE performed a lot better. Nor-
mal cases scored similarly to PROBE attacks but had
a higher recall rate. DOS attacks scored excelentally
almost with maximum precision and maximum recall.
P recision =
Recall =
Table 1: Precision Vs Recall
Precision Recall
normal 0.7347823 0.9951975
PROBE 0.7387797 0.8574172
DOS 0.9989915 0.9664384
U2R 0.0952381 0.0175439
R2L 0.2568807 0.0019195
5.1 Accuracy
The accuracy of the system is the proportion of the
total number of predictions that were correct. From
equation 5 the system evaluation resulted in 92.5%
accuracy based on the confusion matrix in table 1.
accuracy =
Various data mining techniques score differently de-
pending upon which type of attack they are trying to
detect. Some learning algorithms do well on one part
of the dataset where others fail and this clearly indi-
cates the need for hybrid learning.
This is hybrid system and holds true on this fact.
The C5 algorithm produced a decision tree that is very
valuable in certain attacks but not others. DOS and
PROBE attacks have both scored highly. The fact
that decision trees perform well with PROBE attacks
means that they will play a valuable role in this hy-
brid system. By uncovering a probe attack early on
Figure 4: Preecision Vs Recall Graph.
we can prevent it from becoming anythig more than
just a PROBE attack. DOS attacks should be discov-
ered with high accuracy and a low false alarm rate.
U2R and R2L attacks however have high miss rates
and these instances will need to be evaluated with
other algorithms. Work is already underway with the
implementaion of alternative data mining techniques
such as clustering and outlier detection schemes in
other parts of the system. Preliminary results of these
alternatives are proving better at detecting U2R and
R2L than decision trees.
Table 2: Confusion Matrix
Classified as -> (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) correct
normal (a) 60302 232 57 1 1 73.4
PROBE (b) 410 3572 184 73.9
DOS (c) 7630 28 223687 36 74 99.9
U2R (d) 213 4 1 4 6 9.5
R2L (e) 13558 999 1 1 28 25.7
correct 99.5 85.7 96.6 1.8 0.2
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