Daniel Hahn, Frederik Beutler and Uwe D. Hanebeck
Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems Laboratory
Institute of Computer Science and Engineering
at Karlsruhe (TH)
Karlsruhe, Germany
Augmented Reality, Human-Machine-Interface.
In this paper we present an assistive system for hearing-impaired people that consists of a wearable microphone
array and an Augmented Reality (AR) system. This system helps the user in communication situations, where
many speakers or sources of background noise are present. In order to restore the “cocktail party” effect
multiple microphones are used to estimate the position of individual sound sources. In order to allow the
user to interact in complex situations with many speakers, an algorithm for estimating the user’s attention
is developed. This algorithm determines the sound sources, which are in the user’s focus of attention. It
allows the system to discard irrelevant information and enables the user to focus on certain aspects of the
surroundings. Based on the user’s hearing impairment, the perception of the speaker in the focus of attention
can be enhanced, e.g. by amplification or using a speech-to-text conversion.
A prototype has been built for evaluating this approach. Currently the prototype is able to locate sound
beacons in three-dimensional space, to perform a simple focus estimation, and to present floating captions
in the Augmented Reality. The prototype uses an intentionally simple user interface, in order to minimize
Hearing impairments have grave consequences on a
person’s social life. Everyday tasks and social inter-
action depend on spoken language, a form of com-
munication from which the hearing impaired are of-
ten cut off. Speechreading skills and assistive tech-
nology (such as conventional hearing aids or cochlear
implants) can remedy the problems to a degree. These
approaches, however, can only assist a person’s re-
maining cognitive capabilities. They do not aim at
restoring the complex functions of human hearing,
and thus do not work well in complex situations.
These limitations of conventional hearing aids are
best illustrated by their failure restoring the “cocktail
party” effect the phenomenon that allows us to fo-
cus on a certain speaker and put other speakers and
noises to the background.
For this reason, hearing-impaired people face an in-
creased danger of social isolation. This is especially
true for those who became deaf later in life, and have
grown into a world of spoken language. While these
people are able to express themselves orally, they are
often unable to understand what is said. Therefore
they may avoid social interactions, or at least situa-
tions with which their hearing aids cannot cope.
The system in this paper was born out of an idea to
overcome these limitation: A novel hearing aid which
would combine a wearable microphone array with an
augmented reality headset. By using multiple redun-
dant microphones, it will be possible to estimate the
position of the individual sound sources surrounding
the user, and to isolate their signals from the back-
ground noise. The sound information will then be vi-
sually presented to the user in the augmented reality
headset, using the mode of presentation that is best
suited for the user’s abilities.
In this paper we will present a first prototype of the
system, as well as methods for selecting the audio in-
formation and integrating them into the user’s reality.
Augmented reality systems integrate virtual objects
into the user’s real surroundings (Azuma, 1997). In
the case of the hearing aid, the sound sources are aug-
mented with virtual representations of their content.
In the case of spoken language, these will most likely
be textual representations of the speech, which are at-
tached to the respective speaker (e.g. speech bubbles).
Augmented reality can be regarded as a new form
Hahn D., Beutler F. and D. Hanebeck U. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Robotics and Automation, pages 146-153
DOI: 10.5220/0001173701460153
Let's go!
Sounds good to me!
Figure 1: Mockup of a possible user interface.
of user interface and requires new forms of user in-
teraction. There have been attempts to bring ele-
ments of traditional GUI interfaces into the AR, like
the Studierstube project (Schmalstieg et al., 2002).
Other researchers tried to use novel approaches, in-
corporating tangible objects into the interface (Tan
et al., 2001). All these attempts regard the AR sys-
tem as a tool that requires constant interaction. There
have been some attempts on information-only sys-
tems, like the emergency room prototype by Kauf-
man, Billinghurst et. al. (Kaufman et al., 1997).
However, no accepted design rules for such systems
seem to have evolved.
A problem for the development of the new hearing
aid is the correct registration of the augmented world.
The virtual elements have to be perfectly aligned with
the virtual word in order to be convincing. This is
a problem that has not been completely solved yet
(Azuma, 1997). For the hearing aid the registration
does not need to be as perfect as in other applications,
but it must work without the help of external tracking
devices or visual markers, as used in the ARToolkit
(Billinghurst et al., 2004).
In order to work in complex situations, and to re-
store the cocktail party effect, the system needs to
know which speakers need to be represented in the
AR, and which sounds need to be suppressed. Crit-
ical to this is the concept of human attention. The
mechanisms of attention, which, in people with nor-
mal hearing, functions without conscious effort, have
to be restored.
