Ant Colony Optimization Approaches for the Tree t-Spanner Problem

Manisha Israni, Shyam Sundar



A tree $t$-spanner of a given connected graph is a spanning tree $T$ in which the ratio of distance between every pair of vertices is at most $t$ times their distance in the graph, where $t$ is a parameter known as stretch factor of $T$. The tree $t$-spanner problem deals with finding a spanning tree in a connected graph whose stretch factor is minimum amongst all spanning trees of the graph. For unweighted graph, this problem is $\mathcal{NP}$-Hard for any fixed $t \geq 4$, whereas for weighted graph, this problem is $\mathcal{NP}$-Hard for any fixed ~ $t > 1$. This paper concerns this problem for connected, undirected, and weighted graph and proposes three variants of ant colony optimization (ACO) approach for this problem. ACO approach is a swarm intelligence technique inspired by the foraging behavior of real ants. All three variants of ACO approach have been tested on a set of randomly generated graph instances. Computational results show the effectiveness of all three variants of ACO approach.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Israni M. and Sundar S. (2017). Ant Colony Optimization Approaches for the Tree t-Spanner Problem.In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence - Volume 1: IJCCI, ISBN 978-989-758-274-5, pages 200-206. DOI: 10.5220/0006490002000206

in Bibtex Style

author={Manisha Israni and Shyam Sundar},
title={Ant Colony Optimization Approaches for the Tree t-Spanner Problem},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence - Volume 1: IJCCI,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence - Volume 1: IJCCI,
TI - Ant Colony Optimization Approaches for the Tree t-Spanner Problem
SN - 978-989-758-274-5
AU - Israni M.
AU - Sundar S.
PY - 2017
SP - 200
EP - 206
DO - 10.5220/0006490002000206