Peace Education in Freedom Writers Movie - A Sociological Perspective

Abdillah Nugroho



The paper focuses on analysing peace education reflected in Freedom Writers movie. The movie depicts Erin Gruwell as major character taking role as teacher has done some meaningful efforts to teach, educate and guide her students on the right tract of life. Not only do her students make noisy in the classroom but they also often quarrel and fight in the school yard. In researching the problem, the researcher made use of qualitative research by applying descriptive method in the analysis. There are two types of the data such as primary data consisting of texts of the movie relating to peace education and secondary data that support the analysis. Technique of the data analysis is carried out by applying the theory of Sociology of Literature by Laurenson and Swingewood. The result shows that Gruwell creates many efforts in her teaching strategy such as buying her students some good books to read, switching her students’ sitting position, sharing discussion of Holocaust, picnic to Holocaust Museum, Line Games, writing journals and many other valuable activities. In the end of the day they can live hand-in-hand with their friends from different religion, race, and ethnicity.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Nugroho A. (2017). Peace Education in Freedom Writers Movie - A Sociological Perspective.In 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences - Volume 1: ICES, ISBN 978-989-758-314-8, pages 454-460. DOI: 10.5220/0007042804540460

in Bibtex Style

author={Abdillah Nugroho},
title={Peace Education in Freedom Writers Movie - A Sociological Perspective},
booktitle={1st International Conference on Educational Sciences - Volume 1: ICES,},

in EndNote Style


JO - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences - Volume 1: ICES,
TI - Peace Education in Freedom Writers Movie - A Sociological Perspective
SN - 978-989-758-314-8
AU - Nugroho A.
PY - 2017
SP - 454
EP - 460
DO - 10.5220/0007042804540460