This requires that the system contains a model of
the user’s attention. Such a model will allow the sys-
tem to intelligently decide which information should
be augmented into the user’s reality, and which should
be discarded. This will enable the system to reduce
the amount of information to a level which the user
can easily understand.
The information needs to be presented through an
intuitive and non-obtrusive interface. The interface it-
self must not inhibit the user in any way or interfere
with his everyday tasks. This precludes the use of
complex and graphics-heavy interfaces. A major part
of the interface design will be the visual representa-
tion of spoken language. While different approaches
are possible, a textual representation seems to be the
most intuitive for the first prototype (Figure 1).
Some ideas for such an interface can be found in a
class of multimodal user interfaces, known as “atten-
tive” or “perceptual”, which pioneered the use of hu-
man attention in user interfaces. Examples are Verte-
gaal’s Attentive Interfaces (Vertegaal, 2002a) or Pent-
land’s Perceptual Intelligence (Pentland, 2000).
These systems attempt to monitor the attention of
their users, in order to interact with them more in-
telligently. An example is Vertegaal’s attentive cell
phone, which observes the user’s conversational part-
ner to determine whether a call should be put through
(Vertegaal et al., 2002).
The primary method of getting information about
the user’s attention is through the observation of the
gaze (Sibert and Jacob, 2000), (Vertegaal, 2002b).
Since professional gaze-tracking equipment is bulky
and expensive, many researchers attempt to build sim-
ple eye-tracking tools, using off-the-shelf hardware
like webcams. An example is Vertegaal’s “eyes” sys-
tem (Shell et al., 2003). Stiefelhagen tries to ascertain
the gaze by tracking the head pose, with surprisingly
good results (Stiefelhagen, 2002).
Attentive interfaces are usually seen as extensions
of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) (Vertegaal, 2003).
They are supposed to mediate the human-computer-
interaction (Shell et al., 2003). In that capacity their
role can be describe as that of an “intelligent ob-
server” with a social awareness of communication.
These systems do not necessarily attempt to fully
model the user’s attention, as it is necessary for the
hearing aid.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In Sec-
tion 2 models for human attention are described. In
Section 3 a model for the human attention is deduced.
In Section 3.1 we describe how the attentional state
is estimated. In Section 3.2 the target selection and
processing are described. The prototype of the system
is presented in Section 4. In Section 4.1 an overview
over the system architecture is given. Further in Sec-
tion 4.2 the hardware setup and in Section 4.3 the
software setup are described. Experiments with the
prototype are shown in Section 4.4. In Section 5 the
results of the experiments are presented. Conclusions
and some details on future investigations are given in
Section 6.
Attention is the ability to selectively focus on certain
parts of one’s surroundings, while disregarding the
other parts. Attention has often been compared to a
spotlight, which selectively illuminates objects in a
dark room.
Human attention has been extensively studied by
cognitive psychologists, and there’s a wealth of liter-
ature available on the issue (Chun and Wolfe, 2001).
There are two prevailing schools of thought within
the literature: Filter or attenuation theories, as propa-
gated by Broadbent (Broadbent, 1958) and Treisman
(Treisman and Gelade, 1980), assume that attention
works like a filter. Unneeded perceptions are either
removed or toned down, and do not enter conscious-
Resource models, on the other hand, propose that
attention is created by the distribution of limited at-
tentional resources (Cohen, 2003). Those process-
ing resources can be allocated to different percep-
tions, which allows them to be consciously perceived.
Those perceptions for which no resources are avail-
able will be discarded.
Both models can be used to explain the results of
psychological experiments (Cohen, 2003). We will
primarily use the resource model, since it makes it
easy to describe attention in computational terms.
Cognitive psychology has revealed many more
mechanisms of attention (Chun and Wolfe, 2001):
The spotlight of attention can be divided, multiple
objects can be attract attention at the same time.
However, the overall performance always remains
the same.
Attention can be shifted through a conscious effort.
However, it can also be drawn by certain features of
the environment. For example, a blinking light will
immediately draw a person’s attention. This kind
of attention shift occurs automatically and requires
no conscious effort. This property of attention is
exploited in image processing algorithms which at-
tempt to imitate the visual attention, for an example
see (Backer and Mertsching, 2003).
While attention has spatial properties, it can also
work on whole objects. This indicates that objects
can be identified in a preattentive processing stage.
The attention model developed for the hearing aid as-
sumes that the user’s attention can be directed at a
number of possible targets. Each of these targets is a
distinct entity corresponding to an object in the real
world. For example, a speaker in a room would be a
possible target for the user’s attention.
