Nationality Values of Sundanese Words and Proverbs

Agus Suherman



The nationality values should be embedded in every individual as a pillar in running the life of nation and state. These sources of values in addition to the ideal and constitutional foundation, are also widely distributed in society as a whole encapsulated in local wisdom. The spread of local wisdom is almost evenly distributed in every tribe, one of them is words (babasan) and proverbs (paribasa) in Sundanese society. Using a descriptive method, this paper reveals the values of nationality contained in babasan and paribasa, and grouping those values based on the reference sources of nationality values i.e. Pancasila (the five foundations), UUD 1945 (the 1945 Constitution), NKRI (the Republic of Indonesia), and Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity). Based on the analysis results, the words and proverbs are strongly encumbered with national values that have long been embraced and practiced by the community, so it has become the collective memory of Sundanese society in running daily life.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Suherman A. (2017). Nationality Values of Sundanese Words and Proverbs.In The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education - Volume 1: CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE, ISBN 978-989-758-332-2, pages 559-562. DOI: 10.5220/0007170905590562

in Bibtex Style

@conference{conaplin and icollite17,
author={Agus Suherman},
title={Nationality Values of Sundanese Words and Proverbs},
booktitle={The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education - Volume 1: CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE,},

in EndNote Style


JO - The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education - Volume 1: CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE,
TI - Nationality Values of Sundanese Words and Proverbs
SN - 978-989-758-332-2
AU - Suherman A.
PY - 2017
SP - 559
EP - 562
DO - 10.5220/0007170905590562