Existence of Facebook Group: Info Cegatan Solo Versus Mass Media in Solo City

Sri Nugroho, Prahastiwi Utari, Sri Hastjarjo



The development and existence of new media especially online media, have a true impact for the audience. The speed that has made the online media has much attention of internet users. This is very different character with the print media that must wait the next day to be able to know the latest developments that occur in the community. Martin Lister et al (2009: 13-14) states that the new media has several characteristics, namely digital, interactive, hypertextual, virtual, network, and simulation. In Solo City, is the existence of a group on Facebook's, Info Cegatan Solo (ICS) which has become a separate phenomenon among netizens in the Solo area and surrounding areas. Born in 2014, the group is transformed into a media that is so influential. How not, the number of members of ICS Group currently reaches 350 thousand more accounts.The group that became a forum for sharing traffic information or other common news in Solo and its surrounding area, proved its existence is quite taken into account. Here is what is known as citizen journalist practiced real. Traffic information, missing persons, accidents and various events and phenomena occurring in the Solo region can be found in this group. In fact, it is not uncommon for ICS to become the source of information for local mass media in Solo.The existence of ICS really has been transformed into a medium of reference for netizens of Solo City and surrounding areas for a variety of information and latest news. This research uses qualitative methodology with the pattern of interviewing a number of respondents ranging from ICS account admin to active and passive members. This is done to determine what the inhibiting and also support factors the development of ICS for three years has become a phenomenon for internet users in Solo


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Nugroho S., Utari P. and Hastjarjo S. (2017). Existence of Facebook Group: Info Cegatan Solo Versus Mass Media in Solo City.In Proceedings of the International Post-Graduate Conference on Media and Communication - Volume 1: IPCOMC, ISBN 978-989-758-337-7, pages 290-295. DOI: 10.5220/0007328302900295

in Bibtex Style

author={Sri Nugroho and Prahastiwi Utari and Sri Hastjarjo},
title={Existence of Facebook Group: Info Cegatan Solo Versus Mass Media in Solo City},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Post-Graduate Conference on Media and Communication - Volume 1: IPCOMC,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the International Post-Graduate Conference on Media and Communication - Volume 1: IPCOMC,
TI - Existence of Facebook Group: Info Cegatan Solo Versus Mass Media in Solo City
SN - 978-989-758-337-7
AU - Nugroho S.
AU - Utari P.
AU - Hastjarjo S.
PY - 2017
SP - 290
EP - 295
DO - 10.5220/0007328302900295