Each target is attributed with a target description.
The descriptions contains the raw sensor data from
that target, and may also contain semantic informa-
tion that can be used for estimating the user’s atten-
tional focus. A target description for a speaker may
consist of the raw audio data from this speaker and
the speaker’s position relative to the user.
The attentional state of the user is the distribution
of the user’s attention over the existing targets. The
distribution is expressed, for each target, as the prob-
ability that the target is the user’s primary focus of
attention. This model is consistent with the psycho-
logical results which indicate that attention is directed
at objects, rather than abstract features.
For estimating the attentional state the possible tar-
gets have to been detected in the sensor information,
and each target’s sensor data is extracted separately.
This may seem like an excessive burden on the pre-
processing stage. However, in the case of the hearing
aid, advanced audio processing has to be an integral
part of the system anyway. All sound sources will
have to be identified and localized, and there has to
be a possibility to enhance each sound source sepa-
rately or feed it to a speech recognition system.
3.1 Estimating the attentional state
The model for the user attention consists of a num-
ber of rules. By assigning a probability to each target
the algorithm creates an estimate of the user’s atten-
tional state. Since the rules are interchangeable, dif-
ferent approaches may be evaluated. This is necessary
since psychological experiments suggest a wealth of
approaches, but it is often unclear how they will be-
have in real-life systems.
There are two basic approaches to determine the
user’s attentional state. One is by predicting the at-
tention based on the user’s current perceptions. The
other is to monitor the user’s behavior in order to find
out where the attention is directed.
Figure 2 shows a coarse overview over the mech-
anisms of the algorithm. We assume that the user
receives perceptions or stimuli from the world and,
depending on his current attentional state, reacts to
those stimuli. The stimuli are recorded by sensors and
transformed into target descriptions in a preprocess-
ing stage. Based on the target descriptions and the
user model the user’s most likely attentional state is
Simultaneously, the user’s reactions are monitored.
Through the reactions, the system may observe the
user’s attentional state. Any differences between the
estimated and observed state are fed back into the
Tracking System
Video Card
Frame Grabber
Camera System
Figure 3: Components of the Ve system.
Figure 2: Algorithm for estimating the attentional state.
Observing attention If a person shifts his or her
attention, this shift will often result in a behavior
that can be registered by the system. This approach
will be especially useful monitoring the users con-
scious, extrinsic attention since the extrinsic atten-
tion is guided by the user’s will, it cannot be expressed
through fixed rules.
The best known method observing the user’s atten-
tion is by tracking the user’s gaze. Since the classi-
cal experiments of Yarbus it is know that there is a
close connection between the eye movements and a
person’s focus of attention (Yarbus, 1967). This con-
nection has been exploited many times, especially for
user interface designs. Vertegaal calls eye-based in-
teraction an ‘almost magical window into the mind of
the user’ (Vertegaal, 2002b).
For the hearing aid we simply use the head posture,
which can be easily obtained. Stiefelhagen has shown
that head posture and gaze are well correlated, and
has used this fact with great success in a conferencing
system (Stiefelhagen, 2002).
Apart from gaze tracking, there are very few meth-
ods that can be used to observe the user’s attention.
While gestures and body posture may be indicators of
attention, they are much more difficult to evaluate and
not nearly as precise as gaze tracking.
Predicting attention Based on the forward user
model, which consists of a set of rules, the user’s
attentional state given the current perceptions is pre-
dicted. Any assumption about how a certain percep-
tion changes the user’s attention may be used as a rule
in the model.
The model functions like the user’s unconscious or
intrinsic attention; it gives an estimate of the user’s at-
tentional state that is based on the probability of each
object to draw the attention. While providing a struc-
tured framework, it is open in the sense that differ-
ent approaches and rules may be evaluated within the
same framework.
An example for attention-predicting systems are
the image processing techniques that attempt to locate
a probable focus of attention within an image (Backer
and Mertsching, 2003), (Draper and Lionelle, 2003).
Such an approach may be part of our user model, but
the user model is not limited to a single approach.
For example, the system may decide that a person
speaking is much more likely to be the focus of atten-
tion than a person not speaking (Stiefelhagen, 2002)
and adjust the score accordingly. Other indicators that
may be used are the object’s distance from the user or
the volume of an audio source. The system may even
scan the audio streams for trigger words, or make as-
sumptions about the current social situation, in order
to better estimate the attentional state.
The current prototype does not yet contain a so-
phisticated user model, but relies on the user’s head
posture to observe the current attentional state. A
more complex user model will be included in future
versions, and we assume that the complexity of the
model will be dictated by the demands of the system
and the processing power available.
