Correlation Between the Mother’s Behaviours Towards Toddler’s Oral Hygiene Maintenance in Selemadeg Vilage, Tabanan, Bali

Ni Made Widya Christiana Dewi, Luh Wayan Ayu Rahaswanti, Ni Made Sri Nopiyani



Backgrounds: Parents, especially mothers need to be involved in maintaining their children’s oral hygiene. Some studies have reported about the correlation between mother’s behaviors with their children’s oral hygiene. Purpose: the aim of this study was to investigate some factors which related with the mother’s behaviors toward toddler’s oral hygiene in Selemadeg Village. Methods: this study is a cross-sectional analytic study on 91 mothers with toddlers. The data was collected through interviews about educational background, income, level of knowledge, dental history of the mother and then analized with univariate and bivariate (chi-square) test. Results: the result of this study shows that there were 60.4% respondents with good behavior and 39.6% respondents with poor behavior in maintaining toddler’s oral hygiene. Chi-square analysis shows that there is a significant correlation between educational background with the mother’s behavior ( p< 0,001), income with the mother’s behavior ( p = 0,025), level of knowledge with the mother’s behavior ( p< 0,001), and dental history with the mother’s behavior ( p = 0,043). Conclusion: the conclusion of this study is that educational background, income, level of knowledge, and dental history are affecting the mother’s behavior towards toddler’s oral hygiene maintenance.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Dewi N., Rahaswanti L. and Nopiyani N. (2017). Correlation Between the Mother’s Behaviours Towards Toddler’s Oral Hygiene Maintenance in Selemadeg Vilage, Tabanan, Bali.In Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting and the 4th Joint Scientific Meeting in Dentistry - Volume 1: TIMNAS7-JSMID4, ISBN 978-989-758-341-4, pages 272-276. DOI: 10.5220/0007296402720276

in Bibtex Style

author={Ni Made Widya Christiana Dewi and Luh Wayan Ayu Rahaswanti and Ni Made Sri Nopiyani},
title={Correlation Between the Mother’s Behaviours Towards Toddler’s Oral Hygiene Maintenance in Selemadeg Vilage, Tabanan, Bali},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting and the 4th Joint Scientific Meeting in Dentistry - Volume 1: TIMNAS7-JSMID4,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting and the 4th Joint Scientific Meeting in Dentistry - Volume 1: TIMNAS7-JSMID4,
TI - Correlation Between the Mother’s Behaviours Towards Toddler’s Oral Hygiene Maintenance in Selemadeg Vilage, Tabanan, Bali
SN - 978-989-758-341-4
AU - Dewi N.
AU - Rahaswanti L.
AU - Nopiyani N.
PY - 2017
SP - 272
EP - 276
DO - 10.5220/0007296402720276