Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review

Léuson M. P. da Silva, Carla I. M. Bezerra, Rossana M. C. Andrade, José Maria S. Monteiro



Recently, Software Product Lines (SPLs) have been used successfully for building products families. However, the currently and complex software products demand more adaptive features. Today, many application domains demand capabilities for flexible adaptation and post-deployment reconfiguration. In this context, Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPLs) represent a way to produce software products able to change their own behavior at runtime due to the changes in the product use environment. DSPLs present some interesting properties such dynamic variability and reconfiguration at runtime. The dynamic variability is represented by the definition of variants and context information. The reconfiguration at runtime is the process that enables the features activation and deactivation in a configuration product. Both properties are closely related to the requirements engineering and variability management, in the domain engineering life-cycle. In this research, we provide a systematic literature review that aims to identify the activities, assets, tools and approaches that are used in requirements engineering and variability management in DSPLs domain engineering. We performed a manual and automatic search, resulting in 581 papers of which 37 were selected. We also provide a discussion about the challenges and solutions of runtime variability mechanisms in the context of DSPLs.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Silva L., Bezerra C., Andrade R. and Monteiro J. (2016). Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review . In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: ICEIS, ISBN 978-989-758-187-8, pages 544-551. DOI: 10.5220/0005872405440551

in Bibtex Style

author={Léuson M. P. da Silva and Carla I. M. Bezerra and Rossana M. C. Andrade and José Maria S. Monteiro},
title={Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: ICEIS,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: ICEIS,
TI - Requirements Engineering and Variability Management in DSPLs Domain Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
SN - 978-989-758-187-8
AU - Silva L.
AU - Bezerra C.
AU - Andrade R.
AU - Monteiro J.
PY - 2016
SP - 544
EP - 551
DO - 10.5220/0005872405440551