3.2 Target selection and processing
Once the attentional state is known, the system may
select a number of targets for presentation. The num-
ber of targets chosen will depend on the actual sit-
uation; there may be circumstances where it is nec-
essary to have more than a single focus of attention.
However, if too many targets are augmented, the user
easily becomes confused.
In order to present a target, the target description in-
cluding the raw sensor data will be transformed into a
format that is intelligible to the user. The format de-
pends on the user. For users which are hard of hearing
the separated audio signal are amplified and emitted
through earphones. For a deaf user, on the other hand,
a speech-to-text conversion through a speech recogni-
tion system can be used. Since the target description
will already contain the separated audio signal from
a single source, reliable speech recognition should be
Other transformations are also possible: Audible
signals (e.g. a ringing phone) could be transformed to
pictograms or less important speakers could be rep-
resented through symbols. It is even imaginable that
the system transforms the speech to a sign language
A prototype of the hearing aid was built to evaluate
the claims made in this paper, and to improve the
methods for estimating the attention. At the core of
the prototype is a custom-built AR system, which was
developed at the Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems
4.1 System architecture
The AR system is built upon the C++ class library
. The library offers generic methods for video ac-
cess, stereoscopic camera calibration and methods to
augment the video streams.
A general overview of the system’s architecture is
shown in figure 3. At the core of the system is the Ve
software. It captures the video feeds from the cameras
and creates the virtual objects from the information
received by the tracking subsystem. The video feeds
and virtual objects are combined and presented to the
user in a head mounted display (HMD).
4.2 Hardware setup
For the prototype, we built a video see-through AR
system, using a commercially available HMD unit
(Figure 4). Video see-through units capture the real
world through cameras; the camera images are then
fed into an opaque HMD. Compared to optical sys-
tems, where the user directly sees the surroundings
through semi-transparent glasses, video systems offer
a higher degree of flexibility: Every aspect of the dis-
play can be customized as needed.
The prototype’s stereoscopic camera head is
equipped with two high-resolution cameras by Sili-
con Imaging. They are connected to the controlling
PC (Pentium 4, 2.8Ghz, Windows XP) by standard
CAMLink frame grabber cards. The PC also con-
tains an nVidia Quattro graphics card. The adapter
has been chosen for it’s ability to provide two sep-
arated digital video feeds to the HMD and because
of the availability of high-quality optimised OpenGL
A high video framerate is necessary in order to cre-
ate a realistic experience for the user. The system
will currently provide a feed with 30 frames per sec-
ond, with a resolution of 640×480 pixels, for each
eye. While some performance gains may be archived
through software optimizations, the limiting factor is
currently the maximum throughput of the PCI bus.
For the prototype, the full resolution of 1024×786
Ve was the name of a norse god, who gave humanity
speech and their external senses
Figure 4: Experimental AR System with audio tracking.
pixels may be achieved by using more advance tech-
nology; specialized hardware is most likely necessary
for a final version of the hearing aid.
The HMD is a commercially available high-
resolution system. The frame has been customized
to provide mounting points for the camera head and
the microphones of the tracking system. The headset
is connected to a ceiling-mounted control unit. The
setup allows the user to freely move about 3 meters
in each direction. Through the headset, the users sees
an augmented version of the surroundings, created by
the Ve software.
Four microphones have been attached to the head-
set as part of a basic audio tracking system; they are
connected to DSP board which is mounted to together
with the HMD’s control box. The tracking systems
emulates some of the functionality of the planned
microphone array. It is able to locate loudspeakers,
which emitting a known signal; the position of the
speakers is used for augmentation.
4.3 Software setup
The Ve software comprises three major components.
The video capture subsystem, an event handling and
control mechanism that connects to the tracking sys-
tem, and a video rendering subsystem, which creates
the augmented reality from the video stream and the
tracking data.
The video capture subsystem provides a generic in-
terface for accessing video sources. A Ve video mod-
ule captures the video, using the hardware-specific
APIs and protocols. The video stream is also decoded
if necessary, and the API then provides pointers to
the individual pictures in memory. The video module
also sets up the hardware and provides an API to con-
trol the capture hardware (e.g. to set a different expo-
sure on the camera). Currently only a video module
for EPIX-based frame grabber cards exists, but fur-
ther modules should be easy to implement. Each cap-
ture module runs in a separate thread, concurrently to
other tasks.
