Herpes Simplex Infection in A Child with Anemia

Rina Kartika Sari, Desiana Radithia



Introduction: Herpes simplex virus infection is an acute, self-limiting disease characterized with groups of small vesicles with erythematous surroundings. Primary HSV infection mostly occurs in pre-school children and is transmitted by direct contact with infected droplets. Children with anemia can easily be infected by Herpes Simplex Virus. Purpose: Reporting a case of primary herpetic stomatitis in a child with anemia. Case: A 5-year-old girl complained of multiple oral ulcers which appeared 2 days before for the first time. The signs and symptoms of viral infection were unspecific. The patient appeared malnourished. A complete blood test showed decreased levels of Hb, neutrofils, hematocrites, MCV and MCH, but serum levels of iron, ferritin and TIBC were normal and parasitic infection was found negative. Social history taken found another child who had similar signs and symptoms. IgM antibody anti HSV 1 was found reactive after 21 days. Discussion: Inadequate dietary intake leads to weight loss, lowered immunity, mucosal damage, invasion by pathogens, and impaired growth and development in children. Children with anemia are immunocompromised so that they are susceptible to HSV infection. Exchange of oral secretions can lead to transmission of HSV from a child to other children. Supportive therapy and supplementation helped to improve the immune status of the child. Conclusion: Anemia can cause an immunocompromised condition that increases the risk of HSV infection transmission.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Sari R. and Radithia D. (2017). Herpes Simplex Infection in A Child with Anemia.In Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting and the 4th Joint Scientific Meeting in Dentistry - Volume 1: TIMNAS7-JSMID4, ISBN 978-989-758-341-4, pages 142-147. DOI: 10.5220/0007293901420147

in Bibtex Style

author={Rina Kartika Sari and Desiana Radithia},
title={Herpes Simplex Infection in A Child with Anemia},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting and the 4th Joint Scientific Meeting in Dentistry - Volume 1: TIMNAS7-JSMID4,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting and the 4th Joint Scientific Meeting in Dentistry - Volume 1: TIMNAS7-JSMID4,
TI - Herpes Simplex Infection in A Child with Anemia
SN - 978-989-758-341-4
AU - Sari R.
AU - Radithia D.
PY - 2017
SP - 142
EP - 147
DO - 10.5220/0007293901420147