Syntactic Awareness of Early Childhood Aged 5-6: A Case of Sentence Structure

Maghfira Zhafirni, Wawan Gunawan, Eri Kurniawan



This study seeks to examine syntactic awareness in early childhood aged 5-6 by using word-order correction task. The students were tested through two media; picture and flash card. The data used in the present study were gathered from two kindergartens that consist of forty-five students in Bandung; Kindergarten A was about 21 students and Kindergarten B was about 24 students. This study employs a quantitative approach and was collected in two ways: 1) visual tasks that consist of identification and correction task, and 2) observation during the execution by using recorders. The finding shows that syntactic awareness has emerged among kindergarten students. However, since the task consists of active and passive sentence tasks, the finding shows different results. In Kindergarten A, results in active sentence task are 78.9% students can identify wrong sentences, and 78.17% students can correct the jumbled sentence. In passive sentence task, 80.9% students can identify wrong sentences, and 55.9% students can correct the jumbled sentence. Meanwhile, in Kindergarten B, results in active sentence task are 92,1% students can identify wrong sentences, and 57.9% students can correct the jumbled sentence. In passive sentence task, 95.8% students can identify wrong sentences, and 35.9% students can correct the jumbled sentence. Then, the total number of students that can answer the test is 73.6% for Kindergarten A and 71.3% for Kindergarten B. Some of the students can identify which sentence is wrong, but they confuse how to put the words into the right order. Those findings reveal that: 1) Kindergarten A excels in syntactic awareness, but the score’s difference is not significant, that is only 2.3%, 2) Correction task is more difficult than identification task, and 3) Passive sentence is more difficult than active sentence.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Zhafirni M., Gunawan W. and Kurniawan E. (2017). Syntactic Awareness of Early Childhood Aged 5-6: A Case of Sentence Structure.In The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education - Volume 1: CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE, ISBN 978-989-758-332-2, pages 233-238. DOI: 10.5220/0007165102330238

in Bibtex Style

@conference{conaplin and icollite17,
author={Maghfira Zhafirni and Wawan Gunawan and Eri Kurniawan},
title={Syntactic Awareness of Early Childhood Aged 5-6: A Case of Sentence Structure},
booktitle={The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education - Volume 1: CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE,},

in EndNote Style


JO - The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education - Volume 1: CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE,
TI - Syntactic Awareness of Early Childhood Aged 5-6: A Case of Sentence Structure
SN - 978-989-758-332-2
AU - Zhafirni M.
AU - Gunawan W.
AU - Kurniawan E.
PY - 2017
SP - 233
EP - 238
DO - 10.5220/0007165102330238