Media in EFL Classroom - Song Vs. Picture

Westi Haryanti Utami, Muhamad Nova



Since both visual and auditory media can bring both negative and positive impacts on English language teaching and learning process, an issue of the effectiveness of a song and a picture as a teaching media arises. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the Indonesian EFL teachers’ preferences in using auditory media, i.e. song, and visual media, i.e. picture. By conducting a qualitative research study, the researchers administered a questionnaire to 30 English teachers in Bandung, Indonesia. The result revealed that these teachers prefer to use the picture than using the song. Even though the picture is mostly used in the classroom, the existence of song in the classroom is more beneficial for the teacher. Reflecting up on the teachers’ responses, mostly these teachers prefer to provide the song as teaching media, while the picture is served as supportive media. Each media has a different role in teaching and learning process, whether as a teaching media or a supportive media. Further research in comparing the effectiveness of both media is necessary.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Utami W. and Nova M. (2017). Media in EFL Classroom - Song Vs. Picture.In The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education - Volume 1: CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE, ISBN 978-989-758-332-2, pages 387-392. DOI: 10.5220/0007167803870392

in Bibtex Style

@conference{conaplin and icollite17,
author={Westi Haryanti Utami and Muhamad Nova},
title={Media in EFL Classroom - Song Vs. Picture},
booktitle={The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education - Volume 1: CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE,},

in EndNote Style


JO - The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education - Volume 1: CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE,
TI - Media in EFL Classroom - Song Vs. Picture
SN - 978-989-758-332-2
AU - Utami W.
AU - Nova M.
PY - 2017
SP - 387
EP - 392
DO - 10.5220/0007167803870392