The video output is rendered using the OpenGL
video API. Camera pictures are displayed as textures,
which works well with an appropriately optimized
driver. Ve also requires the OpenGL implementation
to support the “Imaging Subset”, which contains sev-
eral image manipulation functions.
The OpenGL API was also chosen for it’s cross-
platform availability. Ve has been compiled on Linux
and MS Windows systems. The software is currently
only used on Windows, however, since the Linux
drivers are not sufficiently optimized.
Ve’s video output is rendered in multiple layers to
allow different modules to add to the augmentation.
Each layer may contain it’s own state information,
and the Ve library offers some utility functions, such
as stereoscopic calculations, for the layer modules.
Special modules are provided for camera calibra-
tion and AR registration. The calibration module pro-
vides an interface to the camera calibration methods
of the OpenCV toolkit. The module will also compute
the stereoscopic parameters of the camera setup from
the OpenCV data. The registration module is deter-
mines a transformation between the coordinate sys-
tems of the real and the virtual world, by solving the
underlying linear equation system. Some compensa-
tion of the non-linear distortions is also possible. Both
registration and calibration can be done interactively
from a simple HMD interface.
Ve contains a simple event handling mechanism.
Ve modules may subscribe to events created by other
modules, and thus react to changes in the environ-
ment. Currently the event handling is used for control
information and position updates.
The tracking system is not part of Ve. Tracking
information is provided to Ve through CORBA func-
tion calls. The Ve part of the tracking subsystem
is only a stub which transforms the position updates
into Ve events and notifies AR modules of the update.
An augmentation module may then react to the up-
date and add an virtual object to the user’s view. For
testing purposes the tracking mechanism of the AR-
Toolkit can also be used as a tracking module.
4.4 Experimental setup
The prototype is set up for an interactive simulation
of the intended AR interface. The AR system is con-
nected to the audio tracking system, which monitors
the position of two loudspeakers in the room. Each of
those loudspeakers represents a human speaker; pre-
defined “speech messages” are placed near them in
the augmented reality.
The “speech messages” are rendered according to
the attention model presented earlier in this paper:
Speakers near the center of the screen are augmented
by large text messages, while speakers at the periph-
ery of the visual field only get small messages or are
not augmented at all. The speaker that is currently
within the focus of attention can also be augmented
by a translucent “focus marker” or crosshairs.
In the prototype, the coordinates of the speakers
are manually registered to the virtual world. The
stereoscopic parameters from the camera calibration
are used to create the stereoscopic images of the text
The prototype was evaluated by about 10 persons,
both male and female and at the age of 20 to 40 years.
The subjects were to explore the environment by turn-
ing their heads and moving about, while the loud-
speakers could be moved by the experimenter. The
subjects typically used the system for about 10 to 20
Virtually all subjects were satisfied with the impres-
sion of the virtual world. The video see-through was
described as sufficiently realistic, even though the res-
olution had been reduced to 640×480 pixels. The
small difference between the natural eye position and
the camera position was not noticed after a short ac-
climatization period.
The subjects described the stereoscopic represen-
tation of the virtual objects as good, with the focus
markers “hovering” in front of the loudspeakers. Due
to the three dimensional view, the focus could be
clearly marked in all three dimensions.
Use of the AR system was intuitive, the subjects
were quickly able to select activate targets at will. The
main drawback of the system during these initial tests
was the weight of the head assembly, a problem which
can be fixed by using more specialized hardware in
future prototypes.
In this paper we presented the concept and prototype
of a novel kind of hearing aid. The concept is based
on the vision of a system incorporating advanced sen-
sor technology, an augmented reality interface, and
intelligent signal processing.
The system is aware of the user’s attention, which
allows it to customize the interface to the user’s needs.
The attention-driven interface also allows the system
to address problems present in contemporary hearing
aids, such as the reestablishment of the cocktail-party-
We introduced a model of human attention, based
on the findings of cognitive psychology. The model
attempts to emulate attention and provides mecha-
nisms to predict the user’s behavior, as well as the
possibility to correct the predictions by monitoring
the user’s behavior. The model aims at replacing lost
attentive capacities, rather than at observing the user’s
attention externally. The system model is highly mod-
ular and can be extended for future prototypes.
A prototype has been built to evaluate the concepts.
To this end, a custom AR system has been imple-
mented with the modular class library Ve. It allows
for quick changes of the user interface and the evalu-
ation of multiple approaches.
First test runs showed the viability of the approach.
Navigation within the augmented reality appeared in-
tuitive and the users were easily able to direct their
Future prototypes will include a refined attention-
prediction, and it is assumed that the system will
evolve into a small, wearable, and easy to use system.
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