Development of an Analysis System and Class Recordings linked to More than One Course Evaluation Data using Smartphones

Akihiro Aoyagi, Darold Davis, Takuya Kato, Akinobu Ando



In this present research, we have developed a class analysis system with the goal of lesson improvement. The system is web-based application, and works by general hardware, for example standard laptop, USB cameras, and smartphones. The characteristics of this system are, while recording the lesson with two USB cameras, more than one classroom observer can record lessons using three buttons (“good!”, “what?”, “!?”) and one text field with the smartphone as an information evaluation input terminal. Using this lesson analysis system, you can reduce the specialized equipment that is needed when recording and analysis of the class. So, when the teacher is reflecting back on his own class and making refinements to the lessons, they can do it quickly and easily. In this study, at an actual elementary school in Japan, for the teacher to reflect upon their lessons, it will be beneficial in actually using this system to make improvements to the class.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Aoyagi A., Davis D., Kato T. and Ando A. (2013). Development of an Analysis System and Class Recordings linked to More than One Course Evaluation Data using Smartphones.In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU, ISBN 978-989-8565-53-2, pages 43-47. DOI: 10.5220/0004384500430047

in Bibtex Style

author={Akihiro Aoyagi and Darold Davis and Takuya Kato and Akinobu Ando},
title={Development of an Analysis System and Class Recordings linked to More than One Course Evaluation Data using Smartphones},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU,
TI - Development of an Analysis System and Class Recordings linked to More than One Course Evaluation Data using Smartphones
SN - 978-989-8565-53-2
AU - Aoyagi A.
AU - Davis D.
AU - Kato T.
AU - Ando A.
PY - 2013
SP - 43
EP - 47
DO - 10.5220/0004384500430047