Taubat Therapy for Heroin Users

Rosihon Anwar, Izzah Faizah Siti Rusydati Khaerani, Medina Chodijah



In Indonesia, the fact that the number of drug users is increasing has raised people’s concern. This study aims to investigate the rehabilitation program for heroin addicts through Taubat therapy by one foundation in Indonesia. The study employs a qualitative method in the form of descriptive analysis. The research begins with examining the on-going rehabilitation process in the foundation, analysing the results of Taubat therapy of heroin addicts, and analysing the concept of Taubat referring to Al-Qur’an interpreted through tafsir maudu’i method. The results of the study reveal that (1) the therapy consists of seven steps covering intention, repent, prayer, effort, surrender, gratitude, and consistency; (2) the therapy is proven to succeed in first, curing the addiction, second, surviving in staying sober, and third, being reluctant to go back there; and (3) the explanation of Al-Qur’an gives the addicts more confidence that every individual is valuable not only for themselves but also for their Creator.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Anwar R., Khaerani I. and Chodijah M. (2017). Taubat Therapy for Heroin Users.In 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 1: ICSE, ISBN 978-989-758-316-2, pages 354-357. DOI: 10.5220/0007098203540357

in Bibtex Style

author={Rosihon Anwar and Izzah Faizah Siti Rusydati Khaerani and Medina Chodijah},
title={Taubat Therapy for Heroin Users},
booktitle={2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 1: ICSE,},

in EndNote Style


JO - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education - Volume 1: ICSE,
TI - Taubat Therapy for Heroin Users
SN - 978-989-758-316-2
AU - Anwar R.
AU - Khaerani I.
AU - Chodijah M.
PY - 2017
SP - 354
EP - 357
DO - 10.5220/0007098203540357